Are big dick femboys the ideal males?

Are big dick femboys the ideal males?

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  1. 1 month ago

    Yes and varbies are ideal females.
    Next question.

    • 1 month ago

      I'd definitely pay for varbie x hung femboy porn. Ideal human specimen breeding for a better future.

      • 1 month ago

        Based. Only a well trained muscular pussy can take prime feminine b***h breakers.

      • 1 month ago

        var has no masculinizing side effects (other than muscle hypertrophy obv) which is why it's popular among girls

        virile femboy cum can double their protein intake

        • 1 month ago

          Here's more of his conk

          • 1 month ago

            Doesn't he own any pants?

          • 1 month ago

            It definitely presents less nicely

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah, I have to agree

          • 1 month ago

            I wish I looked like that. I do not envy the curve in the dick though

          • 1 month ago

            It is barely even curved what are you talking about

            Very mild

          • 1 month ago

            Anon I'm begging you do you have a sauce on this?

          • 1 month ago

            Here's more of his conk

            virile femboy cum can double their protein intake

            how the frick can trannies/femboys be this big

            I hate life man

          • 1 month ago

            It's mostly being thin and short then 6-7 inches appears huge

          • 1 month ago

            i like the ones like where it has the top part on it
            some weiners look weird they dont have the end bit like

            Probably? It's not even fully hard

            its still huge tho wth

          • 1 month ago

            Can you use real words, you like it more when the foreskin is covering the tip?
            Are you a woman?

          • 1 month ago

            eh yea foreskin sry i forgot the word

          • 1 month ago

            Are you a cutgay or something?

          • 1 month ago

            idk what that means but im a girl
            i just think they look cooler when the foreskin is there so the top part moves in and out of it

          • 1 month ago

            Both of the ones you talked about have foreskin, just one is more tight than the other.
            Many people don't have their foreskin covering their tip when hard, it gets pulled back as your dick gets bigger.

          • 1 month ago

            Here I got you a video showing a penis getting erect

          • 1 month ago

            speed it up to 10 seconds and it would be hot
            also rip skin cancer

          • 1 month ago

            He doesn't have cancer he's still alive and kicking or more like milking that fat dong!

          • 1 month ago

            wtf thats so cool
            i like how it stands up on its own kinda wtf

            Both of the ones you talked about have foreskin, just one is more tight than the other.
            Many people don't have their foreskin covering their tip when hard, it gets pulled back as your dick gets bigger.

            i see!!

          • 1 month ago

            Glad you like it, I find it very erotically enticing causing someone to get erect and then teasing them making them feel as much pleasure as possible.

        • 1 month ago

          Here's more of his conk

          It definitely presents less nicely

          wow where can i send him money?

      • 1 month ago

        A porn addict made this post

    • 1 month ago

      I'd definitely pay for varbie x hung femboy porn. Ideal human specimen breeding for a better future.


      • 1 month ago

        anavar (steroid) + barbie

        • 1 month ago

          Oh, I like muscle girls but not 'roids

          • 1 month ago

            var has no masculinizing side effects (other than muscle hypertrophy obv) which is why it's popular among girls

          • 1 month ago

            It doesn't really matter to me, it's just that I mostly like my big women natural

          • 1 month ago

            God, muscle girl progress pics make me cum buckets.

          • 1 month ago

            I thought it also increased clit size.

        • 1 month ago

          you know what? yeah

    • 1 month ago

      I'd definitely pay for varbie x hung femboy porn. Ideal human specimen breeding for a better future.

      What i would prefer is a weak hung white femboy with a tall, thick black lady
      only raw breeding of course

      • 1 month ago

        Sounds hot. Then again monster wiener femboys breeding anything sounds hot.

      • 1 month ago

        are they even into femmy boys?

        • 1 month ago

          dunno about femboys, but they're certainly into breeding white twinks

          • 1 month ago

            Full sauce plz

          • 1 month ago

            now i'm jealous that i'm not this pretty, damn

          • 1 month ago

            dont worry, iris, you'll get your chance

          • 1 month ago

            anon i'm a guy

          • 1 month ago


            virile femboy cum can double their protein intake

            This is a transgender.

      • 1 month ago

        i would have sex with her despite her being black

  2. 1 month ago

    small dick is cuter
    big dick is HOMO

  3. 1 month ago

    Femboys are for extremely feminine women. They will produce the perfect future generations of women, since both parents have feminine genes to pass down.

    Likewise, tomboys belong with gigachads to produce the perfect men of the future.

  4. 1 month ago

    Depends.they must have a dump truck Ass and thick thighs or else its just a stick on a stick.

    • 1 month ago

      >got cursed with extremely wide hips but a flat(ish) ass

      • 1 month ago

        Just fricking do squats bro

        • 1 month ago

          muscular ass is very different from a fat ass + i'm too lazy to exercise

          • 1 month ago

            muscular ass is equally as hot, at least for gay guys

          • 1 month ago

            but i'm not gay, i'm into women

  5. 1 month ago

    all of this one are shopped

    • 1 month ago

      Based. Only a well trained muscular pussy can take prime feminine b***h breakers.

      He is average sized.

  6. 1 month ago

    While women do like big dicks, the lack of straight femboy porn in both writen and video format has me believing that they don't like feminine men. What a revolution, women like masculine men

  7. 1 month ago

    a fantasy for socially submissive males

  8. 1 month ago

    I didnt fit the femboy mold. Rapidly approaching twink death now

    • 1 month ago

      You can be a regular gay and just pretend people find you attractive

      • 1 month ago

        I prefer women more. I just meant that I am thin, and now my face is getting ilder

  9. 1 month ago

    >Are big dick femboys the ideal males?
    This is how the average femboy looks btw

    • 1 month ago

      The autism smile, smile doesn't reach the eyes

  10. 1 month ago

    i trooned out to be cute but i think really i just want to be a perma twink with a massive hog

    • 1 month ago

      >perma twink
      peter pan syndrome

  11. 1 month ago

    Aesthetically yes. Cuteness combined with a huge dick is obviously a turn on for a lot of women. Are they perfect males in a natural sense? No. Being small and feminine means you can't protect your female. Having a big dick provides no real benefit. But in the modern day, where sexual selection trumps survival of the fittest (or rather is the current incarnation), I'd say it's pretty perfect to be a hung femboy.

    • 1 month ago

      interesting theory but its probably better to have both for lifelong success

    • 1 month ago

      That's not even true. You don't have to be a mass monster to push significant numbers. There's plenty of thin women who can bench 225, zero reason a male couldn't achieve the same thing.

      You can quite literally have it all if you have the right genetic rolls and optimize supplements/workouts. It's possible to be 5'6", hung, male muscle underneath a layer of female fat, and C cup breasts.

      The secret is progesterone cream applied to the areas you want to grow. You want to cycle it between the areas. I cycle hips, left breast, ass, right breast. If you don't have any fat to redistribute you can go a bulking cycle where you use low dose estrogen or Pueraria Mirifica cream (Ainterol is the brand I use) alongside a calorie surplus. This ensures that the fat you gain is distributed in a more feminine way. My cycles were 8 weeks, long enough to gain a solid 10-15 pounds without causing permanent damage to my sexual function.

      You can do some wild shit if you're min-maxing hormones. You don't have to be politically trans or change your identity. I just like having breasts, a dick, and heavy lifts.

      • 1 month ago

        Wait what? What the frick are you built like I can't even imagine it

        • 1 month ago

          It's another form of body building, so I could have more fat if I'm in a bulking cycle. It's more or less a mid-tier gym bunny body in terms of breasts and ass, with a clearly male face and haircut. Can't do much about the bones, so I don't have an hourglass figure, but you'd be amazed at what being thin can do for you. The breasts and ass are what I get off to, and I'm up to a 36B in my chest.

          Don't get it twisted, I'm a pervert. I'm just doing this for fun. Nobody asks questions in the locker room. If they did I'd just say I've got some glandular issues, but it doesn't really bother me.

          I just want to dispell the notion that it's all genetics. You can cheat at the game of life now. Some people hack their hormones for bigger muscles, I do it to have breasts and sensitive nipples to pinch while I jerk off. It's about the coom for me, not some bullshit identity or to score social points.

          • 1 month ago

            Post yourself so I can track you down and get you pregnant anon.

          • 1 month ago

            Doubt you're strong enough to pin me down. Most guys aren't. That's part of what makes it fun. Guys who haven't put in the work and can't bench 1 plate thinking they're "Men" by birthright.

            Chad only, sorry.

          • 1 month ago

            How old are you ?

          • 1 month ago

            Anon can you make it any less obvious you wet yourself thinking about being beaten and raped into submission?
            You're the one who turned himself into a seedbed rapemeat, post yourself quick so I can make you ovulate sooner.

          • 1 month ago

            Big talk, small pp. I'm a switch. Whoever can pin the other down gets the prize. I've still got my male skeleton and 90% of my 1RM.

            If you've not been training and aren't genetically exceptional you wouldn't stand a chance. Have you put in the work, anon?

          • 1 month ago

            Being a "switch" just lets others know you still haven't gone through the proper training. And I'm sorry anon, but you can brag about your "male skeleton" or whatever excuse you're still trying to put, but you've already corrupted your brain into that of a woman's and don't really qualify as a person anymore. A good grip on the neck or punch on your lower womb will be enough.

          • 1 month ago

            So you haven't put in the work. Probably aren't cute either. Shame.

          • 1 month ago

            >So you haven't put in the work.
            What makes you think that anon?
            Got excited cus you thought finally someone was gonna make you snap?

          • 1 month ago

            >I do it to have breasts and sensitive nipples to pinch while I jerk off. It's about the coom for me, not some bullshit identity or to score social points.
            also has jerking off changed for you at all?

          • 1 month ago

            based sexual deviance maxxer, sometimes /NSFFW/ does produce some absolute zingers

          • 1 month ago

            That's not even true. You don't have to be a mass monster to push significant numbers. There's plenty of thin women who can bench 225, zero reason a male couldn't achieve the same thing.

            You can quite literally have it all if you have the right genetic rolls and optimize supplements/workouts. It's possible to be 5'6", hung, male muscle underneath a layer of female fat, and C cup breasts.

            The secret is progesterone cream applied to the areas you want to grow. You want to cycle it between the areas. I cycle hips, left breast, ass, right breast. If you don't have any fat to redistribute you can go a bulking cycle where you use low dose estrogen or Pueraria Mirifica cream (Ainterol is the brand I use) alongside a calorie surplus. This ensures that the fat you gain is distributed in a more feminine way. My cycles were 8 weeks, long enough to gain a solid 10-15 pounds without causing permanent damage to my sexual function.

            You can do some wild shit if you're min-maxing hormones. You don't have to be politically trans or change your identity. I just like having breasts, a dick, and heavy lifts.

            >no hung muscle girlboy to give a pecjob (3pl8) and cook a protein rich dinner for

          • 1 month ago

            One day, anon. Keep lifting, and talk to the ones that feel special to you.

            Just make sure you're waxed and lubed. Nobody wants abrasive chest hair or razor stubble against their dick.

          • 1 month ago

            thanks anon, one day

          • 1 month ago

            >sensitive nipples to pinch while I jerk off
            you can get these without hormones lol, there are lots of techniques to sensitize them.

          • 1 month ago

            yeah but you can maximize them with hormones

            i'm trying to sensitize them without hormones with very weak results, may as well try

      • 1 month ago

        don't you lose it once you go off hormones?

        It's another form of body building, so I could have more fat if I'm in a bulking cycle. It's more or less a mid-tier gym bunny body in terms of breasts and ass, with a clearly male face and haircut. Can't do much about the bones, so I don't have an hourglass figure, but you'd be amazed at what being thin can do for you. The breasts and ass are what I get off to, and I'm up to a 36B in my chest.

        Don't get it twisted, I'm a pervert. I'm just doing this for fun. Nobody asks questions in the locker room. If they did I'd just say I've got some glandular issues, but it doesn't really bother me.

        I just want to dispell the notion that it's all genetics. You can cheat at the game of life now. Some people hack their hormones for bigger muscles, I do it to have breasts and sensitive nipples to pinch while I jerk off. It's about the coom for me, not some bullshit identity or to score social points.

        do you have a refractory period? i just want to inject estrogen in hopes it gets rid of mine

        • 1 month ago

          Lose what exactly? Most of the look is fat redistribution. Once the fat is distributed to your breasts and ass it isn't going anywhere unless you outright burn it off. That's not really of any consequence, since progesterone is something you can do more or less indefinitely without impacting your sexual function. It's not estrogen, it's a different hormone entirely. It doesn't compete with your testosterone in the same way.

          If you're talking about losing breast size, think about it. Do old women have their breasts completely shrivel up as their estrogen drops? No, they keep it forever, breast tissue sticks around. Same thing happens to dudes with gyno. Go look at some body builders who are shredded and they still have breasts from the steroids.
          Breast tissue is something that you pretty much have to cut away once it's formed.

          >do you have a refractory period

          Depends on how I decide to climax. If I've got the time I can climax just from nips and there's zero refractory period. You can more or less get zero refractory period if you just squeeze and stroke the shaft while playing with your breasts too. You more you touch the head to cum the more sensitivity/refractory period you'll have. Women get sensitive clits and a sort of refractory period too if you make them cum exclusively by rubbing their clit.

          All sensations are stronger. Nipple orgasms are full body, "edging" peaks in a dry orgasm that feels as powerful as a full ejaculatory orgasm off hormones and has next to no refractory period. I don't feel the need to climax to have a good time either. Sometimes I can just give it a few strokes, enjoy the feeling and then put it away, whereas before I felt like I NEEDED to cum and would be frustrated if I didn't.

          I like it. It's something I can enjoy the feeling without the same raw animal compulsion. You can still get that impulsive need to breed after a heavy lifting session to get the testosterone flowing, but you've got to work for it.

          • 1 month ago

            >Lose what exactly?
            i guess in this case sensitivity and other effects of prog. and i thought that fat redistribution would occur if you stopped being on estrogen or prog and your androgen levels were male

            >It's not estrogen, it's a different hormone entirely. It doesn't compete with your testosterone in the same way.
            i thought you were cycling it alongside pueraria mirifica (which i'm still not sure if it does anything)

            >You more you touch the head to cum the more sensitivity/refractory period you'll have.
            i'm circumcised and barely can stimulate my head at all. i jerk off my shaft and then i cum and my dick hurts afterwards

            >I like it. It's something I can enjoy the feeling without the same raw animal compulsion.
            yeah my refractory period and urge to cum are awful and i actively despise jerking off as a man. i can't really enjoy jerking off in every way and i just give in to jerking off as fast as possible. i would love to kill that impulse entirely if i could

            post nut clarity is awful, i could go on forever about how much i hate male sexuality,

            i'm surprised you got these results just from applying progesterone cream though. i didn't expect that to change your sexuality.

            i want to grow breasts and an ass but i care way more about killing this awful male sexuality and changing it

          • 1 month ago

            PM was to grow breasts and redistribute fat. You can run progesterone basically all the time and not kill your erections. Both do contribute to sensitivity, so if you're off one or the other you will lose some sensitivity. There's some psychological components to it as well. Once you've climaxed from your breasts once it just gets easier to do so.

            Maybe it fat distribution would revert if I stopped prog, but there's no reason to. Shit feels great and doesn't kill my erections. I get to have it all.

            >which i'm still not sure if it does anything)

            Ainterol definitely does. Most of the stuff on Amazon are going to be extracts, and there's something about the solubility that makes it so the useful parts of the plant don't extract. Ainterol makes a cream, which is topical. I was interested in keeping effects as local as I could, kind of like how women use DHT applied to their clits to grow them without masculinizing.

            >I would love to kill that impulse entirely if i could

            That's absolutely tragic. I love the feeling, but I'm not trans or anything. Love my dick, love my breasts, love busting nuts. I'm not going to say you're wrong or anything, but man, that sucks. You'll probably need to do something other than what I did to be happy.

            Some people have reported bovine Ovary being good for killing off the male sexual impulse. I don't know the science, and I don't think anyone does. Just stories of big time cross dressers and proud perverts that completely lost interest cross dressing and perving.

          • 1 month ago

            What I can say is that there's a lot of options out there. You can more or less look and feel however you want with the right stack. Varbies can grow muscles beyond that of a natural male while staying wholly female, I can have breasts without giving up my 2 plate bench or my ability to blow thick loads from a hard wiener.

            You have to find whatever's going to give you the effects you want. Try shit out hormones are powerful, You'll know right away if it's something you like and want more of. Changes are minimal if it's a short run. If you don't like what's happening or how you're feeling then quit, don't keep going expecting it to pay off later. It's either gonna feel right or wrong within a week.

          • 1 month ago

            how long have you been doing this?

            >PM was to grow breasts and redistribute fat.
            at that point i may as well just go on estrogen, which i've considered but haven't gotten myself to do so. i'm clearly just a sick man with a sexual fetish

            it's also a bit harder to get than PM or prog cream, and would have way more effects especially if i inject or ingest it

            >killing off the male sexual impulse.
            it's not that i want to kill off my sex drive, it's actually the complete opposite. i feel like my male sexual impulses are limiting the possibility for better sex. i wouldn't have a problem blowing thick loads and using my dick if i didn't feel like it was a crippled experience. i don't want to be asexual, rather i want my sexuality to be something greater than it is

            >completely lost interest cross dressing and perving.
            that's not what i want. i want to still have a sex drive, i just don't want it to be dominated by the cooming and post nut clarity cycle. i want to be able to coommaxx and my refractory period is getting in the way

            >I love the feeling, but I'm not trans or anything.
            basically, the feeling i desire is the ability to not have a refractory period and have full body orgasms and a more sensitive body sexually. my natural male sexuality gets in the way and it's bad enough that sometimes i wish i literally had a vegana and other times i just want to futamaxx

            >It's either gonna feel right or wrong within a week.
            some trans women took months if not years to orgasm for the first time

          • 1 month ago

            Injecting E is going to impact your erections and reduce your sex drive as whole. Be careful with it, but don't be afraid of it. You'll know quickly if it's right for you. There's no obligation to "come out" and tell people. If you come out you'll be more likely to avoid backpedalling if you hate how it makes you feel. That's not what you want.

            > i want my sexuality to be something greater than it is

            I personally believe progesterone is the key to that. People think that Estrogen is the "Woman" hormone and Testosterone is the "Man" hormone. Not true, E is the loose teenage cum bawd hormone and T is the raging teenage "Frick anything that moves" hormone. Great, stoic men are MEN. They aren't boys who are controlled by their testosterone. they've had some time for their T levels to drop a little and for them to mellow out and become more level headed and truly masculine.

            >some trans women took months if not years to orgasm for the first time

            A lot of those women have already been mind fricked by SSRIs and other pharmaceuticals. If you've been free from other drugs then effects are more likely to take right away and be clear.

            I'd pick up some progesterone cream and see how it makes you feel. For me it was the highest impact for sensation with the least detrimental effects on male sexual function.

            Remember, you don't have to be a "Man", don't have to be a "Woman", don't have to be trans or any other label people want to assign you. Do what gives you the look and feel that you're looking for. You don't need to wrap up a messy identity into this if you don't want to.

          • 1 month ago

            >Injecting E is going to impact your erections and reduce your sex drive as whole.
            yeah, i know the effects of E

            >There's no obligation to "come out" and tell people.
            i never intended to, i'm obviously just doing it for sexual reasons

            >I personally believe progesterone is the key to that.
            trans women actually do take progesterone in order to grow their breasts and it usually causes their sex drives to increase as well. but usually not topically

            >I'd pick up some progesterone cream and see how it makes you feel. For me it was the highest impact for sensation with the least detrimental effects on male sexual function.
            it feels a lot less "scientific" than HRT, not really knowing anything about dosing or what blood levels to test for

            the only thing i'd be concerned about with progesterone cream is that it metabolizes to DHT and the higher risk of breast cancer than just taking estrogen

            >Do what gives you the look and feel that you're looking for.
            i can't change bone so i can't pass as a woman but i do want to look like a girl. if i could describe my ideal body i would be a woman with huge breasts and a dick that could repeatedly cum from my breasts and dick

            Progesterone is your best bet in that case. I can pull it out, have some fun for a for a minute or two, not cum, put it away and still feel satisfied. No such thing as blue balls for me anymore. I cum if I want to, not because something in my biology makes me feel obligated to.

            Might not be the case for you, but it's not gonna ruin your shit if it doesn't work out.

            are you sure that's due to progesterone and not some mildly estrogenic effects of PM or something?

            >I can pull it out, have some fun for a for a minute or two, not cum, put it away and still feel satisfied.
            but can you have multiple orgasms

            >Might not be the case for you, but it's not gonna ruin your shit if it doesn't work out.
            well if it doesn't work out i'd have to just go for HRT instead.

          • 1 month ago

            Sorry if any of that sounded patronizing. There are some people who get caught up in trans communities and just traded one bullshit gender binary for another. They set themselves up to fail, and end up 41%ing. I'm trying to tread carefully, since the stakes are high.


            I love how you put it in quotes. Yeah, science is shit sometimes. They've said forever you can't grow your dick, but then they realized that DHT applied to micropenis makes it grow. Then everyone says that it only works for micropenis, when there's never been a reason to test it on normal penis. Science only figures out what it's paid to figure out, and progesterone is OTC. No profit motive. I've never tested it myself, but if it can grow clits I don't see why it couldn't grow dicks too.

            >are you sure that's due to progesterone

            Yes, because I started prog only and had my first nipple orgasm on prog alone. That could just me being lucky, though. Ainterol PM cream absolutely magnifies the effect more.

            >but can you have multiple orgasms

            Yeah, but surprisingly I rarely feel like it. I've gotta have a lot of free time to really want to, I'm content without doing that all the time. I know how wild that sounds coming from male sexuality, but and I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't felt it. The orgasm is nice and enjoyable, not the sole focus of the experience anymore.

            Best of luck. Just make sure that you're the one deciding what's best for you, not forum posters. (Even me). I got benefit right away, if that's not you then try something else.

          • 1 month ago

            >Yeah, science is shit sometimes.
            HRT regimens are surprisingly rigorous even if there is a lot of room for experimentation

            >when there's never been a reason to test it on normal penis.
            honestly, if men regularly could grow bigger dicks with it, we would all know about it

            >Yes, because I started prog only and had my first nipple orgasm on prog alone.
            that makes sense, but what about the other changes? that would have to be due to something in your bloodstream (which could be the prog). like how does it change your sexuality in general or how your dick cums?

            >Yeah, but surprisingly I rarely feel like it. I've gotta have a lot of free time to really want to,
            heard that's common among trans women

            >I got benefit right away, if that's not you then try something else.
            i don't really know if that's true. some people react faster to the same hormones, that's just genetics. there's only so many things i can try before i run out of options for chasing the futamaxxing multi orgasmic ideal before i kill myself, so i have to give everything an honest try

            topical prog without estrogen just feels like a strange way to go.

            also DHT is basically poison. growing more body hair and balding? disgusting.

          • 1 month ago

            >if men regularly could grow bigger dicks with it, we would all know about it

            That's what they all said about women increasing the size of their breasts. Nevermind the fact that everyone knows that breasts grow during pregnancy and we know what hormones increase during pregnancy.

            We still don't know the optimal workout plans for muscle hypertrophy. We don't know how to optimize sleep. Literally everyone sleeps, yet we don't know shit about it. It's because there's no money to be made finding a best practice that can't be sold to people.

            >have to be due to something in your bloodstream

            No way. There are dudes who train themselves to cum stroking a big black dildo while in locked a chastity cage. Phantom limb experiments can get people to react to a rubber hand getting hit with a hammer. You can pull off some wild shit from psychology alone.

            I don't really set definitions or limits on my sexuality. Some shit I like, and then I do that shit. Growing breasts was a fun experiment, and I liked the results. Not much else to it. Some people are attractive, other people aren't. Not really interested in having stuff up my butt.

            >that's just genetics

            It's never just genetics. That's kind of the whole point of my posts. You can artificially supplement whatever hormonal signals you want. You can use CBT to change mindsets and emotional reactions. There have been people who have learned to brute force multiple orgasms by nutting, and immediately continuing to stroke the head of their wiener even if it was uncomfortable. Eventually they adapt and manage to fire off another load.

            Put in the work, take the right supplements, and you can do wild shit. The important thing is that you put in the work.

          • 1 month ago

            >That's what they all said about women increasing the size of their breasts.
            i don't mean big pharma, i mean men rubbing dht on their dicks like women rub t on their clits. incels are literally mewing to try and grow their jaws, trannies inject hormones made in a bathtub to grow breasts

            there absolutely would be men trying experimenting the way you're describing, there probably are. hell, trannies who want to keep their dicks functioning actually do put t on their dicks. any trans pornstar that uses her dick is likely on some shit

            >It's never just genetics. That's kind of the whole point of my posts. You can artificially supplement whatever hormonal signals you want. You can use CBT to change mindsets and emotional reactions.
            what i mean is that you got results faster because of genetics. trying to slowly rewire your brain is a long term experiment while you're also saying "if hormones don't work on you asap stop

            i'm on adhd meds, and i don't think i could have gotten the effects of stimulants with therapy alone

            and ultimately if nothing works on you and you're out of options you gotta just end it cause you low rolled

            >also DHT is basically poison. growing more body hair and balding? disgusting

            Says who? Other people? Frick 'em. Most people would tell me that having breasts and a dick is disgusting. Wax the body hair, get implants if you want the hair on your head. There are solutions to every problem and fewer trade offs that people want to realize.

            None of that's a problem for topical application anyway. The girls who put that shit on their clits don't lose all their hair and turn into apes. Never underestimate topical application.

            >Says who?
            says me. i described my ideal body. i don't want facial hair, i don't want body hair

            >Wax the body hair,
            i'd prefer laser and electrolysis. i have hair on my chest that needs to be removed permanently if i want any breast growth to not look horrible

            >Most people would tell me that having breasts and a dick is disgusting.
            there's sometimes a general on /lgbt/ dedicated to this topic lmao

            >Never underestimate topical application.
            i wonder how much topical application of prog turns into transdermal. if it's affecting your dick there's likely something else going on as well. it could just be mental but not entirely

          • 1 month ago

            Check the discourse, you see next to nothing about DHT on penis enlarging forums. You get the same old claptrap. "If it worked everyone would already be doing it". No studies, no science. People only do shit once it becomes a meme. It can take a very long time for common sense shit to ever make it mainstream. People would be doing it if people were talking about it, instead of "It doesn't work" we would have actual reports about hair growth and other side effects.

            I guarantee you the shit works and people claim it doesn't. There's zero reason why it wouldn't.

            >if hormones don't work on you asap stop

            41%, my friend. A lot of that is people who completely frick up their ability to get an erection chasing a promised gender euphoria that never comes. If your problem is hormonal then you should feel GREAT right away. If you don't then salvation won't be coming for you and you'll probably end up another statistic.

            >there's sometimes a general on /lgbt/ dedicated to this topic lmao

            Yeah, I've seen it, and many of the "women" there are passive aggressive c**ts about it. If it doesn't fit into the gender binary they get wicked butthurt about it and say it's invalidating or somehow harmful to "real" trans women. Reality is that they realized that they traded one bullshit gender norm for another and fricked themselves up just to get "Sir'd" anytime they go out.

            You've got issues, bud. I know that playing the "I'll just kill myself" card is supposed to evoke sympathy, but you'll get none of it from me. Do what makes you happy, or don't. Just know that you're not gonna get the best gameplan reading exclusively off one person's playbook, and that you're gonna have a bad time if you're looking for a long term payoff when it comes to hormones. Hormones hit hard and hit fast. If you're not happy early on you will be miserable later on.

          • 1 month ago

            >Check the discourse, you see next to nothing about DHT on penis enlarging forums.
            quick google search and people seem to be talking about it. lot of doubters but there are people who are trying it

            that's not even the suicide rate for trannies

            >completely frick up their ability to get an erection
            yeah, a lot of them are okay with that

            >it doesn't fit into the gender binary they get wicked butthurt about it and say it's invalidating or somehow harmful to "real" trans women.
            you're only looking at half the people there. the other half wanna be chicks with dicks

            >I know that playing the "I'll just kill myself" card is supposed to evoke sympathy,
            not really. i'm just saying there's a limit to the things you do. people who actually kill themselves are either not sound of mind or ran out of options.

            >Hormones hit hard and hit fast. If you're not happy early on you will be miserable later on.
            yes and no. that's part of trans HRT regiments, get your blood levels tested and keep adjusting

            >reading exclusively off one person's playbook, and that you're gonna have a bad time if you're looking for a long term payoff when it comes to hormones.
            you're not the only data point i have.

            and your referral to the power of psychological triggers, i say why not both? maybe you got the results faster than others, and others need to force their way. you even started this off as you said, if you have the genetics for it.

            you try all your options, and once you exhausted them all and there's no hope, you have a nice day. most people never get that far

            >how much topical application of prog turns into transdermal.

            There's definitely some, it's just mitigated. You've also got to understand that I achieve my multiple orgasms using by breasts and my dick at the same time. If you've got any sensitivity in your breasts you can start now without hormones. Just stroke your wiener and nips until you're almost at the peak, then just stop stroking and use your breasts to push yourself over. I think you could get there off psychology and breast play alone if you really wanted it and worked toward shifting more of your sexual focus away from your dick and onto your breasts.

            Get creative. A hell of a lot more is possible than what people say, especially when it comes to sexual matters.

            >If you've got any sensitivity in your breasts you can start now without hormones.
            i don't. nipples basically feel like nothing

            >I think you could get there off psychology and breast play alone if you really wanted it and worked toward shifting more of your sexual focus away from your dick and onto your breasts.
            depends, i also want to feminize my body in general anyways.

          • 1 month ago

            >depends, i also want to feminize my body in general anyways.

            Then why haven't you? What's the hang up? Why are you thinking about what happens if you fail? Why are you talking about killing yourself before you've even put in a shred of effort?

            Nut up, buttercup. Pick a lane. Indecisiveness is fatal if you're gonna be playing around with your hormones. It's what causes people to under commit, troon, then rope.

          • 1 month ago

            >Then why haven't you? What's the hang up?
            because i am talking about injecting estrogen and shoving progesterone up my ass for the sole purpose chasing a sexual fantasy

            i have some hangups about that

            also wait, since you're only putting prog on your breasts, do you still have chest hair?

          • 1 month ago

            >sole purpose chasing a sexual fantasy

            I personally can't think of a better reason. It's a hell of a lot better than the people who troon just because they hate themselves and think that having an atrophied dick, meager breasts and zero fashion sense will fix it.

            It's not that deep. It's all the depressed losers making it out to be something bigger than it is by attaching identity. I do it because I like it, and have done what I need in order to mitigate losses to my erections.

            I cycle prog between breasts, ass, hips and thighs. Got to give the receptors a break. The chest hair doesn't fall out, but it does back much slower. Same goes for facial hair. The slower facial hair growth is actually something I really like. Before it would grow in patchy and gross, I'd look like a neckbeard if I didn't shave daily. Now it comes in evenly, cleanly and slowly. Two days in I've got a nice, even, clean 5 o clock shadow that I personally think looks great.

            I personally only shaved around my breasts because it feels better to rub them that way. I've still got a small patch of hair dead center, but I've never had much chest hair to begin with. Always was slightly more androgenous. I'm not dysphoric, I'm a guy that decided having breasts and ass was hot.

          • 1 month ago

            >I personally can't think of a better reason.
            i know you're suggesting just putting some prog on my breasts, but like you said, the futamaxx needs more feminization than what you are going for

            >but I've never had much chest hair to begin with.
            neither did i when i was younger but around age 27 or 28 i noticed i had way more than when i was in my early twenties. i think second puberty is fricking me up

            how hairy is the rest of your body, just wondering?

            >The slower facial hair growth is actually something I really like. Before it would grow in patchy and gross,
            have you ever gotten your blood hormone levels tested?

            >I'm not dysphoric, I'm a guy that decided having breasts and ass was hot.
            i'm not very dysphoric either, i'm just a guy that wants to be a girl with a wiener and have multiple orgasms

          • 1 month ago

            Second puberty is trans agitprop. It's more unscientific than anything I've posted. Your bones are set well before "second puberty", hair can be removed or implanted. It's entirely irrelevant.

            >futamaxx needs more feminization than what you are going for

            Labels labels labels. All bullshit. Living off someone else's ideal rather than you own. This isn't a futa thread. If you want futashit then start saving up for surgeries, because that's the only way you're going to realistically get outsized results. Most cis women don't look as feminine as a typical futa.

            >have you ever gotten your blood hormone levels tested?

            Why would I need a number to tell me if I should feel good about myself or not? You can turn the dials however you want.

          • 1 month ago

            >It's more unscientific than anything I've posted.
            well whatever it is, i've experienced noticeable body changes from 25 and onward in a way that i am not comfortable with

            >Living off someone else's ideal rather than you own.
            it aligns enough with my own ideals that i use the term

            >If you want futashit then start saving up for surgeries,
            even if i wanna femboymaxx i probably would need to do so

            >You can turn the dials however you want.
            the numbers are there to help figure out which way to turn the dials.

          • 1 month ago

            >the numbers are there to help figure out which way to turn the dials.

            Disagree. You can feel it, and you should always trust what you're feeling over what a number says.

          • 1 month ago

            >how much topical application of prog turns into transdermal.

            There's definitely some, it's just mitigated. You've also got to understand that I achieve my multiple orgasms using by breasts and my dick at the same time. If you've got any sensitivity in your breasts you can start now without hormones. Just stroke your wiener and nips until you're almost at the peak, then just stop stroking and use your breasts to push yourself over. I think you could get there off psychology and breast play alone if you really wanted it and worked toward shifting more of your sexual focus away from your dick and onto your breasts.

            Get creative. A hell of a lot more is possible than what people say, especially when it comes to sexual matters.

          • 1 month ago

            >There have been people who have learned to brute force multiple orgasms by nutting, and immediately continuing to stroke the head of their wiener even if it was uncomfortable.
            there's a trick to that, the hardest part of me is not that it's uncomfortable, but that i mentally have absolutely no interest in doing so

            also i cannot stroke the head of my wiener after cumming, being circumcised makes it hard to do so in the first place anyways

          • 1 month ago

            >also DHT is basically poison. growing more body hair and balding? disgusting

            Says who? Other people? Frick 'em. Most people would tell me that having breasts and a dick is disgusting. Wax the body hair, get implants if you want the hair on your head. There are solutions to every problem and fewer trade offs that people want to realize.

            None of that's a problem for topical application anyway. The girls who put that shit on their clits don't lose all their hair and turn into apes. Never underestimate topical application.

          • 1 month ago

            >topical prog without estrogen just feels like a strange way to go.

            Says who? The trans advocates who just want more trans people in this world, even if it's not the right fit for the individual?

            It's why I say what I say about identity. You don't have to follow someone else's playbook. If you want one part but not the other you don't have to take the package deal. You can exercise a little autonomy. You don't have to make a lifestyle or identity out of any of this. Prog makes me feel things more intensely and grows my breasts, ass and thighs a minor amount without undercutting my erections or physical strength. That sounds like a win to me.

          • 1 month ago

            >Says who? The trans advocates who just want more trans people in this world,
            well it's more there are very few people who want the effects of prog without the effects of estrogen.

            >Prog makes me feel things more intensely and grows my breasts, ass and thighs a minor amount without undercutting my erections or physical strength.
            well yeah, that all sounds like a positive. most MTFs want the other effects of suppressing testosterone.

            i want to physically look like a girl while being a futa coomer, while experiencing the female orgasm through a dick. who the frick knows if that's possible

            topical prog is easy to get, i guess i've just never heard of anyone really doing that. there's really not much to go off this besides studies on biological women. at least from what i can source, the only risk factor is it has a higher incidence of breast cancer than estrogen monotherapy

          • 1 month ago

            >most MTFs want the other effects of suppressing testosterone.

            Most MTFs have brain worms and have deluded themselves into chasing an ideal that they'll never achieve, and didn't really want in the first place. They don't know how to dress, they don't apply makeup, they don't take up feminine hobbies. They don't put in the work.

            Most of them don't actually want to be women. They just hate being male. (And not being true men). That's the difference, I don't hate being male, I love it. I just want it all.

          • 1 month ago

            >Most of them don't actually want to be women.
            i don't want to generalize, but many of them are truly AGP or severely dysphoric about their bodies. i agree there are some trenders and transmaxxers

            but there are effects of not having test that are net positives for them, even if you are indifferent to it

            >I just want it all.
            same, but "all" for me involves looking like a girl while cumming my brains out

          • 1 month ago

            >trenders and transmaxxers

            Those are the mentally well ones. The perverts haven't let the identity politics crush them from the inside out. Those are the people you should be looking to if you want to coom, not the ones who are on the forums and have a strong identity associated with it.

            If you're not dysphoric don't take an action plan from someone who is. A dysphoric person hates their penis and would rather it go away. What I've laid out is a way to have it all and not give anything up. You get to keep your erections and libido if you focus on prog, go topical whenever possible, and cycle E rather than completely replace your hormones.

          • 1 month ago

            >Those are the mentally well ones.
            yes, gender dysphoria is a mental illness. nobody disagrees

            >The perverts haven't let the identity politics crush them from the inside out.
            dysphoria isn't really an issue of identity politics

            >A dysphoric person hates their penis and would rather it go away.
            sometimes i wish i had a pussy but not to the extent of genital dysphoria. i just mentally associate my penis with male sexuality

            >What I've laid out is a way to have it all and not give anything up.
            it seems more like a halfway, it may not achieve as much feminization as i desire.

            it's far easier though since everything you use is OTC, i just don't want to have hair moobs and i know far less about what topical prog monotherapy is expected to do

            >If you're not dysphoric don't take an action plan from someone who is.
            i mean i look at what people who get the results i desire have done. in most cases it's conventional feminizing HRT, your route of PM and topical prog feels unconventional but similar

          • 1 month ago

            >dysphoria isn't really an issue of identity politics

            It really is. They quite literally amend laws to accommodate gender dysphoria. This has effects on how people see themselves as valid. Many don't see themselves as valid without dysphoria. so their mind will create the dysphoria in order to remain consistent. They will literally will themselves into being mentally ill so they can feel valid and approved by political activists in their social groups.

            >it may not achieve as much feminization as i desire.

            All I'm saying is that you're gonna lose dick function chasing that dragon. This is a femboy thread, and maintaining male characteristics are going to be of a higher priority. You've got a whole board about conventional trans bullshit you can post to. If you weren't interested in practical solutions to actually achieve both feminine and male traits at the same time then it really isn't the thread for you.

          • 1 month ago

            >All I'm saying is that you're gonna lose dick function chasing that dragon.
            that's definitely a possibility. there might be some ways to mitigate that, such as topical T cream. but i'd have to pick what's most important to me and pray for the best

            >If you weren't interested in practical solutions to actually achieve both feminine and male traits at the same time then it really isn't the thread for you.
            i am, otherwise i wouldn't be having this conversation. you raise an idea that is unconventional, therefore i have questions

            my understanding is that your ideal body is a twink with breasts, while my ideal body is a woman with a wiener. i am interested enough in what you have to say to try and have a good faith, meaningful discourse about it rather than completely denying it or blindly agreeing with you.

          • 1 month ago

            I have no ideal body. I enjoy the process of body building. I just do it in an unconventional way. I like my breasts, I like my ass, I like full force erections. You can only do the most you can with what you've got and the tools available to you. Someone who comes into the gym expecting to one day look like Chris Bumstead is going to have a bad time, same as someone who expects to grow natural DD'S and have an 9 inch python.

            I see idealism like yours as inherently dangerous. You see it all the time in conventional body building. They build up this unrealistic standard, go on ever increasing amounts of gear to try and achieve a CBum pipe dream, feel miserable when they can't, suffer health complications, and then sometimes kill themselves over it.

            You're looking at futa CBum and saying "I won't be happy unless I can have this.". This is bad, and people who do it usually frick themselves up and achieve nothing but misery. Getting your ideals from drawn porn will frick you up just as hard as getting your ideals from the Mr. Olympia.

            If you want to feel more and keep your boners do prog and cycle E until your wiener gets soft or your nuts start to ache. If you keep going you'll lose wiener function. Futas aren't real, big dick trannies are all surgery.

          • 1 month ago

            >I have no ideal body.
            but you have clear preferences and goals. you're the one who's been talking about "having it all" and you've achieved a milestone

            >You can only do the most you can with what you've got and the tools available to you.
            i have clear goals that i desire, and the tools available to me are HRT of some sort.

            >same as someone who expects to grow natural DD'S and have an 9 inch python.
            that's not really what i'm going into it nor do i expect to even pass for although i wouldn't complain if i got that.

            >You're looking at futa CBum and saying "I won't be happy unless I can have this.". This is bad, and people who do it usually frick themselves up and achieve nothing but misery.
            i'm looking at "better orgasms, feminine fat redistribution, and avoiding late age masculinization like balding, body odor, and weird hair growth" as a goal. the extreme futamaxxing would be based as frick but there's still some minimum bar which i wish to attain

            i feel more like a skelly wondering if he could ever bench 2pl8 than wishing i were arnold. it's something incomprehensible to me but not something only the top 1% have

            >I see idealism like yours as inherently dangerous.
            i have a goal, i've seen people reach it, and if i ever get on any form of hormones the plan will be to experiment and follow regimens similar to what others have done. as you said, that is the only thing i can do

            >the numbers are there to help figure out which way to turn the dials.

            Disagree. You can feel it, and you should always trust what you're feeling over what a number says.

            >You can feel it, and you should always trust what you're feeling over what a number says.
            more information is better than less.

            i got shit to do, if this thread's somehow still up when i'm back it's been an interesting conversation for sure

          • 1 month ago

            I had it all when I had A cups and could climax from my nipples alone. They're up to B's now. Maybe I'll keep growing them, maybe I will chill. The important thing is that it's an improvement mindset, rather than a goal mindset. I don't go online saying I'll kill myself if I can't look like a woman within 2 years, that's unhealthy.

            Body building should not be done with some idealist mindset or a grand goal. Skelly shouldn't be thinking about benching 2 plate, he should be seeing if he can bench the bar, and then adding a 2.5 lb every week. 2 plate idealism is still idealism. It's about the process and growth.

            >i'm looking at "better orgasms, feminine fat redistribution, and avoiding late age masculinization like balding, body odor, and weird hair growth

            If that's legitimately what you're looking for then you don't need to be injecting estrogen to achieve it, or at least I didn't. I sure as hell wouldn't tell a gym newbie to start blasting tren for quick gains. If you're not dysphoric then take it slow bro.

            I got your basic goals within a year cycling Ainterol topicals + prog during bulks and then just prog during cuts. You only need to be using estrogen when you're bulking, that way the fat is applied in a more feminine way. Once the fat is there it's not just gonna float away somewhere else, it tends to stay put. It's the same reason why fat troons still clearly have a shitload of visceral "male distributed" fat, even if they've been on E for years. The fat stays put.

            Nobody applies body building principles to this shit, and they're wrong for doing so. Everyone just wants a magic pill or injection that will turn them into a princess. Nobody wants to put in the work.

          • 1 month ago

            >I had it all when I had A cups and could climax from my nipples alone.
            yeah you said you got that "pretty quick", like within weeks

            >I don't go online saying I'll kill myself if I can't look like a woman within 2 years,
            neither am i

            >you don't need to be injecting estrogen to achieve it, or at least I didn't.
            i want to see what your hormone levels are like if that's true. if you're getting anti androgenic effects off topical progesterone and cycling low amounts of PM that don't suppress your T those are ridiculous results that are better than the majority of troons

            >I sure as hell wouldn't tell a gym newbie to start blasting tren for quick gains.
            but if they aren't making gains with what they're doing now they have to change something. many troons actually start off on PM and moved to estradiol if the results weren't good

            >I got your basic goals within a year cycling Ainterol topicals + prog during bulks and then just prog during cuts
            i have no expectation of getting the results you did as quickly as you did on your regimen. even getting A cups and sensitive breasts on PM+prog after a year isn't guaranteed. if i stall out earlier than you then i have to change regimens earlier than you as well

            >Nobody applies body building principles to this shit, and they're wrong for doing so.
            troons actually weight cycle the way you're describing as well.

            >Skelly shouldn't be thinking about benching 2 plate, he should be seeing if he can bench the bar, and then adding a 2.5 lb every week. 2 plate idealism is still idealism. It's about the process and growth.
            you also got to the 2pl8 goal fast on an unconventional routine. your results are like if someone went to the gym and was adding 5 lbs a week while doing crossfit and eating 2k calories a day. you're getting better than average results.

            still, putting on some topical prog and hoping for titty growth feels like a low committal way to start. i just don't expect it to work as well as it did for you

          • 1 month ago

            Pretty quick is relative. I think in terms of a body building transformation. One 8 week cycle and you should see significant results, be it masculine or feminine. If you're not seeing results and feeling it right away you're gonna be disappointed, you're either doing something wrong or it's just not for you.

            >putting on some topical prog and hoping for titty growth feels like a low committal way to start.

            Because you don't just put on magic cream and expect shit to get done for you. You grow breasts through stimulation. You'll need some gyno to start with, but once you get the ball rolling a lot of progress is going to come from relentlessly stimulating them in order to climax with them. There's dudes who are on nothing and grow their breasts with massage and pumping alone. Again, troon failures are because they won't put in the work or spend the money.

            >sensitive nipples to pinch while I jerk off
            you can get these without hormones lol, there are lots of techniques to sensitize them.

            You're 100% correct. I just wanted a bit more, a bit quicker. People should always prioritize putting in the work over looking for magic beans and sitting on their ass.

            That's basically the gist of my posts. People can psyop themselves to cum while jerking off a dildo while they're locked in a cage. Some wild phantom limb coom shit. If you want it you can have it, so long as you work for it. Nothing more disgraceful than someone who goes on gear and sits on their ass, be it T or E.

          • 1 month ago

            >Pretty quick is relative. I think in terms of a body building transformation. One 8 week cycle and you should see significant results, be it masculine or feminine.
            2 months is extremely fast for the results you're claiming. you're suggesting a regimen and routine which makes sense for your goals. i just don't expect to see the same results you did in that time

            is your suggestion that i start by weight cycling, applying prog, and training my breasts and sexual response, and if i can't cum the way i want after 8 weeks my body ain't responding to this shit strong enough so i gotta start estrogen? like i'll find my natty limit in only 2 months?

            >If you're not seeing results and feeling it right away you're gonna be disappointed, you're either doing something wrong or it's just not for you.
            well, that's why you gotta give it time. there are people who no matter how much they lift and whatever they're on they'll never be able to even bench 180. but it'll take years of trying different things to figure it out

            >There's dudes who are on nothing and grow their breasts with massage and pumping alone.
            there's dudes who have gyno just through being fat. there's troons who are boofing prog and massaging their breasts that can't get past B cup.

            >Again, troon failures are because they won't put in the work or spend the money.
            i don't know what you mean by "spend the money" but the troons are doing the same work you are. some get better results and some get worse.

            >If you want it you can have it, so long as you work for it. Nothing more disgraceful than someone who goes on gear and sits on their ass, be it T or E.
            i think we agree that everyone has different natty limits. there's some intersex freaks who achieve all this shit natty, but most people who wanna feminize need to be on something while they're putting the time in

            >Because you don't just put on magic cream and expect shit to get done for you.
            by low committal i mean it's less gear than injecting E since it's OTC

          • 1 month ago

            I got gyno naturally. I'm not even fat.
            I will kill myself soon.

          • 1 month ago

            do you know why? is the only way to treat it surgery?

          • 1 month ago

            I don't know why. I was chubby as a kid, but not obese, I think that had something to do with it.
            Yes, only surgery. it's not fat, so I can't "lose it"

          • 1 month ago

            at least the fix is pretty obvious if it bothers you that much

          • 1 month ago

            I am broke though. Beyond broke. I can't access the surgery yet.

          • 1 month ago

            you can escape being broke, you're gonna make it anon

          • 1 month ago

            You won't hit a natural limit in a short time frame, but you'll clearly feel different. Breasts clearly get heavier, they get more sensitive. Actual breast tissue feels different from muscle or fat, you'll know if it's working.

            Regarding putting in the work, I believe most people aren't, even if they think they are. Same thing as weight loss. You've got to have some wildly fricked up shit if you aren't losing weight on a theoretical 500-750 calorie deficit. It's always "I've been lifting/dieting for x years", never about their program or efforts. 140 pound women can bench two plate with enough effort and nutrition.

            If you genuinely are so testosterone dominant that you've got to juice hard to make any progress you're not going to have a good time, and should probably just MascMax and be comfortable as a male.

            You're also just going to feel shit way faster on prog that with estrogen. Estrogen has to compete with your existing testosterone, prog is something different entirely.

          • 1 month ago

            >You won't hit a natural limit in a short time frame, but you'll clearly feel different.
            like lifting, it depends on starting point. what you felt in your first month might be something that others take 3 months to get. it's not a natural limit but it's a slower progression

            if we're comparing it to something like starting strength, as a beginner you're supposed to add 5 lbs every day but some people stall out and start failing to do their sets within a month

            >It's always "I've been lifting/dieting for x years",
            when it comes to lifting a lot of people have no idea what the frick they're doing starting out and waste a lot of time. i learned how to diet quickly but i wasted years doing meme workouts until i stuck to starting strength.

            >never about their program or efforts. 140 pound women can bench two plate with enough effort and nutrition.
            when it comes to feminization your hormones are part of that nutrition alongside your diet and weight cycling.

            i have no expectation at all that my goals are achievable natty, especially at my age. part of "putting in the work" is getting on the required shit in this case. i can't be like the guys who take 10 years to figure this shit out because then i'd be like 40 and age out of all this shit

            >you've got to juice hard to make any progress you're not going to have a good time, and should probably just MascMax and be comfortable as a male.
            well that's just giving up and being out of options. that's the theoretical "nothing can be done, may as well give up or kys" limit

            >You're also just going to feel shit way faster on prog that with estrogen.
            only one way to find out

            >Estrogen has to compete with your existing testosterone,
            feminizing HRT completely nukes your existing testosterone

          • 1 month ago

            don't know if you're still around or awake but i'm also probably much older than you. at 30 i'm not geriatric but i am not young. but my body feels different than how it did when i was 20 and i have to take care of myself much more consciously than when i was young and just lifted and ate big without consequences

            if you're under 25 there's a shittload of masculinization that happens once you get older and you have to take much more care of your health

          • 1 month ago

            >That could just me being lucky, though.
            some trans women lost their refractory period within a month. others in a year. some never

            if i give into my coomerism i'd have to give it at least 2 years before i give up and just end it

          • 1 month ago

            >You'll probably need to do something other than what I did to be happy.
            and i don't really know what that is. i just want to be able to enjoy jerking off, have better cooms, and be able to have long sessions where i don't feel like shit after blowing my load after a minute

            i want to be able to actually take my time and have a sexuality instead of being a slave to the worthless male urge to spill seed and then have post nut clarity

            i think if i didn't feel so shit touching my dick i would feel better about it. i obviously don't want to get an axe wound neovag but i don't think i can be happy with my dick unless my sexuality is different

          • 1 month ago

            Progesterone is your best bet in that case. I can pull it out, have some fun for a for a minute or two, not cum, put it away and still feel satisfied. No such thing as blue balls for me anymore. I cum if I want to, not because something in my biology makes me feel obligated to.

            Might not be the case for you, but it's not gonna ruin your shit if it doesn't work out.

      • 1 month ago

        might order some prog cream tonight lmao

        • 1 month ago

          keep in mind that everything typed by that guy has zero substantiation and could easily just be a jerkoff session written down
          even then some 165cm gynobeast is a frame only a narcissist could love
          not quite a pill pusher because of the self interested attitude and making it clear that it doesn't work unless you're obsessed, but pretty close

          • 1 month ago

            it could but it makes sense since prog is used for breast growth

            prog is a youth hormone, not a feminizing hormone

            think it's both since trannies use it

          • 1 month ago

            >zero substantiation and could easily just be a jerkoff session written down

            You're 100% correct. My program is something I made up for myself, tested, and enjoy. It's not science, the experiences of others might vary. That's why I emphasized in other posts that you should feel the hormones right away, and if you don't like it then quit. The pill pushers will tell you that it will pay off eventually and to just tough it out. That's what creates genderblob hons who lose their dick function without even growing breasts.

            >frame only a narcissist could love

            Also true. I do this shit because I love it and don't expect others to do the same. I consider it like body building; roided out puffy muscle bodies are for narcissists too. At my height and frame I feel it suits me better than being always pissed off Chihuahua on SARMs.

            prog is a youth hormone, not a feminizing hormone

            It's one piece of the puzzle. Softer skin, less body hair, thicker head hair, more sensitive to touch, gyno. I consider these things to be pretty feminine, but not completely so.

            I'm not a girl though. I don't grow my hair out, I don't wear makeup, I dress in men's clothes publicly. It fits my use case.

          • 1 month ago

            You know I used to be sad that I have a sub par wiener(5.6" x 4.3"), but now I am glad.

            Looking upon these greater men with the long thick wiener kills any desire I had left to frick anyone.

            It help be better accept that I am inherently sexually worthless to both men and women.

            It bittersweet really

          • 1 month ago

            I can relate in my own way. Nobody gets into body building if they love everything about their bodies as-is. I eventually reached the point where I decided that only person I need to impress is myself.

            I know that's cliche, but it improves my life in the same way. I'm not obligated to change for someone else, only myself. Work on and improve the things that can actually change, and be sure you're doing it for yourself.

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah I pretty much already there.

            Now a days I simply pick a state/goal I would like to be in (for example being physically fit enough to do a fun physical activity or make enough money to do cool things) improve enough to where I reach that goal and maintain it that level.

            Improoooooving(as in constantly improving for validation) for a society that doesn't give damn about me is dumb ass hell. If I do anything it gonna be for a personal gain

            I got one life to live and I am gonna live it

          • 1 month ago

            it's never not about personal gain, i think it's just shame or fear that stop people

          • 1 month ago

            >The pill pushers will tell you that it will pay off eventually and to just tough it out.
            the pill pushers also tell you to try to get your hormones levels tested if your current dosing feels bad. you say an 8 week cycle is enough, and troons usually test every 12 weeks

            i feel like we agree more than disagree on the basics, just not on what to do if the first stack you try fails

            >That's what creates genderblob hons who lose their dick function without even growing breasts.
            the loss of dick function is a desired result for a lot of them

            >Softer skin, less body hair, thicker head hair,
            are these really effects of topical progesterone alone? i still feel like something else is going on here

          • 1 month ago

            >hormones levels tested if your current dosing feels bad

            I believe that it's because they would much rather strong arm someone into transitioning than the person ever deciding that it wasn't for them. They never wonder if it's a good idea for the individual, they assume it's an absolute good and will weasel in whatever way to push transition.

            8 weeks was my benchmark because that's about the time frame where my erections would be weaker, or I would experience testicle pain. Also, 8 weeks is the cycle, on then off, on then off. It's how I made the progress I wanted without giving up what I already had. Cycles can be different for others. If it sucks don't do it, simple as.

            >the loss of dick function is a desired result for a lot of them

            Only if they get the promised perks. Most aren't getting orchiectomy. If you want it gone there's a quick and permanent solution for that. If you ask me, if you're not open to having your balls removed you don't actually want it gone, at best you're looking for a trade deal or to double dip. For some they get a raw deal, lose the dick function, don't get the breasts.

            >are these really effects of topical progesterone alone? i still feel like something else is going on here

            For me it was. Hormones do wild shit. It's why I say try shit, quit if it sucks.

          • 1 month ago

            >I believe that it's because they would much rather strong arm someone into transitioning than the person ever deciding that it wasn't for them.
            you got good results first try and never had to try anything else. it's just a bit contradictory to say "put in the work" and also "if the first thing you try isn't working, you're shit out of luck"

            >Only if they get the promised perks

            >For me it was. Hormones do wild shit.
            that's why i keep saying i'm interested in your levels

            >It's why I say try shit, quit if it sucks.
            yes but our definition of "quit" is different.

            it's like we both seem to agree "wait a few weeks, if not good try something else" and we're just disagreeing on that something else is.

          • 1 month ago

            > "if the first thing you try isn't working, you're shit out of luck

            On the contrary. I can't in all good conscience recommend things that I didn't personally have a good experience with. There's other options, I'm just not the one who is gonna push them. That would be immoral. You'll have to figure those out for yourself like I did with my program.

            It's a body building mindset. The best program is the one you develop yourself and is working for you. Take from other programs and find your path. It will take some experimentation to figure it out. My program wasn't the first thing I tried.

            I use a harsh word like "Quit" because fricking with your hormones is serious shit. Too many people keep going down a path because of promised results that aren't in the cards for them. I'd rather someone quit entirely than misinterpret "Try again" as "Keep doing the shit that makes you miserable".

            >disagreeing on that something else is.

            I don't think we disagree. I just don't know what that something else is. It's going to be personal. Some people have a really bad time with pharma grade stuff, and I'm not gonna push that. That's gotta come from you.

          • 1 month ago

            >My program wasn't the first thing I tried.
            what else did you try before settling on PM and prog cream?

            >Too many people keep going down a path because of promised results that aren't in the cards for them.
            that's just part of putting in the work. you can't say you've failed until you've run out of options

            i don't expect weight cycling and putting on some topical progesterone would get the results i want, but it's an easy starting point with what appears to be little risk, so it's still good to look into it for me

        • 1 month ago

          prog is a youth hormone, not a feminizing hormone

  12. 1 month ago

    No and kys

  13. 1 month ago

    cute boys with aggressively veiny wieners...

    • 1 month ago

      fat bulging veins

    • 1 month ago

      fat bulging veins

      Love me some nice veiny wiener

  14. 1 month ago

    What about BBL femboys?

  15. 1 month ago

    Fricking twig leg skeleton looking mfs with huge wieners, what is this bullshit

    • 1 month ago

      Lose a lot of weight and your dick will look massive anon, am average sized wiener on a twink is gonna look huge compared to an average wiener on a fat frick

  16. 1 month ago

    Why is all femboy content gay or solo (also gay)? I want to see women domming them or vice versa.

    • 1 month ago

      as most of them are gay

    • 1 month ago

      There's like one where the woman domms the femboy and that's it.
      I remember seeing something in ph a while back

  17. 1 month ago

    howcome god can give these dudes such huge wieners holy shit im envious

    • 1 month ago

      God is testing our patience
      Never forget that one of these pastry b***hes could literally seduce your own mother with his mighty giant wiener if he really wanted to

      • 1 month ago

        i know like wtf my dick is no even half of his what a fricking shit life

        • 1 month ago

          Yup, we're in the same boat

        • 1 month ago

          Yup, we're in the same boat

          DHT cream can help with this, assuming your issue is hormonal. It's what women use to grow their clits. Schedule III in the USA, and I've got no clue how you'd get a prescription for it.

      • 1 month ago

        howcome god can give these dudes such huge wieners holy shit im envious

        i know like wtf my dick is no even half of his what a fricking shit life

        Yup, we're in the same boat

        Samegay gooner

        That's not even true. You don't have to be a mass monster to push significant numbers. There's plenty of thin women who can bench 225, zero reason a male couldn't achieve the same thing.

        You can quite literally have it all if you have the right genetic rolls and optimize supplements/workouts. It's possible to be 5'6", hung, male muscle underneath a layer of female fat, and C cup breasts.

        The secret is progesterone cream applied to the areas you want to grow. You want to cycle it between the areas. I cycle hips, left breast, ass, right breast. If you don't have any fat to redistribute you can go a bulking cycle where you use low dose estrogen or Pueraria Mirifica cream (Ainterol is the brand I use) alongside a calorie surplus. This ensures that the fat you gain is distributed in a more feminine way. My cycles were 8 weeks, long enough to gain a solid 10-15 pounds without causing permanent damage to my sexual function.

        You can do some wild shit if you're min-maxing hormones. You don't have to be politically trans or change your identity. I just like having breasts, a dick, and heavy lifts.

        Futuristic hormonemaxxer

  18. 1 month ago

    imagine waving a hung fembois dick around in your hand. it would feel like waving a sword around. fugg

  19. 1 month ago

    PLEASE. Femboys, please. Please please please. DO NOT become genetic dead ends. THERE ARE women that want you. They want your kids, and they dont mind raising their kids with you as a mother. Please please please dont admit defeat to BBC, QOS, and BNWO porn. Please. You are so beautiful, so delicate, intriguing, and unique. YOU deserve to breed. You deserve to have a family. You deserved to speak. You deserve to live!

  20. 1 month ago

    >have a larger dick than most Chads but girls will likely never see it because they just assume I'm gay

  21. 1 month ago

    i want to be bred by a massively hung josou seme cuteboy
    t. hairy ugly bastard

  22. 1 month ago

    How hung should a femboy ideally be? I'd say between 10" and 12" and around beer can thick. With proportionate balls of course.

    • 1 month ago

      No one is that big and functional

      • 1 month ago

        OP's picture seems to be not far away from 10".

        • 1 month ago

          It's photoshopped.
          He's probably 6 inches or so.

          • 1 month ago

            Nah, it's probably closer to 7-8". The pic you posted is probably 6", since it's twice as long as his hand is wide, and most men's hands are about 3" wide.

          • 1 month ago

            He is not 8".

            This is him, he is about 6"

          • 1 month ago

            isn't ops pic nebula3?

          • 1 month ago

            think so
            just looked through her reddit and now my day is ruined

          • 1 month ago

            It's pretty crazy, I photoshopped my wiener next to it to compare since there's a ruler in the pic and even tho I'm not even small, the size difference is crazy.

          • 1 month ago

            reddit brains are weird, imagine being such a karma prostitute you post in femboy/crossdresser and transgender subs at the same time

          • 1 month ago

            think so
            just looked through her reddit and now my day is ruined

            op is starneko44

          • 1 month ago

            No it is not.
            They look totally different.
            t. The wiener expert.

    • 1 month ago

      No one is that big and functional

      OP's picture seems to be not far away from 10".

      I really wish there was actually one here itt so I could ask him about his day-to-day lives with such a giant wiener.

      • 1 month ago


        It's photoshopped.
        He's probably 6 inches or so.

        Still, nice.

        • 1 month ago

          I really wish there was actually one here itt so I could ask him about his day-to-day lives with such a giant wiener.

          I'll tell you life with 18cm is nothing special. You can be an incel just as easily

          • 1 month ago

            I don't mean his sex life, I mean his daily routine like getting up and dealing with the morning wood.

            I'd imagine there'd be lots of complaints about it getting in the way.

            I figured as much too.

          • 1 month ago

            Dude morning woods are nothing special lol, obviously tight pants or underwear can be a bit uncomfortable but that's the case for everyone.
            Had a few of the tighter pairs of underwear get a tear after a awhile but I really can't tell if it's because they're tight since it's not like I go hard and they split apart just that eventually it began slowly tearing

          • 1 month ago

            Again, it's not much the actual giant erection. It's more about what are the repercussions of it like you said, tearing your underwear apart: I can imagine it can be quite annoying especially if you still live with your mum.

          • 1 month ago

            Again, it's not much the actual giant erection. It's more about what are the repercussions of it like you said, tearing your underwear apart: I can imagine it can be quite annoying especially if you still live with your mum.

            Ok 19cm wiener haver here, and I hate to burst your bubble but it has never caused me any serious inconvenience except touching the toilet bowl, but other than that nothing. Maybe if I ever have sex it might cause more problems, but in day to day life it's hardly ever an issue.

          • 1 month ago

            >it has never caused me any serious inconvenience except touching the toilet bowl
            That's still nasty.

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah, but it's easily avoided unless you REALLY have to go.

          • 1 month ago

            Go peeing?

          • 1 month ago

            Depends, do you sit when you pee?

            I'm 23cm and that has never been an issue for me

            You're either lying or you've never tried to shit with a boner.

          • 1 month ago

            >Depends, do you sit when you pee?
            I mean when I was younger, I had to cum too

          • 1 month ago

            I think when I have a boner it's like sitting up, not down in the toilet

          • 1 month ago

            Sounds plausible. In that case I guess the inconvenience is that your dick is pointing out of the toilet.

          • 1 month ago

            Sounds plausible. In that case I guess the inconvenience is that your dick is pointing out of the toilet.

            It wouldn't be as great an inconvenience as it will be resting on the toilet or something.

            What I've seen is that the bigger the dick (moreso fat rather than just length) the more it tends to sag a bit I guess? And not just point straight up when sitting/standing.

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah my dick basically just grows and solidifies. It doesn't really point up or anything. I assume it's a result of how it usually sits in my pants just wearing out the ligaments over time.

          • 1 month ago

            I'm 23cm and that has never been an issue for me

          • 1 month ago

            Mind sharing? I'm really horny and want to edge to some dicks..

          • 1 month ago

            I genuinely don't understand how guy's dicks can touch the toilet bowl. Mine's ~6.5", and I'd have to have a 14" dick to actually have my dick touch the bowl.

          • 1 month ago

            Mine is 4.9" soft and it touches the bowl sometimes, some toilets are kinda short, it usually touches the side of the bowl tho not the bottom.

          • 1 month ago

            Two things:
            A. We're not necessarily talking about touching it straight down. Mine hits it at like a -30 degree angle.
            B. Maybe toilets were you live are just shaped weirdly.

      • 1 month ago

        I'd imagine there'd be lots of complaints about it getting in the way.

      • 1 month ago

        I used to know one
        Dick wasnt huge probably like 7.5 but he could cum gallons for an extended period of time
        He was actually e-famous a couple years ago
        Unfortunately he caved to hrt and lost his gifts completely

        • 1 month ago

          >Unfortunately he caved to hrt and lost his gifts completely
          unfortunately it's hard to keep those gifts as you get older

        • 1 month ago

          >Dick wasnt huge probably like 7.5 but he could cum gallons for an extended period of time
          This unironically is another point of discussion I would like to know more about like, how much do these feminine monsters cum thanks to their big wieners?

          • 1 month ago

            I cum more than most it seems but it's definitely not gallons, if anything the most noticeable thing is that it's super stinky.

          • 1 month ago

            The smell probably is related to your diet.

            This is your average femboy cumshot.

            Average seems too much, the bussy didn't probably cum for two weeks before that.

          • 1 month ago

            This is your average femboy cumshot.

          • 1 month ago

            fake cum
            I wish it was real

          • 1 month ago

            AI generated cumshot

      • 1 month ago

        Big balls is the bigger problem really. Big dick isn't much an issue if you have decent underwear/pants for it, since boners are only when it's a problem, but big nuts always hanging is always a problem, sitting or walking

        • 1 month ago

          Imagine taking a hung cutie with a thick 8-8.5 incher and tease his fat heavy balls until he leaks pre like q faucet, teasing and teasing until he can't take it anymore and face fricks you, his heavy balls swaying back and forth against your chin

        • 1 month ago

          I don't have a huge wiener but I can relate to sagging balls being a nuisance at times

          • 1 month ago

            I'm decently hung not monstrously but having twink body amplifies it. But my balls are significantly larger than average

            Imagine being a cute femboy with a massive wiener. I'm so jealous

            Grass is greener problem tbh

            Imagine taking a hung cutie with a thick 8-8.5 incher and tease his fat heavy balls until he leaks pre like q faucet, teasing and teasing until he can't take it anymore and face fricks you, his heavy balls swaying back and forth against your chin

            I mean the big problem is teasing not even required. I see something remotely sexual even completely unrelated, and I start leaking

          • 1 month ago

            >I see something remotely sexual even completely unrelated, and I start leaking
            Any recent examples?

          • 1 month ago

            >Grass is greener problem tbh
            Sometimes it's true. Not everyone has a good life

          • 1 month ago

            One way of life being harder though, is being a guy but not even nearly masculine

            >I see something remotely sexual even completely unrelated, and I start leaking
            Any recent examples?

            Even just this thread reading through it

          • 1 month ago

            >Even just this thread reading through it
            And how you do deal with it?

          • 1 month ago

            If not able or wanting to jerk it, then having a roll of toilet paper handy. Out in public is the real nuisance, and having to go to the bathroom for it often enough.

          • 1 month ago

            How often if I may ask? Like how many times per day?

          • 1 month ago

            Which part? If you're talking about just leaking from seeing or hearing something stimulating, then it depends I could go the whole day without experiencing it, or I could browse and with enough thread perversions have it happen constantly.

            I do avoid porn pretty much entirely because of it.

          • 1 month ago

            I meant it happening in public when you're not actively browsing simulating stuff

          • 1 month ago

            Well obviously there's the risk of stuff out in public that is sexually inclined like even advertising. But seeing appealing women around can often be enough. Even if I personally don't have any interest the instinct to breed gets going.

          • 1 month ago

            I feel you.
            When I was a lot younger, I lost quite a few of swimsuits at the beach simply because the women there were too much for me to handle at the time and I didn't even know how to control my impulses

          • 1 month ago

            >One way of life being harder though, is being a guy but not even nearly masculine
            Being masculine doesn't matter in a developed country

          • 1 month ago

            Big balls is the bigger problem really. Big dick isn't much an issue if you have decent underwear/pants for it, since boners are only when it's a problem, but big nuts always hanging is always a problem, sitting or walking

            One way of life being harder though, is being a guy but not even nearly masculine

            Even just this thread reading through it

            How big are your dick and balls

          • 1 month ago

            that's one cute snuggly looking wiener

          • 1 month ago

            OK how big is "big" when it comes to balls? Mine are like ~6cm long (2.4" for burgers) and I swear half the guys in porn look like they don't even have balls.

          • 1 month ago

            Not super large dick but my balls are much larger than average, though I unironically have medically diagnosed hyperspermia is why.

  23. 1 month ago

    >IWN be a hung femboy
    life isn't fair

  24. 1 month ago

    Imagine being a cute femboy with a massive wiener. I'm so jealous

  25. 1 month ago

    Post more femboy monster wieners.

    • 1 month ago

      I'll post some more but how about you contribute too? Much of the pics in this thread after OP I posted now or recently

      • 1 month ago

        I wish I fit that stereotype.
        That's all I want.
        I'm so depressed.

    • 1 month ago

      this one is jayrr721, same person as

      How big are your dick and balls

      they're about 22cm

  26. 1 month ago

    Hung boys yay

    • 1 month ago

      >this qualifies as hung

      • 1 month ago

        Probably? It's not even fully hard

        • 1 month ago

          Bumping my post

          OK how big is "big" when it comes to balls? Mine are like ~6cm long (2.4" for burgers) and I swear half the guys in porn look like they don't even have balls.

          . Seriously wtf, where are his balls?

          • 1 month ago

            If a guy's a grower, so he has a small flaccid length but big erect length, his balls are going to be small and not saggy when he's fully erect because all that excess ball skin needs to be used to fit his erect penis. It's a lot more noticeable when the man doesn't shave his pubic hair.
            >t. grower (2.5" flaccid, just under 7" erect)

  27. 1 month ago

    Any hung femboy dommes that are willing to be paid per cm that they're bigger than me (13cm)?

    • 1 month ago

      What does that even mean?? Not putting any effort here are we

      • 1 month ago

        Should I have written an essay about how I want to be findommed by a femboy with a bigger dick than me despite being straight? I can put in effort, but why would I before anyone gives a frick?

  28. 1 month ago

    I'm 21x15 on a good day and I like knowing that there are cute dudes with bigger, floppier tools out there
    It's probably similar to a tall person liking people taller than him, even if it's not a big deal to me either way

    • 1 month ago

      Everyone here keeps talking of their huge dicks but no one posts any huge dicks.

      • 1 month ago

        Well the thread is about shaven (or whatever) overall effeminate men so I'm not going to bust in with what I've got going on because it isn't that
        I too expected more images on the way in

      • 1 month ago

        Thst and board rule is no self-pics

      • 1 month ago

        I guarantee almost all of the guys in this thread saying "i have a 20+cm dick" are lying - 20cm is just under 8 inches, and less than 1% of men have a dick that big. At best they're probably 6 or 7 inches.

  29. 1 month ago

    I want a bf with a massive wiener who only bottoms

  30. 1 month ago

    luv me some cute big pps

    • 1 month ago

      Big cute guys with pp ?

    • 1 month ago

      Linux user

  31. 1 month ago

    Just spent 5 minutes looking at femboy wieners

    • 1 month ago

      >clicks on the femboy wiener thread
      >sees femboy wiener
      day ruined tbqfh

  32. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      Some people have all the luck and high rolled on genetics.

  33. 1 month ago

    >femboys have big wieners
    >twinks have small wieners

    • 1 month ago

      not really
      androgynous men in general often have larger genitalia, so both can apply
      a femboy is just a twink with a complex
      I don't think it's confirmation bias either, even muscle gays and stuff will readily admit to this humorously or otherwise

      • 1 month ago

        Catboy poster, is that you?

        • 1 month ago

          Not as far as I know, I don't even like cats

    • 1 month ago

      Do they? Doesn't seem so

  34. 1 month ago

    posting some old gold

  35. 1 month ago

    I have like a dozen more at least, anyone interested?

    • 1 month ago

      yes post away sir

      • 1 month ago

        I'll post some butty since it's kinda old by this point... been a good few years..

  36. 1 month ago

    big dick femboys are reddit

    • 1 month ago

      reddit this reddit that, dont you get tired of that? who the frick uses reddit nowadays anyways.

    • 1 month ago

      Reddit is kino now?

      I'll post some butty since it's kinda old by this point... been a good few years..

      They look beautiful

  37. 1 month ago

    eh i'll post like one more after it.
    it's late.

    • 1 month ago

      their stuff is so hard to find

  38. 1 month ago

    eh good enough for the final one this one i think said he's like... 19 or 20cm

    • 1 month ago

      that is NOT 20cm
      that's 16cm MAXIMUM

  39. 1 month ago

    >who even uses reddit nowadays
    all of the bottom gays that like big dick femboys

    • 1 month ago

      You mostly sound bitter and/or jealous

      • 1 month ago

        nah im just annoyed because the thread is still up

  40. 1 month ago

    I think small dick femboys are better because a smaller dick is cuter, more feminine, and more practical. Maybe the ideal male would be a compromise: a femboy with a small and feminine dick when flaccid and a huge monster wiener when erect.

  41. 1 month ago

    Ok so when i post a femboy picture i get banned but when the others do it it's suddenly fine

    Y'all are just jealous

  42. 1 month ago

    femgooner here, have a couple hung 'femboys' on booty call
    it seems like half of self-labelled femboys are gay, the other half are into girls/bi, but it also seems like all of them are into other femboys
    but yeah, mostly do anal with them because they'll hurt my guts otherwise

    • 1 month ago

      I am jealous of everyone in this post and I don't know who I want to be

    • 1 month ago

      >but it also seems like all of them are into other femboys

      • 1 month ago

        femgooner here, have a couple hung 'femboys' on booty call
        it seems like half of self-labelled femboys are gay, the other half are into girls/bi, but it also seems like all of them are into other femboys
        but yeah, mostly do anal with them because they'll hurt my guts otherwise

        That's not entirely true most of them would bang a girl especially if she was a mommy kind of girl

    • 1 month ago

      god, who sais bootycall anymore? you must be over 30.

      • 1 month ago

        I do and I'm not that old but old enough for you to call me mommy

      • 1 month ago

        i'll be 31 in a couple months actually

  43. 1 month ago

    most obvious photoshop you dick-obsessed homosexual bait gays have ever posted.

  44. 1 month ago

    small penis bear (me) + hung femboy is perfection
    im straight btw

  45. 1 month ago

    >Are big dick femboys the ideal males?

  46. 1 month ago

    I hate that I can't find porn about the femboy FRICKING the woman, could be a milf or a muscular one
    It's always gay porn or shit like website searching for trans instead of femboy

    • 1 month ago

      do you self insert as the femboy like i do?

    • 1 month ago

      are you talking about just 3d?

  47. 1 month ago

    Femboys should be locked up and never allowed to breed!

    • 1 month ago

      shut up b***h, I'm gonna breed your butt.

  48. 1 month ago

    you know what's funny, i feel like us white femboys have a bigger average penis than the average fake masculine white moids
    thats why they are so homophobic and racist. its a cope.
    pic related

    • 1 month ago

      You have no picture attached

      • 1 month ago

        bro that's tiny I can barely even see it lmao

        good pic anon

        sorry i am high as a kite

        • 1 month ago

          you know what's funny, i feel like us white femboys have a bigger average penis than the average fake masculine white moids
          thats why they are so homophobic and racist. its a cope.
          pic related

          shut the frick up homosexual and put your dick in my mouth

          • 1 month ago

            im not gay i am actually 100% straight lol i just happen to be very feminine. that means youre the gay beta here LOL

    • 1 month ago

      bro that's tiny I can barely even see it lmao

    • 1 month ago

      good pic anon

  49. 1 month ago

    manly twinks >>>>> femboys

  50. 1 month ago

    dumb donkey dicks ( >_< )

  51. 1 month ago

    Femboys are only appealing because women have gotten so goddamn fat that they no longer look like women.

  52. 1 month ago

    the great debate
    massive donkey femwiener
    cute feminine penis

    • 1 month ago

      Massive donkey femwiener always, but only on shy, demure and submissive femboys.

  53. 1 month ago

    considering getting built soon considering I'm not far away from it

    • 1 month ago

      Most rancid looking wiener ive seen in a while

    • 1 month ago

      Is your sack made of chicken skin???

  54. 1 month ago

    >tfw only fictional hyper wiener femboys can get your wiener hard these days
    the brain rot is real

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