I won't masturbate anymore

I will be a good boy and never pleasure my penis anymore except from my future wife. What am I in for?

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  1. 4 weeks ago


  2. 4 weeks ago

    Testosterone overload, super argumentative. Loss of sex drive, penis goes dormant. I no fap for a week or two until I need to come down. It's the porn that is fricking you up.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Is he true /misc/? These guys demoralize me from nofap

      • 4 weeks ago

        No, you will not get testosterone overload and be super argumentative. Guys like me who have had a vasectomy do not get test overload, and we absorb out own sperm. Your sex drive is determined by the females physically around you, not by how often you jack off. You could jack off 3 times in a day, but if you see a bad ass b***h that fits your type perfectly you'll still be able to frick. Yes, your penis goes dormant. It is a muscle. You have to use it or it does shrivel up. Try edging in the shower with non irritating feminine wash, just to keep it in use. I'm serious. You should start waking up with morning wood within a week or 2. Yes, you might cum in your sleep. And when you go take a piss you'll be able to smell the cum that dribbled into your underwear while you were sleeping. Do not make any serious relationship or financial decisions in the state of no fap.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Do not make any serious relationship or financial decisions in the state of no fap.
          So I'll have to keep fapping to get erection. I had no fapped for two years once and I got no problem in jerking off again. I have ocd, so if I stop jerking I won't do it again. If I do it again I will do it regulary. I can't have the middle way

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Yes, your penis goes dormant. It is a muscle
          It literally isn't

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Guys like me who have had a vasectomy do not get test overload, and we absorb out own sperm
          Semen retention is a meme. The post orgasm effect on the brain is where hormone regulation is getting fricked.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Those guys have absolutely no control. If you no fap for a week or two you'll feel great but sometimes I feel overloaded with T and just need to pop one off, spankbank and pics only. Porn and everyday fap are really bad.

      • 4 weeks ago

        debatable, case by case scenarios differ. Porn related issues are 100% psychological, so might affect some very little, while some get truly fricked up and then project whenever someone brings up nofap

    • 4 weeks ago

      >What am I in for?
      Lots of unrequested hardons and wiener dribble too.

      >Testosterone overload
      This. You'll have a frickton more energy, that's for sure.
      >Loss of sex drive, penis goes dormant.
      Absolutely fricking wrong. Ten plus days of no fap, you see a woman walk by that you find attractive, nature will take its course.

    • 4 weeks ago

      not true for me. I’ve been on nofap since 2016 and I still get daily boners

    • 4 weeks ago

      If it's porn that's fricking me up then can I use social media pics of girls I actually know to fap to?

      Or is any form of external visual stimulation a porn equivalent?

      • 4 weeks ago

        shills bit quit, so one last bump for OP

        Good luck anons, you and do it

        no fapping, no porn, no touching yourself sexually ever.
        Whataboutism is such a derivative argument structure

  3. 4 weeks ago

    You'll be thinking a lot more about RAPE!!!!

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Long yogurt ropes getting your room all corrupted

  5. 4 weeks ago

    You will be horny and cum in your sleep

  6. 4 weeks ago

    you might go a bit psychotic for a few weeks if you jerk offd too often before, but otherwise you'll have a clearer mind and more mental energy

  7. 4 weeks ago

    When you cave you can fap to this one and increase her power level. The prime minister made her cry on tv.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    After a few years libido will go down anyway and you'd be like
    >Wtf was I thinking.
    If the chosen women comes your way it will, yea don't jack off too often cause it drains you of energy and ideas and you won't be able to do a lot of things like finding a decent women.

    • 4 weeks ago


  9. 4 weeks ago

    My problem is the constant urge to jack off to women that I've seen in public or had previous experiences/run ins with in my life.
    I don't want a limp dick but I don't want to sacrifice my faith for a quick nut.
    I have a great wife but sex is a pain in the ass with two kids never allowing us free time. It's just easier to jack off in the shower.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Make time to romance and frick your wife. Show her you find her attractive, and she'll be slobbering on your nob like a thirsty African on an icepop.

      Father of two here, and my wife and I frick 4-5 days per week minimum, sometimes twice a day.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >sometimes twice a day
        I've been with my wife for 15 years and we frick twice daily, minimum. yesterday we did it 5 times.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    there is nothing wrong with masturbation per se, but the outside reasons for it.
    you would not jack your sausage off if women were in their place, if they dressed properly, if there was no pornography on every corner.
    problem with masturbation is also that after jackng off you feel bad (because subconciously you know it is not okay). but conciuosly you think that you yourself is enough, and that alone you can survive (you can not) - that is the same with modern women, their heads are filled with: you are selfsufficient, you are best, you do not need a man for anything.

    and you get no offspring, so you are wasting your cum on images of women. you live alone and die alone. you are nothing. israelites deserve to be owners of you, because you are so unhuman.

    • 4 weeks ago
      Sage the Jooz

      >unhelpful and projecting

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Power beyond your wildest dreams.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    At first, you'll be horny all the time, high T, aggressive go-getter.
    Then you'll start having funky dreams and cumming your in your underpants whilst you're asleep.
    Then, the willy will stop working properly. No more horniness, no more high-T, women will no longer interest you.
    Your penis will shrivel slightly and won't respond to anything.

    Your willy is like any other muscle, anon, you have to use it fairly regularly or it loses it's strength. Now ideally, that would be used inside a loving beautiful woman, but it's important not to let it rot.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Pretty much my experience, glad someone else notices that too. I turn into an argumentative prick when I'm weeks deep and the thing that I hate is that I'm good at arguing.

    • 4 weeks ago

      what the frick is wrong with you, you cringe biohole. Jesus christ, I can hear your womb drying up from here.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Gargle my spunk you awkward virgin c**t

        • 4 weeks ago

          Nice try, female.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I suggested fricking a woman and have even said here that I bang my wife on the regular

            Make time to romance and frick your wife. Show her you find her attractive, and she'll be slobbering on your nob like a thirsty African on an icepop.

            Father of two here, and my wife and I frick 4-5 days per week minimum, sometimes twice a day.

            , yet you think I'm a woman?

            You might be homosexual. Or moronic. Get it checked out, memeflaggot.

          • 4 weeks ago


          • 4 weeks ago

            Your country's education system has failed you. Many such cases.
            Anyway, I'm not arguing any further with someone with learning difficulties. Enjoy your crayons

          • 4 weeks ago

            go wash your c**t you smelly b***h

          • 4 weeks ago

            Haha, fricking incel.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Anyway, I'm not arguing any further
            welcome back b***h, did you watch your rotten c**t yet?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Im not the guy you were calling a woman. But he's right, you are moronic.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    The point of sex drive is to encourage you to find a girl and get together, so if you're alone and depressed you should stop fapping or fap less. Every time you jerk off you're resetting the systems in your sub conscious that push you to get yourself into situations where you can meet and talk to girls.

    If you're happy being alone, just fap your dick off and be happy being alone.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    Failure, and resentment

  15. 4 weeks ago

    Good work, bro.
    I stopped this and porn decades ago when I realized it was all self-harm.
    Go through the stages of addiction, take up weights and cardio, and an interesting hobby.
    Sooner or later cute girls will pursue you.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    >What am I in for?
    monetary compensation for this thread

  17. 4 weeks ago

    blue balls and enlightenment

  18. 4 weeks ago

    >except from my future wife. What am I in for?
    Smartert kids because you let the semen mature (needs up to three months) before being used

  19. 4 weeks ago

    >What am I in for?

    Irrational anger and frustration

  20. 4 weeks ago

    You are in for fren a life changing experience. Do not fap even without porn, as it is a grave sin
    Ignore all the shills that saying just a little is ok. It is not. You will feel better and look better than 90 % of modern american nu-males by no fap and stop eating corn syrup. Add on top of that some kind of sport or exercise YOU enjoy, you will be doing great! Women can literally smell it by the way, as most ~~*men*~~ in today's society are fat, smokers drinkers or masturbation or all of the above, which messes up your pheromones and t levels. They will notice you more and more. That is a side benefit, but for many anons that will be the best things for them. The real benefit? Health. As you will not be wasting minerals any longer for a pointless reason and reset your dopamine and serotonin receptors.
    >go no fap
    >feel more confident and healthy
    >start daily exercise regimen
    >lose weight if above 15 % body fat
    >gain muscle if skelly mode
    >stop israeli supported activities
    Oh and TKD

    • 4 weeks ago


      check out eazy peasy method for help. Read the whole thing in a day, and never rationalize going back to porn or masturbation. israelites want you to be fat, addicted to substances, be an avid porn watcher, and in general have no hope. This is why when conservatives and liberals talk about freedom the first thing they defend is A, right to promiscuity, B right to stuff their face or C, right to indulge or D, right to justify their sin as ~~*freedom*~~. Also, you can directly correlate these degenerate actives with support for israeli things like the: israelites are real americans, or we should give aid to hamas or we need to fight another war for some reason, or any think of the children type bs overreaching censorship.
      Only those who practice Christianity and are European can be considered eligible. The freedom of religion is for Christians, not mormons, israelites, muslims, pagans, hindus, buddhism, shintoism, animism, deism, atheism or agnostics.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    i want to try doing this but I wonder if it's really achievable or is everyone just memeing and pretending it can be done

    • 4 weeks ago

      it is no meme fren


      check out some older chan users

      • 4 weeks ago

        Haven't jerked off in 5-6 years. Not because of NoFap I used to be a sex addict.
        This is what I've experienced:
        >I became more selective with women
        >Felt confident enough to cold-approach instead of using dating apps
        >Dicipline improved and propelled my art into becoming a viable career path
        >I wouldn't just get bored anymore I would become bored+frustrated that I was feeling that boredom which would make me read or exercise without even feeling like a concious choice
        >Felt less of a need to give my opinion and I felt more enthusiastic to hear other people talk since I already know what I know and this was free learning, even if it was moronic I was learning how to not be moronic
        >Got over my heartbreak and made peace with perhaps never falling in love again (love is a rare experience, but only one of many rare experiences, so I may as well experience other rare experiences instead of trying to recreate one)
        >Would stand my ground/speak up when I or someone I cared about was being wronged
        >People naturally look to me as a leader and I learned how to handle this with benevolence

        Honestly one of the best things I have ever decided to do and if you think about it, it is a win-win.
        Either you stop jerking off and nothing happens and you get to be correct or your life gets better. So may as well roll those dice.

        I agree with all of those words and I think those words form a really beautiful sentiment, however
        I must go jerk off

        • 4 weeks ago

          you do not have do it all anon, you never have too

          Haven't jerked off in 5-6 years. Not because of NoFap I used to be a sex addict.
          This is what I've experienced:
          >I became more selective with women
          >Felt confident enough to cold-approach instead of using dating apps
          >Dicipline improved and propelled my art into becoming a viable career path
          >I wouldn't just get bored anymore I would become bored+frustrated that I was feeling that boredom which would make me read or exercise without even feeling like a concious choice
          >Felt less of a need to give my opinion and I felt more enthusiastic to hear other people talk since I already know what I know and this was free learning, even if it was moronic I was learning how to not be moronic
          >Got over my heartbreak and made peace with perhaps never falling in love again (love is a rare experience, but only one of many rare experiences, so I may as well experience other rare experiences instead of trying to recreate one)
          >Would stand my ground/speak up when I or someone I cared about was being wronged
          >People naturally look to me as a leader and I learned how to handle this with benevolence

          Honestly one of the best things I have ever decided to do and if you think about it, it is a win-win.
          Either you stop jerking off and nothing happens and you get to be correct or your life gets better. So may as well roll those dice.

          based aussie

  22. 4 weeks ago
  23. 4 weeks ago

    Took pills for my hair now my wiener wouldn’t get hard with the entire cheerleading team from any university on earth so now women approach me/ask me out a fair bit but I can’t frick

  24. 4 weeks ago

    Also you can not be trusted,
    You have to buy this, it is the only way.

  25. 4 weeks ago

    Haven't jerked off in 5-6 years. Not because of NoFap I used to be a sex addict.
    This is what I've experienced:
    >I became more selective with women
    >Felt confident enough to cold-approach instead of using dating apps
    >Dicipline improved and propelled my art into becoming a viable career path
    >I wouldn't just get bored anymore I would become bored+frustrated that I was feeling that boredom which would make me read or exercise without even feeling like a concious choice
    >Felt less of a need to give my opinion and I felt more enthusiastic to hear other people talk since I already know what I know and this was free learning, even if it was moronic I was learning how to not be moronic
    >Got over my heartbreak and made peace with perhaps never falling in love again (love is a rare experience, but only one of many rare experiences, so I may as well experience other rare experiences instead of trying to recreate one)
    >Would stand my ground/speak up when I or someone I cared about was being wronged
    >People naturally look to me as a leader and I learned how to handle this with benevolence

    Honestly one of the best things I have ever decided to do and if you think about it, it is a win-win.
    Either you stop jerking off and nothing happens and you get to be correct or your life gets better. So may as well roll those dice.

  26. 4 weeks ago

    You're looking forward to prostate cancer

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