>"Men can't get women's hints."

>"Men can't get women's hints."
Is this a real thing?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    some women give shit hints, those are the majority women who complain men cant read hints. The rest are men who are shy

    • 4 weeks ago

      >some women give shit hints
      What are some women's generic or standard hints?

      • 4 weeks ago

        bordering flirtation, insisting on being together more, asking about your preferences for the future etc.
        A lot of it is vague but depends on body language, context, and tone

        • 4 weeks ago

          >some women give shit hints
          What are some women's generic or standard hints?

          Standing in someone's vicinity
          Thinking about him a lot
          Manifesting a relationship

          Nothing it's possible to actually notice, of course.


      • 4 weeks ago

        Standing in someone's vicinity
        Thinking about him a lot
        Manifesting a relationship

        Nothing it's possible to actually notice, of course.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Females expect us to read their minds and get mad when we have no idea why they're upset
        Also, avoid females

    • 4 weeks ago

      YES. as a girl who's hinted so many times men are either oblivious or eeeeeviillllll.

      blah blah blah lies.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Hints are great because if some dumb ugly c**t starts hinting she's into you, you can just ignore it.

    • 4 weeks ago


      Even if they give the most obvious ones, some guys have such low self esteem they just conclude it is her just being friendly and dont make a move.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    I thought she was into me because she looked at me smiling with ber big eyes but then i found out she's in a long term relationship of 8 years.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    I've read hundreds of stories of men realising women were dropping hints after weeks/months/years and have had it happen to me as well so it's either true or most of us have the collective delusion that women in our past liked us.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Honestly no. Its purely cope. If a woman likes you she will let you know. It will be impossible to not know

    • 4 weeks ago

      This. All of you guys know it, you've seen women around chads and all of you know that the Chad knows that she wants him and she knows that too.
      If a woman likes you and specifically in our modern times she'll certainly let you know.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    I ignore them because I'm not giving a woman the time of day if she can't be direct and an adult with me

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Yes but only to attractive normalhomosexuals. If you missed a hint then you can. Just find a gf easily anyhow.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    I would've said no but a thread from yesterday proved otherwise

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Yesterday's thread
      Which thread do you still have the link for it?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Nta but I think he's talking about this one
        I still don't know if this was a normalgay or someone trying to bait.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Op had a girl that trusted him with everything, followed him wherever he went and favored talking to him more than her girl friends.
          >He ghosted her and refused to get back to her after her friends literally beg him to do so.
          >"What made you think she was my girlfriend?"
          Holy fricking moron.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Sociopathy is a b***h to live with. Comes with some degree of narcissism like making /NSFFW/ threads to brag about how much of a smart but cruel manipulator you are as well.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I don't think he's humble bragging he responded to the other anons like if he genuinely believes in what he says.
            He is either a huge fricking moron or some normie with double digits IQ who found this board by mistake.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >he genuinely believes in what he says.
            Yes homie, this is not a humble brag about being a Chad that gets girls, he is bragging about figuring that girl out and distancing himself from her in a cruel way.
            I know it makes no sense if you are remotely mentally sane but unfortunately some people have a compulsion to hurt those who try to get close to them emotionally.
            It's a fricked up defence mechanism.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    women's hints mean nothing

    she can tell you she wants to spend the rest of her life with you in the morning

    but then frick chad in the afternoon

  9. 4 weeks ago

    I have been told way too many times after the fact that a girl was flirting with me. Apparently, I require a straightforward admission of interest or it's over my head.
    Weirdest one was a girl at work asking me to help her lift something and that is somehow supposed to be flirting and NOT just a reasonable request. I don't get women. Just talking to a guy is simultaneously always flirting and never flirting.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    >>"Men can't get women's hints."
    This is true but not in the way you think.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >This is true but not in the way you think.
      Elaborate on your point.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    alright it's gaming timee, he asked me to draw his imaginary girlfriend, but this means i can't do the thing i initially planned on doing without it being too obvious, since i had planned to change my pfp to something slightly resembles his imaginary girlfriend, this is going to be the most awkward relationship ever if it ends up happening

    • 4 weeks ago

      >he asked me to draw his imaginary girlfriend
      I don't think he is the one that has trouble getting hints...

      • 4 weeks ago

        no way, i'm pretty sure he's too traumatized from being rejected to be giving me any hints, and he acts kinda distant, i'm not sure if he even knows that i know it's his imaginary gf he just told me to draw his oc

        Sis I think you might be autistic. Anyways if he trusts you enough to ask you to draw his imaginary GF I think they're easier ways to make him fall into your net.
        Instead of doing something this weird and straightforward just go into him and be straightforward if it didn't work at least you tried you know?

        we're both autistic, if i'm too straightforward i won't be able to pretend that there's a possibility he might like me, if that's not the case, the last time i was direct with someone it ended badly (because i indicated i was obsessed)

        Try to keep it between you two in case it goes wrong. Its more embarrassing and traumatic if others watch a rejection and guys dont gossip to everyone around about a girl being a creepy weirdo. Girls do that as a brag to up social esteem.

        >can you believe he asked me out? ME? Not you!? Ofc im not going out with him, poor guy, im too much better than him but really! ME! He asked ME out!!!

        that would be a good idea, i'd be kinda proud to be his gf, but other people might be skeptical of me

        • 4 weeks ago

          >no way, i'm pretty sure he's too traumatized from being rejected to be giving me any hints
          That might be so but at the point you are close enough to know that he's been traumatised by rejections there's a pretty good chance he likes you romantically.
          Well it might be the 'tism, but in a normal relationship that sort of stuff shows a high degree of trust.
          >if i'm too straightforward i won't be able to pretend that there's a possibility he might like me
          Been there, done that. It's toxic as shit and nearly drove me mad. Be honest about what you feel or it gets worse.

          • 4 weeks ago

            i just know these things from seeing his previous posts, and he hasn't told anything to me personally, i don't know if he trusts me at all actually, i wouldn't be suprised if he thought i was a random glowie or something

    • 4 weeks ago

      Sis I think you might be autistic. Anyways if he trusts you enough to ask you to draw his imaginary GF I think they're easier ways to make him fall into your net.
      Instead of doing something this weird and straightforward just go into him and be straightforward if it didn't work at least you tried you know?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Insane get


        >"Men can't get women's hints."
        Is this a real thing?

        I have been friends with some rather manipulative women before. What I think is going on (at least it was in their case) is that they are frustrated by the male-dominated political and economic hierarchy so look for reasons to find themselves above men which, due to human nature, tends to be in social hierarchy. Basically, these girls would play games with men, literally plotting out every social interaction to try and make the men screw up in some way, then mock him. Men do miss hints to some degree of course because biologically we are less social, but there is definitely a fog on both sides, nobody wants to feel equal to the other.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Try to keep it between you two in case it goes wrong. Its more embarrassing and traumatic if others watch a rejection and guys dont gossip to everyone around about a girl being a creepy weirdo. Girls do that as a brag to up social esteem.

      >can you believe he asked me out? ME? Not you!? Ofc im not going out with him, poor guy, im too much better than him but really! ME! He asked ME out!!!

  12. 4 weeks ago

    yes, its 100% a real thing.
    And its gotten worse with shit like #metoo, because if you misread something as a hint that isn't one you'll get reported to HR or some shit.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >inb4 that shit doesn't happen in RL, touch some grass.
      about 1/5th of girls will report your ass no hesitation

  13. 4 weeks ago

    femoids are all insane c**ts

    • 4 weeks ago

      >femoids are all insane c**ts
      [Citation needed]

      • 4 weeks ago

        >[Citation needed]
        a lifetime of experience

  14. 4 weeks ago

    I can't even get men's hints to be honest

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I can't even get men's hints to be honest
      Realest p
      ost in this thread.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    normie/social men get the hint every time in my experience.

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