Any advice for a 28 year old aspergers femcel who has never had a bf and is still terrified of sex and STDs?

Any advice for a 28 year old aspergers femcel who has never had a bf and is still terrified of sex and STDs?

Somehow I thought I would change as I matured, but I'm still the same way I was at 14. I also don't want to kiss a guy whose lips have been on someone else's lips or vegana. I almost dated a guy once last year, but as soon as he mentioned he had an ex, I ran away and was thankful I never kissed him. Then I felt lonely and mad at myself for ruining it, but then I switched it and got mad at him instead for having an ex and wish he never did so we could date and live happily together. Am I being moronic or is it justified? I honestly believe the way I feel is fair, even if unrealistic.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    I am sorry that you are the way you are.
    I am also afraid that you should try to accept the world and move forward because if you persist in your ways, I don't think you'll end up anywhere good.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    All it takes is 1 date to get a girl to kiss you even if you never have sex, it's a pretty high standard. You basically have to have never had any mutual romantic interest ever to have 0 kisses.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    That seems to be a common sperg thing.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Well, you could always just remain celibate. But the only people who wouldn't have kissed somebody are either much younger than you or just as autistic. They do exist (at least I do), but good luck trying to find a chaste recluse via conventional dating methods.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    PSA: there are no women on NSFFW. Just dudes playing.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I have met a few that do but they're all crazy and post in places like /soc/ if they're crazy plus normie.
      If they're crazy plus autism, then places likeNSFFW or /po/

  6. 4 weeks ago

    You are completely right in having those standards.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    I have kinda the same problem. I couldn't imagine dating someone who has been intimate with someone else. I've had 1 relationship now so I can accept to date people who also have had 1, but no more. I still prefer 0 and think it will be disgusting to be intimate with someone knowing im not their first one but I can't force this standard if I haven't followed it.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Does the idea that poop has been on everyone's hands at some point bother you guys the same way?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Used to, then I had kids. Shit gets everywhere.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Might be best if you remain celibate, unless you can overcome these feelings. Say you date a guy and kiss or have sex with him but it doesn't work out. Now in your mind you'll be as "damaged" as you perceive others to be. Chances are, if you find anyone in your age range that hasn't even kissed someone then something is wrong, so finding someone like that would probably be worse for you than just biting the bullet and coming to terms that everyone has a past. Hate to suggest it but therapy might be the best option for you, even if I don't like therapists in general, I say this because it sounds like you need someone to hash out your feelings with. I think talking with a professional would help you frame your issues better and help you find a solution rather than meandering through life hoping change will come by itself. It never does, the only change that is guaranteed is that we all slowly die, the rest you have to will on your own.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Chances are, if you find anyone in your age range that hasn't even kissed someone then something is wrong,
      dunno, lots of geeky guys in physics and math at your local university in their mid 20's that are KHHV's.
      I'd say at least half the guys in my department are like me. Its not like they are super creepy and hence got rejected by all the women they've asked out, they have never even tried.
      >Reminder that 45% of men age 18-25 in 2023 have never approached a woman in person.
      pic related.
      If you combine that with studying or working in a field that has like a 90/10 male/female ratio I think its pretty easy for a bunch of what I believe to be relatively normal men to end up like OP but male. KHHV: (K)issless (H)ugless (H)andheld-less (V)irgins.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yeah not have been with somebody isn't the massive mental illness red flag some people think, in most cases it amounts to few opportunities and focusing on other things. People seem to believe everybody has lead or aspired to lead the same lifestyle as them.

    • 4 weeks ago

      That’s why you don’t have sex outside of marriage.
      You only get intimate after it works out.
      >inb4 divorce
      First of all, that comes with consequences in all but the most insane jurisdictions. But secondly, it’s far less likely than a breakup, and even controlling for religion, divorce is much less likely among those who wait.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yeah, I think in the US only 10% or something of couples who stayed virgins till marriage divorce, while the national divorce rate is 45% or some shit.
        I think there isn't a single bigger influence factor for "marriage stability" than people being virgins till their wedding night.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    You are not a sperg you are moronic. Just date guys from church and don't have high standards. Yes you do have high standards.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    it makes sense but i think it's unrealistic you'll find someone good but you might.

    • 4 weeks ago

      there's a lot of male spergs out there so not too unrealistic. but they are usually massive coomers or basically asexual so.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    I really would like chat with you to help you with your issue.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    I'm a kissless virgin as well and I don't really regret it. I think of all the things that could go wrong.
    If you want to find the right person, find somebody who won't judge you for wanting to go slowly and carefully.

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