Pussy sizing

Not trying to be a creep but I rlly wonder do girls pussy sizes vary? like I get that the inside and feeling/texture may differ, but if a girl is fat or taller than a skinny/short/petite girl, is it less tight or looser? like for example, a six foot 200 lb woman versus a five foot 100 lb woman. there's no way the tightness is the same right? like the big b***hes definitely have bigger veganal cavities??

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Size doesn’t actually vary that much woman to woman, but size can vary a lot depending on how aroused a woman is/what part of her cycle it is. That’s why sometimes a girl’s pussy feels different from time to time despite it being the same woman

    • 4 weeks ago

      what I dont get is how men can have different sized genitalia. like a four inch vs 6 inch dick, or breast/ass size variation. Like is the circumference and diameter of all women rlly the same at peak arousal?

      • 4 weeks ago

        There is *some* variation, say, between tall women and petite women since their veganas are relative to the rest of their organs, but tightness and depth change throughout the woman’s lifetime and/or cyclically. They won’t all be the same at peak arousal, but the level at which they vary is much less than that of the variations with men’s dick sizes

        • 4 weeks ago

          so whenever u have sex with women the tightness always is diff right? can u notice some girls r tighter?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Jumping in to reply here. In my experience, yes. You can tell that some are tight and some are not so much. I initially notice once I start to finger her. Not a whole lot of variation in my experience, but it's there if you have a sample size to work off of.

            As I said in

            Had a couple of one night stands with fat girls and was in a relationship with one too. There is generally no correlation.

            however, weight generally has no correlation.

          • 4 weeks ago

            honestly kinda surprised

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's honestly really interesting. I also had no idea that I would be so into giving oral until my first go-round. All downhill from there, kek

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yes, I’d say so. This one girl was super fricking tight first time since she was a virgin penetrative wise, then kind of loosened up as we got more intimate. Looser pussy is actually more aroused pussy, so basically she was getting more comfortable with me as we dated longer. Also fingered another girl who was super tight right after her period when she’d never been that tight before. As for girls being tighter than others like by default, I can just say usually virgins will always be tight because they’re usually nervous no matter how much precaution you take.

          • 4 weeks ago

            ya after periods usually is peak tightness, cuz you go one week without sex

          • 4 weeks ago

            That and usually it’s harder to get aroused when ur finishing up your period since it sucks lol

          • 4 weeks ago

            No true lol, but right before my period I always get so horny. its like a switch

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yeah before makes sense because masturbation and or sex reduces cramping, but after the lining flushes out ur body is basically trying to find reprieve before getting ready to try again. Then again it’s diff for everyone, personally I’m not rocking with sex before or after

          • 4 weeks ago

            sex during periods help with blood flow, but its sooo gross ngl I gag at the blood its just nasty to me

          • 4 weeks ago

            RIGHT?! I wouldn’t want someone going down on me personally but my gf at the time was into it. I could never stomach tongue but I could finger her. That one scene from saltburn rlly got me for that reason, kek

          • 4 weeks ago

            dude like sex I can fathom, not getting eaten out on a period tho that's too gross. and fr I remember, it made me gag lol

      • 4 weeks ago

        No, it's not. Some women like massive wieners, some don't like them because they really hurt. I can't take anything bigger than 6 inches because then my cervix gets hit and that is one of the worst pains ever. If a dude bigger than 6 inches was to try put his dick in me he wouldn't be able to go all the way in. But I've known women exclusively into monster wieners because the dicks that satisfy me can't reach deep enough to give them pleasure. When a baby is developing, if the foetus is male the vegana becomes the penis essentially, women's holes are just inverted hollow wieners, women with deep veganas would probably have massive wieners if they were a man.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I get that, it hurts sometimes for me depending on the guys dick curve, length, and gurthiness. I prefer 5.5 inches tbh, you can do more positions that way. I do have some friends who rlly like big dicks tho, but doggy style just hurts with big dicks. its more abt the way the use the dick than size imo

  2. 4 weeks ago

    There was actually a thread about this yesterday but yeah veganal depth and tightness are variable traits but they do roughly correlate to height and build ie a short and petite girl should be tighter than a taller girl on average

    In my experience at least fat girls have tight pussies though. I guess it's the extra padding.

    • 4 weeks ago

      wait r u srs? Fat girls have tight pussies? I srsly always thought they were lose for some reason, they r just rlly big so

      • 4 weeks ago

        Had a couple of one night stands with fat girls and was in a relationship with one too. There is generally no correlation.

        • 4 weeks ago

          how about tall women

          • 4 weeks ago

            Can't give you enough data for that one. The one tall girl I was with had pretty average tightness. The other girls I've had sex with were in the 5 foot 3 to 5 foot 8 range.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Becoming fat doesn't turn a pussy into a cavern lol, a skinny girl doesn't suddenly get a baggy fanny because she put weight on.

    • 4 weeks ago

      idk why I feel like when they put on weight it gets bigger down there

      • 4 weeks ago

        Surely it would be the opposite? Like the fat compresses the hole to make it tighter?

        • 4 weeks ago

          idk I feel like it just gets wider like the body does but idk I guess that's stupid

      • 4 weeks ago

        that makes zero sense, there's more pressure from all sides why would it be loose? youre just seeing a busted ass looking b***h and its effecting your logical thinking.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Pussy size is not correlated with any external factors like weight or height or age or sexual experience. You will only find out once the panties come off.

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