is it true that being a tranny is only a western thing? like mtf apparently isn't a thing elsewhere?

is it true that being a troony is only a western thing? like mtf apparently isn't a thing elsewhere?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Have you ever heard of Thailand?

    • 2 years ago

      yeah but i'm told that it's actually just really fem gays over there or something

      nah, people say this because humanitiesgays mistake their models for understanding foreign societies for the societies themselves

      so the people saying this don't actually know what they're talking about?

      lol, lmao


      • 2 years ago

        > so the people saying this don't actually know what they're talking about?

      • 2 years ago

        >so the people saying this don't actually know what they're talking about?
        basically, yeah
        thailand is a good example, mainstream thai society does recognise a third gender group (kathoey) but the people in this group don't typically consider themselves a third gender, they just consider themselves women
        for whatever reason people talk about non-western societies as if they are monocultural and everyone within them just thinks the same, it's actually kind of a racist viewpoint

      • 2 years ago

        >yeah but i'm told that it's actually just really fem gays over there or something
        My impression is that the same label is slapped on a variety of different people, grouping them under one banner whether they like it or not. For instance this is something I've read here:

        >Anon 1
        >I have friends among hijras who live here. The TWAW sentiment is extremely strong in the region. The whole "Thai trannies are based because they self-id as ladyboys and don't care" is bs and just a typical farang/coomer cope because they don't know and don't care about anything. You could read him a lecture, and he'd still call you a ladyboy in the end anyway. Tbf, local cisoids aren't that much better, I get called rasia ladyboy all the time because I'm a russian troony. But no one self-respecting in non sex work setting calls themselves a ladyboy, it's almost always saosong (สาวสอง), which is short for saopraphetsong (สาวประเภทสอง), basically the other/second kind of a woman. Still signifying that they're actually women. That's what normal people use in their bios. Only sex workers who target farangs/coomers will have ladyboy in theirs because that's all their clientèle knows or cares about.

        >Anon 2
        >I knew it. Not only does this disprove OP's pet theory, it also puts to rest the other (supposedly) more progressive side of that pperspective- that hijiras, "ladyboys" and possibly other groups deem themselves (and are deemed) a magical third gender, erased by evil white colonialism. That always seemed like anglosphere academic bullshit to me, and what you said just further proved it for me.

        >Anon 1
        >Local trannies were made into the 3rd gender by local cisoids, it's their way of dealing, but not actually dealing with trannies. Like, trannies were recognised, but not necessarily accepted. And when trannies tried to say anything, they're just told "well, you're recognised, you're the third gender, what else do you want?".


        • 2 years ago

          >Anon 3
          >Not her but I think that the story is a bit complicated when it comes to some groups. Sometimes there's really the sense that a third gender label does not refer to just trans folks per se but also to other GNC people who are taking whatever way their culture offers out of being sanctioned for being GNC. So you have this umbrella term that confuses the issue, but the people from these cultures often do not make a further distinction. I agree that in general there's a tendency to erase trans women with these narratives, though.

          >Anon 1
          >Yeah, like kathoey historically didn't only apply to trannies, but also to intersex people with weird primary and secondary sex chars, femgays, transvestites, etc. It's like a catchall for all kinds of gender and sex oddballs in Thailand. Nowadays it's more aligned with trannies, but the venn diagram isn't a circle, even now there's people who specifically id as kathoey, but not saosong.

          >Anon 3
          >To be clear I'm just theorizing based on what I've read. For instance:
          >I have no firsthand experience here so take my speculations with lots of salt.

          >Anon 4
          >I live in a western country with a historical third gender called femminielli and basically it was an umbrella term for all those amab who took on a feminine role, both feminine gay males and trans people.
          >Nowadays the local trans community has accepted that femminielli were just old timey tranwomen who couldn't transition and very few people nowadays refer to themselves as femminielli, mostly just old transvestites.
          >It's interesting that Western scholars ignore something that happens in a western country because it doesn't fit their narrative

          So it's not just a Western thing, but neither is every third gender individual traditionally transgender.

        • 2 years ago
          Evil Wizard

          >Anon 3
          >Not her but I think that the story is a bit complicated when it comes to some groups. Sometimes there's really the sense that a third gender label does not refer to just trans folks per se but also to other GNC people who are taking whatever way their culture offers out of being sanctioned for being GNC. So you have this umbrella term that confuses the issue, but the people from these cultures often do not make a further distinction. I agree that in general there's a tendency to erase trans women with these narratives, though.

          >Anon 1
          >Yeah, like kathoey historically didn't only apply to trannies, but also to intersex people with weird primary and secondary sex chars, femgays, transvestites, etc. It's like a catchall for all kinds of gender and sex oddballs in Thailand. Nowadays it's more aligned with trannies, but the venn diagram isn't a circle, even now there's people who specifically id as kathoey, but not saosong.

          >Anon 3
          >To be clear I'm just theorizing based on what I've read. For instance:
          >I have no firsthand experience here so take my speculations with lots of salt.

          >Anon 4
          >I live in a western country with a historical third gender called femminielli and basically it was an umbrella term for all those amab who took on a feminine role, both feminine gay males and trans people.
          >Nowadays the local trans community has accepted that femminielli were just old timey tranwomen who couldn't transition and very few people nowadays refer to themselves as femminielli, mostly just old transvestites.
          >It's interesting that Western scholars ignore something that happens in a western country because it doesn't fit their narrative

          So it's not just a Western thing, but neither is every third gender individual traditionally transgender.

          It’s Me The Evil Wizard I Cast ‘Condense Message’ Because I Am Not Reading All That Shit

          • 2 years ago

            I tap two islands

  2. 2 years ago

    nah, people say this because humanitiesgays mistake their models for understanding foreign societies for the societies themselves

  3. 2 years ago

    lol, lmao

  4. 2 years ago

    Bruh, entire societies rose and fell on the backs of cute troony wives. The romans did it, the chinese did it, the egyptians did it, the thais are still doing it. Having a cute troony wife is the ultimate goal in life, the perfect trophy of conquest.

    • 2 years ago

      >troony wives
      You mean crossdressing teenage boys?

      • 2 years ago

        keffals would like to know your location

      • 2 years ago

        Well crossdressing is a modern term filled with modern associations. They were clearly males who were given female roles in society, were made to wear feminine clothes, and were essentially concubines for men. Call it what you want, but they were pretty much transitioned either by force or willingly.

        • 2 years ago

          its so beautiful when a man is forced to adopt a female role and wear feminine clothes to be a concubine for powerful men god

  5. 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    Seems like it, yeah. It is stronger in the US though. Maybe has something to do with unethical human experimentation on their own citizens, or the hormones in the meat and tap water.

    • 2 years ago

      God I wish the world's governments would agree to take one country and pump all their water supply full of estrogen.

    • 2 years ago

      Nah, the US is just more accepting and it makes more trans people come out and not repress.

  7. 2 years ago
    Evil Wizard


    It’s Me The Evil Wizard I Cast ‘Use Google Dumb homosexual’ To Make You Do Some Fricking Research

    • 2 years ago
      Evil Wizard

      I Made A Mistake In My Incantation And Linked A Different Post, Heed Not The Tribulations Of Spellcasting For I Am Old And Confused And Gay

  8. 2 years ago

    Obviously not, if you've ever spoken to a single Asian
    >b-but they are actually [kathoey/hijra/two spirit/some other language specific third gender]
    Yeah no, that's just what kinda halfway accepting societies do to marginalize actual trannies. "Sure you can transition or something but you'll always be some third gender freak instead of a REAL woman". If you speak to any SEA trannies they want the same thing as you or me, they are just poor and lack the social power to be seen how they want. In NE Asian and European societies we kind of got where we are through medicalization, which ironically pushed the idea that we are real women on some level first, before more complicated views on gender come to the fore.

    • 2 years ago

      it's funny how libs tout the third gender thing as progressive when really it's just a way for a society with rigid gender roles to 'deal' with gays and trannies

      • 2 years ago

        yeah like, some of the "third genders" are straight-up homophobic and transphobic too, they force trans women and gay men into a feminized in-between role

      • 2 years ago

        Because forcing us into third genders is basically the dream even for most "accepting" libs. The fact that we got as far as we did in the first place is more of a weird accident of medical history than anything else.

    • 2 years ago

      gonna have to slightly disagree with you there, champ. mainland china has recently become less socially accepting of trans and gender nonconforming people, and more willing to censor them from the public sphere. while one can argue this is merely another aspect of xi jinping’s encroaching totalitarianism into a person’s private life, current chinese society is objectively less accepting than the ones in thailand or even pakistan

      • 2 years ago

        >mainland china has recently become less socially accepting of trans ... people
        Ok, so you know nothing of the situation, then. NE Asia is absolutely the most "transmedicalist" of the world's regions. You can change your sex, even in the eyes of the common man, but only as a binary troony who goes the whole way with hormones and surgery. Which is really not suprising given how propaganda poisoned the rest of your comment is...

        • 2 years ago

          two words my friend: china bad
          chicoms don’t believe in freedom or in woke gender ideology

          • 2 years ago

            >two words my friend: china bad
            Ok, so you admit your preconcieved notions are more important than things like facts. Got it.

          • 2 years ago

            you’ve apparently missed the part where the chinese government, and really most of the non-western parts of the world, insist lgbtq rights are sexual neocolonialism

          • 2 years ago

            You mean the same China where 80%+ of the population is on the side of trans rights and te government has sided with our rights on every notable stepwise increase in rights?

          • 2 years ago

            i was referring to the people’s republic of china, not the republic of china in taiwan. also i just realized i’m dealing with an obvious troll bot. tell me more about how mr. xi will bring about the glorious rejuvenation of chinese socialism and blah blah

          • 2 years ago

            >your facts can't compete with my feelings lalalalala bot bot bot
            Lol ok

          • 2 years ago

            >the chicom uses ben shapiro’s gotcha buzzwords
            10/10 bait me again comrade
            also frick off back to r/sino

  9. 2 years ago

    I imagine it's dependent on the culture. I feel like here in the west, freedom of self expression is widely promoted and rebelling against cultural norms is normal, other places are much more heavily policed re: culture and not a lot of people will be openly trans for it. There's still trans people all over the world, just they might not be openly trans due to cultural norms and suppression of identity.

  10. 2 years ago

    Transgenderism is universal, AGP is western but it is spreading.

  11. 2 years ago

    >is it true that being a troony is only a western thing? like mtf apparently isn't a thing elsewhere?
    Not my problem, am girl.

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