Fembots, how would you react?

Fembots, how would you react?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    if my stepdaddy was black id frick him

    • 7 months ago

      thank you for telling the truth

  2. 7 months ago

    i would never have an onlyfans thats degenerate

  3. 7 months ago

    i'd be creeped out obviously

  4. 7 months ago

    Do women understand that every man they've ever met, family or otherwise, has thought about fricking them?

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        want to guess what I just thought about? yep, you guessed it

    • 7 months ago

      I wouldn't say anything. I don't want to cause any problems.

      Even my guidance counselor?

    • 7 months ago

      Can confirm, women are so oblivious as to how deeply perverted we are it's the same reason we warn them about other men they so naively trust. We know what every other guy is thinking because we're thinking it too.

    • 7 months ago

      lmfao go frick yourself and speak for yourself but i actually have normal and mentally healthy men in my life

      Can confirm, women are so oblivious as to how deeply perverted we are it's the same reason we warn them about other men they so naively trust. We know what every other guy is thinking because we're thinking it too.

      so you basically just told on yourself since you're a literal degenerate that's so touch starved kys

      • 7 months ago

        >i actually have normal and mentally healthy men in my life
        >she thinks men like that exist
        I admire your faith in our kind

        • 7 months ago

          so you think about fricking your mom and sisters?? no fricking way and i don't choose the believe that whatsoever. maybe that's just you but making it seem like all men are like that is disgusting.

          • 7 months ago

            >so you think about fricking your mom and sisters??
            no because they're unattractive a couple of my cousins wouldn't be so bad

          • 7 months ago

            I'm not touch starved at all but you say degenerate as if that's something to shun me with? What's good is good there should be nothing that stops you from enjoying what's beautiful in life, take what you want if you feel the need. If you fear an incestuous love maybe that is only because of how powerful a love it is.

            ok i'm convinced you morons are just bating me because you want to get any woman grossed out and scared. anyway speak for yourself and not for every man because clearly you have a few screws loose in your fricking heads

          • 7 months ago

            It's not something to fear honestly, maybe you have had some sort of sexual trauma or it's society's conditioning that makes you uncomfortable with this but any man (or perhaps woman too?) that can be honest to themselves without fear of past or others can see how much their sensuality and affection go hand in hand and the bottom line is what's attractive is what's attractive PERIOD. You must be a bad lover.

          • 7 months ago

            lmao go get checked anon this isn't normal. incest is not okay morally and even biologically we aren't supposed to be fricking our own family members and if that was the case then society and earth would truly be fricked. turn off the pc and go meet a woman who isn't your family because this isn't ok. i don't have any trauma and grew up in a happy and healthy household so idk what the frick you're talking about

            tbh i have had a few moments with mom

            um what lol

            We only live once so you have to make the most out of what you experience in life, femanon.

            stop fricking with me and be serious for once in your life

          • 7 months ago

            >incest is not okay morally
            You're like a npc plugged into the matrix spouting garbage at me, that right there is societal conditioning and fear of what others think. I can't take you serious if you're using these ambiguous moral arguments to suit your own definitions.
            That's only if you get them pregnant or try to form some traditional monogamous relationship, as long as it's just sex or arousing each other there's absolutely nothing wrong with it or preventing them from finding other lovers.

            I have had plenty of lovers and me and my sister are used to groping each other but it has never gone any further, my mom has let me use her feet to indulge in my foot fetishes before. There is a degree of good health in our family you wouldn't find in most others, what is there to be outraged about?

          • 7 months ago

            literally the main reason to have sex is for biological reasons and that's what sexual pathology is. the fact that you're calling me an npc is funny but you're a literal schizo. also wtf do you mean you grope your sister and your mom lets you do that? i don't blame you because your family is weird as frick and that's not normal and you probably grew up thinking that's normal. some of you morons are so contrarian and against the norm that you start spouting bullshit like "muh incest is actually good!" like get a hold of yourself this isn't too late but you already seem too far gone honestly. if you supposedly had "plenty of lovers" why are you still obsessed with family members? the rest of the men here are just trying to gross me out and for the sake of my sanity i won't believe them.

          • 7 months ago

            >literally the main reason to have sex is for biological reasons
            So is all sex not for reproduction "not okay morally"

          • 7 months ago

            yes sex is only meant for procreation

          • 7 months ago

            yeah i find it gross that in modern day people have it without the though of procreation lol like why are even arguing with me about this point

            >literally the main reason to have sex is for biological reasons and that's what sexual pathology is
            This is a moral argument.
            >not normal
            Not normal sure but still a completely functional family unit.
            Everything I'm seeing from you is just moral hysteria you've been told to think by others I can't even bother replying to most of this, I'd rather be in my family than yours.

            >I'd rather be in my family than yours
            you were abused and that's fine you could still seek help and unpack the trauma <3

          • 7 months ago

            >like why are even arguing with me about this point
            I just wanted you to clarify your point, asking a question is no arguing, you sound kinda autistic.

          • 7 months ago

            lol maybe it went over my head but what did you want me to clarify?

            These have to be some UUUGGGLLLYY femcels in this thread since they refuse to accept this basic truth

            no you're right i'm so hot that i will frick every man i see including those in my family !

          • 7 months ago

            >lol maybe it went over my head but what did you want me to clarify?
            if you thought all sex not for procreation was bad, and you did.

          • 7 months ago

            >unpack the trauma <3
            There is nothing traumatic about love only what your primitive mentality would try to brainwash me into believing, in the future your way of thinking will be seen as backwards thinking. The only immoral sex is unconsentual sex all else is permissible there are no barriers in pure love.

          • 7 months ago

            You don't know how to love you're evil in my book

          • 7 months ago

            >literally the main reason to have sex is for biological reasons and that's what sexual pathology is
            This is a moral argument.
            >not normal
            Not normal sure but still a completely functional family unit.
            Everything I'm seeing from you is just moral hysteria you've been told to think by others I can't even bother replying to most of this, I'd rather be in my family than yours.

          • 7 months ago

            What's there to be outraged about? That you aren't showing us your mom's feet for one.

          • 7 months ago

            Wait until she hears about our inherent violence. Whenever men walk into a room, the men can intuitively calculate who kills who. If there's an ambiguity then actual violence occurs.

          • 7 months ago

            The guys here are literally telling you the truth

            Can confirm, women are so oblivious as to how deeply perverted we are it's the same reason we warn them about other men they so naively trust. We know what every other guy is thinking because we're thinking it too.

            >it's the same reason we warn them about other men they so naively trust
            And yet they never listen. It is not always to the same degree but the thought always crosses the mind.

          • 7 months ago

            tbh i have had a few moments with mom

          • 7 months ago

            We only live once so you have to make the most out of what you experience in life, femanon.

      • 7 months ago

        I'm not touch starved at all but you say degenerate as if that's something to shun me with? What's good is good there should be nothing that stops you from enjoying what's beautiful in life, take what you want if you feel the need. If you fear an incestuous love maybe that is only because of how powerful a love it is.

      • 7 months ago

        it is normal and healthy for men to imagine having sex with a girl uppon seeing her.

        • 7 months ago

          lmao what? kys

          • 7 months ago

            Okay maybe not imagining a detailed scenario where they are actually fricking them, but most women are attractive to most men and what the frick do you think sexual attraction is.

            homie you know damn well i'm talking about family which is literal incest

            don't even bother with these men since they're the lowest of the low

            >i'm talking about family which is literal incest
            Women have such a moronic way of speaking, Anyway, most people aren't into incest because we can recognise our closest relative by smell, they are still women and therefore still look attractive to most men.

          • 7 months ago

            i'm moronic? you contradicted yourself by saying family have pheromones that you can tell by smell but in the same sentence said they're still women you'd like to frick. you're sick

          • 7 months ago

            You said "(definition of x) which is literally (x)" which does sound moronic
            the pheromones stops you from thinking about it when they are present, but when you are thinking about how they look in the abstract they can still be hot.

        • 7 months ago

          homie you know damn well i'm talking about family which is literal incest

          lmao what? kys

          don't even bother with these men since they're the lowest of the low

      • 7 months ago


        these posts make me want to just stay femcel or go lesbian
        i thought moids were just normal human beings like us wtf

        Nope. Men are horny damn near 100% of the time. The only time I'm am not horny is maybe a couple hours right after cumming. Literally everything is about sex for us. Almost all men are motivated only by sex. When men stop getting sex, most just give up. Women like to say "we get just as horny as men" but they have no idea what it's like. And almost all men tacitly agree not to be truthful about it. One day you will find a nice man who lies to you and says he cares about your personality, and not sex, and you will think he's different. He is not. He is just better about lying about it.

    • 7 months ago

      My father would never.

    • 7 months ago

      If I were reborn as a girl will all my current knowledge I would not have male friends

      I wouldn't say anything. I don't want to cause any problems.

      Even my guidance counselor?

      lmfao go frick yourself and speak for yourself but i actually have normal and mentally healthy men in my life

      so you basically just told on yourself since you're a literal degenerate that's so touch starved kys

      so naive its almost cute

      • 7 months ago

        I don't appreciated your condescension

        • 7 months ago

          its true, I have female friends but I have to mentally block myself from imagining a future together constantly
          Wish I didnt feel this way, but thats the male mind for you

      • 7 months ago

        instead of being a condescending dickhead elaborate on men and how "evil" you guys all are?

        • 7 months ago

          look at le post oringinally

          its true, I have female friends but I have to mentally block myself from imagining a future together constantly
          Wish I didnt feel this way, but thats the male mind for you

    • 7 months ago

      qts yeah but not family or ugly women (but I repeat myself)

      • 7 months ago

        These have to be some UUUGGGLLLYY femcels in this thread since they refuse to accept this basic truth

        • 7 months ago

          They probably aren't attractive enough to be desired by their fathers and brothers and that's why they're being so insecure about it.

          • 7 months ago

            i'm not "femcel" i just think incest is wrong wtf

          • 7 months ago

            idk if this is your weird attempt to neg me or the other femanon in this thread but if my own fricking brothers and father think im unattractive then so be it lol like who tf would wants their own dad or brother to want to frick them?

            >lol maybe it went over my head but what did you want me to clarify?
            if you thought all sex not for procreation was bad, and you did.

            yeah so basically the reason everyone is struggling with loneliness now is because of how much sex has been put on a pedestal. for all of human history people only had sex to procreate even though i acknowledge that hormones are a thing and you can't help feel horny. i would say much of the reason why people feel out of place now is because of how oversexualized everything is and so there's definitely a lack of human connection romantically and platonically with other men too. i know i'm just ranting but this is what i genuinely believe + i just find the idea of having sex just for the sake of it gross and hedonistic

            >unpack the trauma <3
            There is nothing traumatic about love only what your primitive mentality would try to brainwash me into believing, in the future your way of thinking will be seen as backwards thinking. The only immoral sex is unconsentual sex all else is permissible there are no barriers in pure love.

            whatever you say but i hope you know that me and a good portion of the population think you're a fricking freak

          • 7 months ago

            >for all of human history people only had sex to procreate
            lmao do you actually think that people only started having sex for fun in the 60's?
            >i just find the idea of having sex just for the sake of it gross and hedonistic
            a good portion of the population thinks you're fricking weird

          • 7 months ago

            i mean you're on NSFFW so i don't assume anyone here even has sex at all lmfao. i am well aware that people also have sex for pleasure but i think the way people have meaningless sex with others nowadays is so soulless as it's one of the most intimate things you could do with another human being. not even trying to sound all puritanical or anything lmao and like i said this is my opinion and that doesn't mean i expect others to think like me

          • 7 months ago

            >you're on NSFFW so i don't assume anyone here even has sex at all lmfao
            You're actually pretty wrong, some people that come here are NEETs with extroverted lifestyles but I've known plenty of extroverted people that remained virgins in general.

          • 7 months ago

            pick one or the other because that doesn't add up lol. i wasn't trying to even be moralistic in this thread and idk why the other weirdos here tried to dogpile me when all i said was incest is wrong. this is why i love this place because it's one of the few places where ppl will die on a hill defending incest or pedophilia haha

          • 7 months ago

            And a good portion of the population thinks you're fricking evil, last response I give twisted c**t. Enjoy being filtered.

          • 7 months ago

            keep fricking your mom you motherfricker and pls stop responding to me because you're literally insane.

    • 7 months ago

      Not true. I don't think about fricking ugly women

    • 7 months ago

      >i actually have normal and mentally healthy men in my life
      >she thinks men like that exist
      I admire your faith in our kind

      The guys here are literally telling you the truth

      >it's the same reason we warn them about other men they so naively trust
      And yet they never listen. It is not always to the same degree but the thought always crosses the mind.

      If I were reborn as a girl will all my current knowledge I would not have male friends
      so naive its almost cute

      these posts make me want to just stay femcel or go lesbian
      i thought moids were just normal human beings like us wtf

      • 7 months ago

        welcome to the dark side

      • 7 months ago

        You might not like it but it is the truth so it needs to be realized.

        • 7 months ago

          I think the israelites have put something in my water cuz I dont feel any attraction towards real women anymore...

        • 7 months ago

          >You might not like it
          no i do like it
          i've spent the last few years trying to get over my misandry so i could get a husband but i prefer if i was right all along so i could stop this fruitless effort

          I think the israelites have put something in my water cuz I dont feel any attraction towards real women anymore...

          that's called being gay

      • 7 months ago

        unfortunately most men don't like women at all and it goes way deeper than we could even imagine. i will say though that this place isn't a good way to measure that but these men here know they won't face any repercussions so they're saying their deepest and truest thoughts. this thread had blackpilled me even more on moids and what truly sucks is that i'm straight and can't do anything about it.

        • 7 months ago

          >prostitute on a red board

          hopefully you actually don't have a husband or bf I'm getting tired of you "radfems" cosplaying as femcels

          • 7 months ago

            lol go frick yourself and yeah like i said i was a femcel before i decided that being a radfem made the most sense especially when considering how much violence and exploitation is perpetuated on women. nobody is "cosplaying" lmao

            >most men don't like women at all
            that's depressing
            >this place isn't a good way to measure that
            i thought if i could find some good in even the most bottom the barrel misogynistic men here i could stop hating all men
            and even though i see these tiny glimpses of humanity and redemption in them sometimes, there is always a thread like this that just gives me a reality check about male nature
            truly subhuman lol

            don't worry femanon im sure there are good men out there and i will keep searching but you should have your guards up when it comes to them because this entire thread made me so grossed out lmao

          • 7 months ago

            radfems disgust me I wish you wouldnt annoy us with your presence on here.

            >You might not like it
            no i do like it
            i've spent the last few years trying to get over my misandry so i could get a husband but i prefer if i was right all along so i could stop this fruitless effort
            that's called being gay

            No I just gave up and only jerk off to anime.

          • 7 months ago

            Oh not a surprise the b***hy radfem has been shitting out moralgayged paragraphs of just pure nonsensical hysteria you'd find on reddit.

          • 7 months ago

            im glad i disgust you and continue jerking off to your stupid tranime you manchild.

            Oh not a surprise the b***hy radfem has been shitting out moralgayged paragraphs of just pure nonsensical hysteria you'd find on reddit.

            i may be a radfem but don't ever group me in with redditors even the so called "radfem" ones

            It's kinda hilarious femanon is getting r-D psyopped and she doesn't know which is the truth.

            yeah i'm getting psyopped into thinking fricking your siblings is wrong yeah ok bud

            t. radc**t

            you didn't even bother replying directly to me since you're a pussy but if you want to frick your brothers and sisters then that's your prerogative king

          • 7 months ago

            >yeah i'm getting psyopped into thinking fricking your siblings is wrong yeah ok bud
            Or maybe getting psyopped into thinking it's right

          • 7 months ago

            Thanks for making a pointless reply post prostitute
            Im simply adapting to my environments needs. Perhaps now that people like me have alternatives the bar for becoming succesful irl is becoming higher as the standard deviation in social ability is smaller. Therefore it seems people like me will only appear more often from now on.

        • 7 months ago

          >most men don't like women at all
          that's depressing
          >this place isn't a good way to measure that
          i thought if i could find some good in even the most bottom the barrel misogynistic men here i could stop hating all men
          and even though i see these tiny glimpses of humanity and redemption in them sometimes, there is always a thread like this that just gives me a reality check about male nature
          truly subhuman lol

        • 7 months ago

          this, i'm straight too but frick moids.. they don't even see women as people

      • 7 months ago

        def you should go lez. moids are just awful and always have been.

      • 7 months ago

        I have to explain this same thing to my mom and sister and they could never believe it lmao it blows women's minds just how motivated we are by sex at the most base level of our desires. God bless their naive innocence KEK

    • 7 months ago

      not if they're fat

    • 7 months ago

      Only white guys think about fricking their moms and sisters, the rest of us are normal

      • 7 months ago

        >shitskin women are ugly
        We know anon

  5. 7 months ago

    >Even my guidance counselor?
    do we tell her?

    • 7 months ago

      What do you meam?

  6. 7 months ago

    My father was adopted so I have no genetic relation to his side of the family. Is it permissible to bang them? Asking for a friend of course.

  7. 7 months ago

    Honestly wouldn't be surprised and wouldn't shame him for it.
    But would make a joke of it because it is kind of funny.

    As long as he doesn't actually try anything IRL it's harmless.
    That said, would never have a OF in the first place.
    I might be pro-porn but I am not pro me being in porn.
    Leave that to the professionals, lol.

  8. 7 months ago

    It's kinda hilarious femanon is getting r-D psyopped and she doesn't know which is the truth.

  9. 7 months ago

    t. radc**t

  10. 7 months ago

    >How would "daddy-issues: the target audience" react when (step)daddy watches her nudes

    Open: muh objectification!
    Private: Pic related

  11. 7 months ago

    Look at the fricking smug expression in her stupid face. Shes proud about ruining everything up for her mother by being a prostitute. I hate women.

    • 7 months ago

      Step dad was her biggest OF simp

  12. 7 months ago

    This thread got so wild lmfao. Its probably not healthy to imagine fricking 90% of women you come across, but am I supposed to morally condemn people for just thinking about something? Sounds stupid

    • 7 months ago

      This. Most normal guys would notice an above average ass, pair of breasts or cute face, steal a quick glance then continue on their business.
      Maybe enjoy it slightly more if you're waiting in line to buy groceries and said hot girl is right in front of you but it's not a big deal, everyone has seen countless hot women they're not special in the slightest.

      • 7 months ago

        It seems more and more people want to condemn what happens in another persons head. It's frankly ridiculous.

  13. 7 months ago

    I would wonder why he would bother considering all the nudes he took of me growing up.

  14. 7 months ago

    I think that whole family's moronic, except the mother from what I can tell.

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