are really indian girls or black girls smell bad?

are really indian girls or black girls smell bad?

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  1. 1 month ago

    >kya sach mein bhaarateey ladakiyon ya kaalee ladakiyon se badaboo aatee hai?

    • 1 month ago

      you motherfrickers are embarassing.
      literally have some shame and self segregate if you can't speak English. do you see Asians jabbering in other languages here? Arabs? no?
      people view us as bad because of morons like you. if you can't speak English fluently, don't resort to this nonsense.

      yes. sadly, theres a lot in my country and I live in Europe. I walk past some shitskins and Black folk and they all smell bad. Funnily enough, I actually do find most of them around the KFC in the mall! LOL!

      yeah because they're poor, have no concept of smelling good and probably think that deodorant gives you cancer.
      the poor part explains the KFC too.

      • 1 month ago

        >you motherfrickers are embarassing.
        >literally have some shame and self segregate if you can't speak English. do you see Asians jabbering in other languages here? Arabs? no?
        >people view us as bad because of morons like you. if you can't speak English fluently, don't resort to this nonsense.

        • 1 month ago

          go frick yourself.
          then again if you resort to this you're probably already the type to shove a pen up your ass for the pleasure

          • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        >do you see Asians jabbering in other languages here?
        Do you have any idea how much shittalking Asian women do in their native languages? If you have even a passing understanding of Mandarin, Vietnamese, Thai, etc, you can pick up a LOT of gossip in Asian-owned business.

  2. 1 month ago

    yes. sadly, theres a lot in my country and I live in Europe. I walk past some shitskins and Black folk and they all smell bad. Funnily enough, I actually do find most of them around the KFC in the mall! LOL!

    • 1 month ago

      do not they enjoy kool aid and watermelon?

      • 1 month ago

        i feel like not every black person likes watermelon and cool aid but almost all indians eat curry on a daily basis.

  3. 1 month ago

    NO indian women always smell really good, unironically every every indian woman smells like curry. I love curry.

    • 1 month ago

      yeah I kind of feel like my sweat smells like curry. interesting to hear of other cases like this.
      (I dont fricking stink btw)

      • 1 month ago

        theres a difference between stinking and smelling like curry. do you wash yourself with soap or just water that will proably make a change

        • 1 month ago

          I dont stink. I said my sweat smells like curry. I dont smell like curry all the time because im not sweaty all the time. I smell like perfume and soap moron

          • 1 month ago

            nta but maybe stop eating so much curry?
            some curries are nice but Indian curries are kinda shit usually. there's too much bullshit added that you might like due to exposure, but just ends up making it taste overwhelming and off-putting. it's the same shit for pakoras. you can make a good crispy pakora that's similar to an onion ring with some herbs, or you can shove it full of extra garbage that makes it taste like a doughy spiced potato ball.

            >do you see Asians jabbering in other languages here?
            Do you have any idea how much shittalking Asian women do in their native languages? If you have even a passing understanding of Mandarin, Vietnamese, Thai, etc, you can pick up a LOT of gossip in Asian-owned business.

            I'm talking about NSFFW and public forums. do you see anyone here doing that shit at all?

          • 1 month ago

            >internet forums
            >no relation to Asian languages
            Summer came early

          • 1 month ago

            have you been following the conversation? I was replying to a guy posting on an internet forum.
            I'm not talking about irl, people can speak their own languages among each other, it's only an issue when it becomes rude to those around.

            >there's too much bullshit added that you might like due to exposure
            what about mexicans they usually dont stink as much as indians f4rom what ive noticed. they eat pretty spicey things too

            yeah mexican food is spicy because of capsaicin (the stuff in peppers). they don't add a million other spices, maybe a couple more? but nowhere near what a lot of Indian cuisine uses. its not about the heat level, it's about the taste and other compounds in your food.

            >maybe stop eating so much curry?
            I dont have a problem with it. i'll eat curry everyday if I want

            that's great, enjoy stinking when you swear or do anything that requires some exertion.
            when you realize it's not working out you'll say "this isn't for us" and slowly transition into being the kind of ugly lardass most Indian boomers are.

          • 1 month ago

            >enjoy stinking when you swear or do anything that requires some exertion
            I dont know wtf you're even talking about you schizoid. I smell GOOD AS FRICK and you'd be lucky to get a whiff of me passing you by after I've rotted in bed for three days and ran a marathon. Ok yeah, most Indians get fat but im gonna be on ozempic and be skinny forever. the future is coming and you will be left behind ., dont let my stench hit you on the way out homosexual

          • 1 month ago

            waah schizoid waaah
            you just said your sweat smells like curry. literally just said that.

          • 1 month ago

            So you smell like your sweat 24/7? good to know

          • 1 month ago

            yeah you're definitely Indian. the amount of "no u" that you have to hear back for a simple point is absolutely ridiculous. then again you only do this shit to other Indians.
            enjoy eating your slop and spamming your own language ya weird ass gujrati or whatever the frick you are.

          • 1 month ago

            you literally started it by being rude. Extremely cruel and antisocial behavior. I hope you find peace

          • 1 month ago

            >don't say anything that might seem off even if it's right
            go back you homosexual. people like you and the other jibber jabberer give us all a bad name.

          • 1 month ago

            If you're truly too dumb to connect the dots on why b***hing about foreign languages on a Taiwanese underwater weaving imageboard, that was made as the counterpart to a Japanese coin flipping imageboard, is dumb... then that's on you anon.
            Also Mexicans use a frick ton of seasonings beyond capsaicin, which itself comes in a wide range of heats thanks to the diverse peppers avaialble in their grow zone. Mexican cuisine is closer to Indian cuisine than it is to Texan cooking just by sheer variety and complexity.

          • 1 month ago

            that's cool but their food still doesn't smell like half the shit I've had. some curries are nice but most are way too fricking much.
            I'm Indian fyi. just fix this shit and tone down the stink a tad.

          • 1 month ago

            >there's too much bullshit added that you might like due to exposure
            what about mexicans they usually dont stink as much as indians f4rom what ive noticed. they eat pretty spicey things too

          • 1 month ago

            >maybe stop eating so much curry?
            I dont have a problem with it. i'll eat curry everyday if I want

          • 1 month ago

            stop eating curry if you dont want to smell like curry

    • 1 month ago

      not everyone likes the smell of curry muhammed. to make it simple they smell pretty strong like curry or spice, but not in a nice way. showering hygenic person would be better any day of the week.

      • 1 month ago

        Its hapa im not a Mohamed

  4. 1 month ago

    >Indian girls
    Yes, generally. Its like some strange BO mixed with whatever those people consume on a regular basis. I have to interact with Indian customers frequently at my job.
    >black girls
    It's a toss up. Some do smell and its generally a really strong perfume or lotion smell, something like that but I don't know what specifically. Its usually the ones that act more ghetto. Black girls that act like normal people usually don't smell.

  5. 1 month ago

    you can tell by looking at a lot of indians they have some of the same indo european admixture as northern europeans despite the much darker skin i presume comes from dravidian line or w/e

  6. 1 month ago

    Rajesh, maybe try retyping your poo words into google translate again, it didnt come out very clearly

  7. 1 month ago

    op here
    there is no indian immigrants in my country
    but i actually met an indian girl (exchange student) at uni
    and i was shocked
    because her skin color was as dark as tires and i have fair skin

  8. 1 month ago

    no they don't smell bad, at least not the ones I've met here in the states. but you don't ever want to date an indian girl. they're all materialistic prostitutes who are obsessed with status. indian people in general have huge egos which is kind of ironic considering their religion is all about humility and shit

    • 1 month ago

      they talk about humility because that's all it is, talk. it's a very shallow idea of humility.

    • 1 month ago

      >which is kind of ironic considering their religion is all about humility and shit
      nah that's christianity, or buddhism, but definitely not hinduism.

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