is ''passport bros' an actual thing or is it just these influencers that go to third work countries to pay for some cheep pussy

is ''passport bros' an actual thing or is it just these influencers that go to third work countries to pay for some cheep pussy

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    It's definitely a thing, I do it

    • 4 weeks ago

      where tho ive seen some that go to europe but i thought those countries where also doing passport bros

      • 4 weeks ago

        I went to Europe, girls didn't like me there either lmfao

      • 4 weeks ago

        For me it's various South American countries

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Colombia mentioned

    Yeah it's obviously a thing. A foreigner with dollars easily tilts the dating market on his favor, to put it in incel speak. You give these girls a better life and they will be happy and loyal to you

    • 4 weeks ago

      This is bullshit
      Those chicks arent attracted to them
      Sexual attraction cant be cheated or artificial
      They just trick for pussy
      They arent actually getting women naturally

      • 4 weeks ago

        You can be ugly in a place and a chad in another where everyone is on average shorter and poorer than you, but yeah it's artificial in the sense that they are looking for pussy

        Colombia actually had some cases where the passport bros were just drugged up and rinsed from their dollars.

      • 4 weeks ago

        what is "natural" to you, some hallmark channel lovey dovey shit?

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Passport bros is a cope created for dudes who cant get pussy from the hundreds of millions of women around them in first world countries so they visit third world nations to pay for prostitution
    The women there call them LBH or losers back home
    They try to escape loserdom but they dont realize that a duck is a duck all around the world and so is a loser

    • 4 weeks ago

      i kinda thought so ive only seen the 'chad' types really going over because their arrogance turns off most western women and i guess in ways love can be bought

      • 4 weeks ago

        Western women thing was never real
        People have always been the same
        Theres nothing new under the sun

        You can be ugly in a place and a chad in another where everyone is on average shorter and poorer than you, but yeah it's artificial in the sense that they are looking for pussy

        Colombia actually had some cases where the passport bros were just drugged up and rinsed from their dollars.

        Theres guys in those poorer countries who are slaying through pussy without tricking because they know how to talk to women
        Those chicks are in on it
        They know the LBH will ignore red flags because theyre so desperate for pussy and their desperation is why they never get pussy

        what is "natural" to you, some hallmark channel lovey dovey shit?

        I dont have the video but its that vid of the guy telling the girl that hes kicking her off the roster and she starts going crazy
        Thats an example

        • 4 weeks ago

          She goes crazy because she no longer has access to whatever good or service he provides in exchange for hers. Her value has gone down past an acceptable level for him. This is no different than a ho who gets run through and can't find a buyer for her services

          • 4 weeks ago

            The good or service was the frick she wanted from him
            Dick is a gift for women
            That value thing isnt real either
            Run through isnt real either, its a judgement made up by dudes who cant get sex

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Dick is a gift for women

          • 4 weeks ago

            See dude?
            This is why you always dry up a chicks pussy and never get laid
            No winner talks like you do

          • 4 weeks ago

            sure lol
            "my dick
            is a
            let's see
            Black person

          • 4 weeks ago

            A lot of you guys are closeted homosexuals and thats one of the reasons you guys have a lot of internalized anger, misogyny, homophobia, and other hate

          • 4 weeks ago

            yap yap yap
            let's see
            your "gift"
            Black person

    • 4 weeks ago

      Says the "Chad" browsing and posting in an incel forum.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Most men pay anyway. The key difference between doing it here and there is that your money goes further so you have more value, that's literally it. If you wanna make fun of them for not being a natural Chad, that's fine. But don't at like the average relationship in the west isn't based on the man paying or signaling value with money.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Another major difference is that wives overseas are willing to be wives, simple as that.
        A passport bro get a wife and she will immediately assimilate him into her family. There's no concept of "what if she divorces" or "what if she gets bored", those women just lock on you and you WILL be her husband for the rest of your life that's it.

        In comparison look at what we have in the West. Now it's literally common for women to even fricking argue that it's "normal for a relationship to end". Or how they're just waiting for one bad thing to happen to immediately remove you from their lives and your fricking children's lives too, except for the alimony and the house of course.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Another major difference is that wives overseas are willing to be wives, simple as that.
          That's true but you have to be careful if you bring them back home. I've heard of girls switching up completely once they got a taste of western feminism.

          Its not a perfect strategy without risk, but I don't think its something we should shit on either. Its really just putting yourself in an environment where you have more value. Its incredibly small minded to think you have to suffer through the system you were born into.

      • 4 weeks ago

        a relationship is supposed to be an exchange of a man's financial support and physical security for exclusive access to a woman's sexuality. why should men pay the traditional costs when women have reneged?

        • 4 weeks ago

          >a relationship is supposed to be an exchange of a man's financial support and physical security for exclusive access to a woman's sexuality.

          • 4 weeks ago

            yes. that's literally the foundation of marriage and of all civilization. a mutually beneficial institution that stops women from bawdting, which then causes men to actually care about their community and build and maintain civilization as a result; women sure as frick can't build or maintain civilization, and we're already seeing how fast things turn to shit when they're given "sexual liberation"

  4. 4 weeks ago

    >tfw passport sis

    It mixes travel and pleasure, who wouldn't want to

  5. 4 weeks ago

    It's a thing but only for people who can afford it. At the end of the day it's still buying a wife.
    People just get the wrong idea. They'd have done it in their own country if they could, it's just that feminism has advanced way too much that even if you find a good young woman she will inevitably get corrupted by the system and social medias after a few years. It's just a safer bet to get one overseas where they're more than happy to make a family with a rich guy, as any woman would.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Love is dead, might as well

  7. 4 weeks ago

    I would do it if i could but i am an esl so i am not even eligible for jobs over there. Also my country is a shithole and a sex tourism hotpot so it doubt it would work out for me

  8. 4 weeks ago

    "Moving abroad for opportunities" has been a thing for as long as human tribes have drawn territory lines.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    They complain about women being materialistic and using them for money and then proceed to go to a 3rd world country and have women use them for money. Western trad values have been dead in Asia for a long time.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    How can I legitimately do this for a job? Like, how can I work for an employer who will give me money to do certain specialized work in a multitude of foreign countries?
    And don't fricking say military

    • 4 weeks ago

      lol thats how my grandparents met but ik some oil jobs need you to move to latin america

  11. 4 weeks ago

    sexpats have existed forever without the dumb name

  12. 4 weeks ago

    Passport bros is white washing sexpats just like imigrant is withe washed into expat or "digital nomad"

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