Girls ONLY LOVE dark triad males. EVERY woman wants a Dark Triad male. Here are some truths:

Girls ONLY LOVE dark triad males. EVERY woman wants a Dark Triad male. Here are some truths:

>she's not yours, it's just your turn

> women are 100% guided by their sexual attraction, which is always directed towards either the 4.5% of Gigachads, or to Dark Triad psychopathic/narcissistic/Machiavellian males

>the "she didn't frick me for months, suddenly left me and immediately fricked a random guy" happens to EVERY guy at some point

>genuine burning desire is the only thing that matters. the ONLY thing that guides female behavior is sexual attraction. they are obsessed with sex. if she wants to frick you, she will literally do anything for you, agree with your opinions, and love you. if she doesn't... you're not even a man in her eyes

>when sad, go listen to some Lamb of God, Pantera, Slayer etc..

>it could have been way worse, even in your situation. vidrel:

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  1. 1 month ago

    The sooner you learn the truth, the sooner you'll become Dark Triad and make pussies wet with your presence.

    • 1 month ago

      Not all women are like that tbh, for me i prefer someone that's older, gentle and kind but can be dominant when needed like my current and first bf, he's 7 years older than me and most people think that i've been groomed or whatever but in reality i really love him idk why did i love him so much, maybe i have never been interested with someone from classroom be it chad or Tyrone or whatever but the first time i fell in love is with him pretty quite tall from perspective (im 156cm) and he's about 30cm taller than me, but he doesn't have an abs he's fat but muscular and for the god sake it makes him really hot, and i hope i he proposes me as soon as possible

      • 1 month ago

        You actually wrote it out lmao

        • 1 month ago

          Nawait? What is that?

    • 1 month ago

      Dark triad works if ur hot, if not then u just look like an angry incel

      • 1 month ago

        Dark triad in my opinion is cringe its like edgy grown up ass man can't get over his teenage phase, i tried to avoid them as much as possible

  2. 1 month ago

    I've practiced that and it works. tbh

  3. 1 month ago

    I thought this was just a meme at first but then I tried pretending to be a low inhib maledom on discord and it fricking worked. Then as soon as I tried being nicer she left. Unbelievable.

    • 1 month ago

      based. it works and it's the escape from inceldom.

    • 1 month ago

      Doesn't work. I tried but they get offended

  4. 1 month ago

    definitely true OP. if a girl isnt lusting with desire to frick you, you might as well be an androgynous sexless android because youre never gonna be a blip on her attraction radar. chad will get farther with her in 3 seconds than you in 5 years. its over.

    • 1 month ago

      Don't take OP as "looks are the only thing that matters". It's not

      Game (being dark triad, pretending to be an butthole) will trump looks

      Things you can control are Game and Physique, and wealth. Have at least 2 and you'll make pussies wet left and right with no effort.

      Work on your body and mind

      • 1 month ago

        I thought this was just a meme at first but then I tried pretending to be a low inhib maledom on discord and it fricking worked. Then as soon as I tried being nicer she left. Unbelievable.

        I've practiced that and it works. tbh

        What kind of behavior does this entail, how are you supposed to act?
        >looks don't matter
        find the short balding nerd with dark triad pussy?

        >To be honest i never understood how the "nice guy" thing even started since women never liked nice guys or at least not in a sexual way.
        >Women are attracted to chads
        >Chad never commits
        >Women have to settle for betas
        >Women tell sons to be nice guys because that's what women want
        >Nice guys grow up
        repeat cycle

        To be honest i never understood how the "nice guy" thing even started since women never liked nice guys or at least not in a sexual way.

        Women on birth control desire different men than when not. That is, that women desire different men when pregnant than when not pregnant.
        She only needs one chad to exist to have sex and get his babies but she need cucks to exist for peace and for chads babies to have a home.

  5. 1 month ago

    Just dark men is enough

    • 1 month ago

      uh... no. most incels are ethnic.

      • 1 month ago

        Poojeets, pakis and asians with tiny dicks aren't "dark men".
        And wtf is "ethnic" supposed to even mean, everyone is "ethnic", there's no avoiding it.

        What you fricks mean is you aren't white but you're in a white country. Easy solution, back in the home country everyone is the same shade of poo.

        • 1 month ago

          Skin color isn't the problem in third world countries. Hot girls exist in every skin tone.
          The problem is that in third world countries you get an increase of "avocado girls". The third world girls that are ugly in the way avocados are ugly. Thanks to poverty and non-european genetics. You get overweight girls with the worst fat distribution, horrible facial features, wrinkles, haggy tired faces, acne, etc. It's hard to describe unless you've been to the third world.

  6. 1 month ago

    can confirm the second you truly start caring they're suddenly not feeling it
    last b***h literally wanted me to abuse her but couldn't get herself to actually love me

  7. 1 month ago

    To be honest i never understood how the "nice guy" thing even started since women never liked nice guys or at least not in a sexual way.

    • 1 month ago

      yeah we gotta blame our parents and society.

    • 1 month ago

      because men want a connection too

    • 1 month ago

      >To be honest i never understood how the "nice guy" thing even started since women never liked nice guys or at least not in a sexual way.
      >Women are attracted to chads
      >Chad never commits
      >Women have to settle for betas
      >Women tell sons to be nice guys because that's what women want
      >Nice guys grow up
      repeat cycle

    • 1 month ago

      Hollywood movies and sitcoms featuring an ugly schubbly nice guy getting a hot girl, especially adam sandler movies started this trend

    • 1 month ago

      Single mothers. They tell their son's who they either rip from their fathers or they can't find the father, about some fantasy they have about a nice rich man coming to save her. The single mothers don't see that they live with their mother in their grandma's rent control apartment, they're fat, ugly, and miserable with their kid. All they know is that if they get a nice rich man, their pussy will do the work.

    • 1 month ago

      Women need betabux.
      Men needed an incentive to betabux.
      > You know Timmy, girls really like nice guys.
      And in decades prior it was pretty easy for women to hide the reality.
      Sure, they all would go behind their husbands and frick the same handful of guys for fun.
      But hey, she really loves her husband, that's what counts, sex is just sex, so let's pretend we didn't see it.

    • 1 month ago

      Because mothers raise you to be agreeable. Nice guys are just grown up good boys who do what their mommy (women) tell them.
      Chad realised that he can break the rules and still get love from mommy. Nice guys stay agreeable all their lives.

    • 1 month ago

      it is the original shit test
      most men fail
      "just be a good guy" only works when you demonstrate beyond any reasonable doubt that you are capable of winning direct competition with other men
      women are ultimately just looking for protectors
      the men who are best at protecting, or in this case, being a psychopathic manipulator, are the ones who receive the most attention

    • 1 month ago

      It's from movies/TV, especially Disney type romances and quirky comedies where the nerd gets the girl.

      • 1 month ago

        it's because the writers were the nerds.

    • 1 month ago

      men are the romantic sex and fooled themselves into thinking love exists and is transcendental or some shit

    • 1 month ago

      Women gave nice guys a chance and they turned out being a lot worse than "dark triads" because of incel moron shit like OP's post

      • 1 month ago

        cope more. women LOVE dark triads and dark triads ONLY

      • 1 month ago

        I don't think that happened actually

      • 1 month ago

        Most of these nice guys continue to suffer in silence despite all of the incel and redpill philosophy and evidence being widely displayed by a vocal minority of men. Blaming what happens on NSFFW on all the unsuccessful is just mental gymnastics that distracts you from the sorrowful truth of the matter.

    • 1 month ago

      Normal men want to be a womans prince charming and want to save her and protect her and have her love him for it. In truth, women do not want to be saved, they want to be beaten and abused and raped. They crave desrtuction in their lives, they thrive in abuse. All the fantasy stories about princesses and women being saved by men are male fantasies.

    • 1 month ago

      Fantasy romantic movies and tv shows aimed at dudes
      And girls complaining about the guys they frick, saying they want the type of guy they never frick. (survivorship bias)

  8. 1 month ago

    >Blah blah blah blah women women women women words words words
    Is all you people fricking do complain? None of you actually even have hobbies or interests or things you love it's just fricking complaining all the goddamn time

    • 1 month ago

      spoken like a man who gets mad pussy. teach me your ways slayer

    • 1 month ago

      NO ONE has real hobbies anymore man

      • 1 month ago

        This. Video games are not a hobby. Watching movies is not a hobby. Binging shows/anime is not a hobby. Spending half your time on social media is not a hobby. These are pastimes. You do this to past time and not be bored. There has to be a practical skill or productivity. Painting minis or building models, is a hobby. There is skill and craft involved, even if it is not particularly applicable. Woodworking, definitely a hobby. Very productive, very practical and applicable skills. Etc etc, think of things that are PRODUCTIVE that you do in free time, and develop PRACTICAL SKILLS. THOSE are HOBBIES.

        • 1 month ago

          What you call a hobby sounds like work you do for free.

        • 1 month ago

          This is cope. Videogames can be a hobby, and the definition of practical is subjective.

        • 1 month ago

          Productivity is defined by it's potential to turn the activity into money. The only exception to video games is if you stream them and make money on it.

    • 1 month ago

      I just want sex u gay

  9. 1 month ago

    That's cope. Women like jesters.

    • 1 month ago

      I'm a jester and women SQUIRT (piss) on my 7 inch wiener

  10. 1 month ago

    Doesn't this shit have to do with the fact that the vast majority of women are on birth control, which fricks with their head?

    • 1 month ago

      Not true. In fact, being on the birth control pill makes you dislike dark triad more, because it simulates hormones of pregnancy.
      Women then seek men that are more nice.
      So... if anything, birth control makes women seek nice men more, not less.

      Despite that they still prefer dark triad lol

      • 1 month ago

        >Despite that they still prefer dark triad lol

      • 1 month ago

        >because it simulates hormones of pregnancy.
        Yeah, without a baby, meaning a woman has no incentive not to cheat. In fact, because a woman cannot get pregnant she is encouraged to cheat.

  11. 1 month ago

    Look at myths for example. All of them involve chad as the hero and some incel as the villian, and tons of them involve chad impregnating loads of women and cuckolding the men around them.

  12. 1 month ago

    It's so obvious it's a wonder people are able to delude themselves into denying it.

    • 1 month ago

      >"for the stage of life we're at"

      Don't bother, because if I ever think for one fricking moment that you decided to try to FORCE yourself to date me, because of your "stage of life", I'm out.

    • 1 month ago

      This whole thing is just a cope for her hitting the wall and not being able to get those guys she wants anymore, the scientific jargon is just a subconscious cover for the fact that she is now less desirable and must choose a less desirable mate. If she were young and still capable of dating a string of "alpha males" she would continue doing that.

    • 1 month ago

      KEK this b***h used all this scientific jargon to basically say she settled for a beta once she hit the wall

  13. 1 month ago

    Can confirm. My gf cucked me for a dark triad frickboi who pumped and dumped her.

  14. 1 month ago

    >read Freedom
    >emulate Richard Katz for 6 months
    >get more pussy than ever before in my life
    women are fricking moronic

  15. 1 month ago

    Women's ultimate relationship would consist of a chad that'd rape her that suddenly changes his personality to a sweet caring husband after they have sex.

    Of course that's possible only for a genuinely "nice guy", he'll simply pretend to be a rapist once in a while. That's also obviously impossible for the "bad guy", because faking being nice doesn't work this way.

    Women can have a cake and eat it too, but there's gotta be something they need to compromise on.
    And that thing is their rights.


  16. 1 month ago

    I'd rather die alone than become an evil subhuman for the pleasure of meatholes.

  17. 1 month ago

    I have been to prison for assault withba weapon and am still incel

  18. 1 month ago

    this is scientifically proven through NLP.
    Women love living in a state of doubt. If you ARE the cause of her doubt and questioning and anxiety, she will worship you.

    She liked you at first because you were the one who caused her to be in a state of doubt i.e. "does he like me? when is he going to ask me out? when is he going to make his first sexual advance? tehee i'm so exciteeeeed!!"

    Now you guys start dating, and there's no doubt about him anymore. The graph is flatlined, the guy loves her and he ALWAYS acts the same way, loving, begging, complimenting, cuddling, worshipping her.

    Since girls are addicted to the state of doubt, now her doubts are all related to her own decisions and her social circle. "is he actually the best i can get? do my friends think he is the best i can get? is the single life better after all?"

    Notice how her state of doubt has nothing to do with the guy anymore. He doesn't excite doubt in her. She is now bored and will eventually leave or cheat or both.
    If YOU become the cause of her state of doubt, you dominate her permanently, until the game goes on. How do you do that? NEVER give, only reciprocate. Never compliment her, only reciprocate compliments. Never ask to cuddle, only reciprocate. Never beg for sex, only reciprocate. Never speak romantically, only reciprocate romantic talk. ALWAYS talk to her ending your statements like a command, even if they're not explicitly commands. Talk to her like she is a moronic kid. Always end your sentences on a lower tone than the tone you started with melodically.

    Her addiction to the state of doubt is now directed towards you. You are the one who causes her feelings of anxiety and insecurity, and modern women are irrevocably addicted to that. Enjoy your b***h now and always keep your frame.

    • 1 month ago

      Based post. Most men get complacent in a relationship and become even more boring than they already were, then wonder why their girl fricks someone else, or why they're suddenly being divorced.

      • 1 month ago

        >if you don't constantly entertain women then they will leave you
        They are truly all psychotic prostitutes.

        • 1 month ago

          You don't even have to entertain them really, just go do other shit and ignore them for a bit. They feed on attention, withhold it and they go nuts.

        • 1 month ago

          This. Spent 5 years with a girl, went to Vegas, had nice dates, brought gifts for each other, even went to court with her, and she still cheated on me.
          Just focus on yourself and do everything that you want to do.

    • 1 month ago

      >Having to be a fricking psycho, inducing feelings of anxiety in another person in order to maintain a relationship
      >No romance or honest expression allowed

      Hard pass, frick that. I would rather be alone and frick escorts from time to time.

  19. 1 month ago

    To everyone who feels like shit because they don't have a gf or didn't have sex or whatever the frick: You're winning.
    You're winning and they are losing. Go enjoy yourself and spend more time in your passions while all the prostitutes get pumped and dumped and all the Jamals kill each other. The world is yours for the taking.

    • 1 month ago

      don't cope like that. cope by doing this

      this is scientifically proven through NLP.
      Women love living in a state of doubt. If you ARE the cause of her doubt and questioning and anxiety, she will worship you.

      She liked you at first because you were the one who caused her to be in a state of doubt i.e. "does he like me? when is he going to ask me out? when is he going to make his first sexual advance? tehee i'm so exciteeeeed!!"

      Now you guys start dating, and there's no doubt about him anymore. The graph is flatlined, the guy loves her and he ALWAYS acts the same way, loving, begging, complimenting, cuddling, worshipping her.

      Since girls are addicted to the state of doubt, now her doubts are all related to her own decisions and her social circle. "is he actually the best i can get? do my friends think he is the best i can get? is the single life better after all?"

      Notice how her state of doubt has nothing to do with the guy anymore. He doesn't excite doubt in her. She is now bored and will eventually leave or cheat or both.
      If YOU become the cause of her state of doubt, you dominate her permanently, until the game goes on. How do you do that? NEVER give, only reciprocate. Never compliment her, only reciprocate compliments. Never ask to cuddle, only reciprocate. Never beg for sex, only reciprocate. Never speak romantically, only reciprocate romantic talk. ALWAYS talk to her ending your statements like a command, even if they're not explicitly commands. Talk to her like she is a moronic kid. Always end your sentences on a lower tone than the tone you started with melodically.

      Her addiction to the state of doubt is now directed towards you. You are the one who causes her feelings of anxiety and insecurity, and modern women are irrevocably addicted to that. Enjoy your b***h now and always keep your frame.

      • 1 month ago

        >Don't cope by improving yourself and your hobbies, cope by playing the same childish mind games as women
        Pass. I'll keep improving and enjoying myself while they cry about guys like you and take out their frustrations on their kids.
        Enjoy bro, it's all yours.

  20. 1 month ago

    If their options are overly nice beta and huge butthole, they will choose the butthole.
    I had good luck but I am not nice or mean. Seems like being stern and fair is the way to go, cannot really fake a personality trait though. Seems like the ultimate shit test is your girlfriend trying to leave the house with cleavage showing, send her back inside. Keep that trailer trash shit at home.
    Been married 10 years and wife is a 10/10 dresses like a respectable woman. Guys need to understand women stop mentally aging in their teens and need to be taught how to behave just the same as children. The biggest lie young men are taught is that women mature faster than men. They are simply snarky, b***hy, and dismissive of people they do not care about, not mature.
    If you want practice dating, get a dog first and train it.

    • 1 month ago

      Only believable advice itt.

    • 1 month ago

      "They mature faster"
      Children who stay still and quiet, never joke around or act silly and dress well are percieved as more mature. Even if they're complete fricking morons. Low iq sheeple minded people think that joking around and acting dumb means boys are dumb. And that makes bous jester even harder, to laugh at the morons. But they don't realize acting dumb also has and causes problems and also is used to maks insecurities

  21. 1 month ago

    >entrepreneurs in cars
    >bald 50 year old man
    >2 hour long video
    god, can you homosexuals frick off shilling these literal who YTers, I know it was a mistake opening that video, whatever happened to just explaining things in your own words

    • 1 month ago

      >literal who YTers
      thats rich coper one of the biggest rp fraudsters to have ever lived

  22. 1 month ago

    You have to be at least a 9/10 chad to make up for being nice. And no, you can't fake an antisocial personality. Even if you pull it off for a year or two it only takes one small slip up for her to realize the truth. Do one nice thing and it undoes every single bad thing you ever did in her eyes. All attraction and interest evaporates immediately and she's planning her exit.

  23. 1 month ago

    >Girls ONLY LOVE dark triad males

    Most incels' solutions seem to be "cry and whine about it".

    • 1 month ago

      What else is there to do but rage against your fate? Hobbies can momentarily distract you but you'll still be a lonely unwanted dude at the end of the day.

      • 1 month ago

        Sometimes I wish robots didn't have pussy on the brain 24/7 so they could finally think and see the world for what it is. Not directing this at you specifically just in general. Once you can step back and look at things from a neutral analytical perspective you can think much more rationally about things.

  24. 1 month ago

    So if girls only love dark triad males, and your dad had sex with girls at some point, and dark triad traits are often hereditary, what is your excuse, OP?

    • 1 month ago

      My dad was a legit badboy who had several different girls on the go whilst he was dating my mom. I'm a pathetic little cuck who's never had a gf. Something something recessive genes.

    • 1 month ago

      Having a baby means shit especially in 2024 when she can have a family woth a beta and fricked by Chad

    • 1 month ago

      My mom's dark triad and passed it on to me and my sister. We're all amoral sociopaths who don't give a shit about romance.
      My dad's always so upset that my mom wants nothing romantically to do with him but truthfully she only ever got with him out of convivence to use him

  25. 1 month ago

    one some level you're right. but personally i'm more into the "i can save him" type of guy. if someone is telling me a story about how weird this guy they know is because one time he drank so much that he blacked out and then stayed in his bathroom the whole next day curled up because he was hallucinating, that's my "i can save him" cue.

    • 1 month ago

      I wish
      That you would at least be my friend
      I am not gonna make up BS about living some wild life in terms of the drugs and sex stereotype, in fact I am a virgin
      But I have lived in a lot of different places and then right now I am back on a mattress in the basement (literally now) kinda down bad in some ways and I was about to leave this site but I saw your post and it gave me a bit of hope that at least there are some nice people out there who like to give to others
      I wanna find someone I can devote myself fully to also
      I wanna write them a progression of haikus each week and make artwork inspired by them driving me crazy as their muse and telling them how much they turn me on, etc.
      I hope that my desires aren't completely unrealistic cuz that would be really sad
      Anyways, thanks for existing
      What are your thoughts on Limerence?

      • 1 month ago

        limerence, are you saying that you feel that for someone in your life? i've had experience with that too, on some level it makes you feel extremely happy, but it also sucks at the same time and makes you feel miserable in the next moment.
        we can be friends, but i'm really bad with internet friends, never managed to keep one.

        • 1 month ago

          okay well
          I am glad I came back to this thread in time
          Yeah, it seems we have some shared experiences regarding that
          And it's alright, I know that is tough, and not ideal
          But it is worth a shot
          [email protected]
          Here is something semi-on topic to watch...

    • 1 month ago

      so what happens after you do save him?

    • 1 month ago

      prostitutes never do seem to go for guys that actually need saving (incels)

  26. 1 month ago

    replace all the "she" " her" with "he" "him" in your post and you suddenly get something that makes more sense


  27. 1 month ago

    oh another cherry-picking psyop relying on dipshit incels being too fricking stupid to understand anecdotes or interpret data

    how refreshing

    • 1 month ago

      literally every girl acts that way. tbh.

    • 1 month ago

      normies pull the same cherry picked anecdotes out of their ass all the time

    • 1 month ago

      you could not cherrypick instances of girls wanting safe boring subchads if you tried, the closest you'd get is

      It's so obvious it's a wonder people are able to delude themselves into denying it.

      which is just insulting to male romance

      • 1 month ago

        based. it's not cherrypicking, it's the truth.

  28. 1 month ago

    women love drama. in the absence of drama they create it themselves.

  29. 1 month ago

    >>when sad, go listen to some Lamb of God, Pantera, Slayer etc..

    don't care about the rest of that gay shit, listen to some proper tunes though

  30. 1 month ago

    >you have to either be a naturally Black persony butthole, brainwash yourself into being a Black persony butthole or pretend to be a Black persony butthole while dying on the inside
    I choose none of the above

  31. 1 month ago

    i can confirm that when i had manic episodes triggered by extreme stress, the psychopathic behavior i exhibited did garner extra attention from women
    and when i used to train martial arts, when i posted videos of me sparring, fighting other men, women absolutely loved it
    i believe this is caused by the biological urge for stable reproduction
    why frick a loser when he'll inevitably get killed by some dark triad gigachad?
    if there is one high IQ jacked 6'6" psychopath in our vicinity, he will eventually reach his tendrils out to manipulate us
    women predict this interaction, and pre-emptively take the side of the winner
    can we really blame them?

  32. 1 month ago

    Why is there an AI version of Hitler mixed with Nicolas Cage in the lower right corner

    • 1 month ago

      that is the embodiment of what women want

    • 1 month ago

      that's our boy Alex Jones,

      • 1 month ago

        oh shit now i see it

  33. 1 month ago

    if you were a woman, finding the most masculine men who don't care about pussy and are laser focused on their goals and somehow convincing them to lust after you, would be the ultimate ego trip
    imagine the ego of the woman who convinced mike tyson to stop biting people? top of the world
    #1 woman
    they see their ability to influence the focus of highly-determined men as their ultimate metric of value
    this is why women hate simps, easy victories

    • 1 month ago

      that makes a lot of sense actually and it ties into the whole "i can fix him" mentality too

      • 1 month ago

        it seems like the ultimate goal for women is to find the strongest man you can interact with, and convince him to protect you to the best of his ability
        everything else just leads to this end result

        • 1 month ago

          no not necessarily otherwise they wouldn't be raping 13-year old boys at rampant numbers.

          • 1 month ago

            give a 13 year old boy a weapon and a cause and he will slaughter the world
            women have a deeper understanding of consciousness
            their insight is valuable

          • 1 month ago

            no they are not they bang prisoners.

    • 1 month ago

      you mean because they're completely narcissistic and overestimate their abilities and their value constantly? they cannot change anything at all about shit ever. maybe change sheets. they can barely change clothes they look like shit. when was the last time you saw a b***h dressed up? they do that fake church girl shit maybe one day a week if they are "christian" then go right back to showing ass cheeks and pussy outline and nipples

  34. 1 month ago

    I dont want the psychopathic fricks then, they all deserve each other frankly.

    • 1 month ago

      This tbh. I don't know if the whole "Dark Triad guys get all the pussy" meme is true (I don't talk to people, male or female, so I wouldn't know), but I do know that sacrificing my morality and sense of self would require a higher reward than sex with some ape-brained woman.

  35. 1 month ago

    A feminist could read your post and say "women have the right to not desire you sexually. They don't owe you sex". Your post is missing something
    If she doesn't want to frick you, you're basically not human. Just a thing to be ignored or used. The problem then is not that they don't want to frick you, it's thst they will see you lower than a rat and treat you like a worm. Women cannot be friends to men they don't want to frick (or to women). They lack that kind of compassion. Women just use their girl-friends, they will betray them and only use them for power and personal gain.
    So, if you're not a piece of shit, a woman will treat you like a piece of shit. Not only sexually, but in general

  36. 1 month ago

    >I want a woman with severe issues!

  37. 1 month ago

    Women should have no choice or rights. End of.

  38. 1 month ago

    What's so wrong about this? It's literally just human psychology, thousands of years of evolution.

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