Is this actually good advice for dicklets?

Is this actually good advice for dicklets? That you should tell every girl you have a small dick before you get serious so you can find a girl who is really okay with it as opposed to reluctantly accepting it because its too late?

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  1. 1 month ago

    date a girl from philippine the average there is 3 inch

  2. 1 month ago

    Dick size shouldnt matter if the girl isn't a prostitute. If she complains about dick size, shes not worth starting a family with, because she will more than likely cheat on you. Real women dont care about how big your dick is because real women understand that there is more to life than sex. So, yeah. If they ask you tell them you're small and if they're still into you, they're a keeper.

    • 1 month ago

      >there is more to life than sex
      >implying that having sex with a small dick is categorically bad
      it's so fricking over

    • 1 month ago

      that's cope tbf. that kind of advice you end up on r/deadbedrooms. sexual compatibilty is incredibly important, for you as a man too. you don't want someone who reluctantly settles for you. if you aren't anatomically compatible find someone else. women with with very small veganas exist you know

      • 1 month ago

        y-your vegana is just too deep! M-my dick isn't small..

      • 1 month ago

        Sexual compatibility is not about dick sizes, it is a) smell b) sexual energy level.
        Everything else can be worked around with HOW you sex.

        Dick size shouldnt matter if the girl isn't a prostitute. If she complains about dick size, shes not worth starting a family with, because she will more than likely cheat on you. Real women dont care about how big your dick is because real women understand that there is more to life than sex. So, yeah. If they ask you tell them you're small and if they're still into you, they're a keeper.

        I agree in general, but I do not think it is still a good idea to say outright you have a small dick. Various reasons. One option is that the woman will think that you are unhinged coomer who constantly bombards your brain with bbc content. Either that or she will assume that you have literal micropenis(below 3 inches)(otherwise what would warrant mentioning it?), which is a problem, because at that point you may struggle to put it ineven a bit and it is a sexual disability. Having sex is a pairbonding act, and not being to have it AT ALL can certainly drive even a good woman away.

        Just literally stop thinking about your dick so much.

  3. 1 month ago

    I skimmed through the youtube transcript and he doesn't even say what a small dick to him is. He talking 6 inches (small to blacks) or like, 3 (small to everyone)?

  4. 1 month ago

    Dicklet here. Just frick good and be confident. I have three stalkers and counting.

  5. 1 month ago

    I'm only 6.5 inches, could be more if I lose 30 pounds. The trick is to rub the clitoris.

    • 1 month ago

      stfu im 4.5 and not fat you're above average

  6. 1 month ago

    If you're good at fricking, it doesn't matter, op. Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to make you feel inferior for something you have no control over.

    • 1 month ago

      Being good at sex is basically just having a big dick though. There has never been a guy with a small dick who women considered to be sexually attractive on a consensus.

      Like if a group of girls were having lunch, and one says the guy she hooked up wth had a small dick, what would be their reaction? They would laugh and make fun of him.

      • 1 month ago

        And if I had to take a large guess you arrived at such absolute conclusion after years of crippling internet consumption(mostly imageboards) and now you project your insecurities towards hypothetical dicklets.

        • 1 month ago

          >Like if a group of girls were having lunch, and one says the guy she hooked up wth had a small dick, what would be their reaction? They would laugh and make fun of him.
          Is this true or false?

          • 1 month ago

            >Is this true or false?
            That's the problem, hou can I know? Because you used as an example an entirely hypothetical situation to promote the message you're trying to convey.

          • 1 month ago

            Women dont discuss their partners dicks with each other, thats just a male fantasy. They would rather discuss money or cringe mannerisms. And when women brag, they brag about shit like man having a roman nose or veiny arms or other weirdly specific shit like that.

          • 1 month ago

            >Women dont discuss their partners dicks with each other
            I've heard women do this several times in my life, even caught my mom doing it.

        • 1 month ago

          I fricked a married woman who literally told me I was better than her husband and she was afraid he would know that she fricked someone else because she was so stretched out.
          A year later she was still asking for dick pics.

          Not all women are like that, but there are degenerate size queens out there who will fricking stab men in the back.

          • 1 month ago

            >Not all women are like that, but there are degenerate size queens out there who will fricking stab men in the back.

            I agree. I just don't like to base arguments entirely on generalizations.

          • 1 month ago

            Women lie because of post like these

            Dick size shouldnt matter if the girl isn't a prostitute. If she complains about dick size, shes not worth starting a family with, because she will more than likely cheat on you. Real women dont care about how big your dick is because real women understand that there is more to life than sex. So, yeah. If they ask you tell them you're small and if they're still into you, they're a keeper.

            They can't tell the truth without being labeled a prostitute so they pretend they don't care as much as they really do,

          • 1 month ago

            It's like saying you like girls with big boobs. I think if I was a flat girl and I asked my bf, "Do you like girls with big boobs" and he said yes I would be devastated.

          • 1 month ago

            Breast size has zero correlation to the quality of sex.

          • 1 month ago

            Exactly. One of the problems with small dicks is that sex is boring because they can't feel anything. That's why you're told to compensate with eating pussy, your dick is literally useless in the bedroom.

          • 1 month ago

            Also, I'm trans btw. Idk if that matters.

          • 1 month ago

            I'm not talking about the quality of sex, I mean attraction. Attraction matters most during sex. A guy could lay pipe for hours and not get off if they aren't attracted to the girl. A guy could have an average penis size and not get a girl off because she isn't attracted to him.

          • 1 month ago

            >I'm not talking about the quality of sex
            So you acknowledge the quality is worse when you are smaller? Cause thats the core point.

          • 1 month ago

            He's saying that despise being really important, physical traits alone aren't enough to result in a good quality sex. Attraction, which is a more abstract concept, can define the quality of sex for both parts involved.

          • 1 month ago


            He's saying that despise being really important, physical traits alone aren't enough to result in a good quality sex. Attraction, which is a more abstract concept, can define the quality of sex for both parts involved.

            yeah, for the life of me I would be able to get off pounding Gorlock the destroyer

          • 1 month ago

            not a Freudian slip, I mean wouldn't. Wouldn't touch that creature

  7. 1 month ago

    If all that mattered was dick size every woman would be fricking horses or have a collection of monster dildos.
    A LOT of women tap out in the 6 to 7 inch range, especially in certain positions.
    Go watch porn with 'big dicks'. Most of those guys are 7-8 and frequently never go balls deep.

  8. 1 month ago


    Go check out penis enlargement forums.
    I've been down that road.
    There are a lot of 7"+ guys convinced they need to add at least an inch or two.

  9. 1 month ago


    It doesn't matter either way. If you're confident with a small dick you're overcompensating and lacking in self awareness, if you acknowledge your deficiency you're insecure.

    • 1 month ago

      So, a man with a small penis shouldn't be in any way comfortable in his own skin?

    • 4 weeks ago

      You care way too fricking much about what randos think of you

  10. 1 month ago


    That's one of the main points of the video though: dick size is not something that comes to mind as an issue to an hetero man UNTIL he is faced with the reality, that girls do care about it. Same thing with height.
    The conclusion of this video is that, after panicking, the guy goes back to his pre-pill state of just accepting things as they are without feeling bad about it, he says "before being aware that girls dont lilke my dick, I didnt have any problem with it, so I went back to that mindset", basically.
    He never specified how small his dick is though, but i'm guessing sub-14? Otherwise he'd be average at least. He states that he's not average, but actually small.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >He states that he's not average, but actually small.
      maybe he's small as in "7 inches is small".

      • 4 weeks ago

        Bruh your obsessing way too much on his dick size and missing the point is that it doesn't matter

      • 4 weeks ago

        A lot of women aren’t even satisfied with 7” lmao. For example, my ex gf lied to me for 3 years telling me I had a “monster” and this and that to boost my confidence. But last year I remember going through her phone and she was saving pics of 8” plus guys jerking off. She got all coy when I confronted her about it and basically tried to frame me as the bad guy. I’m around 6.8” and 5.6” girth btw.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Hard to blame them though, it would be a disaster to admit the guy you're with isn't the absolute best she's ever been with.

        • 4 weeks ago
  11. 1 month ago

    BTW this is not a secret but I thought I'd just share: same as how women prefer taller guys with big dicks, we mem tend to prefer women with good curves (independent if skinny or chubby, it's more about the shape of the hips, particularly) and breasts (again doesnt have to be milk trucks, some men like smaller breasted girls but they still need to be harmonious to the body).
    For example, I dated a girl from an app a few weeks ago. Obviously she wasn't super good looking and I knew she was going to be fat because none of her pics were showing the body, but I still wanted to see what kind of fat girl she was. Curvy fat girls with good shape and nice breasts can get me ultra diamond. Leg shape, back size is also a factor.
    I've fallen in love with chubby girls, but they had nice legs and good breasts.
    This girl I saw was not super fat but had broad shoulders and really small breasts - that's a sex drive killer for me.
    Obviously I'd be willing to trade small breasts and broad shoulders for a nice big ass and good legs, or ultra attractive face, but it wasn't the case. So I ended up going home after the date and never talking to her again.
    For girls I imagine it's somewhat the same, dick size is important like tit size, but if you're attractive in other fronts, the girl might be able to look past the small dick, I imagine it's also context-heavy. I imagine having a small dick for a tall black man must be a curse. I'm a 1,70cm white guy and when girls see my dick, usually get surprised. They assume I have a smaller one because of my height I guess, or maybe my personality (shy, timid, robotic), I dont have a especially big dick, around 16cm to 19cm depending how hard it is, but they probably expect some babby 10cm one.

    • 1 month ago

      yeah, broad fat shoulders on a girl is soooo fricking gross.
      My sister has em and I feel so bad for her.

    • 1 month ago

      >For girls I imagine it's somewhat the same, dick size is important like tit size
      I don't know why people keep making this comparison. Female preferences are much more strict than our own. Women don't just kinda sorta dislike dating guys shorter than them, they would rather die alone than settle for that. Also women actually have the ability to get what they want. Most men can't even get a girl with fat breasts, but women can hold out for a guy with a big dick, or who is tall, or their preferred race.

  12. 1 month ago

    That sounds like some shit a woman thought up lmao

    zoomers are so fricked

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah, the video is about how women are the ones that actually make us men feel insecure about the dick size

    • 1 month ago

      It makes sense though. If a girl you just met already knows you have a small dick and moves forward with you its much more likely she really does not give a frick. And you'll feel much less insecure knowing she signed up for little dick sex instead of it being forced upon her.

  13. 1 month ago

    Just don't bring it up. Don't tell her it's small, don't ask her if it's big enough. She's not even going to notice unless it's an actual microdick or something, but if you bring it up she will, and she'll also think you're an insecure b***h.

    • 1 month ago

      >she'll also think you're an insecure b***h.
      But you are, that's the point. You're insecure because you should be insecure, women don't like little dicks. Notice how despite this being a board packed with women, none of them have chimed in. Women only speak up to say they don't need big dicks, but they never say a small dick is fine.

      Stop trying to compensate by being fake confident.

      • 1 month ago

        So if your point is you can't really win and you can't fake it better because its all a lie then what do you expect we do, just drop out of trying? Is this how troons are made?

        • 1 month ago

          I think its about confronting the uncomfortable reality of a lack of compatibility that results from things like having a small dick. Its not to give up, but to not be afraid of girls not rejecting you for it, and to not hold it against them. Because this is why girls lie and feel that they can't be honest with men about it.

  14. 1 month ago

  15. 1 month ago

    Define a dicklet

  16. 4 weeks ago

    get an implant if its bothering you that much, they are quite good nowadays thanks to all the trannies sacrificing themselves for the good of science.

  17. 4 weeks ago

    I got a big dick, over 20cm, and it does nothing for me.

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