Gf already decided all her sexual preferences before me

I am 24 and am dating my first girlfriend, I was a virgin before her but she was sexually experienced.
It feels like she's already decided entirely what she likes with previous guys, and I don't have any say in the matter nor room to explore anything.
For example, she will blow me but make me cum in a tissue because she decided from blowing guys in the past that she can't tolerate the taste of cum. She won't let me do doggie style or cowgirl, because she decided that she doesn't like that. She hates the feeling of cum on her body, so facials or even cumming on her chest are entirely off limits.
I love her and don't want to force her to do anything she's uncomfortable with, don't get me wrong, but it feels like I don't have any room to try things to see what I like, you know?
Should I just stay the course, and hope she'll open up more as time goes on?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    You have until around 30, if good genes and self care, early thirties to find a virgin.
    Chicks a prostitute, ditch her.

    • 4 weeks ago

      sounds boring as frick anon.

    • 4 weeks ago

      To be fair even if you gf was a virgin she would have decided sexual preferences.
      My ex-fiancée was a virgin and after the first few years of being with me didn't like getting facials at all and would complain about getting pimples. She also didn't like cunnilingus, which was fine for me because I don't like eating pussy but she was the first girl I met who actively turned it down.
      As sucky as our sex life got I still wish I hadn't cheated on her and lost her, your pic hits hard and at my age (31) my chances of finding another girl who's a virgin are pretty much zero.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Seems like ur gf at least tried out those things at least once with you.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Tell her what you want. This shit is unacceptable. If she's in anti depressants make her get off. Ditch her.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    It takes 2 to tango bro. It's pretty selfish of her not to take a dive or consider what you may like,and you should make it clear that you're feeling frustrated

  4. 4 weeks ago


  5. 4 weeks ago

    >and hope she'll open up more as time goes on?
    Whatever the issue, whatever you do, don't do this. It will not work out in your favor. Relying on hope is as meaningful as making a wish. You need to be active in advocating for the things that you want or feel you need, work towards compromise, understand your own desires and standards of a relationship, and seek those standards. If this is something that you want, and feel that she is a closed box towards your feelings, then you need to decide, despite your bond with her, if this relationship is your ultimate destiny, or if it's just another learning experience.

    The fact that you care for her, or that she cares for you, isn't very relevant. Most people have multiple relationships in their life which they'd say how "in love" they were, and yet breakups happen, things run their course, because love alone isn't enough; there's much more to consider, and only you can demand those things and seek them for yourself. If she's set in her ways, inflexible, uncompromising, then don't disbelieve what she tells you, or expect her to change "just because"; take her at her word, believe her about what she says, and make your decisions upon the known, rather than desparate hope. If a sexually explorative relationship is what you want, and she is unwilling to even try, then make your decisions upon that.

    Also, don't confuse compromise with abdication. If you are willing to compromise, but it's a hard-stop "No" on her part, she is forcing you to either end the relationship, or abdicate your desires in a relationship. You should not have to wholly give up what you want just to keep this going. No matter how much love, respect and care there is in a relationship, none of it is worth the regret of a question unanswered.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >"in love"
      That is another way of saying attraction really

      • 4 weeks ago

        I wouldn't reduce the depth of a human bond to simple biological reaction, but I do think many, many people jump too quickly to call attraction or infatuation "Love", and use the term too flippantly without considering the implications and solemnity of such a sacred, meaningful connection. Really, I believe that many people just don't know what real, healthy, beautiful love is, either because their parents also didn't know and so could not teach them by example, or because they've become so lonely, cynical and bitter as to conflate any positive feeling they get from another with love.

        People should be more careful with such terms, and with their hearts. If you leave them wide open and accept all comers, you'll inevitably have your heart trespassed by people undeserving of such dedication. Nobody will ever treat your feelings with more care than you will, and so it's each of our responsibility to guard our heart against those who will only use it against us, for their own selfish purposes.

        • 4 weeks ago

          best post I've seen in a while

  6. 4 weeks ago
    The Man

    Thank your lowkey stars that I saw your post.... Brother I'm 23 have experience with over 100 girls with 10+ relations and rest hookups.

    >she doesnt like the taste of cum
    guess what? It's not always about "what she wants", It's about exploring different things and be the male of the relationship else she'll leave you real soon trust me no matter how much you love her she'll never be with a onions boy "don't trust her promises"

    new gen girls act like they want freedom and still read "Haunting Adeline" and rub themselves, So brother if you really wanna be saved Start telling her "what you want"

    >cumming on body off limits?
    >Tasting you off limit?

    Be the fricking Man and dominate the shit out of her in bed, they might say they like good guy over bad boys but they wanna be railed forcefully talk to her about what you want and be a bit MANLY don't be a pussy and talk to her about your desires

    as I told you I got 100 girl experience, trust me on this they love getting dominated, They want the dominant energy coming from you..... I'm not saying that you have to force her but be a dominating man. and if you are struggling cause you're that good guy "who doesn't wanna force her girl".... Be ready to see someone like me Stealing your girl for a real cumshot in her throat.

    Female prefers Confidence over anything ( yes anything ) approach with confidence and act as the man who knows what he wants.... You wanna Grab her neck and kiss wildly and make her swallow your cum? then say that you want it without a second thought.... and if she doesn't agree brother leave her and find a new chick find a new chick is the easiest task....

    Hope that helps 🙂

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I'm 23 have experience with over 100 girls with 10+ relations and rest hookups.
      Lol didnt read further. Terrible way to start a larp

    • 4 weeks ago

      > Brother I'm 23 have experience with over 100 girls
      That’s a lot of escorts

    • 4 weeks ago

      >100 girls with 10+ relations and rest hookups.
      >picture of kazuma
      hahaha sure you do homosexual

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >It feels like she's already decided entirely what she likes with previous guys, and I don't have any say in the matter nor room to explore anything
    Yeah Sounds about right. You aren't entitled to her body.
    End of thread.

    • 4 weeks ago
      The Man

      Stop making them onions boys

      • 4 weeks ago
        The Man

        onions boy*

        • 4 weeks ago
          The Man


          • 4 weeks ago

            onions boy*

            Stop making them onions boys

            Hi newfriend

  8. 4 weeks ago

    >my girlfriend doesn't like to have sex with me
    Fixed. She would change every one of those preferences in a heartbeat for another guy if he checked all her boxes. Tell her you need to compromise on sex or tell her to pack her shit.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This. I've had "asexual" girls begging me to cum on their faces.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >I've had "asexual" girls begging me to cum on their faces.
        Lmao, what do they even say about that? How can they even claim they are asexual

        Women are so fricking dumb kek

        • 4 weeks ago

          This. I've had "asexual" girls begging me to cum on their faces.

          Female sex drive is weird and can be confusing. There's some women who can go a long time without feeling the urge to have sex which can lead to some claiming they're asexual.

          From my experience most of them are just demisexual which means they have to form a emotional connection with someone first before they can develop a sexual attraction to them. My wife is like this and she also thought she might have been asexual until we started dating.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I wouldnt say strictly demisexual, although having a connection does really help in sexual relations with women.
            It is more like women do not have sexuality at all until they find somebody they find attractive. And that somebody has to be a very specific type of person. Women are not attracted to sex or gender per say at all, just the type of person you are, hence why they are often ambiguously sapphic despite not having a direct interest in veganas or boobs.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I go for months without feeling the urge and think its normal. Guys feel the urge daily so they think that is normal and women that don't abnormal and stick a label on us. When a woman does have a high sex drive you call us nymphomaniacs or bawds. There is no pleasing you guys

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Guys feel the urge daily so they think that is normal and women that don't abnormal and stick a label on us.
            I don't believe most guys would think it's abnormal for women not to have a daily urge for sex. It's well known that a female sex drive is more complicated than a man's and requires more for them to get in the mood.

            >When a woman does have a high sex drive you call us nymphomaniacs or bawds. There is no pleasing you guys.
            The ideal for men is that woman should have a normal to high sex drive when she's in a relationship but when she's single she should have a nonexistent sex drive aka she should be demisexual.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Why have we gotten to a point we need to label normal things.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Why have we gotten to a point we need to label normal things.
            Because most people aren't this way. Society is hypersexualized and has normalized emotionless and meaningless sex aka hook ups. Most men can have sex without having any feelings and nowdays woman have adopted that too.

            That can make the minority of people who are demisexual feel really out of place and even be confused of their own sexuality or sex drive, leading to claims of asexuality or other shit. Having this label provides clarity.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Demisexual is not normal its a trojan horse. Normal is to have sex for love and to start a family with them, demi is to have sex for "feelings", implying the rest of their non-demi fricking is completely without feelings just their lust. Normal is going on dates, getting to know them and then making out and sex and devotion. Demi is "I knew this person for a couple mins and they were nice to me we've flirted we're not strangers anymore lets frick in the backroom see if we catch fee fees afterward"

            Everything in the alphabet mafia is just an attempt to undermine normalcy. Flipping the normal is what satanists want

  9. 4 weeks ago

    She is dominanting you. You either like being dominated or dump her.
    Easy as.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Have you talked to her about this? You obviously respect her needs in the bedroom, she should be able to hear you out when you talk about yours.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Dump her bro. Life’s too short to be worried about what some bawd likes or doesn’t like. As much as the inexperienced gays here say otherwise, being single is way better for your overall health and wellbeing.

    • 4 weeks ago

      how do you get the poison (semen) out of your body though

      • 4 weeks ago

        There are these things called "wet dreams" you moron, stop jerking off so much and maybe you'll have one again

      • 4 weeks ago

        Don’t. Read up on semen retention and absolute celibacy. You CAN have anything you want in the whole entire universe and you WILL only get it through hard work and discipline. Sperm = life force. Stop wasting it!

        • 4 weeks ago

          Bullshit. Masturbation is a sin. But semen doesn’t have magical properties

  12. 4 weeks ago

    >I love her and don't want to force her to do anything she's uncomfortable with, Clearly that is exactly what you want to do.

    >Should I just stay the course, and hope she'll open up more as time goes on?
    There is precisely zero chance that she will suddenly decide to try things she already knows she hates. If it matters that much to you, break up with her and get a girlfriend whose tastes match yours.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    Now let’s see Paul Allen’s gf

  14. 4 weeks ago

    just make sure to test the kid if you happen to have one

  15. 4 weeks ago

    Pic rel is the truth H-bomb that bluepillers can't accept.

    • 4 weeks ago

      All things being equal it's definitely better to have a virgin wife, but saying men don't also think about their exes and compare is silly
      >Lauren had bigger breasts
      >Jenny was a better cook
      >Stacy took better care of herself
      >Maria rode my wiener like she was in a rodeo

  16. 4 weeks ago

    What a pussy you are

  17. 4 weeks ago

    >I love her
    Here's where you fricked up. You shouldn't have fallen in love with this used up b***h.
    >Should I just stay the course, and hope she'll open up more as time goes on?
    In 99% of cases, women close up as time goes on, not open up. So, no. Either make your peace with how things are, or dump her.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    Tijuana anon lmaooooo

    She sounds like some of the brothel girls in the Tijuana brothels, all specific, kek

    Brutal blackpilling image though

  19. 4 weeks ago

    Cum on her anyway

  20. 4 weeks ago

    >she will blow me but make me cum in a tissue because she decided from blowing guys in the past that she can't tolerate the taste of cum. She won't let me do doggie style or cowgirl, because she decided that she doesn't like that. She hates the feeling of cum on her body, so facials or even cumming on her chest are entirely off limits.
    All of those limits could be present if she was a virgin too. It is not like she would magically grow to like those things if she had them with you specifically. And sperm is pretty gross to think about when you are a virgin. You can eventually widen her boundaries if you build up proper trust and rapport, but it is not something that happens fast. It is just that over time we tend to forget things that bothered us, and if relationships are good, why not.
    I understood that reverse cowgirl doesnt work for me basically the first thrust and stopped, but learned to like doggy eventually (used to hurt badly).

    But I think you also should not treat your bedroom as a place to enact fantasies. I am saying this as a person who is generally more depraved than my partner. We can't have everything we want in life, and getting off is not as important as having a stable and caring family life. It is a different situation of course if sexual unresponsiveness is just a final straw in an amalgation of issues.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >But I think you also should not treat your bedroom as a place to enact fantasies.

      You're completely missing the point. The problem is op's GF is being completely selfish in the bedroom and doesn't care about what op wants from their sex life. Boundaries are fine but in a new relationship like OP is in, there should be a period of time where both can explore the bedroom together. Also if you're unable to do things for your partner you should at least try to find a compromise or do something that shows you care about their pleasure. Just telling your partner "no, end of story" is not how you create a healthy sex life for your relationship.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I dont think that at the beggining of relationships anybody really cares to compromise. There is still lingering aura that it all can fall apart at any moment and that you aren't compatible. The desire to explore bedroom together at first comes from infatuation, not a decision.
        >The problem is op's GF is being completely selfish in the bedroom and doesn't care about what op wants from their sex life.
        It works the other way around too. She wants vanilla, he wants experiments. Somebody will have to step down because it is a spectrum of opposites. And generally speaking it is the one who wants more in relation to sex, because sex has potential to be harmful and traumatic. Going against ones comforts in relation to sex will end up with both sides feeling like shit, there is no winning in forcing others too indulge in your fetishes. It is either something that both are enthusiastic about, or pointless, soulless and exploitative.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You're still missing the point. Regardless of what OP and his gf want, they both should care about each other's preferences and have equal say of what goes on in their sexlife. Also OP has only asked to do vanilla things and his GF still won't hear him out on it. That said OP needs to reconsider his relationship because his GF is a selfish butthole in all honesty.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >vanilla things
            You think cuming in my mouth or on my face "Vanilla" or "doggie" so you can try to put your thing in my butt too or yank my hair or smack my bottom so hard and call me bawd is "Vanilla" Just cause you see it in porn doesn't mean its commonplace.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    get a gf who hasnt been a prostitute for most of her life. youre just a warm blooded dildo to her

  22. 4 weeks ago

    what kind of woman doesn't like doggystyle? that's crazy
    your gf probably never had good dick, that's it

    • 4 weeks ago

      I don't like doggy style much. I have a really easy time getting off in missionary or when I'm on top and hardly ever come during doggy style. The only good thing is how easy it is to jerk off during doggy, but I don't really like doing it and I'd rather get fricked. I'll do it but it's 100% for my husband's benefit, it's my least favorite position by far.

  23. 4 weeks ago

    So having a gf for most of you is so you can do sex shit to her and she has to like it.

    Why don't you guys let a guy cum in your mouth and see if you like the taste? Or get cum on your face or your body or in your HAIR. IT IS NOT PLEASANT AT ALL. It only took one time, the first time, a guy didn't say anything and came in my mouth, for me to not let a guy get his thing anywhere near my head. Call that a preference if you must but to me its avoiding what is disgusting.

    • 4 weeks ago

      There are other girls who want that. I know which one I'm choosing.

  24. 4 weeks ago

    What if she wanted to try new things with you, but it was pegging and choking you?
    What if she wanted to cut you all over your body? What if she wanted to make you piss your pants in public?
    Unless these are all things you desire (based if so, but that's another discussion), would you do these things for her? If not, consider that you both have boundaries.

  25. 4 weeks ago

    nope, get rid of her.
    you're in the beginning stages of retroactive jellousy.

  26. 4 weeks ago

    >She hates the feeling of cum on her body, so facials or even cumming on her chest are entirely off limits
    Does that surprise you? This is what happens when you spend your adolescence and earlier 20s watching porn instead of actually having sex yourself.

  27. 4 weeks ago

    It could be this way with a virgin too. You shouldn't want someone you like to do things you KNOW they don't enjoy for you. If you're unhappy about cumming in a tissue and she's unwilling to change that you get a new girlfriend.

  28. 4 weeks ago

    This should be pinned to this homosexual board. Just know when you finally get a girlfriend this is the next stage. So if you were already a big pussy and couldn’t get a girlfriend, you’re going to respond exactly likeOP and cry and complain she’s not perfect or she’s been fricked more times than you’ve been able to frick.

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