Kek. Any loss of virginity stories here? Im virgin, I need inspiration.

Kek. Any loss of virginity stories here? Im virgin, I need inspiration.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Lesbian coworker found I was and offered to take it. A bit awkward but she was nice about it, went to her house and hung out for the evening, then joined her in the bedroom to have sex. Could have been worse.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Larping has limits

    • 4 weeks ago

      Dicking down that lesbian pussy must have been great.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Nope, i don't have a "loss of virginity" story like many of the homosexuals and normans have here. The reason being is that i'm an incel and missed out on crucial social development during my childhood and teen years. Now i'm working at a warehouse and spend my time smoking cigs and watching tv. No funny stories in my life, just complete misery and isolation.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Why dont you see an escort bro? Im a virgin and im thinking about it.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Perhaps, i think i'd feel even worse seeing a prozzy though

        • 4 weeks ago

          Well Im scared of that too, but I would just remember myself that no women wants me, and thats how it has to be. I dumped morality and self respect a long time ago tbh, we take what we can get.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yeah there's two types of men who use hookers. There's the guy who gets tons of sex and wants to get b***hes to play into a specific fetish or to ensure they attend events. Then there's the guy who's a sad virgin and uses them in a desperate attempt to be normal, but it doesn't work because now he just feels embarrassed that he needs to pay to get sex, and is still considered a virgin. Take a fricking guess which one you would be.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Im a variant of the second. Havent seen one yet but i just want to see an escort to get over the "what if" shit and focus on other stuff since it occupies my mind so damn much. Plus if i enjoy it i can just do it once in a while

          • 4 weeks ago

            That's not a terrible reason to be fair. As long as you're just doing it for the physical act of sex and finding out what you've missed out on.

            >in a desperate attempt to be normal
            You shouldn't play armchair psychologist if you're moronic.


          • 4 weeks ago

            Finding out what ive missed on, in regard to the physical act of sex alone. I want to squeeze some breasts while i thrust away

          • 4 weeks ago

            Not everyone who fricks prostitutes does it to feel normal. In fact, sometimes the john knows he's defeated and there's no going back.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >in a desperate attempt to be normal
            You shouldn't play armchair psychologist if you're moronic.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Well Im scared of that too, but I would just remember myself that no women wants me, and thats how it has to be. I dumped morality and self respect a long time ago tbh, we take what we can get.

          Please never visit prostitutes. You are better than that.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Im not better than this, if I was, I would have a woman and love

          • 4 weeks ago

            If you're a virgin, you might just have had bad luck or not met a good girl yet. If you use prozzies, you're a pathetic fricking homosexual. You can recover from your position, don't sink so low you can't.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >bro just like bee yourself and stuff
            Lurk more homosexual.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Just being yourself isn't guaranteed to work Black person, that wasn't my point. My point was that hookers frick you up and you are definitely a pathetic gay if you use them.

          • 4 weeks ago

            You can't always recover from being a virgin in your, say, 30s or 40s though. Not unless you marry the town's bycicle or other dumb prostitutes of that caliber. At that point it's better to accept defeat and trying to have fun with prostitutes.

          • 4 weeks ago

            No, you can't always recover. But it feels like you lock yourself into being a permagay by fricking hookers. I just don't see how that could be a satisfying life, knowing you have to pay for female attention. All the more power to you if you like it though.

            Finding out what ive missed on, in regard to the physical act of sex alone. I want to squeeze some breasts while i thrust away

            Incel on the outside, chad at heart.

            Not everyone who fricks prostitutes does it to feel normal. In fact, sometimes the john knows he's defeated and there's no going back.

            Gayest shit I've ever read, maybe this john fella should stop being a defeatist gay.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Gayest shit I've ever read, maybe this john fella should stop being a defeatist gay.
            Or maybe you should stop giving moronic advice.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >No, you can't always recover. But it feels like you lock yourself into being a permagay by fricking hookers. I just don't see how that could be a satisfying life, knowing you have to pay for female attention. All the more power to you if you like it though.
            It's not "satisfying", but getting a watered-down version of sex is better than not getting it at all.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I had girls who liked me, middle school, teen shit, but this was YEARS ago and I missed the hints. Now its never happening again from what I can see. I could probably get a gf or one night stand, but being honest, Its too much effort. I cant be bothered to chase these prostitutes, just paying for a frick seems practical and possibly less humiliating than doing it in normie way.

          • 4 weeks ago

            What's so wrong with helping out struggling girls with their business?
            They get to eat, I get to frick.
            What's the big deal here, huh?

        • 4 weeks ago

          I recommend you see a hooker, not because of pleasure but to get over the mental block of 'boohoo im a virgin'. The first time sex prolly wont feel that good anyway, and having sex is nothing like jacking off to porn.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >Kek. Any loss of virginity stories here? Im virgin, I need inspiration.
    I don't understand how you can find stories like this to be inspiring, unless you're still young, in which case, you need to be 18+ to post on this board.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Well, its inspiring to see how people got their first time, no? Im 20 btw

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Im 20 btw
        Okay, I get it now. The first real mental breakdown I had because of this was when I was 20. Go on.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I mean, I didn't have a mental breakdown or anything like this, I just feel that the idea of sex and virginity is dominating my mind too much, so a frick would solve that. I will suffer a mental breakdown if this goes on tho.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Be patient with yourself. At this point in life, the odds are overwhelmingly on your side. I wish you all the best <3

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Be patient with yourself
            What does this even mean? Just wait more? Frick no.
            >At this point in life, the odds are overwhelmingly on your side.
            What kind of gaslighting is this? Life progressively gets harder and worse. I had more chances to frick women when I was 14 than today. The odds are not on my side.
            >I wish you all the best <3

          • 4 weeks ago

            >What does this even mean? Just wait more? Frick no.
            I meant that you shouldn't give in to the depression that comes with utter failure in this area just yet.
            >What kind of gaslighting is this? Life progressively gets harder and worse. I had more chances to frick women when I was 14 than today.
            Yeah, you most likely did have more chances to frick women when you were 14. But if you're in college (or you go to college), then you still have plenty of chances. There is a non-insignificant amount of guys your age, who are still virgins, but that percentage decreases drastically from 20 to 23. You're more likely to be in that group, than to remain celibate.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >shouldn't give in to the depression
            I have already gone through my depression arc, although it looks like, I'm not depressed over this, Im just disappointed.(I may be gaslighting myself here)
            >But if you're in college (or you go to college), then you still have plenty of chances.
            I literally cant go to college right now, but even then, thats a huge liability. The only way to lose my v is through a possible college prostitute that would frick me? Frick this.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Life progressively gets harder and worse.
            Only for the losers

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yeah friend, thats exactly who I am, a loser.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    The weekend of my 16th birthday a 20 year old girl I knew gave me a "birthday present" of sex. We were lovers for the Summer.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This reminds me of Project X. Getting sex as a birthday present ya know. Shame that in my 16 y old birthday there was only my mom there.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Shame that in my 16 y old birthday there was only my mom there.
        Why, were you hoping it would be your dad?

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Eh frick it. Made it to25. Might as well just be celibate

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Think of it like a sex therapist. Even though you paid money it can be nice if the gal is nice.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It will always be tainted by money. It is evil. The only thing worse than being a virgin is losing that virginity to prostitutes. You can never undo that

    • 4 weeks ago

      I know that women see male virginity as something disgusting, but the concept of losing it seemed precious and special to me. But I know that at my age seeing an escort is probably the best "self-improvement" thing left for me to do.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    When I lost my virginity my dick wouldn't get hard cuz I was so anxious

  8. 4 weeks ago

    when i lost it she was watching the movie we has on even though it was her idea. it wont be perfect but it will happen

  9. 4 weeks ago

    I was a senior in high school and she had some ouran high school host club thing on her bag so I talked to her about anime. Next thing I know we are in her basement and shes biting my neck while Im getting her hymen blood on my dick. She was my gf for a while and everyone in my family was congratulating me on how cute she was. Obviously they thought my first girlfriend would be some busted landwhale.

    • 4 weeks ago

      If shit like this makes you feel better OP, then be my guest. It makes me hate myself.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Dont worry I hate myself plenty too and just because I got lucky doesnt mean Im not the same fundamental outcast I would be if I didnt just get extremely lucky and meet a cute probably desperate nerdy girl at the very end of high school.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You're not like me, so don't pretend to be. Just makes you look like you're trying too desperately to fit in. And fit in where? On fricking NSFFW? Give me a break.

          • 4 weeks ago

            OP asked for stories and I gave one. Then you talk about how my story makes you hate yourself. You are a fricking pussy

          • 4 weeks ago

            Did I say you did anything wrong, moron?

    • 4 weeks ago

      If shit like this makes you feel better OP, then be my guest. It makes me hate myself.

      This homie fricked a virgin, pretty good. Tbh I actually kind hate women that likes anime, its usually the same trash like The Ancient Magus Bride or Darling in the Franxx, and they have obnoxious personality.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    First gf was a femcel I met in a Nationalist gc for people with autism. So baiscally NSFFWners.
    She was 17 atm I was 15.

    Her room looked almost exactally like pic related but less ironic
    >Dylann Storm Roof pictures
    >Columbine shooter pictures
    >Anime pictures
    >MLP plushies
    >shitty pink painted walls she did herself
    >German empire flag
    >Rebel flag

    And a whole bunch of stuff. Anyways...

    I was going to take her virginity and she was going to take mine.
    We were both extremely nevrous but the moment I had it in, felt it.... *STRETCH*
    She started moaning loudly but in a painful way.
    I thought I was hurting her and asked her if I should stop.
    Still painfully moaning she said I had to keep going and that it felt great.
    I kept feeling it stretch
    And she kept moaning painfully while telling how good it felt.

    I was traumatised....

    • 4 weeks ago

      Finally, a true story! Did you post on /misc/ with her too?

      • 4 weeks ago

        If I were to believe the youtube videos I watched,
        than 4 chan is the kind of place where they carpet bomb your street if they know you're anything but the stereotypical incel.

        And I believed...

        • 4 weeks ago

          >youtube videos I watched
          Dafuq you are talking about? Its hard to believe thats it, but yeah there are schizo girls and couples out there, I know.

    • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        Doesn't exist anymore, all the incels were fighting over her.
        I ran of with her and everything devolved into pure chaos from what I heard.

        It was called "Autisme Vlaanderen" = Autism Flanders.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Where can i find similar group chats?

          • 4 weeks ago

            I found them on Telegram and Instagram.
            >keep in mind I am Flemish
            But around 2022 a bunch of feds and superstition soured the pot.

            Also I am hated in the community taking that girl.

            There was some cuck-like hierarchy to who was allowed to try and impress her first, which I totally ignored.

            Basically the most autistic man could try courting her and than less autistic men could take a gamble.

            I have had invites, but ignored them.
            Think id just get banned instantly.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >chad nabs up the autista qt
          >autists sperg out
          >they leave and live life
          Tale as old as time

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Years ago, met a girl in an AOL chat room, she lived in same city where I was going to college
    She was older
    We met up, she bought dinner, we went back to my shitty apartment, she started sucking my dick and we had sex
    I was e-dating a girl at the time and felt like I had cheated on her so had to kick the woman out

    • 4 weeks ago

      >AOL chat room
      ? What does the acronym means?
      >I was e-dating a girl at the time and felt like I had cheated on her so had to kick the woman out

      • 4 weeks ago

        >? What does the acronym means?
        America Online
        I should add how stupid was that? I confessed to my e-gf when I could have fricked that chick whenever I wanted
        Virgin + autism, what are you gonna do?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Nah its on the past now, dont overthink it. You lost your v, thats good enough already

  12. 4 weeks ago

    >make a new irl friend through a Whatsapp group
    >hang out in public place twice
    >go to her place from that point onwards
    >1st time offers to let me sleep over in her bed, I refuse and go home
    >2nd time agree, ask to cuddle her when we get under the sheets, she agrees but I'm too chicken to go further
    >prompts the awkward "what is this?" conversation over text when I get home
    >tell her I have no romance feelings, but I was kinda horny in the moment
    >says she's cool with it and felt the same
    >offers to take my virginity and teach me how to have sex
    >purely a fwb thing
    >go to her place again, don't mention it while hanging out
    >when it's time to turn in I spoon her again
    >after an hour of working up the courage I start grinding against her
    >she grinds back
    >the sex
    >couldn't get hard properly or cum, she was really sweet and patient about it
    >still got her to cum with oral, overall a good experience, better than most people get
    >go there 2 more times, have sex both times
    >start seeing signs she might be developing feelings
    >don't feel the same, panic
    >cut contact and don't message her again

    Overall I don't regret it, but it left a sour taste in my mouth, I was really shitty and will always feel guilty.
    Wasn't even attracted to her, found her kinda ugly tbh, only took her up on her offer because I was desperate to lose my v-card.
    Hope you got something from that, even if it wasn't the "true experience" I do feel less obsessed about having sex so...

    mission accomplished?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >>tell her I have no romance feelings
      Jesus dude

      >>cut contact and don't message her again

    • 4 weeks ago

      Your story is quite realistic, I can see myself getting to know women from Whatsapp or FB groups. Im kinda scared of having erection issues too tbh, however, I cannot imagine a naked woman that I can frick in front of me and my not my wiener not being hard, so there is that.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I believe me not actually being physically attracted to her had a big part to play.
        Also it's a really strange experience that doesn't make sense, but it happens anyway. Wanting to have sex so bad and having a naked woman right in front of you, but your wiener being completely useless.

        Oh well, just kept trying and could eventually get it most of the way there consistently.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Ok, nice insights. I actually remember rejecting a girl because I wasn't attracted to her, one my of most regretful decisions(well, I wouldn't regret it if I had other woman, but now being a virgin, yep)

  13. 4 weeks ago

    I lost my virginity recently, at an age when I thought it was all over and would never happen. She is a young psychology student, all of her first times were with me. I die from happiness every day ever since I met her.

    There's an intimate scene with her burned into my mind. We came to my apartment late, she had to go to a lecture soon, we had no time to make love properly. I undressed her only half-way and discovered something better than sex by coincidence. I laid her on the side, grabbed the back of her head with both arms to hold it in place. She has gorgeous hair I ran my fingers through, while massaging her scalp. Then I just began kissing her neck, all over.

    Nonstop. Must have been three hundred or so neck kisses. Turns out she had some sort of fetish for just that. She began to writhe in my arms and moan, not in the loud vulgar way you hear in porn, just helpless, tiny, high strung quivers. She was literally wringing from pleasure and joy, I held her firmly in place. Her thin neck was wonderfully delicate, with every cervical and vein showing through her pale skin and tasted a bit sweet from sweat.

    Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Reposition. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. No idea for how long. Ten minutes, perhaps. Or perhaps half an hour. It felt like an eternity, because most other things I experienced before otherwise seemed worthless. The curtains were closed. I smelled only her hair and only heard the sounds she made.

    Why do I write this? Partially, because I know well there are many people here that'll never experience something like this. And I wonder how they can believe in God, or a just world, or anything except despair, really. I also wonder why fate denied me this experience for most of my existence, only to gifve it to me so late.

    There is noGod. There is no justice. Just some people moaning from pleasure and others killing themselves from misery, for reasons outside their control.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You people sound like frickin vampires with a neck fetishes. But seriously, this was a pretty sexy read. And you are right in the end, there is no god, no justice, no fairness. As I said, we take what we can get.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    i lost my virginity to picrel after i turned 30, booked a dinner and overnight date with her, had sex 3 times that night, zero regrets

    • 4 weeks ago

      How much did that run you?

    • 4 weeks ago

      it was 5k

      • 4 weeks ago

        >5k to have a dinner date, blow 3 loads and hold a lady all night
        Well if you think it was worth it then frick it

    • 4 weeks ago

      Got troony vibes looking at her idk why, but pretty good, how much it costed?

  15. 4 weeks ago

    I was 19 (20 now) met some girl off Tinder and we talked for about a week prior. Went to her house fricked then I blocked her number and deleted my account

    • 4 weeks ago

      Why did you ghost her? Orig

  16. 4 weeks ago

    >17 years old
    >I have a couple casual friends but no close ones. I'm kinda into the metal scene but not very much. Too scared of my mom to really get into it, never drank or smoked and was a major pussy. I still made good grades in school even.
    >one of the guys I sorta know is in a band and gives me a free ticket for one of the shows done by the local small town record label they're signed with at an old abandoned opera house they rented out.
    >mom throws a fit but agrees to take me and drop me off a few blocks away so I can pretend I walked the whole way.
    >it's loud, the rappers were up first being annoying. I didn't bring any money so I can't get anything to eat or drink.
    >I know no one, except for one guy who brushed me off when I went to talk to him.
    >find corner and engage spectator mode, already regretting coming. I didn't have a phone (no friends so I never saw the point in asking for one) so I can't even call my mom to come get me early.
    >my feet hurt.avi
    >10 minutes or so pass, concert is suppose to last 2 1/2 hours so I have a long way to go.
    >random emo girl approaches and starts talking to me.
    >not used to this, luckily it's so loud a lot of my spaghetti dropping is covered because we have to yell to even be heard right next to each other and have to repeat ourselves several times each.
    >Eventually she asks if I wanted to go out in the hall so we could talk better, I say sure. We do. She was 15 and went to a local christian school because her mom was crazy and thought her music was satanic. She stuck out to come that night.
    >Make up some stuff about my mom kinda being the same way even though by a large she was okay with my music even if she didn't like it.
    >asks if I have a girlfriend, I say no. I manage to ask if she had a boyfriend back even though my heart was pounding out of my chest.
    >she says yes, but they're fighting because he cheated on her.
    >I realize she's obviously looking to cheat back.

    part 1/2

    • 4 weeks ago

      Since you either passed out or are jerking off and are not continuing this, I'll add something
      My work wife and the hottest girl I've ever had as a friend has/always had a weird attachment to her bf now husband
      Anyway one day he cheated on her, she got mad, she didn't break up with him but instead went to one of her male friends (before I knew her dammit) and asked him to frick her to get back at her bf
      The guy goes "this is just a frick right?"
      She said yes and apparently fricked him quick then went and told her bf
      Bitches be crazy

      • 4 weeks ago

        >My work wife and the hottest girl I've ever had as a friend has/always had a weird attachment to her bf now husband
        JFC I'm so used to AI correcting my typing, I'm getting lazy

        My work wife and the hottest girl I've ever known as a friend has/always had a weird attachment to her bf now husband

    • 4 weeks ago

      part 2/3(?)

      >All the while she's getting closer and closer to me.
      >next thing I know and bam we're making out and she's in my lap.
      >first kiss but I'm not even thinking at this point. I know she feels my boner because she grinds against it a couple times.
      >Can't believe this is happening but I just focus on the moment.
      >she asks if I wanna find some place more private. bathrooms are too crowded so sneak into another area of the opera house that wasn't being used. End up in an old dressing room I believe.
      >she goes right for my dick and starts sucking. No idea how I manage but last her 5 minute BJ without cumming in her mouth.
      >She helps me get her tight pants down along with her panties.
      >awkwardly play with her pussy for a bit, it's clear I have no idea wtf I'm doing. Finally she braces against the wall and tells me to just frick her.
      >No condom and I'm already on a hair trigger but frick if I was going to stop. Get behind her and press in.
      >Pussy really is great, start thrusting.
      >for a minute or so before I nut in her. I was used to jacking off with my mom nearby so I never made noise I cum. Don't even try to pull out either.
      >Freak out, before I can try and tell her she says go faster, then I realize she had no idea what happened.
      >I'm still hard, so I just start fricking again.
      >No idea what to do, really scared when she reached down to rub her clit while I was fricking her but just kept going.
      >Don't know if she had cum or not by after another 5 I gotta blow again.
      >This time tell her and pull out.
      >She tells me to cum in her mouth, so I do and she swallows. She pulls her panties and pants back up without even checking her pussy.
      >Decide then to just keep quiet about the first load.
      >We chill in the room for a while listening to her shitty music on a CD player (MCR, Naturally)
      >eventually rejoin the concert and part ways.

      I never saw her again. I could have very well knocked her up and I also cucked a dude.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >>Don't know if she had cum or not by after another 5 I gotta blow again.
        >>This time tell her and pull out.
        Sorry that's where your story falls apart
        You dick gets soft after you cum and you need a while for it to get hard again you can't just keep fricking a girl
        Now I don't believe a single word of what you said
        This must have been an episode of Gossip Girl or something

        • 4 weeks ago

          You can stay hard after you nut, especially if you're really aroused. I do frequently. I don't have much of a refractory period.

          Yeah, I'm not exactly experienced in sex, but wouldn't she be able to feel that you came in her? And doesn't the cum drip out too?

          from what I understand some girls don't feel anything. and cum dripping can be mistaken for discharge or her own wetness from sex.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I guess there are people who can cum and stay relatively hard, like me. Yes, its not as hard after the first cum, but it does stay up, and thats enough.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >>Don't know if she had cum or not by after another 5 I gotta blow again.
        >>This time tell her and pull out.
        Sorry that's where your story falls apart
        You dick gets soft after you cum and you need a while for it to get hard again you can't just keep fricking a girl
        Now I don't believe a single word of what you said
        This must have been an episode of Gossip Girl or something

        Yeah, I'm not exactly experienced in sex, but wouldn't she be able to feel that you came in her? And doesn't the cum drip out too?

    • 4 weeks ago

      part 2/3(?)

      >All the while she's getting closer and closer to me.
      >next thing I know and bam we're making out and she's in my lap.
      >first kiss but I'm not even thinking at this point. I know she feels my boner because she grinds against it a couple times.
      >Can't believe this is happening but I just focus on the moment.
      >she asks if I wanna find some place more private. bathrooms are too crowded so sneak into another area of the opera house that wasn't being used. End up in an old dressing room I believe.
      >she goes right for my dick and starts sucking. No idea how I manage but last her 5 minute BJ without cumming in her mouth.
      >She helps me get her tight pants down along with her panties.
      >awkwardly play with her pussy for a bit, it's clear I have no idea wtf I'm doing. Finally she braces against the wall and tells me to just frick her.
      >No condom and I'm already on a hair trigger but frick if I was going to stop. Get behind her and press in.
      >Pussy really is great, start thrusting.
      >for a minute or so before I nut in her. I was used to jacking off with my mom nearby so I never made noise I cum. Don't even try to pull out either.
      >Freak out, before I can try and tell her she says go faster, then I realize she had no idea what happened.
      >I'm still hard, so I just start fricking again.
      >No idea what to do, really scared when she reached down to rub her clit while I was fricking her but just kept going.
      >Don't know if she had cum or not by after another 5 I gotta blow again.
      >This time tell her and pull out.
      >She tells me to cum in her mouth, so I do and she swallows. She pulls her panties and pants back up without even checking her pussy.
      >Decide then to just keep quiet about the first load.
      >We chill in the room for a while listening to her shitty music on a CD player (MCR, Naturally)
      >eventually rejoin the concert and part ways.

      I never saw her again. I could have very well knocked her up and I also cucked a dude.

      Not going to lie, this was a good read/story. Parties, concerts, shows is a place I am considering to get woman, the problem is that your story is in 2005, and not in this nightmarish reality of 2024. Also learned: always have a condom on pocket.

  17. 4 weeks ago

    I paid a hooker.
    That was it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The most based men here

      • 4 weeks ago

        Look I'm not a hero or something, I knew i looked ugly, especially as a hapa in Europe, where 6'1 is almost average so the height meme does literally nothing here.
        I was 24, had money and never touched pussy before, so why the frick not?
        It's not like I missed out on my dream girl because of it.

        All it did was show me that sex is mid, and it's the primal instincts pushing you to seek it out.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Ok I live in EU as well, Im aware of height difference, the competition is crazy here, if you are not some tall, blonde, blue eyed homie you ain't getting shit.
          >All it did was show me that sex is mid
          Could this be that you fricked a prostitute with not much interest? I heard sex can be incredible with whom you love. Idk.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Could this be that you fricked a prostitute with not much interest?
            yeah if you're going to book an escort for only an hour don't expect passionate sex lol if you book multi-hour or overnights that's when you'll get the good sex

  18. 4 weeks ago

    if someone called something a sando i would have a microbreakdown and just stop functioning. but now that i've said this i will just say sando is dumb see

  19. 4 weeks ago

    me saving up for a sandwich, my bad.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    Please NEVER go to prostitutes. You are being exploited. Women are being exploited. Love cannot be bought and sold, and sex is meaningless in and of itself. Please value yourself more than to give yourselves and your money to Hookers.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Says the guy who will off himself as a 55 year old virgin

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Says the guy who will off himself as a 55 year old virgin
        It will happen long before I am 55

        because the dude who fricked the emo chick (assuming real) at the concert 'loved' her? Get your head out of your ass, real life ain't a disney fairy tale.

        >because the dude who fricked the emo chick (assuming real) at the concert 'loved' her?
        No he did not, and she not he, but why do you presume I endorse such behaviour. Do not go looking for one night stands either. They are evil too.

        • 4 weeks ago

          NTA's but you are a moralcuck
          >Duh d duh, dont do one night stands
          You say this like we actually have a choice. Its either get one night stands, prostitutes, or have to play mind games for an insufferable amounts of time, and dates, to get a gf in a "normie" way. Also, women are choosing one night stands, they are "tired of men" as they say. People can barely tolerate coexisting with each other now.

    • 4 weeks ago

      because the dude who fricked the emo chick (assuming real) at the concert 'loved' her? Get your head out of your ass, real life ain't a disney fairy tale.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Women are being exploited
      This is the best argument against prostitution I have heard here. Not everyone is being exploited, and sex work is legal in my country, but yeah.
      >sex is meaningless in and of itself.
      Every sex that isnt for reproduction purpose is meaningless pleasure. Everything is meaningless bro. Unless you have a partner that loves you and makes passionate sex in a supernatural level.
      >value yourself more
      I have no value, nothing has value, I dont become worse or better for doing this, its just my desire being fulfilled.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Not everyone is being exploited
        Yes they are. The sexual industry exploits and objectifies women, making them into objects and a means to satisfy pleasure rather than human beings, and exploits men's loneliness by extracting resources from them by way of commodifying sex and relationships with women. The sex industry is a behemoth, and if you feed it you only help the monster grow.
        >sex work is legal in my country
        >Every sex that isnt for reproduction purpose is meaningless pleasure.
        Not true at all. Sex between loving partners in a relationship is the physical expression of love: it is an entirely different thing to the mechanical mutual masturbation that occurs in those sordid and transient liaisons.
        >Everything is meaningless bro.
        Then kys. You don't actually believe that. That besides universal meaninglessness is an impossible position to reconcile with the relativism you endorse
        >I have no value, nothing has value, I dont become worse or better for doing this, its just my desire being fulfilled.
        You do become worse, you debase yourself. You do have value. You might desire, but you ought to redirect that desire.

        You're a degenerate. Anon's do not sleep with prostitutes and degenerate to the level of this amoral shell of a person.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >The sexual industry exploits and objectifies women
          Women objectifies themselves. Aside from the mob, pimps and sex trafficking shenanigans, its mostly women's personal choice to be in the industry.
          >Sex between loving partners in a relationship is the physical expression of love
          Wasn't this what I said? Sex has meaning if you do it with someone who loves you and is passionate. Someone WHO LOVES YOU. For most men, its over right here. Also, reproduction is literally the biological function of it, the purpose.
          >Then kys. You don't actually believe that.
          I do believe that. I dont kms because now Im not entirely sure if the suffering actually ends, Im scared there will be no eternal rest. I might reincarnate as pajeet or something, idk.
          >you debase yourself
          I dont see how honestly. Nothing really changes. You got sex. Yes, you paid for it. How does this change my value as a person? Im not able to get it in a "normie" way, this is the only option without having to commit a federal crime. Women dont love me, then what can I do?

          • 4 weeks ago

            What's so wrong with helping out struggling girls with their business?
            They get to eat, I get to frick.
            What's the big deal here, huh?

            NTA's but you are a moralcuck
            >Duh d duh, dont do one night stands
            You say this like we actually have a choice. Its either get one night stands, prostitutes, or have to play mind games for an insufferable amounts of time, and dates, to get a gf in a "normie" way. Also, women are choosing one night stands, they are "tired of men" as they say. People can barely tolerate coexisting with each other now.

            I hate you all. I really do. I'm in tears but I will never be like any of you I promise. I will kill myself (probably soon) before I let myself fall to the miserable condition that you all persist in. If you want to fund the behemoth then so be it, you pay with your soul as well as your wallet.

            I wish I had never bothered arguing with you

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's not miserable to help out struggling girls with their financial crisis.
            Frick else are they supposed to do? Die a slow and painful death from having nothing to eat?
            Thanks to me and others like me, they get to eat wiener, semen, and a proper warm dinner after they earn their dollar.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    >Im virgin, I need inspiration.
    finish high school first virgie

    • 4 weeks ago

      Wtf does HS has to do with me being a virgin? Im glad I finished that nightmare

  22. 4 weeks ago

    Stop worrying so much about sex, zoomer-kun.
    It's not that big of a deal. It's supposed to be something that comes naturally as you reach a certain level in life.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >It's supposed
      Yep, thats wrap it up. There are crackheads getting more love than us here right now, you know that?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Those specific crackheads that get sex were born at a certain level. They were born handsome.

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