10 hidden signs a promising guy is actually a worthless loser

When it comes to evaluating a guy's worth as a potential partner, it's easy to rely on the most obvious red flags like a history of job-hopping or an inability to handle basic adult responsibilities. But in this article, we're going to delve deeper, into the less obvious signs that might suggest a guy is complete trash. So without writing worthless intro, here are 10 lesser known male signals of incompatibility with the opposite sex for any kind of romantic purpose whatsoever.

#1. He never wants to have kids because "they cost too much money," but throws away his money

I'm not saying everyone should have kids, but if you meet a guy who gives a f*ck more about video games or the financial welfare of millionaire streamers than he does children or small cute animals -- or stuff in life that, you know, actually matters, well then kick him to the curb. The vast majority of his money should be wisely invested into your relationship and things that improve your lives together.

#1.1 subsection Upgrade Guy: He "invests" in "gear" and "upgrades"

This is related to the above, but Upgrade Guy is a very defined kind of loser guy with some kind of object, usually a car or PC, that he pours money into "upgrading." Money that should go to you.

Listen, we've all seen The Fast And The Furious movies but if you're dating a dude who puts $2,000 rims and a $1,000 spoiler on a lowered Honda Civic, you're dating not only a goddamn moron who makes poor financial decisions, but a white trash goddamn moron who makes poor financial decisions. He probably orders a burger at a seafood restaurant too, and puts ketchup on steak like his orange hero. The same goes for PCs or other male chauvinistic money-sucking objects. Why would you even have a PC any way these days? Use a laptop like NORMAL people.

#2. Fantasy league sports anything. Heck, "fantasy" anything

He's not a team manager. He never will be. He's not an orc warlock. He never will be. He needs give up the freaking charade and do something meaningful with his own life, like plan a romantic getaway for the two of you.

#3. He's content with his job and lacks respectable career goals you can both root for

A guy should demonstrate ambition and drive in all facets of his life, but especially his career. If he's content with his job, it's a sure that he's not invested in building a better future for the two of you. A guy who's unwilling to work on becoming better and wealthier is, unfortunately, not a guy who's going to contribute positively to your life.

#4. He's disrespectful to service workers of color

Pay close attention to how he treats waitstaff, cashiers, and other service workers of color. A man who belittles or mistreats people in these positions is not only revealing a lack of empathy and respect, but also not so hidden white supremacy. True worth is not determined by how someone treats their equals, but how they treat those of less privilege. ANY form of disrespect towards service workers of color is a RUN AWAY NOW alarm that should never be ignored.

#6. His idea of date-night is just chilling at home and watching Netflix

Don't get me wrong. Netflix and chill is fantastic. Sometimes. I'm not saying you gotta go out and drop $750 on some nice eating every time, but going out in public during the day and spending quality time instead of always just "chilling" shows how seriously he's taking your relationship.

#7. He avoids or redirects discussions about the future

A guy who's worth your time should be willing to engage in meaningful conversations about your future together, even if you've just met. If he dodges talks about commitment, marriage, or long-term goals, he's actively avoiding the idea of a serious relationship, leaving you in a state of uncertainty -- a form of abuse.

#8. Small support network

Men of value naturally draw in people in an ever expanding network of other people of value. No matter the situation, they've always got a guy for this and an expert for that. So if he's in his 20s or 30s and seems to only ever socialize with 2-3 other guys, well, honey, I have to break it to you. He's also content with his job, isn't he?

#10. He lacks interest in important current events

Empathy is a fundamental component of any healthy relationship. If your man can't understand or connect with the current thing demanding our collective empathy and support, it's a red flag that he's not capable of providing the support and understanding a woman deserves, either. A good signal here is to go back in his social media history and see if he posted the black square in support of George Floyd, the innocent and unarmed BIPOC who was brutally murdered by a caucasian police officer who was white.

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  1. 2 months ago

    Some of these I agree with but others are just plain stupid. Whoever wrote this has not a shred of personality to speak of or interests that are worth a damn.

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