Hey anons, my wife gave birth to our son two weeks ago.

Hey anons, my wife gave birth to our son two weeks ago.

The problem is, we brought him home, and my dog has been extremely aggressive since. He's an alaskan malamute and he's been growling, teeth bared, and my wife is genuinely scared he might hurt our son. I am too. I'm not sure what to do because I've had this guy for seven years and he's never been like this before. He nipped my hand enough to make it bleed when I tried to keep him from snapping at my son. We've been keeping him locked up in the guest room but he bounded over my wife to get to the baby and started barking like he has never has before.

I think my dog hates my son. What do? He's been usually well-behaved. He's friendly with our cat and didn't have such issues when we brought him in as a kitten. Cat doesn't care too much about the baby aside from initial curiosity.

I feel like my older son hates the youngest. Wtf do I do? I've never been a dad before, and I want to really savor the memories, but this anxiety (and constant barking and howling if we lock him up) is fricking ruining it.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    You need to relocate the dog. You also have this post as evidence to support negligence charges when your kid gets mauled.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Yes sorry but the dog has got to go

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Gotta rehome that dog.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    gotta rehome that baby

  5. 4 weeks ago

    >son vs mutt
    Tough choice for the modern effeminate man, but fingers crossed that you'll somehow find the path towards the best possible decision in this tough scenario. Godspeed, you mentally ill moron.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I'm not effeminate in the slightest, so I'm not sure what this even means.

      Unfortunately this happens sometime. You can look into hiring a trainer or something to help but right now your son is at risk of being killed by this dog. I've been attacked by a stray dog before when I was a kid and THEY ABSOLUTELY FRICK YOU UP VERY QUICKLY. Rehome the dog or hire someone asap who knows wtf they are doing.

      Get a dog trainer

      I'm looking into getting one, money is no concern. But my wife wants the dog gone. I don't believe it's fair to me because he was with me for some of my darkest moments. If not for him, I would not be here today.

      Animals have strong senses. Especially dogs. Your dog probably knows that your son is trouble. Maybe your dog can sense that your son is going to be a psychopath (people are born as psychopaths, it’s not something that you can fix). I think this is likely, because if your dog didn’t react to you brining a kitten home; this probably isn’t a territorial reaction. There is probably something seriously wrong with your son.

      Is this actually possible?

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's possible, just don't bank on it you moron. Just considering it is a red flag.
        In any case the dog needs to be rehomed.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Your wife is right you sackless moron. Your dog will harm your son. Where the frick is your protective instinct over your son? Get rid of the dog.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Do you have an actual vegana? All OP gotta do is beat the dog as an example to control his woman.

          • 4 weeks ago

            You are embarrassing

          • 4 weeks ago

            Are you 7?
            It doesn't play out that way. If anything the dog becomes more violent. Dogs/wolves don't do that alpha shit you see on memes. OP would just be introducing a higher stress more violent environment which could make for a more aggressive dog that has shown aggressive tendencies in the first place.

          • 4 weeks ago

            You have obviously never even met a dog.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I've owned dogs my entire life and my wife and I work in the pet industry.
            You're citing Facebook memes. If OP tried this "dominance" shit, the dog may fear OP. Not because of alpha pack shit, but because "that guy's mean".
            The dog won't in turn magically think that about the baby. What it *may* do is think "in this house it's cool to be violent with things smaller than us"
            It isn't a pack hierarchy situation. It becomes purely a who can beat up who. And the dog knows it can take on a baby.

            You are a moron. Get off the internet. Your pseudo intellect may actually contribute to the death of a baby, and all you're getting out of this is feeling smart in the internet.

          • 4 weeks ago

            If all you are going to do curse out the people who give the wrong advice to someone who turns out to be describing a real life scenario, and if really are convinced that a baby's life at risk, you will also be morally responsible for your inaction if the baby end up getting killed.
            How can you trust that OP will actually follow through YOUR advice out of others?
            How can you be sure that OP will end up surrendering the dog after weighing his options?
            You can't.
            If you care that much, you will have to do a lot more than calling people autistic on this board.
            Go, report the thread to the authorities that a baby's life is in danger.
            Track down the OP yourself and rescue the baby yourself.
            If you are going to have a go at people on this thread, you are no better than me or others.
            Well, are you autistic too?
            Are you going to contribute to the death of a baby with your inaction?
            I'm not here to save lives, and I can't do anything about OP making his own value judgement at his own risk.
            But it sounds like you are here to save lives, so go for it.
            No one is stopping you.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I don’t know what Facebook is, homosexual. How fricking gay are you? I’m from Kansas. There’s redneck kids and dogs all over the place. All ya gotta do is beat some ass and make them get along. Never seen no babies get eaten by any dogs.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Okay this is just a larp to make southerners look braindead

          • 4 weeks ago

            Nah man. I chew tobacco and everything.

          • 4 weeks ago

            We are not southerners dummy. We literally started the abolitionism that sparked the civil war.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I forgot to mention. A couple years ago my wife's sister brought her husband and kid over (kid was like two months old). The dog didn't attack or react negatively to him. Now the comment about dogs sensing psychopaths has got me thinking. Why would he react like this when he has been nice to babies in the past?



        • 4 weeks ago

          LMAO at this bs, I'm a verified psychopath and dogs love me.
          OP, put down the dog

    • 4 weeks ago

      I don't even know what you mean, is keeping the dog or keeping the kid effeminate?
      Lions and hippos will kill male children, ain't it?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Guarantee you're talking to an incel, or someone who's dad beat the shit out of them, who's had to justify his existence and experience through memes about "real men" and is completely out of touch and now thinks "trying to protect your child by getting rid of a dog" is anything more profound than just using your fricking brain when you have a predator dog in the same house as a baby.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Unfortunately this happens sometime. You can look into hiring a trainer or something to help but right now your son is at risk of being killed by this dog. I've been attacked by a stray dog before when I was a kid and THEY ABSOLUTELY FRICK YOU UP VERY QUICKLY. Rehome the dog or hire someone asap who knows wtf they are doing.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Rehome The canine. Unfortunately the well-being of your child is threatened by an animal. And sadly, animals cannot be reasoned with. He has already escalated to biting, a “nip” is a smaller bit. You shouldn’t gamble with your child’s safety. I know that it is difficult to part with a beloved pet but you have to put your son first.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Beat his ass when he howls from the kennel and smack him one if he shows resentment for the kids. The dog will quickly find its position on the totem pole and become protective. When it settles down, you can pet while sitting with kids and teach the dog how to appreciate them.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    If he kills your son, he will be killed too and every positive memory you had of him will be destroyed. It will also likely end your relationship with your wife as she will always blame you for not getting rid of the dog. I know how shit it is, rehoming a beloved pet is awful, but losing your child would be so much worse.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    God, pet owners are moronic

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Get rid of the dog.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    The dog was there first. Rehome the new born

    • 4 weeks ago

      Sensible post

  13. 4 weeks ago

    Animals have strong senses. Especially dogs. Your dog probably knows that your son is trouble. Maybe your dog can sense that your son is going to be a psychopath (people are born as psychopaths, it’s not something that you can fix). I think this is likely, because if your dog didn’t react to you brining a kitten home; this probably isn’t a territorial reaction. There is probably something seriously wrong with your son.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I forgot to mention. A couple years ago my wife's sister brought her husband and kid over (kid was like two months old). The dog didn't attack or react negatively to him. Now the comment about dogs sensing psychopaths has got me thinking. Why would he react like this when he has been nice to babies in the past?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Now the comment about dogs sensing psychopaths has got me thinking
        do you also believe in horoscope? lol

    • 4 weeks ago

      can confirm
      No dog, or most animals in general would ever hang out with a bad person.
      If animals, especially dogs, are chill around a dude you can always tell they are a good person with a loving heart.
      pic unrelated

  14. 4 weeks ago



    • 4 weeks ago

      Kill your vicious deranged mutt before he disembowels your child, moron

  15. 4 weeks ago

    Get a dog trainer

  16. 4 weeks ago

    We understand that animals are important enough to people to become a primary focus in their lives, but they simply are not our own species, and are not worth the life of a human, especially not the life of one of our own children. There's a reason everyone says the dog has got to go, OP. Even a statistically tiny but non-zero chance that the dog might attack your son is not acceptable, and as a parent you should know that. If you have to shoot the dog to save your son, you need to shoot that dog. Thankfully all you have to do is move the dog to another loving home. Count your blessings on it, yeah?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Not OP. I would take my son over my dog however I would not take you or anybody that isn't my family over my dog lol
      >A dog is not worth the live of a human
      An insect is worth more the lives of lots of humans

      • 4 weeks ago

        >An insect is worth more than the lives of lots of humans
        Well, glad to see you're a well-adjusted individual with a good sense of priorities. Oh wait, you've actually let life beat you down to the point where you no longer have the basic civilized sense of compassion for your fellow man. Maybe you shouldn't be around children, OP.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Nooooo you need to like people first! What do you mean you like your dog more than me, a random stranger grown man? I thought we had something going on anon ugh! I'm jealous </3
          Imagine being a grown man saying that shit to another grown man. Gayest shit ever. I would save my dog over you anytime dude, cope

          • 4 weeks ago

            >I would save my dog over you anytime dude, cope
            most based thing i ever seen on adv, i agree

  17. 4 weeks ago

    Please don't be the guy on the news going, "I know he seemed a little aggressive with the baby, but I didn't think he would go that far! He's never been like this before!" along with a blurred-out photo of a baby with its face ripped out.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    Does your wife frick the dog? Maybe he is jealous that you knocked her up despite being the beta and he the alpha.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    Discipline him the same way Alaskan malamutes discipline each other for unruly behaviour in a pack.
    If you want to keep that dog but want it to behave, you have no choice but to resort to physical means of discipline when it shows physical aggression.
    It is either that, or surrender that dog.
    Dogs aren't human, and you can't treat it the same way you'd treat a human.
    It won't respond to you the same way a human would anyway, and that means your dog might not understand that your son is infinitely more valuable than his life to any reasonable human.
    If you have trouble deciding between a human and a dog, then you are too stupid to raise a human child, but I refuse to believe that you are that stupid.
    So, what's it going to be?

    • 4 weeks ago

      I'll try this. Thanks anon.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Dude get this dumbass pseudoscience you pieced together from a collection of alpha male memes on Facebook, a baby's life is at stake and you're here spouting autistic bullshit.

      I'll try this. Thanks anon.

      At this point CPS needs to remove the child from you.
      I know you love the dog. It has to go. You're being delusional. This breed has a very high prey drive, it Will kill the child and you cannot be there to protect him 24/7

      • 4 weeks ago

        Then go ahead and report this thread to the CPS yourself. You won't do shit, you dumb frick.
        If you care that much about that baby, and if you are that certain that that dog is going to kill the baby, why don't you go and kill the dog yourself?
        I don't personally know the dog, so I don't know how aggressive it is. Since the OP sounds like he want to exhaust all options before having to decide on surrendering the dog, I am just offering an advice.
        Did I tell him to keep the dog? Did I tell him to expose his baby to the risk of death?
        In any case, this is the internet where people are going to share their ideas for their own reason, and at the end of the day, it is OP's value judgement.
        No one can protect him from his own stupidity or recklessness, nor can anyone protect the baby from OP's stupidity or recklessness, yet here you are spouting autistic bullshit like you are some hero out to save the baby's life. Hey, there is nothing wrong with that as long as you are willing to back it up with your own action.
        Go ahead, let's see it Batman.
        Do you think OP would even want to listen to your advice when you make accusations like that? In any case, why don't you care about OP or his wife? The dog can maul him and his wife to death if it is that aggressive and unpredictable.
        If you had said the dog is a danger to EVERYONE for the same reason it is danger to the baby, and for that reason it must be surrendered, I would have thought that you have some credibility.
        You are here for nothing other than to claim your false sense of moral superiority over others like a crazy lesbian b***h.
        Piss off, we don't need that shit.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Your advice is dumb and dangerous. See

          I've owned dogs my entire life and my wife and I work in the pet industry.
          You're citing Facebook memes. If OP tried this "dominance" shit, the dog may fear OP. Not because of alpha pack shit, but because "that guy's mean".
          The dog won't in turn magically think that about the baby. What it *may* do is think "in this house it's cool to be violent with things smaller than us"
          It isn't a pack hierarchy situation. It becomes purely a who can beat up who. And the dog knows it can take on a baby.

          You are a moron. Get off the internet. Your pseudo intellect may actually contribute to the death of a baby, and all you're getting out of this is feeling smart in the internet.

          Youre just gonna stress the dog out and increase the chances of aggression. The dog is violent. You can't learn that out of them. You can just establish you personally aren't something to be fricked with. They're gonna redirect that energy somewhere else, especially if they're highly stressed out, (which it will be if OP starts beating him). And where else is a safer better way to take out aggression than on a baby the split second OP isn't watching?

          You are a certified moron. Stfu and stop giving people advice about things you know nothing about especially when a baby's well.being is on the line.

          The only advice is get rid of the dog. That's it. Nothing else

          • 4 weeks ago

            >The only advice is get rid of the dog. That's it. Nothing else
            the dog was there before the kid. The dog should not leave.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Now you're trolling.

          • 4 weeks ago


          • 4 weeks ago

            >Your advice is dumb and dangerous.
            Okay, what are you going to do about it, then?
            How can you be sure OP will follow your smart and safe advice just because you claim as such?
            What if OP is too dumb to to make a value judgement on what is smart and safe?
            You are the one who wrote that the CPS should have his child taken away, so it sounds like you are really convinced that OP is dumb and dangerous himself.
            Shouldn't you be telling OP to cut his internet cable? This isn't the only place on the internet you can get dumb and dangerous advice, by the way lol.
            How come you tell others to get off the interenet, but not the person whom you are concerned that will follow a dumb and dangerous advice and end up causing the death of a baby?
            You make absolutely no sense, so I know you are trolling lol.
            You gave yourself away, so YOU need to gtfo

          • 4 weeks ago

            Okay, have you contacted the authorities to let them know that a baby's life is in danger because someone is about to follow dumb and dangerous advice from a certified moron on NSFFW and put his baby's well being at risk?

  20. 4 weeks ago

    Update. Had a long and difficult conversation with the wife. She's going to move in with her mother taking the baby with her until I figure out what to do with my dog. So this is where we're at. I don't want to endanger my son, but I'm also not ready to say goodbye to my best friend. I will, but it will take me some time. If I'm trying to train him, I'll do it without my son in the way of danger.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I don't have it saved, but there's a video of people training dogs by showing them what happens with a stuffed animal version of themselves. They're smart enough to get the message being conveyed. You could show your dog what happens when he attacks the baby by 'killing' the stuffed animal dog.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Forgot to add. We're willing to live separated for however long it takes, even months. I will be visiting, leaving my dog at home. I want to give this a solid shot before I surrender him. I'm just worried it'll ruin my relationship with my wife and my son, but I can't abandon my dog who is responsible for saving my life either.

      It's already over for you

    • 4 weeks ago

      rare case of woman being correct at a divorce hearing in a few months

  21. 4 weeks ago

    Forgot to add. We're willing to live separated for however long it takes, even months. I will be visiting, leaving my dog at home. I want to give this a solid shot before I surrender him. I'm just worried it'll ruin my relationship with my wife and my son, but I can't abandon my dog who is responsible for saving my life either.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    Get rid of the dog

  23. 4 weeks ago

    Time to shoot the dog

  24. 4 weeks ago

    Malamutes have very strong sense of smell and your dog probably detected that your son does not smell like you. Olfactory sensations given off by the owner are hereditary.

    Sorry to say that OP, your dog just knows that your son is not yours because it cannot find any smell commonality between you and "your" son.

    But hey, you will probably put to sleep your only friend who just knows that your wife committed paternity fraud.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This. He's trying to protect you, and you won't even get a paternity test before putting your best friend down?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Unironically this.


        if the baby passes the test, all you can try to do before you get rid of them, is to take the baby in your arms, show him to the dog, let the dog smell the baby, calmly look the dog in the eyes, and explain to him, in english and using hand gestures, that the baby is yours, and he needs to be cool with the baby

        the dog will understand this. if he accepts the baby, fine; if he doesn't, fine, he is banished from your pack

        if he is not loyal to your son, he isn't loyal to you - he was never a good dog. he was just eating your food all those years, and now, he can frick off like a b***h.

        on the other hand, if the kid isn't yours, get rid of the woman and the kid and keep the dog

        I did exactly that with my son, he didn't take it well. He tried to snap at him and that's what resulted in him nipping at my hand and drawing blood.

        I want to get that paternity test. I just don't know if I should ask her right away or give it a week and wait for things to cool down. I dunno man. He's never been like this before, and I trust this dog. He hid my benzos the night I was planning to OD. He's smart as frick.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Do it right now

    • 4 weeks ago

      Unironically this.

    • 4 weeks ago


      if the baby passes the test, all you can try to do before you get rid of them, is to take the baby in your arms, show him to the dog, let the dog smell the baby, calmly look the dog in the eyes, and explain to him, in english and using hand gestures, that the baby is yours, and he needs to be cool with the baby

      the dog will understand this. if he accepts the baby, fine; if he doesn't, fine, he is banished from your pack

      if he is not loyal to your son, he isn't loyal to you - he was never a good dog. he was just eating your food all those years, and now, he can frick off like a b***h.

      on the other hand, if the kid isn't yours, get rid of the woman and the kid and keep the dog

    • 4 weeks ago

      Is this legit? The conversation between my wife and me was a bit heated before she left. I'm not sure if now a good time to ask for a paternity test. Should I wait or just bite the bullet?

      • 4 weeks ago

        post blood types for the 3 of you. we might be able to figure this out right now

  25. 4 weeks ago

    this NSFFW thread took an unexpected turn and became a true /adv/ thread

  26. 4 weeks ago

    Why didn't you club the dog?
    That's unacceptable behavior especially for a larger dangerous animal.
    The dog has to come to a conclusion: stop or die.
    And you as a man and owner need to bother make that known and do what must be done.
    I don't give a frick what any bleeding heart homosexual dog frickers think. Those are the only choices here.
    If the dog bit me I'd already be bringing it behind the shed to euthanize it.
    But you know what, I don't really care which one dies: you, your wife's son, or the dog.
    Really doesn't fricking matter in the grand scheme of things.

  27. 4 weeks ago

    We had a similar situation, it felt bad but we had to rehome our old dog. My wife was ready & scheduled to take him to a shelter, I did a Craigslist rehoming ad and we got a message within a few hours which felt like a blessing. It was still a very sad situation to deal with.

  28. 4 weeks ago

    Rehome the doggo dude, this isn't really that bad for anyone involved.

  29. 4 weeks ago

    give the dog one chance. next time it acts up around the kid beat the absolute frick out of it and dont feed it for 3 days. dog doesnt act right after that it deserves to die.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Shitbull owner mentality.

  30. 4 weeks ago

    Are you very competitive?

  31. 4 weeks ago

    Your "child" is a changeling, anon. Your real baby is already dead. Anons ITT are moronic. Your dog is trying to protect you from that evil thing. Listen to him.

  32. 4 weeks ago

    Update. Told my wife I want a paternity test. She went really quiet and now isn't answering my calls. I'm feeling really lost right now. My dog sensed my distressed and is hanging out with me. Is she mad because I caught her out?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >didn't just quietly swab your babies mouth and then get the paternity test done on your own

      • 4 weeks ago

        I'm sure this is a LARP but why the frick would you tell your wife and allow her to try some underhanded shit? Just take the kid to get the test without saying anything.

        I didn't know that was possible. What kind of underhanded shit can she do?

    • 4 weeks ago

      I'm sure this is a LARP but why the frick would you tell your wife and allow her to try some underhanded shit? Just take the kid to get the test without saying anything.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Wife who just gave birth and is protect mode of newborn baby is afraid of angry dog, so ask for a paternity test
      You fricked up bad. Start getting your shit together, that's automatic divorce words and there's no going back now.
      Prepare yourself for 18 years of child support payments

  33. 4 weeks ago

    How do morons like you get married

  34. 4 weeks ago

    I think the dog can sense y'all fear and is reacting to it. You're not supposed to show fear around animals. It has become a feedback loop.

  35. 4 weeks ago

    you just know

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