Do girls go for tall guys because they expect everything downstairs to be in proportion?

Do girls go for tall guys because they expect everything downstairs to be in proportion?

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  1. 1 month ago

    they go for tall guys because evolutionary bigger men=higher chance of survival, it's just their human biology

    • 1 month ago

      A more precise explanation from the evolutionary-psychology perspective is that a bigger man would have a greater ability to acquire resources for a woman and her children. Comes back to the same thing you said, but what I laid out is a general framework that predicts what women tend to find attractive regardless of their cultural background.

      • 1 month ago

        yeah im not a huge biology nerd, but for most living things they prefer bigger just because they tend to have higher success rates and their kids will also have higher success rates than smaller kids

    • 1 month ago

      this is bullshit because women prefer skinny effeminate tall guys that would get buttfricked by any short ugly gymcel

      • 1 month ago

        that doesnt dismiss what I said, naturally woman prefer stronger men, but in recent times that preference has changed due to beauty standards (specifically the feminine standard for men from the east), also you said women which implies the 4 billion women on earth, not every woman wants a twink anon

        • 1 month ago

          im a foid and i love twinks :3333

          • 1 month ago

            I said not every, I didnt say ALL woman dont like twinks

          • 1 month ago

            >im a foid and i love twinks :3333
            should'a given me a call 15 years ago

            every single girl ive spoken to, both irl and discord, tend to want a guy whos more fem

            idk why, the only ones who want big burley men are the foids with daddy issues or were raped.

          • 1 month ago

            lol im not saying most woman want big burly men, but most dont want twinky kpop singers either, they want a mix of the two

          • 1 month ago

            >im a foid and i love twinks :3333
            should'a given me a call 15 years ago

          • 1 month ago

            Are you on birth control? Oreganoli

      • 1 month ago

        Not always true. I have a gymcel manlet co-worker who I always beat at armwrestling. He seems to have double my arm muscles but he has these short arms and tiny hands, so he can't put the power down. His wrists are shit as well.

        He also can't reach stuff on top shelves, which is utterly pathetic. No amount of muscles can make up for the fact that he is a grown-ass man with the same height as me when I was 12.

        • 1 month ago

          Gym bros don't train the subscapularis, the deep muscle needed for shoulder rotation. Arm wrestling is a pretty shit test of strength

      • 1 month ago

        This is total bullshit though, they only like feminine guys in photos. Put Sum Yung asiatic, 5'5", in front of his most rabid 13-year-old fan and she'll catch the ick so fast it'll open a portal through time.

        • 1 month ago

          >Put Sum Yung asiatic, 5'5", in front of his most rabid 13-year-old fan and she'll catch the ick so fast it'll open a portal through time.

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      Untrue.Taller men are a bigger target for the rocks throw at you by hostile enemy tribes.

      • 1 month ago

        okay but who would win in a fist fight, the smaller guy or the bigger guy? who would drown first? the short guy whose legs cant touch the floor or the tall guy who can walk across the sea, who would be better riding into combat? a short guy who can barely get on a horse or a tall guy? who would you want protecting you? a short guy or a big guy?

        • 1 month ago

          You know what, that's a good point. Assuming they are of similar builds, 9/10 people would pick the big guy simply because he is big and therefore more intimidating. It doesn't matter if the smaller guy is actually a better fighter or whatever, the big guy will be picked for his size alone.

          • 1 month ago

            yeah, it's a shame for my short brothers out there but that's just how evolution is sadly

    • 1 month ago

      So women are stone-age creatures who can't comprehend nuance? Got it. I'll remember that next time I go to vote.

      • 1 month ago

        i never said that, its just an inherit trait in their dna that makes them go awooga, guys go awooga for girls too it goes for both sides

      • 1 month ago

        men are similarly primitive, we just reserve it for times of sever desperation
        women are manic by default in our society
        men only resort to primitive mania when their vices begin to fail them

        • 1 month ago

          and where did you get this from?

          • 1 month ago

            i am unironically a pseudo chad who has many healthy relationships with women but still shitposts in the trenches of the internet for fun in my free time
            the behavior i have seen in men during times of extreme duress is identical to how women operate naturally
            the only thing that changes this primitive psychopathic nature of the sober female mind is to have a child that you must care for and protect
            women have no purpose without motherhood, and due to sheer boredom, embrace the default biological operational mindset, psychopathy

          • 1 month ago

            so you're saying woman are naturally default to psychopaths? you sure you're not from /misc/?

  2. 1 month ago


  3. 1 month ago

    this image doesn't even make sense

    • 1 month ago

      >this image doesn't even make sense
      doesn't it?

      • 1 month ago

        >Do girls go for tall guys because they expect everything downstairs to be in proportion?
        Partially, yeah.
        Shit, they think that of height, feet size, hand size, etc.
        Meanwhile manlets with decently sized dicks (i.e >7") keep just being laughed at for being manlets.

        t. me, 7"x5.4", 5'8".

        Only problem in that webm is that you can clearly notice that the silicone is really soft and easily compressed, hence why it's thick as shit when she's bottoming out but gets thinner as she goes up.
        Still hot.

      • 1 month ago

        Frick you anon you made me have a boner while i am trying to nofap

  4. 1 month ago

    no. what women are attracted to is vril or life force. it doesn't necessarily have to mean physical strength but could be mental or spiritual strength.
    modern society, however, has lead all of us towards a more materialist perspective. so, women are tricked.
    they think that physical features equate to vril. so, a tall guy? he has more body so he must have more life force.
    fat guys, on the other hand, do have more body but they are not attractive. why? because lack of self control is the first thing one thinks when they see a fatty, meaning a weak vril.

    thats why fappers and gooners have such a hard time. they could be chad in the looks department, but his vril is weak and girls can sense that. so any relationship for this chad gooner won't last, much like his erections caused by ED.

    anyway, another factor is the short-term gains that we all love. who cares about sustainability with anything? they want it and they want it now.
    that is why, so many girls are also attracted to the "bad boy" archetype. he MUST have strong vril if he goes against society!!
    wrong. the bad boy archetype has less life force and are just as womanly as fappers and gooners.

    • 1 month ago

      >vril or life force
      New age pagan homosexualry detected and disregarded, KYS.

      • 1 month ago

        Suck my Bergsonian balls you gay

      • 1 month ago

        ok, the Christos or Christic energy. happy?
        >inb4 Christcuck
        Yehosha knew all about Vril because he was at Shaolin Temples during his lost years. Even "Turn the other cheek" is a teaching by Shaolin monks.

        • 1 month ago

          Don't make me reach through the screen and slap you for falling for that nonsense.

  5. 1 month ago

    i like tall guys because they make me feel safe, meaning i can be "silly" or "dumb" around them

    • 1 month ago

      Only reason women feel "unsafe" by default is because feminism for the past 150 years has shoveled fear porn down your throats your whole lives. Almost all men are not monsters, and most the time the ones who are are after hotter pieces of ass than you, get over yourselves.

      • 1 month ago

        Even better. The majority of men who are monsters are removed from society after committing a crime. So the average guy you meet irl has already been effectively selected against being a monster.

      • 1 month ago

        well im pretty ok looking so im date the same, you guys want big ass and breasts well we want tall and big down there

        >i like tall guys because they make me feel safe, meaning i can be "silly" or "dumb" around them
        So you just want Daddy to take you to the amusement park again like when you were young

        i want a man who is able to handle things i dont want to and yes a masculine man is better than your regular joe who cries because he is at least asked to pay for a meal

        • 1 month ago

          >i want a man who is able to handle things i dont want to and yes a masculine man is better than your regular joe who cries because he is at least asked to pay for a meal
          but feminism reversed most of the that, double the effective workforce and you dive wages down, so the men don't have the income to pay for everything.

          Of course there are other factors, but feminism was one of the first methods the elites used.

          • 1 month ago

            >feminism was one of the first methods the elites used
            Correct. As I've said elsewhere, feminism is always the foot in the door to marxist takeover of a civilization. Happened to Rome, and now it's happening to every White country simultaneously, and by the exact same people behind marxism.

          • 1 month ago

            i agree with that, feminism is used as an excuse by my gender to get away with being a prostitute and still get their cake, we all know, is dumb to yell about it tho, still there are a few cool dudes ive dated and very masculine and nice, i dont aim for a lobster dinner like date, i want a hotdog and a beer at that, still i talked with most of the "chad, woken, sigma robots" and all they talk about is breasts and they're broke so.. nope

          • 1 month ago

            >still i talked with most of the "chad, woken, sigma robots" and all they talk about is breasts and they're broke so.. nope

            be nice of there wasn't the doubletalk though. Watching the Chinese dating show was refreshing

          • 1 month ago

            >be nice of there wasn't the doubletalk though. Watching the Chinese dating show was refreshing

            those girls were great

        • 1 month ago

          >you guys want big ass and breasts well we want tall and big down there
          i've never witnessed a guy reject a girl because her breasts or ass were too small. I've seen the opposite plenty of times though

          • 1 month ago

            because youve never met a real chad before, not the ones you guys love to romantize here, a real well built chad gentlemen, those dudes do reject plenty of 8's and 9's girls ive been rejected by said dudes, you guys claim to know all about women but you only know plenty about prostitutes lol

          • 1 month ago

            exceptions don't disprove the rule. You're excusing a bad behaviour by claiming that men do it too, even though men do it way less than women (and when they do, it's also bad btw)

          • 1 month ago

            of course men do it way less than women, we just need to be born with good genes but,

            do you workout anon?
            do you have savings?
            do you wash your hair at the very least?
            do your breath smells?

            i mean girls we have carved onto our skulls about hygiene and looks but why do you think most men dont attract 9's and 10's?

          • 1 month ago

            >do you workout anon?
            >do you have savings?
            either one of these things is 10x harder than all the shit women do to "improve" (hide) their looks combined, with 1/10th of the reward. That's why most men don't attract 9s and 10s. Women get way more for way less, and think they deserve an exceptional man despite being unexceptional themselves

          • 1 month ago

            >Women get way more for way less,
            sure, we get more for way less, you still get the upper hand on all the humanity achievements, all of it made by man, almost 0 to none collaboration from women, still you need to work hard if you want "prime pussy" boy, you want me to be caring and loving, to carry your babies, to be smart and funny around you and our peers, then you better look like a greek god and frick like a bull, if not then i would choose the biggest dick to satisfy my desire then

          • 1 month ago

            >if not then i would choose the biggest dick to satisfy my desire then
            uh oh

          • 1 month ago

            Why did this make me horny and motivate me

          • 1 month ago

            good, thats how its supposed to be, you should be motivated to fight a fricking bear to protect your wife and kids

            >you want me to be caring and loving, to carry your babies, to be smart and funny around you and our peers, then you better look like a greek god and frick like a bull
            why not a guy who's caring, loving, smart and funny? Stop asking for more than what you offer

            i do look good anon so i only ask the same, i want a strong man, not a "loving, caring, sensitive" excuse of a man, i want to be manhandled, i want to be driven by desire to serve my man, i want to be comforted by him not patting his back every 2 days because he has "anxiety"

          • 1 month ago

            IOW you are a shit-tier human with zero empathy for men. Men exist as a walking, talking ATM and personal bodyguard to you, not as a living, breathing human being to love.

          • 1 month ago

            >IOW you are a shit-tier human with zero empathy for men. Men exist as a walking, talking ATM and personal bodyguard to you, not as a living, breathing human being to love.

            Once you figure out how Women operate you're free

          • 1 month ago

            >Men exist as a walking, talking ATM and personal bodyguard to you
            of course, would you date a girl who doesnt want to frick, doesnt want to have babies, who doesnt want to cook or clean for you or to care for you when you get from work tired?, reread what you posted and there is the answer why you're not chad

            I think a good relationship is a mix, you both should be putting in the work, sometimes your man could use a bit of pampering.

            yes, both should offer and give never said the contrary, pampering its different from being a crying baby and wanting to be comforted every 2 days

          • 1 month ago

            I think a good relationship is a mix, you both should be putting in the work, sometimes your man could use a bit of pampering.

          • 1 month ago

            >you want me to be caring and loving, to carry your babies, to be smart and funny around you and our peers, then you better look like a greek god and frick like a bull
            why not a guy who's caring, loving, smart and funny? Stop asking for more than what you offer

          • 1 month ago

            >do you workout anon?
            >do you have savings?
            Yes, actually.
            >do you wash your hair at the very least?
            >do your breath smells?
            No, except my brother's actually does and he's actually been in relationships, so no excuses.

          • 1 month ago

            why are you dunking on your brother for no reason besides to bring yourself up

          • 1 month ago

            That's not dunking if it hasn't impacted him whatsoever.

        • 1 month ago

          >you guys want big ass and breasts well we want tall and big down there
          I think there's more variance in male preferences. You can easily find guys who prefer smaller breasts and asses, you'll be hard-pressed to find a woman who prefers guys who are short or who have small dicks.

          • 1 month ago

            >you guys want big ass and breasts well we want tall and big down there
            i've never witnessed a guy reject a girl because her breasts or ass were too small. I've seen the opposite plenty of times though

            I honestly should just be gay at this point why play this rigged fricking game with women

          • 1 month ago

            Dying alone and unloved while being straight is still better than being a degenerate poop sexer.

        • 1 month ago

          >i want a man who is able to handle things i dont want to and yes a masculine man is better than your regular joe who cries because he is at least asked to pay for a meal
          it's crazy how, if a guy asked for the same thing, he'd (rightfully) get called a pathetic loser, but when a woman does it's considered neutral or good

    • 1 month ago

      >i like tall guys because they make me feel safe, meaning i can be "silly" or "dumb" around them
      So you just want Daddy to take you to the amusement park again like when you were young

  6. 1 month ago

    Nah it's cause it looks nicer more proportional limbs

  7. 1 month ago

    >tfw tall but a small dick
    I won

  8. 1 month ago

    Different wammen go for different shit of course, but generally they are not into sex for the penetration; they are in it to feel dominated. So they want some big hunk of muscle dude covering them, pinning them down. So that's where the tall thing comes in a lot of the time.

    • 1 month ago

      some guys were commenting on some porn account where the girl was normal during sex with her b/f, but when the bull came in she went crazy, even though they had the same size dick.

      They idea of being bred by the bull makes them get off. The idea of doing something naughty, something degrading.

  9. 1 month ago

    I don't mind if she has big toys as long as she uses them on me : 3

    • 1 month ago

      exs got mad at me because i liked using toys on them too much, they wanted to feel me

      how am i supposed to watch the show?

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