Is it true that women cannot experience loneliness?

Is it true that women cannot experience loneliness?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    Women gatekeep sex, men gatekeep relationships. When alpha males aren't forced to commit to the first woman they frick, hypergyny ensues, women become prostitutes, social cohesion is destroyed, and birthrates collapse. Criminalize fornication and adultery.

    • 1 month ago

      >Women gatekeep sex, men gatekeep relationships
      There is no faster way to out yourself as an npc who gets his opinion on relationships from pop culture than by repeating this cringe, inaccurate cliche. Women reject men for serious relationships far more than the other way around too. The only women who get """used""" for sex are women who specifically only chase after men who clearly only want sex.

      • 1 month ago

        Women gatekeep sex, men gatekeep relationships. When alpha males aren't forced to commit to the first woman they frick, hypergyny ensues, women become prostitutes, social cohesion is destroyed, and birthrates collapse. Criminalize fornication and adultery.

        remember that this whole hookup culture started with women's rights and when dating became one-sided in favor of dating. The easier dating gets for women, the more they reject stable relationships in favor of casual sex. Stop falling for the meme that women want love but can only get sex. Women are rejecting love in favor of casual sex.

        • 1 month ago

          Is it true that women cannot experience loneliness?

          >sees human male
          >doesn't have stimulation from social media in current moment

        • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          Nobody said women want love. They want status that comes with relationship with a man that is perceived as high value by the rest of society.

          • 1 month ago

            doesn't change the fact that women reject men for relationships more than men reject women for relationships, and that the trend toward casual sex instead of relationships is being driven by women.

          • 1 month ago

            >doesn't change the fact that women reject men for relationships more than men reject women for relationships
            Yes, but that's precisely because they perceive vast majority of men as low value. That anon have talked about "alpha males". You aren't arguing against him at all.

          • 1 month ago

            >Women gatekeep sex, men gatekeep relationships.
            he says "men" gatekeep relationships. If you are saying "1% of men reject women for relationships while the other 99% want relationships but keep getting rejected by women" then at the group level, it's women who are gatekeeping relationships. The average woman is rejecting more relationship opportunities than the average man and it's not even close.

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah, I guess you're right when you put it that way.

          • 1 month ago

            You underestimate how many guys get in a relationship just for the sex, but completely fail to treat their lover as one outside the bed. They'd be better served with just being up front about wanting to just be frick buddies. But of course, that's where the problem lies, since doing so cuts off potential matches since women are tend to be more inclined to the emotional side of relationships, rather than the physical, resulting in a lot of guys competing over a small number of promiscuous women and a lot of girls competing over a small number of nest-building men.

          • 1 month ago

            >You underestimate how many guys get in a relationship just for the sex
            I don't think so. I think you overestimate the number of guys in a relationship just for sex because:
            1)as a woman males who want a meaningful relationship are invisible to you
            2)as a woman you will mainly get direct proposals from males who only want sex, particularly if you use social media to hook up.
            3)as a woman you project what you believe males want
            4)as a woman you instinctively dehumanise males so your only way to consider them is through the lense of how they treat/or what they do for women.

          • 1 month ago

            >the trend toward casual sex instead of relationships is being driven by women
            I got the ultimate confirmation of that whilst dating someone only to find out after some poking around that they have a history of prostitutedom and degeneracy after getting raped in their early teens. And they're so fricking needy when they're in that infatuation phase I'll tell you that, just randomly saying "I love you" and all that crap out of nowhere and expecting you to return the favor like a clingy child. It drives you insane. You just want nothing more than to escape that and jump off a bridge into a river, never to be seen again regardless of the possible heartbreak you'd be causing.

          • 1 month ago

            >just randomly saying "I love you" and all that crap out of nowhere and expecting you to return the favor like a clingy child
            this ruined my first relationship , frick i really liked her too

        • 1 month ago

          Women can't love anyone but the best option they have. Perhaps they could love people other than the top 1% if the top 1% weren't options.

      • 1 month ago

        Does it ever occur to you fricking incels that women are just as shy and needy as you are?

        • 1 month ago

          The problem with "incels" is over-feminisation, it's the same reason why nerds troon out

        • 1 month ago

          Does it ever occur to you that
          >Women reject men for serious relationships far more than the other way around too
          is just an objective fact and no amount of "muh incels!" cope from you will ever change that fact? There is no such thing as a lonely woman because every woman falls into one of the following categories:
          >currently in a loving and fulfilling relationship
          >rejected dozens of attractive and compatible men who want a loving and fulfilling relationship with her
          >choosing to be obese
          that's it. That's all women under 30.

          You underestimate how many guys get in a relationship just for the sex, but completely fail to treat their lover as one outside the bed. They'd be better served with just being up front about wanting to just be frick buddies. But of course, that's where the problem lies, since doing so cuts off potential matches since women are tend to be more inclined to the emotional side of relationships, rather than the physical, resulting in a lot of guys competing over a small number of promiscuous women and a lot of girls competing over a small number of nest-building men.

          no. Those women are only with those men BECAUSE he's the type who views her as a cumrag. You underestimate how many women lose interest with a guy who focuses too much on forming an emotional connection with her and not enough on just fricking her. Women constantly reject men because the man wasn't physically assertive enough or because he waited too long to make a move.
          >and a lot of girls competing over a small number of nest-building men
          if this were true, then those nest-building men would be surrounded by women who want to date them. In reality the nest-building men are often getting rejected by women who choose men that clearly only want sex.

        • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        >Women reject men for serious relationships far more than the other way around too. The only women who get """used""" for sex are women who specifically only chase after men who clearly only want sex.
        Women reject men, yes, but not the ones they'd have sex with (in most cases). Men refuse commitment to women they would/do have sex with. For women, sex is a tool. They use sex to get commitment and loyalty. It often fails, but that's what they use sex for.
        Women feel "used" when they offer sex expecting loyalty but get no such loyalty in return.

        • 1 month ago

          >Women feel "used" when they offer sex expecting loyalty but get no such loyalty in return.
          "Men are 8× more likely than women to enjoy casual sex (28.9% M, 3.6% F); ie, women have higher action regret, while men have higher inaction regret."
          "In stable relationships, the man is 3× more likely to initiate sex than the woman is."
          "Women rapidly lose interest in sex once in a stable relationship or living with a man. Conversely, male sexual desire was found to remain constant, or even increased throughout the course of the relationship.

          The more men love their wives, the more they want to have sex with their wives. The more women loved their husbands, the LESS they wanted to have sex with those husbands.
          Men showed affection by initiating sex, sharing leisure activities, and doing housework with their wives. By contrast, women showed affection by reducing negative or antagonistic behaviors (eg, nagging less and being less annoying)."

          • 1 month ago

            >going to the gym in flip flops

            women do get a ton of attention from men wanting to frick them. that is the subject of the thread.

            and women also get a ton of attention from men who want committed relationships. And it's generally easy to tell which type of man he is, especially if you take the time to get to know him instead of fricking him right away. If a woman keeps ending up with the men who want to frick her, it's only because she keeps rejecting the men who want commitment.

          • 1 month ago

            How do you get to these foid worshipping stats when 80% of men have zero sex and 99% of women frick every Black in town? What are those percentages per captia and can you break them down i to race?

          • 1 month ago

            >99% of women frick every Black in town?
            bong women are ugly, doesn't count. here good luck competing with all the top chads in your city on ig/snap/tiktok for the few non-fatties

          • 1 month ago

            >bong women are ugly
            True. Possibly the ugliest in the world, not genetically but through intention, poor self care, foul characters, feminism granted entitlement, high body counts and dependencies. American foids ain't much better though, and they are fatter, more drug dependent and frick Blacks with impunity.

          • 1 month ago

            Aussie women top of the anglosphere?

        • 1 month ago

          Women reject otherwise attractive men specifically BECAUSE those men were trying to get to know her and form an emotional connection, which makes her think of them as weak and not assertive enough. So she chooses sexually assertive men and then cries when it doesn't work out. But she still rejected attractive men who wanted relationships and she often rejected them BECAUSE they wanted a relationship instead of just sex.

          >There is no woman who is single who hasn't rejected a mountain of compatible men
          bro have you never met the fat stinking unfrickable women? the perma-virgin beasts who scratch their big eczema-ridden bellies as they administer games of d&d?

          obese women are not lonely, because if they were lonely they would just choose to stop being fat and then they would have the same choices that all other non-obese women have.

          • 1 month ago

            there are plenty of women who would still be disgusting and unfrickable even if they got skinny. never met a meth addict before? you probably dont talk to many women but trust me theres plenty even you would 100% never ever frick bro

          • 1 month ago

            meth addicts are too addicted to meth to have feelings like loneliness.
            >ummmm actually only 99.99999% of women have an easy time finding a relationship checkmate incels 🙂
            wow good job you sure showed me

          • 1 month ago

            >99.99999% of women have an easy time finding a relationship
            >checkmate incels 🙂
            strawman. no one is trying to 'show you' we are talking to each other. or we were before you revealed your homosexualry

          • 1 month ago

            Sex on meth probably feels like youre in heaven

          • 1 month ago

            >other non-obese women
            I'm afraid it looks like these haven't been invented yet.

        • 1 month ago

          But they offer it to men whom obviously have no intention of committing and then proceed to blame everyone but themselves. This post

          >Women gatekeep sex, men gatekeep relationships
          There is no faster way to out yourself as an NPC who gets his opinion on relationships from pop culture than by repeating this cringe, inaccurate cliche. Women reject men for serious relationships far more than the other way around too. The only women who get """used""" for sex are women who specifically only chase after men who clearly only want sex.

          is pretty accurate.

          • 1 month ago

            who *
            whom is the accusative (object)
            who is the nominative (subject)
            have is the verb, so u need subject form

          • 1 month ago

            >But they offer it to men whom obviously have no intention of committing
            But they always do it with the (foolish) belief that they will commit to her. Women always, always, always think they will be so irresistible that they guy who clearly does not have any intention to commit to her won't be able to help it, will be so infatuaed with her that he will have no option and will commit to her based on the most raw, pure desire for her.

          • 1 month ago

            yes girls believe in the "magic vegana theory" and they haven't seen the granny fishing vid where some ugly 60 y/o profile receives 100+ likes in 6 hrs when she said she only wants sex with young men

          • 1 month ago

            Women are totally sexually superior to men, as proven by that video. Men should strive to not have a libido unless their circumstances allow for easy and affordable sex. Most of us are just suffering for nothing. Obsessing over sex as an average man is like obsessing over powerlifting as an average woman. You'll never be competitive and relevant in either case. Sports are for men and sex is for women, barring exceptions.

          • 1 month ago

            well put.

          • 1 month ago

            It's also a monkey paw trade for women, because if they do manage to tune down a high energy alpha's masculinity enough for him to commit, she loses attraction to him. How many times have you seen an alpha lose his balls after a year or 2 in a committed relationship? The worst part about women trying to fix dangerous chads is that a Chad has to throw away what made him attractive in the first place to settle down.

      • 1 month ago

        >The only women who get """used""" for sex are women who specifically only chase after men who clearly only want sex.
        This is so dumb, you think women don't feel authentic attraction and can't get seduced? Your problem is that you separate sex and relationships like they're totally disconnected.

        Do a test cycle, get shredded, then frick a girl until she's quivering from multiple orgasms, and you'll realize how how much you're overthinking their psychology.

        • 1 month ago

          >Do a test cycle, get shredded, then frick a girl until she's quivering from multiple orgasms, and you'll realize how how much you're overthinking their psychology.
          that's the point? I understand their psychology. And when a woman's psychology is:
          >that shredded gymbro who clearly just wants to frick me seems like a good option for a long-term partner who will commit. I will spread my legs for him so I can make sure that he wants a genuine emotional connection!
          then she's not "lonely" the way that many men are lonely. She is choosing casual sex. She knows which type of men are more likely to commit and she specifically rejects those type of men in favor of the men who obviously only want sex.

          • 1 month ago

            She's not making it that complex in her head. It's just a jacked gym bro walking up to her that releases the neurochemicals that makes her pussy tingle. A lot of guys out there run frickboy game too of whispering sweet nothings to girls who want relationships and ruin them for the next guy. But my main point was that relationships are built on a foundation of attraction and the so called "girls looking for relationship" types are actually looking to get choke fricked in the air while pretending to be romantics

          • 1 month ago

            I suspect leaf gym Black wants so.e validation from the group.

      • 1 month ago

        >Women gatekeep sex, men gatekeep relationships
        You've posted a verboten un-PC opinion on /misc/ and you now have to suffer the rage and butthurt from a bunch of butthurt simps and coomers. You may make another attempt at fitting in by posting pics of your favorite porn actress and your observations that all instathots and OF creators you follow daily are meanspirited prostitutes.

        I've added more to my original post.

        When men aren't forced to permanently commit to virgin women before sex, women become prostitutes and birthrates collapse. Women gatekeep sex and men gatekeep relationships. Women fundamentally don't differentiate the two because they are naive and hypergamous. They don't get that just because a man will have sex with them doesn't mean she is in his league or a candidate for a committed relationship. Women will fornicate with higher-value men, and inflate their egos, while subconsciously attempting to win commitment from them until they become too old and used-up to keep it and are jettisoned. Finally the cognitive dissonance sets in. They see their peers with stable, loving relationships and children. They see younger women who do get male attention. They know that they no longer have any pair-bonding ability. But instead of accepting reality and teaching others not to fornicate, they become immensely hateful and jealous. They refuse to "settle" for average men, who wouldn't commit to a barren prostitute anyways, because they still arrogantly believe they deserve the higher-value men. Tragic. Most people are not wise enough to avoid fornication, adultery, or divorce, but their effects upon society are certainly severe enough to justify criminalization.

    • 1 month ago

      >Women gatekeep sex, men gatekeep relationships.
      I agree this is the general trend, but it's certainly not absolute.
      >When alpha males aren't forced to commit to the first woman they frick, hypergyny ensues, women become prostitutes, social cohesion is destroyed, and birthrates collapse.
      Literally every society known to man has had prostitutes. It's the oldest profession. You don't get more traditional than that. Society functions because, despite the competitive nature of finding mates, it can cater to a whole mishmash of differing relationships. Some prefer monogamy. Some prefer to sleep around. Some just want to spend money to frick and not have to deal with the emotional side of a relationship. It's messy, but it works.

      • 1 month ago

        >Literally every society known to man has had prostitutes. It's the oldest profession. You don't get more traditional than that

    • 1 month ago

      women are the worse enemies of women
      I see on instagram, women teaching other women that settling down with a guy is bad and they should enjoy life and shiet
      women need to be banned from social media, dont take any other right and things will be 100x better

    • 1 month ago

      So, kill Chad?

    • 1 month ago

      >Women gatekeep sex, men gatekeep relationships
      You've posted a verboten un-PC opinion on /misc/ and you now have to suffer the rage and butthurt from a bunch of butthurt simps and coomers. You may make another attempt at fitting in by posting pics of your favorite porn actress and your observations that all instathots and OF creators you follow daily are meanspirited prostitutes.

    • 1 month ago

      wow I watched sargon too

    • 1 month ago

      >Women gatekeep sex, men gatekeep relationships
      Men can only gatekeep relationships if they're allowed to communicate with women. Communication is also gatekept by women. Women are gatekeeping most men who want relationships from even talking to them.

    • 1 month ago

      >women totally believe in true love, he just has to look like chad and be 6 foot 3
      >men totally believe in true love, she just has to give me a lot of sex and not be fat

      or maybe those are both a bunch of moronic mental gymnastics and """romantic love""" is just lust (which every conventional morality/religion says is bad)

      Call them alphas, call them chads, we call them men and there are far too few around.
      What we have instead are boys who refuse to grow up. Plenty of them. Mentally moronic children of no value.

      • 1 month ago

        found the troony
        >LBTQ Aids Song (feat. Cluster Globo)

  2. 1 month ago

    It's hard to understand what is going on with them from the perspective of an autistic male.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah imagine everyone talking to you wants to frick you in the ass as soon as possible. You get the idea

      • 1 month ago

        penis envy is a real thing, it's why women fundamentally hate men and can never be content or happy.

        imagine being a woman that's not obese in 2024.
        literally 100 chads hit on you every day but having sex with any of them wouldn't even be physically enjoyable because you have no dick and there's 0 evolutionary incentive for sex to be enjoyable for women.
        the media constantly says sex is supposed to be the most enjoyable thing in the world but it's only enjoyable for chad. simps/betabux never even experience it and women don't even physically enjoy it

        • 1 month ago

          homie wat

        • 1 month ago

          Apparently most 7/10s and up just straight up lay on their back and open their legs, how fricking boring is that, might as well just get a sextoys if you just want to frick a hole

          • 1 month ago

            >might as well just get a sextoys
            as a 6.5 inch wiener haver (16 cm), going after women would be such a moronic value proposition/waste of time when I can frick a pocket pussy 10x a day whenever I want without paying for a steakhouse dinner or doing all the chores for a week.

            imagine all the poor indian bastards whose dicks are too small to wreck a pocket pussy. they've made me so grateful for what I have

          • 1 month ago

            16m is 6.3 t 16cm haver

          • 1 month ago

            Finland is country

          • 1 month ago

            It’s weird as frick when it happens. It’s like jacking off using a person. No shit they won’t even look at you either. It is the oddest sensation.

          • 1 month ago

            >No shit they won’t even look at you either
            good for autists.

          • 1 month ago

            kek i like that I can just mew while I frick my pocket pussy as she mouth breathes

            the Greek word pneumatikos for "pertaining to air, breath or wind; powered by wind or air" also means spirit. and of course is a category along with hylics and psychics

            does it count as stealing her soul/life energy if she's just throwing it away for free?

          • 1 month ago

            >does it count as stealing her soul/life energy
            More like she's stealing yours.

        • 1 month ago

          Naw dude

          • 1 month ago

            wrong. straight male prostitutes don't exist. all male prostitutes exclusively target homosexual men.

            if women never pay for sex that LITERALLY means they don't consider it worth their time.
            ever hear time = money?
            why don't you do your job for free?
            the correct answer: because you value your time.

            "Swiss survey: 30% of men, but NOT ONE out of 1,000 surveyed women (0%!) have paid for sex."

          • 1 month ago

            Sex is just something women tolerate to get a relationship, which is what they really want.
            In fact most of them don even know not care what an orgasm is. Studies found most labiaplasties sever the two dorsal nerves of the clitoris, which is essentially functional amputation of it (similar to “fgm” or female circumcision). Yet virtually 100% percent of the patients noticed no difference or weren’t bothered enough by it to complain.

          • 1 month ago

            You homosexuals have never slept with a crazy nympho b***h. They will get REAL mad if theyre horny and you dont frick them even on their period. I had to hug my ex very thight when she had an orgasm, thats some daddy issue shit

          • 1 month ago

            damn, german women are something else.. can't wait to marry one and hug her during orgasm

          • 1 month ago

            >german women are something else..
            this, oh my god

          • 1 month ago

            >Dark eyebrows
            >Multiple ear rings, even one at top of ear

            Good try I guess... But in the dumpster she goes.

          • 1 month ago

            One girl literally wanted me to beat her up and choke her unconscious during sex, I would choke her a bit in the beginning but it got to the point where she'd start to go blue so I had to stop, towards the end she started yelling out daddy all the time too, it was so fricked up man

          • 1 month ago

            Haha what the frick man

          • 1 month ago

            That’s what teenage incels think women are like.

          • 1 month ago

            Thats what a few women are like and they can ruin your life if youre not careful

          • 1 month ago

            Have you never heard the phrase, “You have to frick the crazy out of them”?

          • 1 month ago

            First girl I slept with was like this. Sometimes I liked taking her for walks and she'd get pissed we weren't at home fricking nonstop if I mentioned my parents were gone. Still, the marathon sex was something else, even if I simultaneously felt completely desiccated and absolutely drenched afterwards, if that makes sense.
            And it's always the fricking bookworms too. I am convinced Big Literature is lacing their pages with aphrodisiacs.

          • 1 month ago

            I think its random and they are able to hide it well. But sometimes you just can tell for example this b***h right here

          • 1 month ago

            I think the average woman hardly has a sex drive. At the very least it’s not really comparable to a man’s in any form and they hardly think of sex directly.
            It’s usually some sort of trauma or mental instability that leads them to a higher sex drive or at the least a greater desire to please a man through sex

            First girl I slept with was like this. Sometimes I liked taking her for walks and she'd get pissed we weren't at home fricking nonstop if I mentioned my parents were gone. Still, the marathon sex was something else, even if I simultaneously felt completely desiccated and absolutely drenched afterwards, if that makes sense.
            And it's always the fricking bookworms too. I am convinced Big Literature is lacing their pages with aphrodisiacs.

            There also seems to be an imagination component to women. I agree with the general sentiment that sexuality for women is largely mental whereas it’s physical for men, women like scenarios. Women who do not read much or do not have imaginations typically do not have much interest in sex. However, I’m not surprised that “yaoi” or weird gay “shipping” between male characters happens as these booking reading women still fixate on male sexuality and act as though they really wish they were a man, most likely a homosexual man. I think that ultimately tells you all you need to know to understand female sexuality

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah i mean we were teenagers so naturally the sex drive is way up

          • 1 month ago

            My point is that “healthy” stable women aren’t really that interested in sex. It’s usually some negative characteristic that leads them to being more sexual.

          • 1 month ago

            >My point is that “healthy” stable women aren’t really that interested in sex. It’s usually some negative characteristic that leads them to being more sexual.
            Good point
            Sad but true

          • 1 month ago

            According to a trial by Fisher (2012), published in the Journal of Sex Research, men think about sex on average 34 times a day, whilst women thought about it 19 times a day, i.e. men on average think 1.8 times as often about sex.[106] A Kinsey Institute study found that 54% of men think about sex daily (or several times daily), while only 19% of women did the same (d = .98), though the result by Fisher is more reliable because it was counted with a tally counter.[107] The Danish project SEXUS found 33% of men and 9% of women have felt sexual desire at least once a day (d = .9).[108]
            Provided that men have a much more active love style, and men rather approach women than vice-versa, it can be assumed that men think more about how to get sex, whereas women think about whom to choose as a partner and how to avoid unwanted partners.
            The following were self-reported levels of libido from an ethnically varied sample of 676 women and men.
            ... men reported experiencing a higher overall level of sexual desire than did women. Sex differences also were found with respect to frequency of sexual desire. Men reported experiencing sexual desire more often than did women and when asked to estimate the actual frequency with which they experienced desire, men's estimated frequency (37 times per week) was significantly higher than women's (9 times per week).
            —Sex Differences and Similarities in Frequency and Intensity of Sexual Desire, Authors: Regan, Pamela C.; Atkins, Leah 2006

          • 1 month ago

            >Sex is just something women tolerate to get a relationship
            kek, you never rejected a women did you?

          • 1 month ago

            >if women never pay for sex that LITERALLY means they don't consider it worth their time.
            moron. They don't need to pay someone to fake frick them, so why on earth would they? Can you even try to articulate that?

          • 1 month ago

            >They don't need to pay someone to fake frick them
            so you're saying money has no value? or are you moronic and do not see how never paying for something in your life means you probably don't value it much?
            I thought nords were supposed to be geniuses

          • 1 month ago

            Just because they have the capacity to enjoy it more, doesn't mean they have the level of desire that men have.

        • 1 month ago

          That’s a sad indication of boomer bedroom action. I think it neglects to include the psychotic alley cat sex women have with the random people.
          The prostitute factor never leaves.

        • 1 month ago

          Women can enjoy it, but it's still pointless to work the same hole for what ends up collectively being hours on end only for them to be terrible and abusive partners. Good sex will keep a relationship going, especially a bad one, for this reason it's entirely overrated

      • 1 month ago

        I guessed something like this. But they are so annoying, rude and boring that it's hard to want anything else.
        And if you try anything else, there are other 100 men mean willing to do better and they will b***h and ghost you over any minimal mistake, so why even care?

        penis envy is a real thing, it's why women fundamentally hate men and can never be content or happy.

        imagine being a woman that's not obese in 2024.
        literally 100 chads hit on you every day but having sex with any of them wouldn't even be physically enjoyable because you have no dick and there's 0 evolutionary incentive for sex to be enjoyable for women.
        the media constantly says sex is supposed to be the most enjoyable thing in the world but it's only enjoyable for chad. simps/betabux never even experience it and women don't even physically enjoy it

        (but some women orgasm from sex)

      • 1 month ago

        Imagine everyone talking to you wants to rape you financially as soon as possible. You get the idea

        • 1 month ago

          >rape you financially
          you know this makes you sound like a moron. its called getting ROBBED its been called that since forever

          • 1 month ago

            potato potato dumbass

          • 1 month ago

            calling crimes that are not a rape as a rape in order to make it seem more dramatic not "tomato tomato" its you being a moron

          • 1 month ago

            painting every single person as trying to frick your ass as soon as possible to make it seem more dramatic is that kraut being a moron. You tacitly defending the stance makes you even stupider.

          • 1 month ago

            women do get a ton of attention from men wanting to frick them. that is the subject of the thread.

          • 1 month ago

            men do get a ton of attention from women wanting to ultimately divorcerape them. that's relevant to the subject of the thread. I thought you liked sweeping generalizations.

            Hey man im on your side i dont know what this marple syrup Black person is yappin about

            fair enough friendly fire I guess.

          • 1 month ago

            >friendly fire
            lmao. obviously the ideas he and I posted being moronic or not didnt matter to you at all and you just want to feel like you have a friend. good luck I guess. gay

          • 1 month ago

            Well I'm glad you found your out dumbass.

          • 1 month ago

            oh no am I replyraping you?

          • 1 month ago

            Hey man im on your side i dont know what this marple syrup Black person is yappin about

  3. 1 month ago

    >women totally believe in true love, he just has to look like chad and be 6 foot 3
    >men totally believe in true love, she just has to give me a lot of sex and not be fat

    or maybe those are both a bunch of moronic mental gymnastics and """romantic love""" is just lust (which every conventional morality/religion says is bad)

    • 1 month ago

      >women totally believe in true love, he just has to look like chad and be 6 foot 3
      >men totally believe in true love, she just has to give me a lot of sex and not be fat
      Let’s correct this:
      ‘Not be fat’ applies to both. Although men are more forgiving of fat women (or some attracted to it)
      Women do require the ‘chad’, the ‘tall’, the ‘not fat’, but also the rich(er) or high earner who will provide on demand.
      Men don’t even demand the ‘lot of sex’. And the fat part doesn’t tend to matter either. Be female?

      • 1 month ago

        >Be female?
        anon, it's 2024

      • 1 month ago

        in what universe is chad fat? took u the short bus to school?

      • 1 month ago

        >Women do require the ‘chad’, the ‘tall’
        >Men don’t even demand the ‘lot of sex’.
        correct , but idk why you think girls care about fat , height overrides that

    • 1 month ago

      Being tall only works when I put forward effort to get laid. With no effort it's every couple years

    • 1 month ago

      >Not being fat

      Being fat in this day and age is literally just the result of laziness, and nothing else except baffling stupidity. Every single fat girl I encountered reacted with genuine shock when I told them it was normal to have muscle pain after vigorous exercise, and that they had to continue doing it so it would get better.

  4. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      I think it actually is tough for women. All of those men in OP's pic that want to want to date her fall into two categories.
      1) They're simps with no confidence or self-esteem, they're desperate for attention from ANY female.
      2) The guys with confidence prey on women for easy access to sex and nothing more.

      Truth is, I wholeheartedly believe that guys (deep down) judge women EXACTLY the same as how women judge guy. That "How Woman Rate Men" graph in your pic is interchangeable. Maybe I'm just projecting, but the vast majority of women out there are not attractive. The aforementioned two groups will only feign liking them for female-attention/pussy.

      SO WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL? GUYS WANT THEM, SO WHY LONELY? Women want a relationship and want to feel like they're your dream girl. Girls know that simps don't perceive them as their dream girl, they want ANY girl who will give them the time of day and they know that the rest of guys out there don't want anything serious with them because they're fat and/or hit the wall. It would take a lot of convincing to get a post-wall woman to truly believe you're into her.

      • 1 month ago

        >Maybe I'm just projecting

        • 1 month ago

          That's cute that you think I'm a woman

          • 1 month ago

            You're cute because you act like a women

          • 1 month ago

            I've grown very empathetic. I like to think I understand how they think and what their life experience is like.

          • 1 month ago

            doing that is a trap. empathy will destroy your life. not everyone is as nice as you are. projecting your inherent and normalized niceness onto the characters in your story, when they're not nice, will bite you later.

            run the same scenarios in your head, but give each character a slightly different slant to them. like, say, one of these people that you previously trusted betrays you for some secret motive. are there any things that these people do which betray their hidden agenda? lots of times they do, especially if you're paying attention.

          • 1 month ago

            That you take me interpreting your style of writing as female to mean that you are more empathic, is telling of your character in ways that reveal your insincere personhood.

          • 1 month ago

            Satanic trips are kinda cool.

          • 1 month ago

            my national candidate ID # ends in 666 for my exam
            it's free, right? the luciferian masons literally want me to succeed

          • 1 month ago

            Maybe they've got you earmarked for some task or purpose?

          • 1 month ago

            being groomed proper. yes they do want you.

      • 1 month ago

        You're moronic. Don't post anymore.

  5. 1 month ago

    They can, but they have to chose to be lonely willingly. Men are drawn to women, so women have to actively chase them away and shut themselves off to be alone. My sister use to be a loner and always complained about boys ignoring her and going for Stacies, even though a frickton of guys from school kept asking me about her and always wanted to date her and she rejected them all.

  6. 1 month ago

    False: a woman believes she is the only thing that exists in the world

  7. 1 month ago

    women are c**ts
    one told me my writing was beautiful and i was extremely authentic seeming as a human being.
    then i wrote her back again
    and she said she needed to go into "hermit mode" and told a shitload of people i was "clingy."
    crazy b***h.
    I learned to not be bothered or upset about it though and that's thankful. Less energy spent trying to destroy her or getting myself in deeper just for some c**t.
    is it true women sabatoge themselves if deep down they think they don't deserve actual balance or people with insight?
    >crazy c**t jeopardizes my social life because I wrote her after we talked in person for what seemed like a healthy conversation

    • 1 month ago

      You probably went full autismo and she gor scared

      • 1 month ago

        well she should keep her prostitute mouth shut
        she'll be more afraid now that she's blabbing

        • 1 month ago

          Bitches be yappin for no reason what so ever

    • 1 month ago

      Women like dark triad men. b***h at work rooted a married bloke when his newborn son was 2 days old. Neither would have any moral qualms

      • 1 month ago

        well the girl called me "sweet"
        then I told her you better watch what you say I'm not fricking sweet, I'll get you

    • 1 month ago

      well the girl called me "sweet"
      then I told her you better watch what you say I'm not fricking sweet, I'll get you

      >what seemed like a healthy conversation
      >I told her you better watch what you say I'm not fricking sweet, I'll get you
      she made the right decision

      • 1 month ago

        it was a joke
        I joke with people like that all the time
        uptights are the worst, what a bunch of dry dimwits

    • 1 month ago

      >women sabatoge themselves if deep down they think they don't deserve actual balance or people with insight?
      nah just more cope to frame their shitty behavior in terms of them being victims.

  8. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago
  9. 1 month ago

    What could be lonelier than having a bunch of neckbreathing men wanting to frick you?
    Imagine your own deranged life except all your male friends only act like moronic spergs.

  10. 1 month ago

    They can experience loneliness, but it's entirely self-inflicted, like that image shows. It's usually due to women having standards that are too high for their own actual looks and/or personality.

    • 1 month ago

      bro the average man really is 50× uglier than avg woman.
      imagine if you were a man and 100 b***hes hit on you every day but you had 0 nerve endings in your wiener and they were all ugly fat indians/Black folk/abos.
      of course you would end up hating sex and women

      • 1 month ago

        >bro the average man really is 50× uglier than avg woman.
        Lmao no
        There's a reason why women constantly cake their faces in make up and men don't. Those b***hes are ugly as hell.

        • 1 month ago

          >There's a reason why women constantly cake their faces in make up
          it's not to be sexier and more attractive. women already KNOW makeup clogs their pores, dries their skin, and thus hyperaccelerates aging.

          the only reasons women wear makeup are
          #1: because other women shame them and call them slobs if they don't ruin their skin with makeup
          #2: since women don't enjoy sex, why would they want to make it enjoyable for men? thus, women ENJOY destroying their own beauty and getting moronic tattoos. because it's their way of getting back at chad

          • 1 month ago

            You're thinking like a guy thinking like a woman. You have to think like a woman, meaning think about outcomes less and more about feels

          • 1 month ago

            no, women are quite brutally logical when it comes to maximizing male misery and monkeybranching. their algorithms are scarily efficient

          • 1 month ago

            This, the women are more emotional meme is so funny. That's what women want men to think. It's all an act, women are COLD.

          • 1 month ago

            Emotional doesnt mean they have to suck your dick anon

          • 1 month ago

            Yes, if you let them into your shit they can definitely frick it all up, but you have to let them in first, you have to give them that power over you by trying to appease them to keep the relationship going

          • 1 month ago

            Holy fricking Incel. How little has your interaction with women been? Everything you said is fricking moronic.

          • 1 month ago

            >0 argument
            betabuxer detected

          • 1 month ago

            Nah hes right that reads like a school shooter manifesto

          • 1 month ago

            >no argument
            betabuxer detected

        • 1 month ago

          You're absolutely right. Only yesterday I was standing somewhere having a smoke (next to many people in a bus stop) and a teen femoid was passing by with her friend. I could SEE the makeup CRUST ON HER FACE. It was hideous.
          I'm thankful I'm no longer controlled by hormones, it really allows you to see them for what they are.

  11. 1 month ago

    women being "lonely" is one of those anti-white consensus generator psyop things. women wouldn't be like this if the israeli programming wasn't working so well.

    • 1 month ago

      Truth is that many women experience crippling loneliness when they are by themselves. So much so that they will invite over men they don’t even like just to “hang out” so they don’t have to be alone. It’s on of reasons “friend zone” exists

      • 1 month ago

        women are more of a "social creature" than men are, so it makes sense that they do that. i understand that some women are just as tired as some men are of trying to find someone that isn't a complete coomer degenerate that'll cheat on them, but everyone has to try harder for this to work. some times the friend zone becomes the friend with benefits zone, especially if they really don't have any other friends.

        before meeting my wife, didn't date much, but when i was looking i told them up front that i was looking for something permanent. lots of women nope'd out, so saved myself some grief but not all. the commitment filter is a good filter, i always dated with the intent to marry.

        • 1 month ago

          >the commitment filter is a good filter, i always dated with the intent to marry.
          Man, I wish they told me this when I was 20.
          Luckily a good buddy of mine told me this when I was 25 and very disappointed with the gf at the time..... I kinda learnt the lesson, then.
          I think that in schools they teach all kinds of sex ed (I guess also using shit as lube for anal sex), but they should teach something about relationships.
          Things such as commitment, body count and - ACK

          • 1 month ago

            Shit like that can't be taught in mix-gendered schools because women absolutely loathe men telling other men the nature of the game and giving them a leg up. When men give good advice on dealing with women in front of women, the c**ts punish the man for giving the game away. The truth about women can only and should only be communicated in male-only circles.

  12. 1 month ago

    Loneliness maybe, but not being alone.

    • 1 month ago

      Woah dude

  13. 1 month ago

    They probably can.
    I, for example, don't remember the last time i was talking to a woman.

    • 1 month ago

      Woman Talking to a sub-8 male is essentially rape.
      Do you want to be arrested and castrated.

  14. 1 month ago

    To be fair, the men who wanted to date the women were redditors. The women are acting rationally here.

    • 1 month ago

      But the women were reddit or's too. Match made in subhuman heaven

  15. 1 month ago

    >Is it true that women cannot experience loneliness?
    Sure they will experience loneliness as well
    Like men, loneliness is less hard if you have frens
    But sometimes women don't have very deep friendships, and that can be a problem
    Yesterday I came to know that there's this woman, 31 y.o., who is cute and still a virgin, and she always is going to parties, bars, dinners, work conventions, hiking, and so on, and she can't find a boyfriend.
    Dude, if I weren't married.... anyway... I'd probably end up married again (if you can catch my subtle meaning)
    I'm sure that there are mostly fuccbois in those social circles, and if she grew up with a good boomer father she may prefer a man who is more traditional-minded.
    But still, either nobody likes her, or she probably doesn't like anyone
    >Why won't Italians breed anymore?

    • 1 month ago

      >I came to know that there's this woman, 31 y.o., who is cute and still a virgin

      • 1 month ago

        Look, it's strange, and I wouldn't bet big money on that. But my impression is that of a woman who just spent all her time on university and then on her career (which could be a red-flag in my experience, but maybe still better than a kid with Tyrone)
        I have no way of testing it (she would tell my wife), otherwise I would keep you updated, in the remote case that she would have agreed to let me play with her vegana (if you know what I mean)
        Surely she has no previous bf as of current records (kept by other women), so it may be this way
        Not my problem anyhow, I'm out of the game (for good and/or for bad)

  16. 1 month ago

    As a woman, I feel boredom and emptiness. Maybe that's not loneliness but we often use the words interchangeably.

    • 1 month ago

      shut up and take my hog down your gullet

      • 1 month ago

        Pork is weird. You're almost as bad as egg eaters. I eat dogs like a normal human.

  17. 1 month ago

    Genuine question, if women don't enjoy sex, then why are they such massive bawds?

    • 1 month ago

      As a femanon, I like going to bed with someone and rubbing against each other. The sex parts are awful.

      • 1 month ago

        You mean cuddling?

        • 1 month ago

          No, cuddling is just holding arms or holding hands. I like to sleep on top my partner and rub my face in my partner's armpit.

          • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            Brother Tomas, fetch me the burning stake.

    • 1 month ago

      >all women are one person
      Women have different libidos. There's also the issue of self-lubrication. Some chicks just find the whole thing painful, so build up a negative association with the whole act and avoid the whole thing, instead of going to the doctor to get it checked like they would for anything else. Some get soaked with just minor arousal and have no problem getting the most out of it. Some women have no interest and some record every hole being stuffed for the whole world to see. There's a lot of options here.

  18. 1 month ago

    most women just want to redeem a boyfriend

    • 1 month ago

      Most memeflags take it up the ass

  19. 1 month ago

    Most modern women are probably jaded from getting fricked and ghosted 24/7. The israelite created this weird environment where the only way to lose your virginity as an adult is through Tinder. That just creates prostitutes and men who have become disillusioned with sex.

  20. 1 month ago

    Try to desire a woman once you learn what they are. There's a secret about women. Something unexpected. A plot twist. Asian grannies are mystics. You would be surprised what they can do for you. They're actual mystics bud, it's crazy. They dress in weird outfits too, you'll notice them at the cop place if you try to investigate this, I don't think it even warrants a minor effort on your end, like not even the smallest bit of effort should be put into researching Asian grannies being something unexpected. They're like magic basically. I'm not really sure what that even means because magic is usually only depicted in tv. If you really think about what it means to be magic, you'll come to a paradox about why. But wait, there's more. Act now and I'll throw in a free awakening. Or maybe they won't help you. You can just trust me here. My IQ is 390 somehow. I know things about this stuff because of my high IQ.

    • 1 month ago

      My neighbour is a vietnamese woman in her 40s. Shes a widow and i always try to be really nice to her but i can barely understand a fricking word although shes in germany for probably 20 years now. Is she too young to be magic?

      • 1 month ago

        Idk you farticle of shit. Maybe you should ask somebody else.

        • 1 month ago

          I asked the 390IQ guy and not your fat moronic ass

          • 1 month ago


  21. 1 month ago

    I often wonder how the women in these communities rationalise this to themselves. Do they honestly believe, out of the hundreds of men who message them on there, that EVERY single one of them is a "loser", EVERY single one is an "incel", EVERY single one is somehow unworthy of them (even though they spend their time on e-communities named "foreveralone")?

    Can some femanons ITT (assuming there are any, trannies don't count) please shed some light on this?

    They can't actually be THIS conceited, right?

    • 1 month ago

      Perhaps doubt can only give way to disbelief

    • 1 month ago

      are you moronic or just a naive 5 y/o?
      chad can send his instagram showing him traveling the world and his wife and kids. if u don't already have a woman then that means you're undesirable.

      that's why a classic PUA meme is wear a fake wedding ring. all women want a man who's already in a relationship because that means he's been pre-vetted for working wallet and/or dick

    • 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      As a woman, I look at profiles for something we have in common. There is never anything we both like. I don't want to message a fisherman or guitarist. You guys should learn about manicures so we'll have something to bond over.

      • 1 month ago

        >As a woman
        if you have to continue to let us know you're a woman, chances are you're probably not a woman, you're a troon seeking validation.

      • 1 month ago


        The only difference between the 2 of them is jaw robustness and hunter eyes. Of course eye and hair color too. They look similar enough.

        Anyway, the point is that guys don't get rejected because of any supposed flaws they have, but because they aren't attractive enough.

        If this guy was an asocial NEET and shy due to autism and a bad childhood you wouldn't reject him, you'd act as his momma and help/love him despite his flaws.

        >Verification not required.

        Antisocial as in he doesn't go out and has no desire for friends or a social life.

      • 1 month ago

        >There is never anything we both like.
        Given the huge asymmetry between men and women on dating sites I highly doubt this is true. You probably just mean that they don't match your interests/hobbies precisely, and that any male who doesn't is not even worth considering. If so, that's your problem.

        • 1 month ago

          Meh. I've messaged some peeps but then I saw they already had cute girls in their friends list and I can't compete. A lot of them live far from me and don't want to talk long distance. Only one was willing to meet me, but I got scared because nobody else was so eager to meet. It seemed like a scam or prank.

  22. 1 month ago

    Who gives a frick? You have zero to gain by worrying about how a woman's mind works. Focus on understanding yourself.

    • 1 month ago

      women are supposed to be protected by men

  23. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      Most of these very likely apply to the "foreveralone" women too though.

    • 1 month ago

      post yo tiddies

      • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago

          post your floppy breasts or frick off

    • 1 month ago

      The fact that "plays with videogames" (which can be just a hobby) and "lives with parents" (which can be normal for an unmarried person, for example in Italy, where we are pisspoor) are listed with other, much worse traits, lets you anons know that there are way too many boxes to check with a "modern" woman

      • 1 month ago

        If a man can't even support himself. Then how does he plan to support a family?

        • 1 month ago

          >If a man can't even support himself. Then how does he plan to support a family?
          I mean, it depends if we are talking about a 40 y.o. guy, or a 25 y.o. guy who is about to finish university
          Here in Italy we are pisspoor gays, so it's normal to live with your parents until you are 28-30, and then you get a gf to live with, or you make a loan and get a place of your own (for those with decent jobs)
          I remember my (female) cousin, who at the time was about 24, she was bragging she was living on her ownm and she was like "Why do you still live with your parents, anon?"
          I had just started university, and my parents couldn't, and wouldn't pay a house for me, as I was studying in my own town.
          She basically had her father pay an apartment for her, as she completed her useless literature degree, in 6 years instead of 3, so she could spend the nights with chads....
          Yeah.... she truly enjoyed her 20s.... much more than me....

        • 1 month ago

          >t. atomized JudeoAmerican falling for old and sedimentary israeli psyops created to inflate the housing market

          I will have a Clan and an independent multiple property cluster while you end up penniless as your lonely boomer parents spend everything they have in cruises, cars and surrogate activities instead of being morally forced by proximity to help out, pool resources and leave something behind that is more useful than crippling inherited debt.

        • 1 month ago

          Women only need to exist in order to "support themselves", AKA being given meme jobs that produce no value and have been created with the only purpose of employing females, benefiting from female employment quotas, easily stealing everything from their male slaves, receiving alimony, males don't caring about women being poor, women receiving special treatment from employers, editors, publishers, simps, governments, judges, lawmakers, media, society...
          Millions of men need help in order to achieve the same basic rights that women are born with. First of all, childless men must be given guaranteed access to subsidized surrogacy RIGHT NOW. This also include the tragic victims of paternity frauds. Because of feminism and massive immigration, there aren't enough jobs for everyone anymore, so men must given stable jobs provided by governments in order to support their families.
          As you can see, I'm not even asking for the infinite privileges that women are already enjoying, even if that would be a fair demand. I already accepted that as a male I will never be perceived or treated as a human being. I already know no one will ever love me except for very close blood relatives.
          But for God's sake, secure the essential rights of men (subsidized surrogacy and jobs provided by governments) fricking already.

      • 1 month ago

        Playing video games only leads to self sabotage and a lack of any real personality. If the only topic you can bring up is videogames then you doomed yourself socially.

        • 1 month ago

          I have a lot of hobbies but they dont involve other people wich is a big turn off for most women. Ironically gaming is my most social hobby

        • 1 month ago

          >Playing video games only leads to self sabotage and a lack of any real personality. If the only topic you can bring up is videogames then you doomed yourself socially.
          It's true. I despise "gamers" and their kind.
          Anyway, the problem is that women don't understand anything.
          To them, if a guy plays some retrogaming once in a while to chill down, it's the same as some ultra-obese coomer homosexual who spends the night on call of dooty.
          If I were a woman, I'd prefer a man who may play some good ol' Tetris twice a week, instead of somebody who boasts never owning a Playstation, but whose friends are rumored to go with street hookers once a week.
          But these are useless, women problems....

        • 1 month ago

          Even chads play games like FIFA or COD.

          • 1 month ago

            lol ikr, what do you think chad ghosted that bawd for? some good 'ole game time, because chad can just find another prostitute almost any day.
            >new madden nfl just dropped
            >it's just not working out babe

  24. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago


      Most of these very likely apply to the "foreveralone" women too though.

    • 1 month ago

      >Having one flaw means you get rejected.

      It's over...

      • 1 month ago

        Being a neet is a big ass flaw my friends

    • 1 month ago

      owning a car is pointless waste of $$$ if you live and work in the city

      • 1 month ago

        You expect to have a family without a car?

        • 1 month ago

          you mean like almost all families existing now?

          • 1 month ago

            Women are attracted to stable functional adults. Showing an inability to drive either displays autism, immaturity or lack of personal ambition. Most of your fathers and grandfather bought a car and learned to drive the first chance they got.

          • 1 month ago

            not owning a car =/= inability to drive. I already have a woman so I'm not concerned with some NSFFW troony's ideas of what women want. homosexual.

          • 1 month ago

            I agree with you, but in some rural areas, and even non- rural, like for example northern italy, you need a car to survive.
            Not for showing off to wimmin, just to fricking go to work and buy food.
            Unless you live in Milan, but you'd have other problems there (life just 25% cheaper than NY, but wages about the 50% of NY, and you are among cutthroat and almost assured to become gay)
            Of course, if I were in central Tokyo with a qt Japanese girl, I wouldn't care much about cars

    • 1 month ago

      Being a neet is a big ass flaw my friends

      Ladies, let's say this man is a NEET and lives with his parents, he also has no friends and is also very shy and antisocial, he timidly asks you out because he thinks you're cute, what do?

      • 1 month ago

        >no friends
        >very shy and antisocial
        >he timidly asks you out
        that would literally never be the personality of a man who looks like that. you realize that right?

        • 1 month ago

          >that would literally never be the personality of a man who looks like that. you realize that right?
          So the way you look is inherent to your personality? So what do we do with 'ugly people', kill them all solely based on that presupposition? Furthermore, how do we fully determine 'ugliness'? Is it based on what women think?

          Maybe you should stop listening to women.

          • 1 month ago

            >So the way you look is inherent to your personality?
            other way around obviously but yes moron. you didnt actually eat up all that shit about appearance not mattering? you can tell a lot about a person by how they look.

          • 1 month ago

            Physiognomy can only be applied in retrospect because it isn't 100%. Sure, I sometimes meme about it, but that's only in retrospect. Otherwise, people like Niki Lauda wouldn't ever get to where they got because they wouldn't be given the chance, and hell, many of them don't, Lauda was fortunate enough to be born affluent and being a great racer despite looking more like a rat than an Orthodox Rabbi. Your worldview is extremely gynocentric.

          • 1 month ago

            >Lauda was fortunate enough to be born affluent
            yes thats literally all it is. that isnt part of this equation which has to do with natural selection in mating

          • 1 month ago

            Yet he did it and had 4 kids, 1st wife divorced him though, but his second stuck around till he died. Secondly, we're not discussing natural selection, we're discussing whether 'ugly people' can be good people. I maintain that appearance isn't reliable enough to determine someone's character because there are too many examples disproving it.

      • 1 month ago

        Let's say it's because he's autistic but it's subtle, he's not a sperg, just different.

        >no friends
        >very shy and antisocial
        >he timidly asks you out
        that would literally never be the personality of a man who looks like that. you realize that right?

        >never be the personality of a man who looks like that
        Also not true.


        • 1 month ago

          that autistic guy does not resemble the hot stylish guy. do you think all guys who actually have a chin are looking alike?

          • 1 month ago

            The only difference between the 2 of them is jaw robustness and hunter eyes. Of course eye and hair color too. They look similar enough.

            Anyway, the point is that guys don't get rejected because of any supposed flaws they have, but because they aren't attractive enough.

            If this guy was an asocial NEET and shy due to autism and a bad childhood you wouldn't reject him, you'd act as his momma and help/love him despite his flaws.

            >Verification not required.

            Big red flag. As a femoid, I avoid any males with negative attitudes. I also avoid female Black folk with their b***hy attitude.

            Antisocial as in he doesn't go out and has no desire for friends or a social life.

          • 1 month ago

            >Antisocial as in he doesn't go out and has no desire for friends or a social life.
            But he's still a very sweet and down to earth guy, gentle.

          • 1 month ago

            >They look similar enough.
            >you wouldn't reject him
            I'm not a girl moron but my point is the only guys who develop the personality you describe lack these manly features and yes this applies to the pale lanky weirdo you posted

          • 1 month ago

            >I'm not a girl moron
            You remind me of one, sorry for getting confused X3DD
            Let's just say he's an exception and for whatever reason has those "negative" personality traits along with a masculine facial structure, happy?

          • 1 month ago

            okay so hes a freak of nature with the appearance of a masculine man "chad" but some kind of defect preventing him from acting like one. women would give him a chance then get disappointed and leave him I suppose. the point is that you cant teach a chihuahua to be a bulldog

      • 1 month ago

        Most shy guys are literally too emasculated to even ask out women nowadays. Most likely due to a lack of a male father figure or positive male role model.

        • 1 month ago

          >Most likely due to a lack of a male father figure or positive male role model
          This hits home, anon.....

        • 1 month ago

          >no friends
          >very shy and antisocial
          >he timidly asks you out
          that would literally never be the personality of a man who looks like that. you realize that right?

          So you wouldn't reject him even with so many flaws?

      • 1 month ago

        Big red flag. As a femoid, I avoid any males with negative attitudes. I also avoid female Black folk with their b***hy attitude.

      • 1 month ago

        What things has he to offer besides going naked ?

        • 1 month ago

          Emotional support, he is very empathetic and emotionally/mentally mature.

          • 1 month ago

            Doesn't look like that, muscular men leave no room for women, it just scream "I'll cost a lot and wont be a caring partner for you"

            What do women? They even make your life harder because they're too dumb to entertain themselves so they'll bother you instead.

            An happy woman doesn't need to be entertained, it'll naturally find it's way, perhaps you should try harder.

          • 1 month ago

            >cost women at all
            For what? Birth control? Lmfao. You're so full of bullshit.

          • 1 month ago

            Assuming the kind of man in


            Ladies, let's say this man is a NEET and lives with his parents, he also has no friends and is also very shy and antisocial, he timidly asks you out because he thinks you're cute, what do?

            pictures will stay if he get a girl preggo

        • 1 month ago

          What do women? They even make your life harder because they're too dumb to entertain themselves so they'll bother you instead.

    • 1 month ago

      I'm all these except overweight. Also manlet. I'm a prostitutemonger for 3 years now and I accepted my fate.

      • 1 month ago

        how can you be a prostitutemonger if you're unemployed?

        • 1 month ago

          God shut the frick up already you annoying c**t

          • 1 month ago

            give us another blogpost about you and your troony ex you wiener sucking german piece of trash

        • 1 month ago

          Parents are middle class and father gives me a quarter of an average wage allowance every month. Still can't afford more than once or twice a month with affordable prostitutes. I only want a good sucky sucky anyway so it works out.

          • 1 month ago

            >once or twice a month with affordable prostitutes
            honestly thats luxurious for a man who does not work you lucky fricker

          • 1 month ago

            I know. I lucked out for most part, but I'd probably be married by now if I simply had a normal inheritance like almost everyone had up until the 20th century. I don't mind now because I don't believe in monogamy anymore. Also, I'm somewhat attractive and some girls did try their luck on me, but for one reason or another, I noped out. I wish I could frick with no effort over Tinder like GigaChad, but whatever. Life can't be perfect. Maybe everything happened as it should have.

  25. 1 month ago

    >Is it true that women cannot experience loneliness?
    Anything they experience is just a mixture of projection and moronation.

    • 1 month ago

      Touch grass

      • 1 month ago

        Do you shave down there?

    • 1 month ago

      And israelites are ugly hairy women with a penis.

  26. 1 month ago

    Since men consider unwanted sexual pursuit as "attention" I guess not. According to men that guy loitering in the parking lot of my apartment waiting for me to come out is proof I'm never lonely.

    • 1 month ago

      >According to men that guy loitering in the parking lot of my apartment waiting for me to come out is proof I'm never lonely.
      I think you are being deliberately obtuse. It is very obvious that men are less selective than women, therefore it is significantly easier for women to get dates/sex, to the point they had to shut potential dates out of their lonely hearts club. You know this but you choose to play games.

      • 1 month ago

        >You know this but you choose to play games.
        I genuinely try not to conclude that these women are clinical narcissists but they make it so hard not to. They simply cannot be honest about how entitled they are.

    • 1 month ago

      You're being dishonest. The vast majority of men who use these sites are likely just lonely and want emotional intimacy more than sex. If the women on these sites absolutely refuse to consider any of them and dismiss all of them as being equivalent to "that guy loitering in the parking lot of my apartment waiting for me to come out" then they're completely divorced from reality

    • 1 month ago

      >that guy loitering in the parking lot of my apartment
      Don't pretend that females hate that. They tell all their friends/social circle about him. They spoon over how gross or how perverted he is. If he just wanted to say hi, they'll gush to their foid group about how he wanted sex, how it was all a cover for HIS rape fantasy.
      This gives group validation that said female is desirable; random averages lust for her angelic wonder and her totally unique never another one like it vegana. Females stupid rape fantasy is just this with extra steps.

      What the gentlemen need to realise is not that foids are duplitous and totally unable to form objective thoughts, but that sex to females is a power play. All the prostituteish clothing and loose behaviour is a demonstration to their group - the foids - that they can tame the beast as it were. The projection part of their arguments is embedded because of their inability to think objectively which is why all female stated opinions on this matter are disingenuous. They love the status quo, they will continue to be difficult about it to preserve this power play they enjoy.

  27. 1 month ago

    How dating always worked:
    Men are looking for clean water in a desert.
    And women are looking for clean water in a swamp.

    • 1 month ago

      >Men are looking for clean water in a desert.
      >And women are looking for clean water in a swamp.
      Giga-based gentlesir

    • 1 month ago

      to the extent that's true, the man doesn't have a choice whereas the woman walked past multiple clean springs on her way to the swamp. There is no woman who is single who hasn't rejected a mountain of compatible men who were looking for a serious relationship.

      yes, autistic women and ugly women 100% understand loneliness. not only do men only frick and dump them to laugh about fricking slampigs to their friends, but women hate them as well.
      stacy and becky do not understand loneliness.

      projection. Men are not as shallow as women are and we don't just women's looks on much more than obesity. And obese women aren't lonely, because if they were that lonely they would just choose not to be fat. Go up to a fat man and say "if you just lose weight you will get to choose from dozens of attractive women who will love you forever and you barely even have to put any effort into dating them." See how many fat men would choose to stay fat if they had the same options women have.

      • 1 month ago

        >There is no woman who is single who hasn't rejected a mountain of compatible men
        bro have you never met the fat stinking unfrickable women? the perma-virgin beasts who scratch their big eczema-ridden bellies as they administer games of d&d?

    • 1 month ago

      And also....
      can you imagine the smell on that can of beer?
      Would you drink it?

      • 1 month ago

        Yes sir

  28. 1 month ago

    That comic is exactly why women ultimately feel lonely.
    Infinite availability of attention through social media and infinite availability of fast-rotation partners fries their bonding circuits and receptors to the point that ANY attention won't ever be sufficient to make her feel anything at all.

    It's not loneliness. It's a tolerance buildup and overdose from the levels of attention they already receive.
    Women have been reduced to junkies at the terminal stage incapable of obtaining higher doses because there's no higher doses even possible when you already reach infinite availability.
    But unlike drugs, this condition doesn't even risk to kill them other than causing depression and "loneliness" as a byproduct.

    • 1 month ago

      So if women weren't desensitized by Chad and social media and having hundreds of simps at her fingertip she would've been able to love and pairbond with the average joe? Assuming she is a virgin, of course.

      • 1 month ago

        Sounds about right.

        • 1 month ago

          Women are cold psychopaths

        • 1 month ago

          >"today is a short one guys"

          Babble babble b***h b***h
          Rebel rebel party party
          Sex sex sex and don't forget the violence
          Blah blah blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonely
          Stick your stupid slogan in
          Everybody sing along

      • 1 month ago

        It's the reason why women born and raised in an insular community with no internet still have a semblance of humanity in them and their communities, remaining in the range of the Dunbar's number, are highly stable.

        Women should unironically live in geofenced 15 minute cities with limited transportation and strictly localized internet where they will be forced by the circumstances and limited availability of partners/attention, to become vaguely functional again (without the need of espousing Sharia law or insane para-religious beliefs as a control mechanism)

    • 1 month ago

      >Women have been reduced to junkies at the terminal stage incapable of obtaining higher doses because there's no higher doses even possible when you already reach infinite availability.
      kek, I guess that's a good way of putting it. And women having mental breakdowns in their 30s is a lot like a junky who's having a harder and harder time finding a dealer.

  29. 1 month ago

    yes, autistic women and ugly women 100% understand loneliness. not only do men only frick and dump them to laugh about fricking slampigs to their friends, but women hate them as well.
    stacy and becky do not understand loneliness.

  30. 1 month ago

    women live inside their head and not in reality. to a degree that should be considered a mental defect.
    so a woman can definitely experience loneliness, even while surrounded by people who care for her, because what goes on in women's head and what goes on in reality after often two very different things.

  31. 1 month ago

    I felt lonely one time like 15 years ago and was crying in my room and then my friend called and i felt better and havent felt lonely since

    • 1 month ago

      Same, girl. We are samsies. I bet our menstrual cycles synchronize. You can call me when you're lonely, girl~~

  32. 1 month ago

    Every part of a woman's life is social. Unless she's a cat lady type, but even then she still has a small circle of people, family, small # of friends, that enable her otherwise anti-social life.

  33. 1 month ago

    >being alone != feeling lonely
    > being =! feeling
    Women will never be alone, but they might feel lonely.
    Men might be alone and might feel lonely.
    By practicing neetdoom, I was in a stage where even if I might be alone, I will never feel lonely.
    By stopping to be a neet I reached a situation where I will never be alone, but might feel lonely.
    TLDR: hell is other people

    • 1 month ago

      "Loneliness is the poverty of self; solitude is the richness of self."
      —May Sarton

      "Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god."

      "Great men are like eagles, and build their nest on some lofty solitude."
      —Arthur Schopenhauer

      • 1 month ago

        Nice quotes. But it's easy to praise solitude when you have other aim at posterity than just having kids, I don't. I loved the peace I had in being alone, but wasn't much of a fan of the idea of complete death.

        • 1 month ago

          Why don't you have any other desires in life? I don't want to create new life at all unless I can afford a gigastacey egg donor + surrogate, and have only ambitions and interests besides that. I guess I'm a natural introvert and you're a natural extravert.

  34. 1 month ago

    Fricking pajeets.

  35. 1 month ago

    red pill this, red flag that, expectations, requirements, interacting with anyone socially is so difficult these days that the only winning move is to simply not play
    loneliness hurts, dealing with the average person in current year hurts more

    • 1 month ago

      Are you me?

    • 1 month ago

      women want u to have lots of friends so they can monkeybranch and frick them as revenge if u ick her out

      • 1 month ago

        In general, women want men who have power that they can share. Wealth and social status are therefore crucial. Man is just a beast of burden to be used and abused.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah I wish everyone would SHUT THE FRICK UP and stop making up BULLSHIT to TORTURE one another with. Please don’t poop in my meal.

  36. 1 month ago

    Should we purposefully conduct eugenics so that all women are autistic? Those are the only ones I can hold an actual conversation with.

    • 1 month ago

      You'd think thats a good idea but autistic women backstab you for stupid obsessive reasons that even normal c**ts can't wrap their brains around. You're treading through the minefield of the kind of fixations only a fembrain can produce, turbo-charged by autism, and lodged in the skull of a social moron. When they betray you its like stepping on that mine trigger, there is little to no warning and its gonna take a chunk out of you. Normie girls you can at least read and if your head isn't up their ass then their social ques are easy to read and you'll at least be able to brace for backstabbing.

      • 1 month ago

        The women you're referring to are more likely to be co-morbid autistic/borderline personalities. Women who are "only" autistic can actually be pretty chill (though a lot of them are boring as frick and can only communicate with cat gifs)

      • 1 month ago

        there's no such thing as autism in the smartphone/tablet era. what is the "normal baseline control response" to elsagate skibidi toilet roblox backrooms tiktok nurses dancing gay pastors after receiving 200 vaccines the second you're born and being clamped early and having your foreskin sold for oprah face cream?

  37. 1 month ago

    youre either the dumbest twit on pol, or a piteous virgin desperate for relevance youll never achieve.

  38. 1 month ago

    Of course not.
    What's true is that women are more likely to approach others for friendship.
    If you mean sexually, then also yes. How many of the men that wanted to date those women, were decent (clean background check, employed) suitors?

  39. 1 month ago

    With so few men around it's inevitable.

  40. 1 month ago

    I swipe left on any profile containing travel (maximum cons00mtard), sushi (high maintenance prostitute with vinegar farts) and honesty (gets fricked and chucked constantly)

    • 1 month ago

      >my hobbies are traveling, wine and beaches

  41. 1 month ago

    wrong, i experience loneliness every day. For example today i received only 22 messages, only 4 chads asked me out, only 300 dollars have been donated to me and my instagram post has been liked only 101 times. Moids dont know true suffering.

  42. 1 month ago

    Bumble - the app that was no-shit created by a feminist committee intending to give women total control of dating - had to completely 180 on it's founding principles because even when the app itself is 100% tailor-made for women, they still have zero interest in being the one who puts in effort to find a guy, let alone message, which is the equivalent of ordering a drink on the Starbucks app on Bumble by design

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