Falling in love with my therapist

She's so beautiful and seems to genuinely understand me and feel bad for my situation (disabled autist wizard)
How do I spend more time with her and/or have sex with her (its online therapy she lives an hour away) I don't have a car to drive there but i could possibly take a bus. Seeing her is almost always the highlight of my week.
She already said she could see me in person for therapy, but how could I convince her to go on a date with me as a type of "therapy"? thats my main idea

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  1. 1 month ago

    if she looked like that, I'd fall in love with her too. damn

    • 1 month ago

      yeah that girl is top tier, feel free to save the pic my friend.
      therapist is older but pretty fine too, I really enjoy looking at her while we talk but also, her facial expressions and the way she talks is extremely feminine and cute. I feel like we have a connection because she wears makeup to our sessions and does seems to like me

  2. 1 month ago

    Confess your love to her and see how she responds.

    • 1 month ago

      I know that she will respond badly or want to stop therapy, if I outright say that, but I figure if I just push and push to spend more time with her as therapy, it'll be more mysterious and romantic that way, and she has an excuse for why shes getting closer to me without losing her job

      • 1 month ago

        do you not know therapists can't date their patients?
        IMO, you should just tell her, but yeah, try getting closer to her first...
        OR be honest and open asap as

        Terrible idea, mess of a situation, you have no shot, change therapists

        seems to imply.

        • 1 month ago

          Now that you are aware that she is a professional and you are engaged in a purely platonic relationship it will never work out the way you want it to. If you're a dude then talk to another guy so that this sort of thing doesn't happen.

          Terrible idea, mess of a situation, you have no shot, change therapists

          I know what you mean but I can't give this up because I feel like I have a real connection with her. I really think I can convince her to go on dates with me as a form of therapy and then I can convince her from there with my boyish autist charm.

          • 1 month ago

            I was trying to be nice but i guess you can't hear this any other way. You are completely fricking delusional. You are paying her money and not getting anything out of it. Snap out of it moron, she is never going to go out with you.

          • 1 month ago

            thats exactly what they told einstein when he wanted to split the atom
            where theres a will theres a way

          • 1 month ago

            anon, she's a fricking psychologist lmao. you are literally paying her to treat you and treat you well. she's like a prostitute but for emotions. there is a reasons MANY prostitutes are psychologists...

            but I'd say, try anyway. if it works, congrats. just make sure not to be manipulated by her.

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah I know but I've had therapists before and tehy weren't nearly this good, like I can tell she genuinely seems to understand me.
            yes I know I sound delusional here. Idk man I'm fricking desperate and she is liike a ray of sunlight in my otherwise dreary and desperate life. I hear you guys though.

          • 1 month ago

            I mean, I don't know much about psychology or psychologists, but I'm not opposed to relationships with them...
            but think of what might happen if you actually tell her you like her, especially if you let time pass and the therapy goes deeper: I guess she will probably think you are being dishonest to her, and will tell you that you should have told her asap.
            btw, for how long have you been talking to her?

          • 1 month ago

            well, yeah I chose her becasue I thought she was really pretty and I literally saw her pic and thought "I COULD TALK TO THAT EVERY WEEK??" and I've been talking to her for about 2 months and shes really helping me. I lucked out and somehow she is really clicking for me and understanding my situation and giving me insights. thats the main reason I want to spend more time with her, she really smart
            > I guess she will probably think you are being dishonest to her, and will tell you that you should have told her asap
            ill just have to ask for her forgiveness there and explain my logic- that I thought she would want me to get a new therapist if I told her

            i think she knows that I like her because I have been telling her continously how much I like women and 90% of the things i talk about is my loneliness and attempts to get women

          • 1 month ago

            >I thought she would want me to get a new therapist if I told her
            yeah, I guess she will. AFAIU (again, not much) that's the protocol.
            so I guess you have 2 options: either don't tell her anything and maybe forget about the whole thing and enjoy having a qt therapist that you can't touch, or be honest with her at some point and be prepared to face the consequences (she likes you and you are happy OR she tells you to frick off)

          • 1 month ago

            im inclined to go for option 1, or secret option 3: just continue pushing to do "therapy" outside of an office, which is not a crazy idea, I've heard of therapists that do that.

      • 1 month ago

        Now that you are aware that she is a professional and you are engaged in a purely platonic relationship it will never work out the way you want it to. If you're a dude then talk to another guy so that this sort of thing doesn't happen.

  3. 1 month ago

    Terrible idea, mess of a situation, you have no shot, change therapists

  4. 1 month ago

    shit, this thread gave me an idea on how to find a gf: a female therapist... I was already thinking of doing therapy so it would be great if I could get a qt female one, BUT... my traumas are deep, and if I tell her the truth, she'll probably think I'm a homosexual and completely messed up in the head, even though I look like the normiest of normies.

    • 1 month ago

      You think female therapists aren't aware, and guard against, the fact incels with mental problems quickly fall in love/become obsessed with the one female who gives them attention?

  5. 1 month ago

    maybe start by asking her if she's married or has a bf. make it subtle, though. like, ask her in the middle of a conversarion about marriage and stuff

    • 1 month ago

      good idea, I'll just keep asking her what she did over the weekend. I think shes single though unless shes purposely not mentioning it

  6. 1 month ago

    Picrel is a fat disgusting sow. She's a 3/10 at best.

    >> therapist

    You don't have sex with your therapist. You are catching feels for someone just doing their job. Her job is to make you feel understood and provide empathy for your situation even when she actually thinks you're a fricking spastic. Literally her job description.

    She doesn't want to date you or frick you moron, and even if she did (she doesn't) she isn't allowed to legally. Which is fine, because she has no desire to anyway.

    Autists are not people. Find a girl who also has a neurodevelopmental disorder. There are programs to help pinnochios like you socialise. Sign up to one, your therapist can help get you signed up.

    • 1 month ago

      >Picrel is a fat disgusting sow. She's a 3/10 at best.
      she is a 7/10 in my eyes, hot as frick. but thats mostly subjective I guess

      >You don't have sex with your therapist.
      I've heard of many many therapists that have been caught having sex with clients, I imagine there are many more that are doing it right now and not getting caught. I can help her, I can be a good fit for her.

      • 1 month ago

        Leagues aren't subjective. You can feel subjectively she's attractive, but she is objectively a 3/10. If you find her attractive it's likely so are you. If you're autistic that makes sense.

        >> I can help her, I can be a good fit for her

        No you can't. Just find a girl with neurodevelopmental disorder, make sure you're both sterilised then frick her instead.

        • 1 month ago

          No, No, NO... Fat girls are hot af and OPs girl isnt even that fat

          • 1 month ago

            Tell me you're a land whale without telling me you're a land whale. You useless tubs of lard are objectively disgusting to all normal, well adjusted people. Rope so the planet doesn't have to deal with your weight anymore.

  7. 1 month ago

    solution: prostitutes
    If you're paying women for interacting with you might as well get your money's worth

    • 1 month ago

      I'm hearing you guys that its gonna be hard and probably not gonna happen. I'm not moronic.

      I dont want to risk getting swatted or robbed and also I want this woman because of the connection and understanding more than anything else. YES I realize thats her job to foster that feeling, yes im moronic.

      • 1 month ago

        How are you going to make your move and get this thing sorted out then?

        • 1 month ago

          Definitely gonna just continue therapy for a while until shes more comfortable with me, slowly make things about her more and more, talk about how I used to do exposure therapy and it really helped me where we would go to public areas like cafes and parks and just talked, and then ask if she would like to do that. Slim chance I'm now realizing, but maybe if she says no the first time I can just be persistent and wear her down.

          I already kind of hinted that I would pay her a months income to let me have sex with her but I dont think she got that I was talking about her

      • 1 month ago

        It's a prostitute's job to provide sex and a therapist's job to listen to your mental health shit.
        I'm afraid you're sinking into delusional thoughts, or being delulu as the kids call it.

        But if you want actual closure, state your feelings to her directly and she might help you deal with them constructively.

        • 1 month ago

          I think my desperation and loneliness and general stupidity is too much to have therapy with a hot kind intelligent woman without crushing on them... I think I'm fucekd.
          >But if you want actual closure, state your feelings to her directly and she might help you deal with them constructively.
          she probably will figure it out on her own, keep in mind shes a fair bit smarter than me and has already questioned my intentions about therapy

          • 1 month ago

            You are fricked but that's why you sought therapy, so you're not beyond saving. You have nothing to lose really even if she doesn't reciprocate your feelings, she's there to fix your shit if you allow that to take place. And it's your call whether you want to continue with her, shall she respond negatively.
            But you have to step up and be honest with yourself, as the only person you're fooling is yourself.

            I won't tell you things like you will find a woman for yourself that checks all the boxes and reciprocates your feelings because such things cannot be known.
            t. eternal virgin

          • 1 month ago

            I'm being honest with myself I think, I have a very low chance, maybe 1%. I'd rather just never tell her that I like her and enjoy my time with her and subtly try to spend more time with her. I think after learning that its policy to pass off clients that fall in love with the therapist, I will never reveal my feelings explicitly.

  8. 1 month ago

    Therapists are emotional hookers. Closest thing I've had was a singing teacher who was really hot. She was probably also an emotional hooker as well, just telling me I was doing great just because I paid her, but she also touched me and let me touch her yknow the basic 'feel everything to make sure you're doing it right'. Ahhh

    Where was I going with this? Oh yeah get a singing teacher instead.

  9. 1 month ago

    >but how could I convince her to go on a date with me as a type of "therapy"?

    My friend you will an hero if you do this because you're going to throw yourself into a completely not real situation. Do not brute force your way into delusion.

  10. 1 month ago

    How the frick do people have these problems?
    Your problem is trivially and easily solved by just not being in love with the therapist. Instead of loving her, just don't.
    Do people just not ever try to change feelings they don't want? Why not?

    • 1 month ago

      I don't think the OP actually considers it a problem. he already made his mind on trying to frick her.

      • 1 month ago

        So he's blogging. Cool.

  11. 1 month ago

    Dont be stupid. You're female-attention starved. Countless males have this situation come up.

    • 1 month ago

      >female-attention starved
      No such thing. Needing relationships is Incel propaganda.

    • 1 month ago

      I'm aware that im being pushed into delusion thinking I have a chance with her. Probably misreading her friendliness and kindness as attraction. I'm totally aware of that. But theres a small chance I could be with her and I just really like her. I don't see the harm in trying.

  12. 1 month ago

    OP hasn't seen the Sopranos

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