boyfriend has money issues

my boyfriend has money issues that affect our quality of life and i'm doubting if i can live a married life with him.
he makes more than me (six figures in tech), but he has more debt than me (student loans and he came from a poor family) and i have a higher net worth. my parents sent me to state school and i'm set up to inherit the house and have a trust.

my bf always stresses about not wanting to pay a lot of rent to live in the city so he can buy a house and i've never had to stress about that because i always knew i'd buy a house when i was ready. I've legit never had to worry about that and when i told him that he was dumbfounded and said that i'm literally better off than 99% of americans which i think was him just exaggerrating and being dramatic.

he's down to vacation maybe once a year but that's too infrequent for me. it's boring to just sit, work, watch tv, and die like a boomer. i've asked him if he'd consider taking a loan from my family to pay off his debts when we get married so i don't have to worry about this bullshit but he said he i was insulting him and that he didn't want handouts or to owe me anything.

what should I do?

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  1. 3 weeks ago
  2. 3 weeks ago

    >he's down to vacation maybe once a year but that's too infrequent for me. it's boring to just sit, work, watch tv, and die like a boomer
    and your expensive vacation is fricking boring to him, stop being such a b***h to him

  3. 3 weeks ago

    Maybe you should help him you ungrateful c**t

  4. 3 weeks ago

    So you’re butthurt he’s financially responsible? wtf are you even b***hing about. Your bored? Stop watching television and get a hobby

  5. 3 weeks ago

    >what should I do?
    You should delete this thread and go talk to someone who is wise, married and is invested in your life. That's the problem nowadays. We'll go talk to complete internet strangers for direction in our lives instead of people we know who got it right. It seems like your family comes from money and that's obviously important to you so maybe you have a grandmother or aunt you can talk to about this or maybe even your mom or dad. Idk.

  6. 3 weeks ago

    Ballpark of how much you inherit?

  7. 3 weeks ago

    >my parents sent me to state school and i'm set up to inherit the house and have a trust
    you are better off than most americans. is this bait?

  8. 3 weeks ago

    How about you keep your fricking mouth shut and let him handle his finances and stop bothering him. Holy frick. If women could just learn how/when to shut the frick up, Divorce rates would plummet to 10%
    The only "issue" here is that you're an ungrateful prostitute that cant handle the fact that your boyfriend is financially responsible. Your boredom is YOUR PROBLEM.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Well said anon. Women who usually say they're bored all the time are very boring people themselves. "I'm bored so it's your fault". They don't even have accountability for this.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Its these same women who go off with gigachad who squanders all of his money and runs off after she's pregnant. Then they cry "ALL MEN ARE BAD!!!!" Because of their own piss poor decisions.

  9. 3 weeks ago

    > i've asked him if he'd consider taking a loan from my family to pay off his debts when we get married so i don't have to worry about this bullshit but he said he i was insulting him and that he didn't want handouts or to owe me anything.

    You’d call him a bum or you’d use that “family loan” (sketchy as frick are you in the mob or something?) as leverage over him. Or maybe not *you*, but someone in your family will. Family money is fricked like that.

    Either slow down and maybe meet him in the middle where you can cover a vacation or something if you really really want to fricking go, or date someone else who is also rich and has family money. They’re all over the place.

    That being said why wouldn’t you want to buy a house? If anything else it’s just another way to invest and grow your money if you buy right. If you’re not LARPing and your family comes from money the first thing they should’ve taught you is how to hold on to / grow that money when your parents die. Renting and traveling for the rest of your life ain’t it.

  10. 3 weeks ago

    So you don't have money issues then, he has debts that he's paying off and you take issue that he's not spending more than he can afford comfortably just to keep you happy...
    Maybe you aren't going to be good for him in the long run.
    Find someone who was born rich like you.

  11. 3 weeks ago

    >earns six figures
    >lives low-rent and frugal lifestyle
    >still "stuck" with student debt
    I don't understand. Why hasn't he already paid off the debt?

    • 3 weeks ago

      1) OP is a man
      2) OP has never touched a woman
      3) OP is shitposting
      4) OP isn't smart enough to understand the implication on his shitposting

  12. 3 weeks ago

    >Responsible woman posts thread in /adv/
    >Thread gets filled with tards who blame women for everything wrong with themselves.
    Frick this place.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Responsible woman posts thread in /adv/


  13. 3 weeks ago

    privileged c**t

  14. 3 weeks ago

    Can we please get a LARP and Fiction board for these posts?

  15. 3 weeks ago

    Ah sweet, another demoralisation thread

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