I don't understand when women say that all men are rapists and they would rather meet a bear in the forest than a man.

I don't understand when women say that all men are rapists and they would rather meet a bear in the forest than a man. I mean, this slogan doesn't offend or make real rapists back off and it keeps away good men who could be your allies, after all it's men who guarantee safety anyway.

So, what is the real purpose of embarrassing men like this?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    All men are rapists

    • 2 weeks ago

      All women are pedophiles, baby frickers, and animal frickers

      • 2 weeks ago

        Usually I just say bullshit, but there do seem to be a lot of stories about 30-something women getting with mid-teens boys. I guess it's easier to dom a child.

        • 2 weeks ago

          there are a lot of women who get shagged by dogs

    • 2 weeks ago

      Hookers say they feel safe with me and always offer to raw dog.

    • 2 weeks ago

      All men raped me in my sleep

      • 2 weeks ago

        I raped all men in their sleep, in my sleep.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Is this a dumping ground for the most lowbrow content on reddit, twitter, youtube, and tiktok?

    • 2 weeks ago

      yeah it's not organic, i don't know what it is. they're going to do a dozen threads an hour about this bear thing for a week or so until the next thing. i don't know if its bots or normies or what this phenomenon is.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >i don't know if its bots or normies or what this phenomenon is.
        welcome to NSFFW, it's been like this for years, autists love talking about the same topic over and over, it's comfy.
        >t. 2006 summergay

      • 2 weeks ago

        >bots or normies? Not sure which
        Kek, nuegay saying hes not sure if the sky is blue or blue

    • 2 weeks ago

      always has been

    • 2 weeks ago

      This is the result of a dozen different glowBlack person alphabet agencies all shilling, astroturfing and shitting up a single place.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yes, israelites are desperate to keep us from redpilling anyone else about their behaviour and beliefs.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Welcome to /misc/, newfriend.

    • 2 weeks ago

      first day posting here?

  3. 2 weeks ago

    >keeps away good men who could be your allies
    Based on this site, most /misc/ posters seem to think a "good man" is an uneducated, unemployed extremist who refuses to work unless he's being paid in pussy by a state-mandated virgin Aryan Goddess. That is to say, the "good men" on this site don't realize they're not actually good men at all and that good men don't actually exist. That's like the first blackpill you learn to accept as a woman when you're growing up.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Do you really think you deserve a good man? Your entire feminist ideology is based around waging sex-based class warfare against males. You are depraved filth. You don't deserve anything from men, you just backstab them at every turn. You have no virtue at.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Everyone deserves to be with someone that doesn't hate them. If you hate all women, guess what, you don't deserve to be with any of them. Why would you even want to be? To prove you're not gay? Nobody's buying it.

        • 2 weeks ago

          You are doing the dissimulation where you pretend that opposing feminism is hatred of women. This is fake. You are evil dissimulating filth, you lowlife fricking scumbag. Your ideology is twisted evil and you can't even talk real. I've known plenty of good women but I can smell you twisted manipulative twats out from a mile away. You are malicious, brainwashed garbage.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >I don't hate women
            >You evil dissimulating, filth, you lowlife fricking scumbag
            I wish men had the self-awareness to realize when they're immediately contradicting themselves like this.

          • 2 weeks ago

            There is the dissimulation right there. You just showed it. Feminism isn't women. You are manipulative, lying filth. You are walking feces. Everything you say is fake. have a nice day. You don't deserve any respect whatsoever.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I'm not concealing my thoughts, I'm merely pointing out you're not concealing your own palpable misogyny which makes lying about "not hating women" pretty ridiculous. Re-read your posts.

          • 2 weeks ago

            More fake bullshit from you. Feminism is not women. You are dissimulating filth. Feminism is twisted and depraved.

          • 2 weeks ago

            But why is twisted and depraved?
            >Because it empowers women to achieve their own personal autonomy.
            And why is that wrong?
            >Because women shouldn't have personal autonomy
            And why shouldn't women have personal autonomy?
            >Because they're worth less than men
            >And why do you think women are worth less than men?
            Because I dislike women

            Does that about sum it up?

          • 2 weeks ago

            >schizopost response

            kek this is pathetic. Log off unironically.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >No argument, just more insults because I hurt his feelings I guess
            I thought women were supposed to be the emotional ones lol

          • 2 weeks ago

            >still schizoposting
            Now that’s just sad tbh

          • 2 weeks ago

            Why are you trying to gaslight us into thinking your group, not all women, YOUR GROUP (feminists) want gender equality when it's so obvious that you hate men and want us gone?

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Why are you trying to gaslight us into thinking your group, not all women, YOUR GROUP (feminists) want gender equality when it's so obvious that you hate men and want us gone?
            Because that's what you're inferring based upon nothing but your own insecurities? Like, I'm sorry girls didn't talk to you in school. Get over yourself.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >arguing with holes
            >when you realize eventually all online altercations with women end up with proxy denial of holes
            >that screencap was true

          • 2 weeks ago

            What kind of a gay reply is this? Feminists constantly say “kill all men”, there are hundreds of millions of social media posts and tiktok videos of women saying this.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Your hypergamy will end and you will marry men at your tier, and produce children instead of choosing to be barren c**ts who violate the very purpose for which nature had created them.

            Your modern existence is a rebellion against God.

          • 2 weeks ago

            nah, best I can tell, they're content to stay single. they're just gonna die crazy cat ladies that retire on the onlyfans money they made as a spring chicken.
            Well, this generation, and maybe the next. After that, they won't have the chance, AI will have already beaten them there before they became legal. They'll be forced to either go full contact sexwork for the simpmoney, or else get real jobs and act like responsible adults. They're still not going to settle for men of equal quality, it's just not there evolutionarily.

            >arguing with holes
            >when you realize eventually all online altercations with women end up with proxy denial of holes
            >that screencap was true

            it really kind of does. There's like 3 types of internet arguments I ever end up in, always started by the other poster, the ones where it's a burgerfat christofascist screaming "libtard soiboy cuck biden voter pedo dogfricker," one where it's a literal troony (always a troony, i get the sense they're pretty hairtrigger) screaming "trumpist fascist white supremacist homophobic transphobic bigot," and one where it's a woman screaming "neckbeard ick eww creepy mansplainer incel incel incel." Typically speaking none of which have anything to do with the actual content of my apparently inflammatory post. Like, how am I a libtard for saying that a glorified T-shirt cannon powered by .22 ramjet blanks isn't legally a firearm because it can't accept normal ammunition? I'm the one arguing IN FAVOR of the gun being freely sold rather than requiring registration.

            They start breaking out their ad hominems and namecalling the moment you break out facts that refute their central argument, and there's simply no reasoning with them after that. Instead the best you can do is just make your case airtight so that anybody that happens to pass along can see that your side holds water and theirs is just a bunch of baseless insults strung together, and then move on.

            >inb4 frick you horseshoe centrist
            I'm pro-facts. That's the side i'm on, if that leaves my political views a little scattered and idiosyncratic, so be it.

          • 2 weeks ago

            In the day where men are forced to sue for peace, trust me - they will settle because Death will be the alternative.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Sm is Judaism that's internal synagogue debate Crap no place in this world

          • 2 weeks ago

            I'm still surprised that women unironically browse this place
            I mean they already have their own place so why would any woman spend her time on a place where they are targeted with insults and plenty of other derogatory and humiliating remarks
            The first time I went to crystal coffee it felt surreal seeing posts with pol jargons aimed at men
            I guess holes love being denigrated but i have to admit it's funny in a weird way seeing them adopting male jargons and male hypothesis about different topics

          • 2 weeks ago

            anonette, he hates YOU, not all women.
            now post breasts.

          • 2 weeks ago

            breasts or gtfo, and you're also moronic for generalizing his hatred of you and people like you for all women.

          • 2 weeks ago

            He doesn't hate women: he hates you, specifically.
            Because your soul is made of sewage.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Post breasts or get the frick out already

        • 2 weeks ago

          >If you hate all women, guess what, you don't deserve to be with any of them. Why would you even want to be? To prove you're not gay? Nobody's buying it.

          Classic social shaming, either you're a Crystal Cafe femcel, a troony whose really good at acting like a real girl, or you're an effeminate male feminist who betrays their own kin for group acceptance and some pussy.

          Regardless, allow me to mansplain it to you: the reality is that you've been brainwashed into thinking that most men are predatory and would rape and murder most women if given the opportunity. This is a lie; don't pretend that it's not. Why do you believe this lie? It could be the result of the fact that you've been surrounded by crappy men throughout your entire life, either by choice, or due to childhood trauma which you have allowed to continue to rule your life by believing such an asinine thing as 'most men are more dangerous to most women than a grizzly bear is'. Alternatively, you're projecting your own predatory desires onto the rest of us, because you're the actual creep who is devoid of talent, attraction, and virtue so you resort to being a social chameleon to feel acceptance and intimacy.

          My advice to you would be to love your neighbour as much as you love yourself, and if you cannot love your neighbour as much as yourself, then you need to humble yourself. Alternatively, if you cannot love yourself, then you need to have a nice day and save the rest of us the headache of having to deal with (You).

        • 2 weeks ago

          High quality men are taking notes. Any c**t that chose bear will live a long LONELY life. No self respecting man will choose a woman who picked bear. They are weeding themselves out and making our choices easier by ousting themselves

          • 2 weeks ago

            You're more likely to be murdered or raped by a man in the woods than mauled by a bear

          • 2 weeks ago

            So, obviously, you have fantasies about being raped by a forester?

          • 2 weeks ago

            Ask rape victims if they liked being raped or have rape fantasies

          • 2 weeks ago

            So the forester has already raped you? I wonder how this happened?

          • 2 weeks ago

            Actual rape is extremely rare. He wouldn't get hard in the situation unless there's something medically wrong with his phschology or physiology.

            (No, "I got drunk and then regretted the consequences" isn't rape.)

          • 2 weeks ago

            >or have rape fantasies
            more common than you'd think. a decent chunk of people raped end up with consensual noncon fetishes as a trauma response coping mechanism. Something about reliving the experience, but in a way that they're actually in control of, becomes arousing.

          • 2 weeks ago

            What are you? A Black person? Just parroting the same shit

    • 2 weeks ago

      41% yourself

    • 2 weeks ago

      >good men dont exist
      Women cheat exponentially more than men based on every measurable statistic. They also cause the vast majority of divorces.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Women cheat exponentially more than men based on every measurable statistic

        >They also cause the vast majority of divorces.
        If women were causing divorces then men would be filing more.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >While married
          >Self reported

          >If women were causing divorces then men would be filing more.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >"By every metric"
            >NOOO NOT THAT ONE

            >"Women cause all the divorces"
            >By "cause they divorces" uhhh I mean uhhhhh leave men uhhhh because they are just meanies and no other reason that implicates the man in any way. They are just cruel okay?? Believe me! Ignore the overall higher rates of drug addiction, violence and antisocial personality disorders among men!

          • 2 weeks ago

            You can arbitrarily subdivide any data set to pretend it says something different than what it says.

            >By "cause they divorces" uhhh I mean uhhhhh leave men
            Yes if you leave your husband you caused the divorce.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Those numbers are horrendous. It should be less than 1% for either gender. This is why I hate people. Fricking 20% of people actually HAVE SEX with someone else while they're married.

      • 2 weeks ago

        And spousal abuse/murders are overwhelmingly perpetuated by men.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Fair enough
      But what is there to work for as a man?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Organizing my hentai collection is a full-time job.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Then you misunderstand our rhetorical style.
      >That is to say, the "good men" on this site
      We aren't saying that we are the good men. In fact we aren't thinking in terms of personal character traits at all. We are thinking about the system as a whole on a darwinian level. When good men are told how
      etc men make women feel so bad that they would rather be dead, this causes them to get trapped in an introspection loop. They develop a mindset of
      >I must achieve perfection before I can approach women otherwise I am a rapist
      and consequently they never approach women. This means the
      etc no longer need to compete with the good men, so they win. Other men want to emulate success so their behaviors spread through learning. They are the ones passing on their genes so their behaviors spread through genetic inheritance. There are now more bad men and fewer good men.

      The point is that feminist rhetoric actually hurts good men more than it hurts bad men in a darwinian sense, because good men will listen to it and change their behavior in a way that makes them less able to compete with bad men. The bad men won't impose these handicaps upon themselves because they don't give a shit about other people and thus aren't going to change their behaviors to make other people more comfortable. This is why feminism is evil. It's basically a targeted weapon that can only hurt men who care about others. Men who don't give a shit are immune, and thus men in feminist societies will evolve towards being shit..

      • 2 weeks ago

        >This is why feminism is evil. It's basically a targeted weapon that can only hurt men who care about others. Men who don't give a shit are immune, and thus men in feminist societies will evolve towards being shit..
        That same argument could just as easily be applied to any moral framework (including the Bible). "The bad men won't impose the same (Biblical) handicaps upon themselves because they don't give a shit about other people and thus aren't going to change their behaviors to make other people more comfortable." So you're saying it's pointless for people to try to push pro-social messages because some will inevitably ignore it? What a defeatist empty sentiment to hold.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >That same argument could just as easily be applied to any moral framework (including the Bible).
          Yes. I actually think this is a huge part of why blacks today seem so much more brutish and uncivilized than whites today, and why whites 1000 years ago seem so much more brutish and uncivilized than whites today. It's due to the genetic consequences of religions. Religions are artificial environments that exert artificial evolutionary pressures. Laws against murder, rape, adultery etc means murderers, rapists, adulterers etc are being taken out of the gene pool. Because this is an artificial process we can no longer assume that evolution acts slowly over millions of years. That's only the case in unguided natural selection. With artificial selection we can increase the size of fish brains by 20% in a single generation. Artificial selection acts on much shorter timescales than unguided natural selection. Note that I'm not saying that moral frameworks are designed with this goal in mind, just that this is the effect that they have. Just because people are ignorant of the evolutionary forces resulting from the artificial environments they create, doesn't mean that those environments aren't creating evolutionary forces. Blacks today haven't been through thousands of years of genetic evolution with respect to our artificial cultures, and the brutish whites of the distant past hadn't either.

          • 2 weeks ago

            You are correct. Add in civil codes and prisons which stopped murderers and other criminals (who were often younger males) from reproducing by executing them or imprisoning them and over time you get some real genetic change. Blacks haven't gone through all that yet.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Blacks haven't gone through all that yet.
            Exactly, and that's why when everyone is equal under the law and conditions of birth are controlled for, blacks tend to get arrested at higher rates than whites and asians. Equality of the law doesn't result in equality of outcome, but it's not because whites and asians have some magical hidden privilege. Rather it's because whites and asians have already had most of their race's impulsive thugs filtered out in the past. They have spent thousands of years evolving with respect to complex legal systems while blacks went directly from the jungle to industrial society barely a century ago, The discrepancies today aren't due to biases in the legal system, they're just due to the fact that whites and asians have been living under legal systems for much longer, and thus have fewer impulsive thugs on account of them all being arrested/executed/etc in the past.

            Blacks never evolve with respect to civilization in the same way that whites and asians did because we see the discrepancies as proof that we need to hold blacks to a lower standard, rather than as proof that the whites and asians that could meet the common standard got filtered in the past while the blacks didn't.

          • 2 weeks ago

            50 000 men were hanged at Tyburn Gallows alone.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Very much true, but try talking about it and it's a racisms. Sad times.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Women suck at everything, just admit it and go back to your normie website

    • 2 weeks ago

      Uh oh! Looks like someone hasn't had their corrective rape yet, please stay where you are, a rape correctional enforcer is en route to your location to assist you in becoming compliant.

      • 2 weeks ago

        He might be a little too hairy and fat for you

      • 2 weeks ago

        Uh oh! Looks like the anal rape enforcer's coming for you first anon, now bend over and take it like a good little b***h.

    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      >be woman in the 2020s
      >look down on the overwhelming majority of guys and see them as beneath you
      >at the same time, actively date abusive buttholes
      >wonder why so many men now resent women
      It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you would have just given us a chance instead of looking down on us even though we're perfectly decent guys, while going after buttholes, we wouldn't hold any resentment towards you.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >as a woman

    • 2 weeks ago

      >being paid in pussy by a state-mandated virgin Aryan Goddess.
      my hands will look like this only in this scenario

    • 2 weeks ago

      The good men you're looking for also do not want a prostitute who ran through 400 men. What makes you think you're worth something if you aren't a virgin? Men decide if you're worthy and most here would agree with me that you're trash.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Been here since 2004, work avg 9 hrs a day because i enjoy my work and i get promoted because im very good at what i do and people are generally moronic so their problems escalate up to me. Make 6 figures, keep 6 figures after tax. 6'3 and very outgoing, and am motivated by internal drive/personality/character flaw to keep accomplishing more and more because its rewarding. Will start a company myself one day and grow it for the challenge. I have a beautiful gf who loves to cook and do my laundry and sew my clothes, she doesnt drink smoke no tattoos no mental illness, she asks me how she should vote not because she doesn't already agree with my politics and know what i want but because she defers to me for politically relevant decisions.

      Thats the mindset of a winner and poorgay browncel subhumans here don't understand it because they were born broken, but its not their fault. Cut them some slack. They're also dicklets and that destroys a guy according to asians.

    • 2 weeks ago

      exactly. All of these male anons are so desperate to have excuses not to actually leave their rooms + improve themselves to get pussy so they all convince themselves that the pussy was never attainable in the first place. It's where the whole "evil woman" image comes from, from their own laziness and weak insecurities.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I would have bought my girlfriend gifts, clothes, and given her tons of attention and love but she wanted to go be a prostitute and get with chad and older guys who give her drugs. but yeah its guys who are so evil for wanting love and sex.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >a "good man" is an uneducated, unemployed extremist who refuses to work unless he's being paid in pussy by a state-mandated virgin Aryan Goddess.
      Yes. If I am slaving away like other men to keep society from collapsing these are my absolute bare minimum demands.

    • 2 weeks ago

      shut the frick up prostitute

    • 2 weeks ago

      >a "good man" is an uneducated, unemployed extremist who refuses to work unless he's being paid in pussy by a state-mandated virgin Aryan Goddess
      I'm gonna be honest, no shit posting. I don't refuse to work because of some sort of boycott to get pussy. I want to have a job but I am uneducated and a sperg that cannot cope with sensory exposure for too long. I couldn't go to school because of it, I got pulled out when I was 12. I helped create the No Pussy No Work copypasta but it was only because I was bored and it's all hyperbole to me. I don't actually believe that the government is going to give me a gf to bribe me into wageslaving, that is absurd. I know I am not a "good man", i'm a loser. And I will never have a job that I can do and I will never have a gf, or a wife, or children. I don't deserve that. But there is still a deeper sentiment that resonates with me with that meme. Even if I could get and do a job, what the frick is the point in working if I am never going to have a wife and children? It seems rather meaningless and empty. I don't care about making money beyond being good enough for a woman, so that I can provide for her and to have children. That's it. A disabled moron like myself will never have that, so I might as well just live off of Autismbux and lose myself in my interests and hobbies, because that is the only thing I can do. Even if I could work, I actually don't see a reason to

  4. 2 weeks ago

    It is a demented feminist propaganda campaign. Completely disingenuous and depraved. The proper response is to say "frick the feminist regime".

    • 2 weeks ago

      Black folk

  5. 2 weeks ago

    >So, what is the real purpose of embarrassing men like this?
    i don't think so tim.
    It's just a shit test, ignore it, or laugh about it and create memes.

    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      They are right though. The crimes I’d commit against a lone set of holes in the forest… they know the score. They understand the implications.

      Highly underrated.

    • 2 weeks ago

      More....Please....I beg of you....This shit is too funny.

  6. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Extremely Based.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Post history is easily the best weapon

        • 2 weeks ago

          Agreed, but it'd be even better if you could post it for everyone to see.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Louis CK and Patrice O'Neal did jokes about how men are like bears 20 years ago

  8. 2 weeks ago

    >they would rather meet a bear in the forest than a man
    lol, come face to face with an adult grizzly and the only thing you're going to be doing is shitting in your pants.

    • 2 weeks ago

      still better than being in the woods with a woman, at least there's a chance it'll leave you alone.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I watched a video of a man getting mauled by a bear and yeah, grizzly bears are nature's wooly butchers. Mooses and bucks are terrifying as well

  9. 2 weeks ago

    You cropped the part where this same post got ratio'd on x (formerly chuck's)

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Someone is pushing this garbage twitter op 24/7 I wonder who it could be?

  11. 2 weeks ago

    what you have to understand is a couple things:

    1.women are frickin delusional

    2. women's in group is other women and they will take any opportunity to denigrate men and uplift women especially online where they can get attention from other women and from men in the form of ragebait

    3 they are neurotically aware that the average men could overpower them at any time and live with this constant fear, even when they live in safe all white low crime suburbs. admittedly this fear would have kept them safe in less civilized times.

    4. theyire number one fantasy is rape.

    5. they live in a world of faulty peceptioons and feelings over one of facts and logic to a much larger degree than men.

    take all of this and you'll see why they project rape to be around every corner, and 99% of men to be rapists (unless theyre seasoned or wearing a dress and pretending to be women)

  12. 2 weeks ago

    copy & paste:

    why the "man" from nowadays do not understand that is his fault the way woman are?

    woman is just a reflection of the man

    if the woman of your country, society, family a re useless and stupid prostitutes that tell more about the man of that country, society, family than the woman itself

    fix the man, the woman will be fixed automatically

    if you do not understand that simple concept, you are part of the problem, but let me try help you understand:

    1-if woman vanishes, what services stop working? now think if man vanishes, what stops?

    2-who finance those prostitutes? pays for a thing that literary is 90% of internet: porn? woman? man?

    3-who the frick give woman more rights at the point to turn then into a "superior caste"?

    understand? if are you, you could frick any girl you want, you can even be a fat frick land wale and still will have a sea of girls simpiing for you, giving you money

    you can even put some girl that you don't like on jail with false accusations

    will you be a trad, submissive, virgin, pure woman?

    and you fricktards still say the woman are the problem, man stops being pathetic simps overnight, only-fans and porn sites, 3-prostitutes would vanish from internet in less than 1 year

    but you losers will do that? no.....
    wanna see more prof? see the reply's to my response pathetic ""man"" that can't even read and interpret

    • 2 weeks ago

      1. I didnt give women any power
      2. If i were to try and take this power away law enforcement (the State) would come for my head instantly
      things have to get worse for more men to open their eyes, till then theres nothing an individual can do

    • 2 weeks ago

      Turn this dark and bloody circle, into a spiral - and aim it towards Heaven.

    • 2 weeks ago

      1. Women, nothing. Men, everything.
      2. israelites.
      3. israelites. They push for feminism and all this bullshit. I'm under the impression they are a matriarchy.

      Women are natural consumers of slogans and fall right into the hands of any propaganda.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >woman is just a reflection of the man
      >It's your fault, men
      have a nice day.

    • 2 weeks ago

      feminazis be like: make the exception the rule to gain social power and blame the men for it tehe :3

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Women vote for leftist policies like open borders, defund the police, less prison time for violent crime, and then cry about rape
    Stop taking them seriously

  14. 2 weeks ago

    >it's men who guarantee safety anyway.
    But men don't guarantee safety. Men literally do the opposite. You realize that right? Men do the opposite of "guarantee safety". Bears are animals and more likely to be spooked off than anything else. Men aren't spookable, they literally murder for fun.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Weak bait. But even ignoring that, who is arresting and imprisoning those violent men?

  15. 2 weeks ago

    >when women say
    >ugly women

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Its a israeli polarization psy-op to keep the spotlight away from the real problem ((them)).

  17. 2 weeks ago

    the truth is, americans are simply not afraid of bears for some reason. this applies to men too. no matter how many gets mauled they just don't perceive them as a threat up until it starts eating their face off.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's because we were raised on literal teddy bears. They are a symbol of cuddleness and love for us.

      • 2 weeks ago

        werent you also raised with baby dolls? what kind of a brainlet excuse is that X'D

  18. 2 weeks ago

    I'll just leave this here:

  19. 2 weeks ago

    I build trails and they are lying.

    • 2 weeks ago

      What do you eat out there in the wilderness? Unless you mean you do that as a job, then that would be kinda gas.

    • 2 weeks ago

      i hate volunteer turds like you, "making the wilderness more accessible" blah blah frick off i had a quiet property bordering nat forest that no one could access except me until pieces of shit like you build a trail a couple dozen feet off my property line. next time a tree is down over a trail on steep slope, might not be natural there bud. that switchback you made destroying hundreds of yeards of forest might suddenly wash out.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    >I don't understand when women say that all men are rapists
    1. Women say stupid things because theyre irrational with childish minds.

    2. Women have a largely subjective or self referential psychological state; they filter the world through their personal needs, desires, preferences, etc. which they project onto others without much critical reflection.

    3. Rape is the top selling fantasy in female oriented erotic literature. Its a commonly reported fantasy in studies of female sexuality.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    >aww a teddy bear so cuuuute!!!!
    Women are stupid.
    No point trying to go deeper.

  22. 2 weeks ago

    Why are women talking about bears as if they're some fantasy creature that only exists in hypotheticals? If they want to go live with bears in the forest and never have to deal with men again... they can. Nothing is stopping them from doing that. Yet none them of them are, despite all the talk about how they'd prefer to be around bears than men over the past few days.

  23. 2 weeks ago

    Daily reminder that most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

    ===[ Current alert ]===
    Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense




    Some guy self-immolated and the israelites keep kvetching:


    In a twist of divine humor, israelites became CHUD:



    =====[ /vault/ ]=====

    1. It's the israelites [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
    2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
    3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /misc/457656749 ]
    4. Pizzagate [ Pentagram map, John, Riekermann, ComfyGate ]
    5. School shootings are glowop [ Sandyhook laugh ]
    6. Fungus and Parasitepill [ q4agf7.pdf ]
    7. Mememagick [ chaos magic, Egregore ]
    8. Cancer and AIDS have cure
    9. God gene [ VMAT2, Signature in the Cell, spw5nmUrpWA ]
    10. Pharmakeia, Stem cell [ Foreskin in cosmetics, Finkelstein: human DNA in hotdog, HEK293: fetus cells in vaccine and products like Pepsi (tumorigenic) ]
    11. Meat is incredibly important for your diet, avoid seed oil and corn syrup poison [ Dr. Chris Knobbe - Diseases of Civilization ]
    12. Hunter bidens Finger Lakes tattoo [ Silent hill, Oz, Mormon origin, pedo symbol, missing people, military bunkers, anomalies research buoy, Ghislaine Maxwell submersible: tunnel to canada ]
    13. CERN ritual and tunnel ceremony
    14. Encryption | Hardware backdoor [ IntelME, AMD PSP, ARM Trustzone, rsabd.py, NSA SELinux, iOS pegasus ]
    15. Antarctica [ Fitbit leak, Antarctic treaty, Admiral Byrd, 15th century map, /x/32364917 ]
    16. Moon [ Lost footage, 1962 laser beam, Nixon phone call, AMERICAN MOON(2007), lux ]
    17. Psionic [ Gateway, RV, AP, CIA-RDP96, Edward Riordan 2017 ]

  24. 2 weeks ago

    Anyone who would rather encounter a bear in the woods than a man is fricking moronic.

    Chances of a bear attacking you if you encounter it in the woods: between 20% and 100% depending on whether it's a brown, black, or grizzly bear

    Chances of a random man being a murder/rapist: 0.0017%

    >But what is he DOING in the woods?!
    What the frick are YOU doing in the woods? What the frick do you THINK he's doing? Hunting? Camping? Hiking? I guarantee you what he's NOT doing. Looking for a fat feminist in the woods that he can kill or rape. If he wanted that he'd just go to any of your liberal shithole cities.

  25. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Grizzly bears can climb trees too.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's not worded perfectly but I'm pretty sure it's saying black bears can run up trees and most types of bear can climb them. It's highlighting that black bears don't just climb, they run up them extremely fast.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Yes especially after they have been shot I've seen it before shit is insane to see something that big move that fast looks like a fricking glitch

  26. 2 weeks ago

    >embarrassing men
    I don't feel embarrassed. I think it's funny because it exposes how stupid the majority of women are. They think this hypothetical is a *win*, when in reality they are outing themselves to us. I think for every woman who chooses the bear should be put on a list and quarantined in the woods. For every woman who chooses man, they get to keep their comfortable lives with the infrastructure men built. Choose bear, no toilets, running water, electricity, etc. Go fend for yourself.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I hope you anons realize that saying:
      >"I hope all women who don't appreciate men go die in the woods"
      Is proving the point of this meme.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Where did I say women should go die?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >I think for every woman who chooses the bear should be put on a list and quarantined in the woods
          You're essentially saying, "women who don't appreciate men should be ejected from society. If they want to pick the bear, let them have the bear"

          • 2 weeks ago

            Let them go live in the woods. Won't be long before they're begging for a man to save them.

            It is obvious that they have a 100% chance of dying out there. Yet they choose it over a 10% chance or less if a guy is encountered. I'd probably just chat with them? They are supremely illogical and do NOT know what is best for themselves.

          • 2 weeks ago

            You are extremely disingenuous and twisting my words. I'm saying women who choose the bear don't deserve the comfort of society built by men. Let them go build their own. Hence, fend for themselves. If they die, that's their own fault, not mens.

          • 2 weeks ago

            You know women built society too, right? In fact without women there couldn't even be the potential for civilization. That means women are innately more valuable than men in terms of society-building. Basically, get over yourself.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Exactly what have women built? Also, I never said all women. Just those who chose the bear. The ones who chose the man, get to stay in this *patriarchal society* that pampers their asses. Another thing, wouldn't it be logically sound that these bear women would rather be in the woods? If men are so terrifying in modern society, women should be ecstatic that they are given land to build their own society. They don't have to be terrified of men anymore and we don't have to deal with ungrateful c**ts.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Exactly what have women built?
            You and every human that's ever been born.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Women didn't build humans or invent the concept of pregnancy. Pregnancy happens so easily they have millions of accident babies and abortions all the time, while having access to birth control. And without the father there post pregnancy they don't even raise good kids either. They by themselves raise kids more likely to be criminals, on drugs, prostitutes, suicidal etc.

          • 2 weeks ago

            All you mentioned is irrelevant.
            They literally build every human.
            It being a natural process means zilch.
            Humans aren't brought in by the stork, grown in a field, or birthed by males.
            Humans are built cell by cell for 38 weeks, by women.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Women don't even get pregnant without semen. And again it doesn't even matter if the baby comes out without them aborting it because they can't take care of it without money or the father. You bringing up pregnancy as some gotcha doesn't work because it's not that significant.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >it's not that significant
            Humans being born is not that significant.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Every animal on earth reproduces.
            Only human women think they're performing some herculean feat.

            It takes two — and the argument itself is fricking silly and pants on your head moronic.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Humans being born is not that significant
            It isn't if you can't take care of them. They just die or live bad lives or become shitty people. Getting pregnant is easy for women even if delivering it is painful.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >women birth kids
            >therefore we're the most valuable
            >therefore we built the infrastructure that is the backbone of civilization
            What a stupid argument. I need to stop arguing with holes, since that's your only value.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Explain why it's a stupid argument.
            Didn't your mom spend 38 weeks building you?

          • 2 weeks ago

            She didn't, semen mixing with their eggs built you.

          • 2 weeks ago

            That's the zygote. From that moment, it's a woman literally building a baby. Cell by cell.
            It's also the woman that builds the zygote. Sperm is merely an ingredient. It doesn't build anything.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Can a woman build a zygote without sperm?

          • 2 weeks ago

            You don't get any stage of human without the semen and the created human can't do much good without what men provide post birth, just stop coping already.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Women don't build humans. A fertilized egg with a sperm builds itself from the nutrients supplied from the umbilical cord.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Getting deep dicked and pumping out babies isn’t “building”

          • 2 weeks ago

            It's building just like anyone feeding developing children is building. All women have to do is spread their legs and once pregnant not kill the kid or poison them to stop their natural growth. They can't even be bothered to do that anymore. They're so comfortable now that instead of worrying about their children dying from the harsh environment they kill them just so they can keep failing at their overly comfortable life and doing the same stupid shit that lead to the unwanted pregnancy anyway.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Yeah. Women refusing to do that really important thing is a major reason for why feminism was created by the israelites. If we remove womens rights, the future will become a lot brighter.

          • 2 weeks ago

            My wife chose me because I'm a bear though. I'm about 400 pounds and extremely hairy. She always called me a bear. If you look like a real bear they will crave it.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >live every second under men's protection
        >hate men
        >"wait no don't passively withdraw that protection!!!!"

      • 2 weeks ago

        Why would they die? Their new bear friends would be more than happy to share their food and other resources with them, right?

  27. 2 weeks ago

    The stat that women throw around a lot is that you have a 1 in 2 million chance of being attacked by a bear but a 1 in 4 chance of being attacked by a man (ignoring the frequency of interactions with each), so by their own logic they'd also rather swim in shark infested water than be in a room with a vending machine.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Their chances of dying without civilization (men) are 100%.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The 1 in 4 stat is bullshit anyway and relies on massively deceitful studies. They ask women shit like "Have you ever had drunken sex with a man" and if they say yes then the study defines them as a victim of rape even if they say it was fully consensual and the man was drunk too. There was one that claed 97% of women said they'd been harassed and one of the questions was "Have you ever seen a sexual joke while online?" and if they said yes, like practically everyone would, then it was marked down as an incident of sexual harassment. They make it sound like the women themselves are saying "I was raped/harassed" and not that the study asked a bullshit question and then shoved the label on them regardless of what they actually thought of it.

  28. 2 weeks ago

    Crunch the numbers.
    Compare & contrast homosexual sapiens males and Ursa species.
    Understand homosexual sapiens males are Earth's apex predators.
    Understand the huge numbers of males who will readily harm, maim, abuse, rape, torture other creatures for shits and giggles, their main victims being homosexual sapiens females.
    homosexual sapiens males are statistically more dangerous than any other animal.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >their main victims being homosexual sapiens females
      This isn't even remotely close to being true. Men are far more likely to be the victims of violent crime. Men are actually more likely to attack other men and steal their stuff so they can make money so they can impress women than they are to just rape women. Nobody gives a shit if men are killed. Women want a world where they are all fricking the hottest guy while all the other guys are dead or enslaved. Men want a world where they are the hottest guy fricking all the women while all the other guys are dead or enslaved. 99% of humanity wants 99% of men dead or enslaved because this is in their sexual interests. All of history's great atrocities are just a reflection of this.

  29. 2 weeks ago

    Putting the bear on the story, is silly.
    Q should be: You're alone in the woods, would you approach a stranger (male).
    Answer is of course no. Both males and females would answer NO.
    Men are getting too butthurt about a stranger danger hypothetical. Very woman-like behavior,

  30. 2 weeks ago

    The first and only mistake concerning women is taking anything they say seriously. I'm not sure how any man past his teens doesn't figure this out
    >Teehee bears are safer than men
    dumb as frick to me. Wash the dishes before I give you a reason to be afraid of me more than a bear.

    The end. Do not take them seriously.

  31. 2 weeks ago

    I've noticed a huge shift in women's mentality recently, when I was in highschool women could pass a random man walking down the street and remain fully composed and calm, nowadays though, just walking behind a woman will make her immediately have a panic attack and god forbid you get too close otherwise she'll be on the verge of a mental breakdown, misandrist propaganda really did a number on women.

    • 2 weeks ago

      That and listening to true crime podcasts for eight hours a day. When you spend all your free time listening to horrific stories of the worst crimes that have happened across the world from the past few decades, it's no wonder that you think that a bear is safer to be around than a man.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's not entirely rational though. For example what if you swapped "bear" vs "man" for "white" vs "black"? Do you think most women actually feel more afraid around white men? Do you think they would be willing to admit that? A huge part of the behavioral shift is just women saying what they think the socially acceptable thing is, and in doing so deluding other women. The media makes it look like most women think this way, so real women feel like they need to think that way in order to fit in, even though nobody in real life actually thinks that way to begin with. Once some women fall into the trap, they end up proving to other women that there are actually real women who think this way. This then sucks more women into the trap, which means stronger peer pressure and you have a feedback loop. In the beginning the peer pressure was fake and engineered by the media, but once some people fall for it they start exerting real peer pressure.

  32. 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone made any eagle and bear cage holocaust jokes yet? Like a joke where the israelite chooses to go into the bear cage rather than pay taxes or something. It would be funny i think~!

  33. 2 weeks ago

    The point is to make men feel more unwanted than they already do.

  34. 2 weeks ago

    Would you rather meet a bear in the forest or make the first move on Bumble and pay 50/50 on the first date?

  35. 2 weeks ago

    women aren't attracted to the kind of men who are dissuaded from approaching women by being absolutely convinced that he would be more harmful to her than an actual bear. women enjoy getting raped and abused. there is no other explanation.

    repeal the 19th. women must be subjugated. humanity can't survive being ruled by women's irrationality.

  36. 2 weeks ago

    Sometimes I'd rather meet a bear in the forest than a woman

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'd prefer both, as long as I can outrun the woman I'll be ok.

  37. 2 weeks ago



  38. 2 weeks ago

    >would rather meet a bear in the forest than a man
    Normal in Canada.

  39. 2 weeks ago

    If women are afraid of being raped why do they walk alone in the wilderness without any self-defence weapons on them and without any muscular conditioning to make them more likely to be able to fight off / escape an attacker?

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's a mix of them being really stupid and not being as afraid of men as they say. The reality is if they were really so afraid of men or men were attacking them so much they wouldn't be able to say half the shit they do or hit men half as much as they do. They're full of shit.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't think I've ever seen a woman in the forest without a man, and we don't have bears because the men killed them all so the women would feel safe in their kitchens.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It must be different over in rapestershire, over here I don't know if I've ever seen a woman walking outside with a man, it's just not something they do. 50/50 they're with another woman, 25% they're with a dog or their kids, 25% alone.

        • 2 weeks ago

          We have girlfriends and wives here.

  40. 2 weeks ago

    This whole thing is a feminist psyop. Nothing more, nothing less. The “bear” in the question could be changed with literally any other thing and pretty much all the discourse around this would stay the same. Every year there’s always some way libs, feminists, etc. try to sneak in some women’s suffrage discourse even though it amounts to nothing, because, as you’ve stated (or maybe implied), their rhetoric is ass. They just do dumb man-hating cringe and go about speaking of their concerns in the most moronic ways possible. This discourse will blow over soon, maybe it’ll be referenced in a comedy skit or some netflix movie in some cringe way then that’ll be it. Just like that gillette ad, just like MeToo, just like the abortion ban, and anything else I might be missing from the list.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Women are still fricked from the metoo meme because a lot of men realized they can't trust women or interaction with them as honest, a woman can say any regretful sex was rape years later. And even when these women are caught lying they still insist women never lie which only makes the situation worse. More recently there was women complaining about men just looking at them in skin tight yoga pants in public in videos for millions to see anyway was basically rapey or sexual assault. It won't blow over because women triple down on stupid.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Let’s not get too mad at regular women. Remember, it’s feminists creating fearmongering content specifically to trigger women into feeling more unsafe around men, and thusly, feeling vindicated in their hatred. This gets especially worse if the normie women in question have had questionable experiences with dudes.

        Also yeah I agree that MeToo probably was the worst of these, I think there’s even a stat since then that approx 1/3 men thinking merely talking to a woman is sexual harassment or something, that’s fricking bleak.


        Yeah they’re literally just trolling at this point but normie dudes are still kinda innocent in the face of feminists so they fall for all their usual bullshit. If this goes on longer their might be guys who unironically get insecure and start genuinely comparing themselves to animals in terms of their morality - viewing straight dudes’ desires to bang women as something inherently predatory - again.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Let's not get too mad at regular women

        • 2 weeks ago

          >If this goes on longer their might be guys who unironically get insecure and start genuinely comparing themselves to animals in terms of their morality - viewing straight dudes’ desires to bang women as something inherently predatory - again.
          That would be a good thing.
          We need to start putting people who have sex outside of marriage in jail. Men who even attempt it unsuccessfully should be put in prison also.

          How many mens future wifes must be ruined by 100 tinder wieners before something changes?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >I think there’s even a stat since then that approx 1/3 men thinking merely talking to a woman is sexual harassment or something,
          What a coincidence, 1/3rd of women say they've been sexually assaulted.

  41. 2 weeks ago

    Women who prefer the company of bears should be ejected from society and forced to live in grizzly country.

  42. 2 weeks ago

    >woman does shit test, asks you stupid bear question
    >ignore parameters of question, tell her you would rather be with a bear than a woman because the bear will never falsely accuse you of rape
    >enjoy seething

  43. 2 weeks ago

    It's just another psy-op perpetrated by big bear.

  44. 2 weeks ago

    Do it.

  45. 2 weeks ago

    Is this another mad scrotes thread?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Scrotes? Your lingo is moronic, kek. You are trying too hard.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Meanwhile women use this as an opportunity to trauma dump about how all men will rape and torture them because they binged law and order, even though over half of them fantasize about rape.

      • 2 weeks ago

        they think that a man just looking at them the wrong way is rape.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Too many women out there have too high of opinions on their desirability.
        Some of the women I've seen talk about their "fear of being raped" leaves my head spinning....

        If men and women are "equal" — including physically, according to the majority of feminist lunatics — then why don't they just over-power and beat the shit out of their rapists?

      • 2 weeks ago

        >the bear will be scared

        Reminds me of this lol


    • 2 weeks ago

      Please describe one actual, real time that your pic related has ever happened to you.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Picrel is our actual reaction. We're laughing at just how motherfricking moronic women are.

  46. 2 weeks ago

    Is it over for human women?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Momma Bear 🙂

      • 2 weeks ago

        That is one stacked bear momma, christ.

      • 2 weeks ago


  47. 2 weeks ago


    Isn't that the real lesson of Adam and Eve?
    Most people think the lesson is simply that Eve succumbed to temptation and got them booted from the Garden; however, it was Adam's fault for not fulfilling his role as a man and stopping her from deviating from natural law.
    At least that's how I see it... I'm high as balls right now...

    • 2 weeks ago

      I think the lesson is the both fell for temptation. Eve listened to the snake and Adam listened to Eve.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The people who wrote that were men just like me and you.
      These texts are filled with both exoteric lessons(to be understood by the general public) and esoteric lessons(to be understood by the leaders and priests).

      The garden is meant to represent civilization when women are given the rights to make their own choices. Eve chooses and they are cast out of the garden which is a metaphor for the destruction of civilization.

      • 2 weeks ago

        That's what I was getting at by Adam's failure as a man. He's the leader of the relationship and he failed to fulfill his duty as such.
        It's interesting that it was for "forbidden knowledge," too.

        • 2 weeks ago

          That is a good point I agree with that interpretation as well

  48. 2 weeks ago

    The only decent women today are nuns

  49. 2 weeks ago

    never seen such an explosion of shills and youtube trash c**ts ever on a thread. what the frick what the EVER LOVING FRICK IS HAPPENING. IM ABOUT TO SMASH MY FRICKING MONITOR!!!!!

    • 2 weeks ago

      This is how I feel when I see Twitter screencap threads from tourists clogging up the catalog.

      • 2 weeks ago


  50. 2 weeks ago



    • 2 weeks ago

      I think it's a younger Abby, picrel.

      • 2 weeks ago

        That is Ben Shapiro's sister

        NOT Abby, morons

    • 2 weeks ago

      That is Ben Shapiro's sister

  51. 2 weeks ago

    I HECKIN love normie memes I'm going to talk about this at the barcade tomorrow with the boys

  52. 2 weeks ago

    Why are you giving this nonsense any attention at all for? If you want more of something......
    But it is a very piss-poor way for girls to try and get attention. They really know nothing at all about men since they only date/sleep around with boys. Kinda like when I mudshark gets beat by a black boy then the dumb floozie goes on to say that this is how ALL men act ALL the time.

  53. 2 weeks ago
  54. 2 weeks ago

    I inclined to lean towards that women are pissed off at men (again as usual) because men as a whole have started criticizing them for their horrid behavior and delusional demands and expectations.
    MGTOW , Drizzle drizzle
    And so forth.
    Therefore instead of listening to the critic they are as usual doubling down used to men like bending over for them as always without realizing that this time weve really had enough of them and they can literally go out in the woods and hang out with that fricking bear because we no longer care if they get killed.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >men as a whole have started criticizing them for their horrid behavior and delusional demands and expectations.
      When will this actually yield results though? Will there ever be a point in time when women will face the same kind of repercussions for misandry that men face for misogyny?

      • 2 weeks ago

        After the falling away. Men must go their own way and basically cripples society, preventing it from functioning at all. This brings about a dark age, and famine.

        With famine comes mass death, suffering, die off, wars, Hell on Earth.

        Once we pass through those times, peace will only be achieved by men compromising with eachother on the kind of life they demand to be afforded. Land, an ox, a woman. Etc. The woman will be non-negotiable and the only way to deliver that promise is to tell women their lives are no longer their own.

        It's a tale as old as time. And then, slowly, in the most israeli way imaginable, she will once again wrest for control, slithering her serpentine body around the Lion's paws to find how to strangle him once again.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Yes this seems to be the likely outcome and only way out of this. The women are hopelessly compromised by globohomo

        • 2 weeks ago

          Get real homie, do you really think this is going to happen ever again?

          I sincerely dont know anon. But for the last 10-15 years we have tried to talk to them , we have tried to reason with them. Nothing works. They simply just dont give a frick and are so used to us catering to them anyway so they dont think theyll have to listen "there is always other men who will cater to me anyway"-mindset I guess.
          The only tool left for us to use is to simply grab a hold of our balls, man the frick up and leave the plantation.
          And yes it hurts. It fricking sucks. Who doesnt want to have love?
          But since theyve become this foul stinky version off what a women should be - There is no other alternative left.
          They will finally realize why they needed us to begin with when we are no longer around.

          When will it yield results? Frick me man , beats , they seem utterly moronic so it might take a 100 years.

          >They will finally realize why they needed us to begin with when we are no longer around.
          >there is always other men who will cater to me anyway
          Because this IS the truth. For every self respecting man who will no longer tolerate misandry, 100 simps will rise to take his place. Going your own way is NEVER going to work.
          >man the frick up and leave the plantation
          What would this realistically entail short of actually living in the woods?

          • 2 weeks ago

            No. I know it is going to happen for a fact, and can see the tell tale signs of it's imminent return. History repeats itself, a lesson you seem to have missed.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Society used to collapse previously because there was no one to replace the men who quit. Now you can be replaced by an immigrant who is cheaper to hire and will not complain. So society will still hold itself together, even if barely so.

          • 2 weeks ago

            An immigrant replicates his home conditions. I call that a collapse, as we'll be returning to a third world hell hole with barbaric idiots who cannot win wars.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Now you're shifting the goalposts for what actually constitutes a collapse. By the time society collapses, no one who remembers what society was will be around.

            Well , listen Im something of a chad myself (yeah I know but its relevant info for the point Im making here) - Im so pissed off at how delusional these frickers have become that Ive left the plantation. I havent dated for years now. Instead I am going to the gym and pursuing spiritual ascension.
            Yes I do miss pussy.
            But also if they are going to be like this its men like me that are going to have to put a foot down. They dont care if the simps and betas no longer wants anything to do with them. Well .. they do care. But not as much as they care when chads are leaving the plantation because their horrid behavior they will start noticing a diminishing stock of chads.
            This sucks for me. But I can recognize that telling these c**ts NO. And prove it with your actions is the ONLY fricking way to make them better.
            On our way there its going to suck for everyone , me included. But if I want a better world and healthy society Im going to have to man the frick up and be the change I wish to see in the world.

            Probably a larp but good for you.

            There will be. Give it time.

            I hope you're right. If there's one thing I hate more than these vile man hating women are the simps who enable them. Like this Black person

            Been here since 2004, work avg 9 hrs a day because i enjoy my work and i get promoted because im very good at what i do and people are generally moronic so their problems escalate up to me. Make 6 figures, keep 6 figures after tax. 6'3 and very outgoing, and am motivated by internal drive/personality/character flaw to keep accomplishing more and more because its rewarding. Will start a company myself one day and grow it for the challenge. I have a beautiful gf who loves to cook and do my laundry and sew my clothes, she doesnt drink smoke no tattoos no mental illness, she asks me how she should vote not because she doesn't already agree with my politics and know what i want but because she defers to me for politically relevant decisions.

            Thats the mindset of a winner and poorgay browncel subhumans here don't understand it because they were born broken, but its not their fault. Cut them some slack. They're also dicklets and that destroys a guy according to asians.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >You're shifting the goalposts

            I never said the original society would collapse. That group of people persists despite the SYSTEM around them collapsing, leading to famine, wars, etc. They will have to fight. Wars will rage - they will persist, for a time, until they are wiped out, which will be simple.

            >No one will remember
            No one ever does. You and I will be long dead - they will fight for water, land, food and territory. As for our lives, you and I are fricked. Hahahaha

          • 2 weeks ago

            To clarify - I mean those people will technically persist. Their society will break down into a primitive state - but yes, the influx of immigrants keeps "that people", if it can be called that, afloat.

            Trying to be exacting in my terms. The people - the humans - persist. For a time. Until warfare checks their shit for good.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Its not a larp. You underestimate how much I actually care for society (without a healthy society its going to suck as either way). And you guys also underestimate my loyalty to you. Frick , Im just a man too! I get pissed off when my brothers are being treated bad!
            Also they have been talking shit about me as well "All men". All men my fricking ass , I have been going out of my way more times than I can count to literally save a fricking helpless hoe from utter disaster (like "oh look this little one is lying passed out, dressed in hardly more than underwear in a pile of snow in the middle of winter - better make sure she gets home to mommy". And then I get to hear 24/7 that we are all evil rapists for 10+ years.
            Frick off and lie there and die next time you ungrateful c**t!

          • 2 weeks ago

            I mean you have to understand my scepticism because your story reads like some neckbeard larp but if what you say is true you're a good man.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I do understand your skepticism. Men like me must tuck away our dicks and do the fricking hard work as well. If we dont them hoes aint gonna change.
            We either present a united front. And with "we" I mean us strong men. i doesnt matter if you happen to be a short king or ugly or whatever.
            You guys are strong because your not bending over for the pressure of feminism and globohomo. Your strong because you refuse to be bent and broken just because everyone say you should!
            Nobody cares about the weak ones. The weaklings who cant resist pressure are never going to be the ones that enact any change anyway.
            But if men like me are going to run around a frick the women and give them validation and attention anyway then it ruins it.
            Cant criticize the women if one is going to behave like them oneself. Either a man cares about where society is going or he dont. If he dont then he shouldnt have the right to vote either. With great power comes great responsibility!

          • 2 weeks ago

            You sound gay bro. Why the frick do you care so much about women that you force yourself into seclusion to avoid them? You're taking action based on women instead of doing what you want and need to do. Stop being gay.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Your either a little simp, a selfish but shamed chad or a literal woman typing this shit. I gave plenty of good reasons for why I am taking this course of action.

            You are very wise to pursue spirituality in a time like this. We will likely not have families, and it is imperative that we make the most of the time we are given.

            While the serpent strangles the earth, there is time to reconnect to the divine, and heal the connections that were severed by harsh, nihilistic modernity.

            Do you meditate? Or pray? Or go into nature, to reunify with nature's gods? Most people would laugh, but the living world is a symphony of interlocking intelligences, some visible and tangible, and many not. People forget. But we don't have to.

            If you are to be alone from men, do not be alone from the spirits, your ancestral spirits who still dwell there with you, in Sweden. Reconnect, and leave their world behind.

            Yeah man I am literal schizo-anon. Been having out of body experiences , full kundalini-activations and are communing with spirits and angels on the other side of the veil.
            I do meditate and practice a lot of spiritual work .. I mean this is literally what I have been doing for the last couple of years. Im keeping to myself. I hang out with you guys and the rest is just seeking the divine. Having these spiritual experiences that I had that kicked me into this is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I am happy for you. God bless every thing you put your hand to, Anon. The time for men like us has arrived.

            It's kindof funny to me. To think, in one or two generations, Magic will be reborn into the world. And most people have no idea what is even happening, still, or what it even means to truly be human. The sheer, divine weight of all it implies, that they were forced to forget.

            We will remind them together, bro

          • 2 weeks ago

            Ha! Frick Yeah bro!! May the divine bless you as well and may magic and spirit powers be yours to wield! The future is OURS! HA!

          • 2 weeks ago

            Well, me personally, I'm just spiritual. I pray and meditate, I go into nature and honor God through the altars he has grown - the trees, the mountains, the forests and rivers.

            I don't really do the whole drug-shaman thing. But I've definitely seen shit. Synchronicity amalgamations, minor miracles. The deeper I delve the stronger the signs become.

            Don't call yourself a schizo man. That's their word. Don't call yourself anything. You're just you, and you're beautiful.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Thank you brother , those were kind words! And yes its like the saying "Were attention goes - energy flows". The more you acknowledge these synchronicities and other miracles in your day to day life, the more apparent and common they become.
            Spirit-power comes natural to some of us , but one still need to practice and do the work to level them up. With belief and practice one can increase ones power!

          • 2 weeks ago

            >my gf cooks cleans and sews
            >i earn and work and have drive
            >we're getting married and having kids
            >im the man shes the women
            You read all that and think im a simp? Dumb Black person.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Well , listen Im something of a chad myself (yeah I know but its relevant info for the point Im making here) - Im so pissed off at how delusional these frickers have become that Ive left the plantation. I havent dated for years now. Instead I am going to the gym and pursuing spiritual ascension.
            Yes I do miss pussy.
            But also if they are going to be like this its men like me that are going to have to put a foot down. They dont care if the simps and betas no longer wants anything to do with them. Well .. they do care. But not as much as they care when chads are leaving the plantation because their horrid behavior they will start noticing a diminishing stock of chads.
            This sucks for me. But I can recognize that telling these c**ts NO. And prove it with your actions is the ONLY fricking way to make them better.
            On our way there its going to suck for everyone , me included. But if I want a better world and healthy society Im going to have to man the frick up and be the change I wish to see in the world.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I sincerely dont know anon. But for the last 10-15 years we have tried to talk to them , we have tried to reason with them. Nothing works. They simply just dont give a frick and are so used to us catering to them anyway so they dont think theyll have to listen "there is always other men who will cater to me anyway"-mindset I guess.
        The only tool left for us to use is to simply grab a hold of our balls, man the frick up and leave the plantation.
        And yes it hurts. It fricking sucks. Who doesnt want to have love?
        But since theyve become this foul stinky version off what a women should be - There is no other alternative left.
        They will finally realize why they needed us to begin with when we are no longer around.

        When will it yield results? Frick me man , beats , they seem utterly moronic so it might take a 100 years.

        • 2 weeks ago

          It will take time. They will literally form an actual prostitution ring around the men that remain but that society will be so weak and inept it will not be able to function.

          When the wars break out, they will be living in Hell on Earth. It is this near infinite suffering that wipes the slate clean, turns the marxist cultural brainwashing into clear water that runs off of them and disappears - it melts in the fire of that pain, a pain so terrible it would take ANY solution, any at all, to make the nightmare end.

          This, then, is the refining fire. I mean read history books lol this shit plays out like clockwork

          • 2 weeks ago

            Well checked my man. And I am (unfortunately) agreeing with what your saying. Women obviously cant think shit through , therefore they need to experience it first hand before they fricking get it.
            Therefore society is going down a toilet of flames.
            Its the only way.

          • 2 weeks ago

            You are very wise to pursue spirituality in a time like this. We will likely not have families, and it is imperative that we make the most of the time we are given.

            While the serpent strangles the earth, there is time to reconnect to the divine, and heal the connections that were severed by harsh, nihilistic modernity.

            Do you meditate? Or pray? Or go into nature, to reunify with nature's gods? Most people would laugh, but the living world is a symphony of interlocking intelligences, some visible and tangible, and many not. People forget. But we don't have to.

            If you are to be alone from men, do not be alone from the spirits, your ancestral spirits who still dwell there with you, in Sweden. Reconnect, and leave their world behind.

        • 2 weeks ago

          After the falling away. Men must go their own way and basically cripples society, preventing it from functioning at all. This brings about a dark age, and famine.

          With famine comes mass death, suffering, die off, wars, Hell on Earth.

          Once we pass through those times, peace will only be achieved by men compromising with eachother on the kind of life they demand to be afforded. Land, an ox, a woman. Etc. The woman will be non-negotiable and the only way to deliver that promise is to tell women their lives are no longer their own.

          It's a tale as old as time. And then, slowly, in the most israeli way imaginable, she will once again wrest for control, slithering her serpentine body around the Lion's paws to find how to strangle him once again.

          Just look at this webm I found in another thread. This is what I mean. There will NEVER be a shortage of simps.

          • 2 weeks ago

            There will be. Give it time.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I fricking hate this video. I just wish i was there with a bat to give these fricking simps the beating of their lives. The guy was just trying to walk away from the c**t and she attacks him so he responds in kind suddenly NO HEET WOMANNN!

            This is why i prefer the russian way of doing things. Woman talks shit, she gets flattened, everyone shrugs and goes about their day.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Is that Adam Lanza?

          • 2 weeks ago

            RELEASE THE SIMPS!!!!!

  55. 2 weeks ago
    Mongoloid invader

    get a rise out of them and then play victim

  56. 2 weeks ago


  57. 2 weeks ago

    Look... the safer they are the least safer they are financially. The whole reason they get funding is to "solve" problems. If there are no problems they need to find a job.

  58. 2 weeks ago

    Bear have killed less than 100 people in nearly half a century. Compare that to how many women were raped and killed by men in one year alone.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Women have killed more life than any other creature on this planet throughout all of history because of abortions

    • 2 weeks ago

      That's only because the probability of being in an environment with bears is also extremely low. The same logic applies to swimming with sharks.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Despite Alaska having one of the highest bear populations and a majority White demographic. The Alaskan women suffer more violence from men.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Do women also share the same domestic living space with bears? No they don't. In fact tell me in a given year how many hours you personally spend in the intimate immediate proximity of wild bears. Let me guess... zero. This is why the frequency of attacks is so low comparably.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Yeah I mean frick Jesus Christ!! Give me strength - That this needs to be pointed out. I mean ffs. The micro-nova cant come fast enough.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Not even surprising you didn't respond to this

          Do women also share the same domestic living space with bears? No they don't. In fact tell me in a given year how many hours you personally spend in the intimate immediate proximity of wild bears. Let me guess... zero. This is why the frequency of attacks is so low comparably.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Black person doesn't understand muhcapita

  59. 2 weeks ago

    Hoe math did a good video on this, go watch it and we can stop making these threads

  60. 2 weeks ago

    because they're fricking stupid and conflate the thug rappers and felons they chase with all men.

  61. 2 weeks ago

    Who cares?
    Tell women they can spend ten minutes alone with a man or go live in the forest for the rest of their lives and see how many start picking fricking mushrooms in the woods.

  62. 2 weeks ago

    Bears that have killed women in Finland: 0

    Black person males that have killed women in Finland: numerous

    Maybe they have a point here

  63. 2 weeks ago

    Women are mad that every show like Naked and Adraid has shown that these women are coddled and useless in a survival situation. They would rather be bear shit than be dependent on a random man. Literally any man would shame them in survival. Sometimes the talmudvision is based.

  64. 2 weeks ago

    The statically accurate outcome

    • 2 weeks ago

      false. bears can smell living or dead flesh for 20 miles. if you run into a bear, it already knows you are there, with the freak exception. the reason you don't encounter grizzly at high rates is because they have already smelled you miles away and have fricked off. for those that remain, they are there for interest and give me one example of when it was friendly

      • 2 weeks ago

        How do you think any hunter gets a bear?
        You can absolutely startle bears.
        Just know where the wind is.

        I'd love to see you take down a black bear all by yourself anon

        Black bears don't actually attack. Literally just stare at them and they frick off. Every charge is a mock charge from them.
        Brown bears are hit or miss. Be big and noisy, ready to shoot.
        Grizzly bear is coming to frick your day up for real though. If they're charging you shoot the fricker, they are 100% going to attack.
        Picrel is from a fricking swipe.

  65. 2 weeks ago

    So funny seeing this thread under another one where anons are calling all women amoral, psychopathic gold-digging prostitutes. Like, now you're finally getting it. Generalizing an entire group of people is fricking stupid (and maybe, just maybe if "not all men are evil" is true then "not all women are evil" might be too.)

    Here's another question, though: would you rather get raped by a man and live with the homosexual psychological scars forever or get mauled by a bear and be done with it?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Mauled by a bear and be done with it. I don't need to live that badly.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Kys troony

  66. 2 weeks ago

    >be me
    >hiking with friend visiting from home town
    >female jogger appears behind us
    >stays 25 yards behind us
    >stop by some waterfalls, she sneaks past us
    >keep walking, see her stopped
    >takes off running, looking behind her.
    >This happens ~5 more times
    >we reach the vantage point, a clearing where you can see the entire town below.
    >she is speaking into her apple watch
    >"they're following me I'm on (trail)-"
    >notices us
    >takes off in full sprint
    No idea why they think like this. Too much murder porn tv?
    We're both married in our early 30s and clearly nonthreats.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Classic female paranoia, Hollywood indoctrination, and a possible rape fantasy.

  67. 2 weeks ago

    >So, what is the real purpose of embarrassing men like this?
    They just want the Big Bear wiener.
    (Too bad they didn't study biology. Humans have some of the largest penis-to-body-size ratios among all mammals.)

    • 2 weeks ago

      Judging by data from the Internet, the penis of bears is the same size as that of humans - about 13 cm.

      • 2 weeks ago

        13 cm is pretty small for a human male, and of course a bear's body is much larger than a human's.

  68. 2 weeks ago

    >Black bear attacks are infrequent, and deaths from black bear attacks are extremely rare. In fact, the North American Bear Center cites that you are 167 times more likely to be killed by a man 18-24 years old than you are by a black bear.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Black bears are pussy cats. You literally just look at them and they run away.
      Everybody in the woods should have a gun anyway. You are responsible for your own safety, whether bear or man.
      It isn't on the predator to be something it isn't. Always be able to protect yourself.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Black bears shouldn’t be a part of this conversation. They should be compared to 8 year old girls, not men.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I'd love to see you take down a black bear all by yourself anon

        • 2 weeks ago

          bear can't climb tree. Man can climb tree.

          I choose bear.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Bear absolutely climbs tree. Very fast.

          • 2 weeks ago

            NO! BEAR CAN'T CLIMB TREE!

            I climb higher. Bear get tired, fall from large height. Bear die. hahahahha.

            Man would not be so stupid.TGG8K

          • 2 weeks ago

            For reference, that's a full sized black bear. They're pussies.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Then I climb different tree. Bear still not catch me. Bear dumb. Can outsmart bear, may not outsmart man.

          • 2 weeks ago

            omfg - Bears are literally known for being excellent fricking climbers.

  69. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      yeah he would definitely kill any roastie hag that comes up to him

  70. 2 weeks ago

    >incel thread

  71. 2 weeks ago

    It's about attention not finding an answer

  72. 2 weeks ago

    I can't speak for everyone else Joe
    but I'm keeping up the memes to make feminists an themselves through bear

  73. 2 weeks ago

    This question went around my friend group and the only female who answered bears was an insufferable fat leftist c**t and that is a good encapsulation of the kind of person who would answer bear

  74. 2 weeks ago

    >between bear

    the bear

  75. 2 weeks ago

    honestly, I's choose bear 100%. Just climb a tree guys. It's that simple. You know that the bear is trying to kill you, but you it's less clear whether this stranger wandering through an isolated stretch of the woods wants to kill you, rape you, or be a totally chill guy. Humans are smarter. I take bear.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Bears not only climb trees but run at 30mph and are harder to put down with a knife or bullets. You have to be the dumbest motherfrickers on earth to unironically prefer being alone with a bear than the average guy or you think the only guys in nature besides you are Dexter or Jeffrey Dahmer.

  76. 2 weeks ago

    Stop seething at this. The algorithm grouped you with other sexists and this bear meme is sexist content it thought you would like. It didn't know you would seethe when sexism is used against you.

    • 2 weeks ago

      This isn't sexist it's just showing how moronic women are, stop lying.

  77. 2 weeks ago

    Women deserve to have people take a dump in their mouth

  78. 2 weeks ago

    don't be stupid

  79. 2 weeks ago

    >i don't understand when women say that all men are rapists and they would rather meet a bear in the forest than a man.
    It's just a question that shows how women are living in a fantasy world protected from evil and hardship of the old world. If it would actually have been for real 10/10 women would have picked a human male over s bear if actually was about to be thrown out in dark deep woods. But they don't think about it and give an answer Of thought but an answer of repeating propaganda and virtual signaling of feminism. "I need no man, all men are shit and evil hurr sure".

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