Question for biological femcels. Would you rather be what you are, a femcel or a slut?

Question for biological femcels.
Would you rather be what you are, a femcel or a bawd?
Just imagine fricking every week AT LEAST.

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  1. 1 month ago

    well I'm trans masc but I would hate that
    I'd rather be an incel than getting fricked that much

  2. 1 month ago

    Me 0n the far left

  3. 1 month ago

    most femcels are voluntarily celibate, not because they would not want sex, but because they want long-term commitment with someone who would actually love and respect them for who they are. From my own experience, I never wanted to just get laid, I want a man for life. Which is why I am a virgin at 23

    • 1 month ago

      >most femcels are voluntarily celibate
      So they aren't femcels then.

      • 1 month ago

        Call it as you want. Normal women dont just seek sex, they seek relationship. So the definition of a female involuntarily celibate is "unable to find a man who would be truly interested in them as person for marriage, and not just as a sexdoll". Just my own opinion tho

        • 1 month ago

          >Normal women dont just seek sex, they seek relationship.
          Imagine thinking this lmao.

          • 1 month ago

            Yes I think so because I am like that.

          • 1 month ago

            You are trans tho,

            well I'm trans masc but I would hate that
            I'd rather be an incel than getting fricked that much

          • 1 month ago

            this is me

            most femcels are voluntarily celibate, not because they would not want sex, but because they want long-term commitment with someone who would actually love and respect them for who they are. From my own experience, I never wanted to just get laid, I want a man for life. Which is why I am a virgin at 23

            I am not trans. I was born with a biological vegana and I still have it, thank gods. I was just unlucky with men.

          • 1 month ago

            Do you shave? Asking for a fren.

          • 1 month ago

            I'm the trans guy and I wasn't who you were talking to

            >you can get that incredibly easy
            well I couldnt until now, thats it lol
            I was lonely until 23, now it will hopefully change, and I wish you guys the same luck
            Thats a very personal question sir. But for your scientific purposes, shaving is actually quite bad, because the hair traps bacteria-when the hair is missing, the bacteria gets right inside and causes inflammation and other troubles. So the women who shave smell like rotting fish. Since I didnt have a man, of course I did not risk the trouble 🙂 I would do it only if my future husband insists, but I would try to persuade him if its ok if I just trim it.

            that's not how it works. it traps bacteria so it's more likely that the bacteria will get in and give you a yeast infection or just a bad smell if you don't shave

            >Thats a very personal question sir.
            Its a very normal question between men and you as a trans masc should know that

            I have never been asked about that by my friends. do you actually talk about your pubes with your guy friends?

          • 1 month ago

            >do you actually talk about your pubes with your guy friends?
            I talk about anything with my friends because we got barely any shame left for each other. Where we shave or dont shave is just one of many things.

          • 1 month ago

            I wish I had guy friends in hs
            feels like I'll never have that relationship with any guys because we didn't do all that dumb stuff together. like when I'm with guys we never talk about anything private like that and I feel like I'm missing out

          • 4 weeks ago

            >she thinks she's normal

        • 1 month ago

          Women will literally frick random guys that they don't know

          • 1 month ago

            bawds do, thats why I specified "normal women" you twat
            >but reeee all women are bawds buuhuu
            no not all are. You attract what you are, and if you are only surrounded by bawds, you should probably stop being an butthole

        • 1 month ago

          that's funny, I just got dumped because I didn't treat her like a sex doll and give her the tingles anymore

      • 1 month ago

        >So they aren't femcels then.
        then incels arent incels since they can pay for sex

        • 1 month ago

          >since they can pay for sex
          All of the escorts in my area don't take black client. And I don't have the money to travel and pay for the service. So I guess I'm a true incel lol.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Saying shes fakecel because she doesnt want to get pumped and dumped is like calling you one for not going to a hooker

          This is moronic because there is a huge imbalance here in actually PAYING MONEY for shit vs. REFUSING PEOPLE who are giving it for free
          Furthermore in modern society incels are looked down on much more than hookers are
          So... Just no

      • 1 month ago

        Saying shes fakecel because she doesnt want to get pumped and dumped is like calling you one for not going to a hooker

      • 1 month ago

        moron do you know what celibate means? Celibacy is voluntary, that's why the term incel is separate

        • 1 month ago

          It's even more disingenuous because even if we for some reason don't include casual sex, they can still easily find a bf.

          you should have a nice day because you are a shit person, not to please me.

          It's bait.

          I've had a bf and one ons.
          I love sex and I'd have it everyday with a bf, but if I had to frick randos I'd rather be sexless for life

          Least sex-having "femcel".

          >Any mindless prostitute with no self respect can be a bawd
          >The question is meaningless bait he wrote while jerking off.
          Of course he was, like everything a moid has ever said here. They're disgusting perverts.

          If you don't want to be a bawd, fine, but you obviously can be one if you're attracted to men.

    • 1 month ago

      how do I meet you naturally on NSFFW, which vg general do you go to?

    • 1 month ago

      yup, this. im volcel. im waiting to meet my perfect match.

      • 1 month ago

        what's your perfect match like

        • 1 month ago

          doesn't matter, i'm not gonna meet him here.

    • 1 month ago

      The curse of women. Girls aren't attracted to guys who want to settle down, they're only attracted to guys who don't have to settle down.

      • 1 month ago

        Well I found a man now who wants to settle down, so I hope it works out and we will get married. My standards were not high, and he fulfills all of them and even more.

        • 1 month ago

          how tall is he femanon and how tall r u?

          • 1 month ago

            He is 177 cm tall and I am 160. I was always down to dating guys around my height, and he is much taller than that.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Ugh that is my exact height and you are my ideal height as well so I can put my arm around you and pat your head gently and sniff your hair but when you surprise me and wear sexy high heels we can look each other in the eyes and you push your chest against mine

    • 1 month ago

      most incels are voluntarily celibate, not because they would not want sex, but because they want long-term commitment with someone who would actually love and respect them for who they are. From my own experience, I never wanted to just get laid, I want a woman for life. Which is why I am a virgin at 23

      • 1 month ago

        yeah, I understand many incels are like that too. There are very few true incels (both men and women). Its a basic human need to be around someone who understands you and who is at least a bit attractive so you can procreate with them

        • 1 month ago

          >Its a basic human need to be around someone who understands you and who is at least a bit attractive so you can procreate with them
          The difference is that what classes as "a bit attractive" for men and women is vastly different.

          For men, as long as she isn't built like Jabba the Hutt and isn't physically deformed (like downie-tier ugly), then she'll class as "a bit attractive".
          Meanwhile, for women, he has to be 6'4"+, absolutely shredded, have a model-tier face, AND a 8"+ penis for him to be "average", let alone slightly attractive.

    • 1 month ago

      You can get that incredibly easily. You're not even involuntarily single.

      yup, this. im volcel. im waiting to meet my perfect match.

      Nobody has a perfect match.

      • 1 month ago

        >you can get that incredibly easy
        well I couldnt until now, thats it lol

        Any hideously disgusting obese woman can be a bawd with ease.
        Loneliest "femcel" to ever visit NSFFW.
        They're already with a guy.
        Any person who can have casual sex can also easily find an LTR. The only type of sex inceldom is about is consensual unpaid sex with a sex you're attracted to. Escorts don't count but if a girl wants to sleep with you then you can definitely find a gf and more.

        I was lonely until 23, now it will hopefully change, and I wish you guys the same luck

        Do you shave? Asking for a fren.

        Thats a very personal question sir. But for your scientific purposes, shaving is actually quite bad, because the hair traps bacteria-when the hair is missing, the bacteria gets right inside and causes inflammation and other troubles. So the women who shave smell like rotting fish. Since I didnt have a man, of course I did not risk the trouble 🙂 I would do it only if my future husband insists, but I would try to persuade him if its ok if I just trim it.

        • 1 month ago

          Pubes are like beards, you don't really have to shave it, just trim it. Untrimmed pubes look gross.

        • 1 month ago

          >Thats a very personal question sir.
          Its a very normal question between men and you as a trans masc should know that

          • 1 month ago

            I already said I am no trans, idiot. I am a biological woman who wants to stay a woman

          • 1 month ago

            shut up bro

        • 1 month ago

          wash and exfoliate before shaving, dummy. I bet you stink

        • 4 weeks ago

          Based unshaven femanon I love your natural body and the pungent aroma of your pheromones

    • 1 month ago

      >most femcels are voluntarily celibate
      there is literally not a single """femcel""" here that is a virgin lolmao

      • 1 month ago

        I am sure many are. I am not a femcel anymore or never "truly" was, but I am still a virgin

      • 1 month ago

        Most are like 18-19 and many of them have had sex but some are still waiting for chad to be delivered to them on a silver platter.

        if only this wasn't a larp

        It's at least a LARP that "femcels" are even close to involuntarily single. They can easily find loving boyfriends who aren't like ugly neckbeards or are even close to that level.

        a bawd because i already have a high sex drive

        Why aren't you doing it already?

        that's funny, I just got dumped because I didn't treat her like a sex doll and give her the tingles anymore

        Hardest life of a normalgay.

        • 1 month ago

          we planned on getting married and she had been with one person before.
          I gave her fricking everything and she didn't want to stick around because I made one mistake in the past.

          you'd probably see me as a normalgays in person but it's genuinely frustrating to have to keep saying around and not know if the person would stick by you through thick and thin the way people in the past would have, and imo it's all because of societal expectations

          • 1 month ago

            >made one mistake in the past.
            Care to share what it was

          • 1 month ago

            yeah watched porn and went on a camsite.
            she then went off and sent nudes to a dude but I forgave her.
            what I couldn't forgive is that she kept going back and telling him she was sorry for coming back to me.
            she seemed to admire this homosexual who said he wouldn't watch porn for her (something I just quit at the start without telling her about it at all because I had no desire for porn when I was happy with her). she went back to him multiple times, showed him her body, defended this disgusting frick to me, and claimed he cared about her more when all he did was flirt and want nudes and send his dick.
            she's a sick sex obsessed fricking c**t.
            I thought she but honestly every fricking day that passes makes me feel like I fell into some bpd morons arms and we both thought it was love.

            months after what I did, she started just constantly getting angry at me and not giving a frick that I was always there. by then the tingles ran out, and I wasn't about to just chase her more since she never cared about my side of our issues in the relationship

            Just get a new gf normalhomosexual.
            How many times have you been rejected? Are you a NEET? Most genuine incels still have the option to SEAmaxx once they save up enough money for it.

            I'm tired. I want love with a person I felt close to and believed loved me more than anything and would've talked through our issues.

            I'd be a bawd to one man for the rest of my life if I could use him several times a day, everyday. I miss it so much.
            Still have faith tho. To answer you I'd be a female lul

            >if I could use him several times
            when the fun hits a block and you actually have to deal with the reality of an actual relationship, you're going to blame him for not being perfect and leave.

          • 1 month ago

            >I fell into some bpd morons arms and we both thought it was love
            This could actually be it. You probably could have faired better if you actually doubled down on the porn thing tell her frick off.

            You shouldn't put too much investment on someone you don't know all that much. You really gotta know someone for a year to know someone because theirs nothing they can hide in that time. Their tantrum their annoying little habits, their mood swing all show. And ofcourse theirs nothing wrong with having flaws, you have to decide whether or not it's worth it based on that.

            Hopefully you've come out atleast a little more wiser from this right?

          • 4 weeks ago

            we met up and had sex and she was the one that actually went full force on all this.
            I don't care about her mood swings and shit, just be there when I tell you I need to speak.
            ironically she mentioned that her ex didn't care to listen to her issues.

            wider? I don't know. in damaged completely from this one and I don't know how I'm going to be able to trust anyone.
            she would literally start telling me she doesn't care sometimes when I brought up my issues towards the end, but she'd still want me to baby her at the end of the day.
            she literally wanted me to demand nudes from her and abuse her, and y'know what? I should've punched her fricking face in.

          • 1 month ago

            Just get a new gf normalhomosexual.

            i used to find pics like this hot, but they make my heart hurt now. i will never participate in anything like this. no woman has ever been attracted to me enough to even express interest in anything sexual with me. god i want to kill myself more with every passing day

            How many times have you been rejected? Are you a NEET? Most genuine incels still have the option to SEAmaxx once they save up enough money for it.

    • 1 month ago

      if only this wasn't a larp

    • 1 month ago

      >most femcels are voluntarily celibate, not because they would not want sex, but because they want long-term commitment with chad*

    • 1 month ago

      i understand that this is the reasoning, but it's so disingenuous. it's just women wanting to invade another male space for easy attention and validation. it's fricking disgusting what you "people" will do for validation. have a nice day.

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah. NSFFW is a boys club. Always has been. You take away this and it basically just becomes twitter or some other shitsite. Which it is

        • 1 month ago

          i agree. look at the absolute state of this board

          stop being intentionally dense. can i go to a PUBLIC ANONYMOUS pregnancy forum and complain about my wife's confusing hormones? sure because it's a PUBLIC ANONYMOUS space, but it's obviously meant for women. same with /NSFFW/ and women's celibacy. no one gives a frick that your standards are so high that you can't find someone willing to settle for you. have a nice day please.

      • 1 month ago

        Are you okay sir? How am I invading your PUBLIC ANONYMOUS space? Also this thread is meant for biological females, so you are invading it without contributing anything, lmao-get out. I just shared my opinion and experience and you got offended like a snowflake over nothing. Go cry to your mummy that you got offended by a woman on the internet, who did not even target you with her original response. Weakass homosexual

    • 1 month ago

      Call it as you want. Normal women dont just seek sex, they seek relationship. So the definition of a female involuntarily celibate is "unable to find a man who would be truly interested in them as person for marriage, and not just as a sexdoll". Just my own opinion tho

      girls want relationships with simps and fricking weak men who will provide and never ever question their prostitute ways, they want a pump and dump with chad tho

    • 1 month ago

      If only most of your standards for dating weren't obnoxiously ridiculous.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >most incels are voluntarily celibate, not because they would not want sex, but because they don't try the most convenient option like rape or prostitutes or gay men like OP.
      Then there are no incels except those without the equipment to frick making it a pointless term. I propose a better definition of incel (no point in distinguishing the genders) to be someone who is a virgin, wants to have sex but can't achieve it through the route they desire. Not perfect, but surely you can see what I mean and possibly improve upon it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >"virgin" "femcels"
      >20 replies (including this one)
      You think we are all pathetic and worse than you don't you?

  4. 1 month ago

    i have been called both tough question
    i think bawd but preferably not with too many different guys

    • 1 month ago

      Any hideously disgusting obese woman can be a bawd with ease.

      Well I found a man now who wants to settle down, so I hope it works out and we will get married. My standards were not high, and he fulfills all of them and even more.

      Loneliest "femcel" to ever visit NSFFW.

      Do you shave? Asking for a fren.

      They're already with a guy.

      yeah, I understand many incels are like that too. There are very few true incels (both men and women). Its a basic human need to be around someone who understands you and who is at least a bit attractive so you can procreate with them

      Any person who can have casual sex can also easily find an LTR. The only type of sex inceldom is about is consensual unpaid sex with a sex you're attracted to. Escorts don't count but if a girl wants to sleep with you then you can definitely find a gf and more.

      • 1 month ago

        You mean she's?

  5. 1 month ago

    i just want to feel what its like to be loved and to love

    • 1 month ago

      Begone BPDemon! Find your prey elsewhere.

    • 1 month ago

      You can get that easily as long as your standards aren't insane and you actually try even a little bit.

      Saying shes fakecel because she doesnt want to get pumped and dumped is like calling you one for not going to a hooker

      Except literally any hideous fat mentally ill NEET woman can easily a loving boyfriend who's not a NEET or misogynistic or anything awful.

      >you can get that incredibly easy
      well I couldnt until now, thats it lol
      I was lonely until 23, now it will hopefully change, and I wish you guys the same luck
      Thats a very personal question sir. But for your scientific purposes, shaving is actually quite bad, because the hair traps bacteria-when the hair is missing, the bacteria gets right inside and causes inflammation and other troubles. So the women who shave smell like rotting fish. Since I didnt have a man, of course I did not risk the trouble 🙂 I would do it only if my future husband insists, but I would try to persuade him if its ok if I just trim it.

      >I was lonely until 23
      What did you actually try? Lol.

      You mean she's?

      70/30 it's a LARPer.

      • 1 month ago

        >What did you actually try?
        I have never been on a date. I tried hitting on some nerdy classmates and I got rejected. Then I asked out some seller in a shop with electronics whose name I did not even know and got rejected again.

        • 1 month ago

          Don't engage with the troll

          • 1 month ago

            Thanks mate, you genuinely seem nice. I wish you luck and happiness

        • 1 month ago

          Like all "lonely" women, you never seriously tried even in the slightest. Obviously the easiest way to find 100s of guys who would date you would be through online means. You never actually doing so means your "loneliness" was just a passing desire for a bf without any actual effort.

          Don't engage with the troll

          Least pathetic /NSFFW/ simp.

          • 1 month ago

            >Least pathetic /NSFFW/ simp.
            Wait, thought you were someone else, my bad. That reddit speak though.

        • 1 month ago

          Keep trying then. Rejection is apart of life, the next girl could be the one and if you quite now you'll never know

          • 1 month ago

            ChatGPT? That's an attention prostitute proclaimed woman who has a bf lmao.

            >Least pathetic /NSFFW/ simp.
            Wait, thought you were someone else, my bad. That reddit speak though.

            >reddit speak
            >that X though
            Braindead zoomer speak.

          • 1 month ago

            >ChatGPT? That's an attention prostitute proclaimed woman who has a bf lmao.
            I thought it was a guy, if it's a woman I don't really give a frick

          • 1 month ago

            >Braindead zoomer speak
            As if no one would notice that deflection and projection

          • 1 month ago

            This is me

            Well I found a man now who wants to settle down, so I hope it works out and we will get married. My standards were not high, and he fulfills all of them and even more.

            most femcels are voluntarily celibate, not because they would not want sex, but because they want long-term commitment with someone who would actually love and respect them for who they are. From my own experience, I never wanted to just get laid, I want a man for life. Which is why I am a virgin at 23

            and for this

            Like all "lonely" women, you never seriously tried even in the slightest. Obviously the easiest way to find 100s of guys who would date you would be through online means. You never actually doing so means your "loneliness" was just a passing desire for a bf without any actual effort.
            Least pathetic /NSFFW/ simp.

            nagging dude, yeah I found the guy who is interested in me online lmao

          • 1 month ago

            You could've easily done so since age 18. That's the point. The idea that you can be a "femcel" but can easily find 100s of men into you online at any given moment is contradictory.

            >Braindead zoomer speak
            As if no one would notice that deflection and projection

            What was the redditspeak? Lol.

            I would much rather be a femcel. Being a bawd might be fun for a while, but I wouldn't be able to cope with the shame I don't think, and I'd know that no one would accept me anymore.

            the kind of sexual attention men give devoid of actual care for you as a person is poison. few women can put up with it or even benefit from it at least monetarily and I know I'm not one. seeking general male validation and providing them with sexual favors is addictive but very destructive.
            which is to say I will gladly die sexless.

            Any woman can be a bawd or get a loving bf anyhow. The question is meaningless bait he wrote while jerking off.

          • 1 month ago

            >get a loving bf anyhow.
            no, filtering through trash people for genuine real decent men is actually hard. if you're not a real person, your love isn't real either.

          • 1 month ago

            If you're both in the U.S. or europe then it costs less than $200 to see each other depending on the time of year. If it's hard to find a "decent" man then your standards are extremely high lol.

          • 1 month ago

            Are you the guy with the troony gf?

          • 1 month ago

            >Any mindless prostitute with no self respect can be a bawd
            >The question is meaningless bait he wrote while jerking off.
            Of course he was, like everything a moid has ever said here. They're disgusting perverts.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I believe you
          I am sorry you are being harassed but you have to realise it is suffering and lonely people lashing out
          I am glad there are people out there like you
          If I had met you IRL I would have helped by introducing you to me IRL lonely male friends so you could choose the best one for you to try and date and maybe you could help me find a girlfriend as well
          I wish that sort of thing happened more often
          Online dating is cancerous

        • 4 weeks ago

          What are your stats? how old and what do you look like? what do you want?

  6. 1 month ago

    Bitches at Comic Con be like

  7. 1 month ago

    why is this a fantasy? Bathrooms smell awful and sex feels so much better the more physical contact with your body you can do with each other. I'd rather she be strapped to a bed spread eagle so men can lock and play with her naughty bits and get full contact with her.

    • 1 month ago

      Where are you supposed to frick if you don't have your own place. Car maybe, other than that?

      • 1 month ago

        If she is a publisher use woman surely they could have a separate room with a bed and probably some condoms for cleanliness. Whenever you get horny you know to go to the relief room where the girls that are selected (there is a school roster, they work on a cycle) go to service wieners.

        • 1 month ago

          *public use, wtf phone

  8. 1 month ago

    I don't need sex that often but sometimes I do.... Young guys get attached and start making demands so there is this older married guy at work I get with whenever I want it. We will meet at a hotel.

    • 1 month ago

      you're a piece of shit. kys.

      • 1 month ago

        why would I kill myself to please you? I'm happy and living life on my terms.

        • 1 month ago

          you should have a nice day because you are a shit person, not to please me.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This happened to me.
      I lost my virginity on a anime convention, I tried alcohol (tequila) for the first time and since it taste really strong I mix it with apple juice and really, really got drunk, bot just me but the men who were with me and ended up in a orgy, I was the only woman there.
      U don't remember too much of it, I just remember I puked because one guy was to hard on my mouth.
      One of the worst moments in my life.
      Since then, I haven't had sex again.

      Purest and most virginal "femcels"

      • 4 weeks ago

        Cry me a river, incel.

  9. 1 month ago

    I would much rather be a femcel. Being a bawd might be fun for a while, but I wouldn't be able to cope with the shame I don't think, and I'd know that no one would accept me anymore.

  10. 1 month ago

    the kind of sexual attention men give devoid of actual care for you as a person is poison. few women can put up with it or even benefit from it at least monetarily and I know I'm not one. seeking general male validation and providing them with sexual favors is addictive but very destructive.
    which is to say I will gladly die sexless.

  11. 1 month ago

    a bawd because i already have a high sex drive

  12. 1 month ago

    i used to find pics like this hot, but they make my heart hurt now. i will never participate in anything like this. no woman has ever been attracted to me enough to even express interest in anything sexual with me. god i want to kill myself more with every passing day

    • 1 month ago

      Why don't you just stop consumung porn

  13. 1 month ago

    I've had a bf and one ons.
    I love sex and I'd have it everyday with a bf, but if I had to frick randos I'd rather be sexless for life

  14. 1 month ago

    I could live my life without sex. I don't understand why moids are so obsessed with sex.

    • 4 weeks ago

      How old are you? Why would a person want to be intimate with their lover. You can't be serious

  15. 1 month ago

    If you aren't a virgin you aren't a femcel.

    Period. Frick off normalBlack folk.

    • 1 month ago

      celibate definition:
      >abstaining from marriage and sexual relations, typically for religious reasons
      if you can't get marriage OR sex then you're an incel
      male incels can't get sex (except they can tbh)
      female incels (femcels) can't get marriage
      both are incels

    • 1 month ago

      If you are female or LGBT you can't be an incel.

      celibate definition:
      >abstaining from marriage and sexual relations, typically for religious reasons
      if you can't get marriage OR sex then you're an incel
      male incels can't get sex (except they can tbh)
      female incels (femcels) can't get marriage
      both are incels

      Not what "and" means, but also they can easily find loving guys who would marry them.

      • 1 month ago

        >but also they can easily find loving guys who would marry them.
        Yeah but usually those guys are shit

        • 1 month ago

          Many of them have jobs and don't have horrible views. They're relatively normal but are anxious/autistic.

          I'm not arguing with you because I don't talk to pedos
          I know it technically isn't but what your posting should be illegal

          Kyoko is 14-16. It's not even close to pedophilia.

          I'd be a bawd to one man for the rest of my life if I could use him several times a day, everyday. I miss it so much.
          Still have faith tho. To answer you I'd be a female lul

          Most virginal "femcel".

          • 1 month ago

            >but are anxious/autistic.
            Not the "femcel" but you know that no woman wants a guy that can't talk to her without being anxious. They want somebody to lead. It's unrealistic but I think standards are a good thing to have if your going to dedicate yourself to a relationship. I don't trust a man who says he'll take anything, that kind of guy may cheat on you in a second if any other girl shows interest. If you'll fall for anything then you'll stand for nothing.

          • 1 month ago

            >no woman wants a guy that can't talk to her without being anxious
            You clearly have no idea how social anxiety works. It's extremely terrifying to talk to strangers but once you're familiar with someone there's almost no anxiety if any at all.
            Also, even if that was true, then obviously she still wouldn't be even close to being even involuntarily single. It's just her wanting a man who's great across the board while being bottom of the barrel, lol, which is what most guys here believe anyway.
            >a man who says he'll take anything
            That's why they lie about it. Men have to cast a wide net to have any chance at getting a gf if they're not quite attractive/socially skilled.
            >if any other girl shows interest
            That doesn't happen for men who aren't considerably attractive.

          • 1 month ago

            >It's extremely terrifying to talk to strangers but once you're familiar with someone there's almost no anxiety if any at all.
            It's really not. And you should have the balls to tell a girl you like her regardless. Most woman respect boldness.
            >still wouldn't be even close to being even involuntarily single
            Not arguing that. I'm justifying why having standards is a good thing.
            >That's why they lie about it. Men have to cast a wide net to have any chance at getting a gf if they're not quite attractive/socially skilled.
            Not making a good case for them. If they'd rather lie about it then confront their problems.
            >That doesn't happen for men who aren't considerably attractive.
            It can easily. Maybe it's someone at their work or even a friend. The point is that when both of you have standards for eachother you actually do care about eachother and its not just taking whatever you get

          • 1 month ago

            >It's really not
            I'm literally describing how social anxiety feels after you had no idea how it works and you're acting like I'm just describing how reality is for every guy.
            >Not arguing that
            It's utterly irrelevant then.
            >confront their problems
            It's really just what life is like if you're not super attractive as a man.
            >It can easily. Maybe it's someone at their work or even a friend
            Yeah they don't get an interest in him out of nowhere unless he's quite attractive.

          • 1 month ago

            >literally describing how social anxiety feels after
            Not an excuse. You should take the step to approaching woman and making friends then.
            >Yeah they don't get an interest in him out of nowhere unless he's quite attractive.
            This is stupid a guy doesn't have to be physically attractive for woman to be interested.

          • 1 month ago

            >Not an excuse
            Can you not follow the conversation? Nobody said it was an excuse lol. Reread what you're replying to.
            >a guy doesn't have to be physically attractive for woman to be interested
            Women don't approach men unless they're attractive.

          • 1 month ago

            >Nobody said it was an excuse lol. Reread what you're replying to.
            Idk what was your point originally. If a guy has social anexiety he can fix it.
            >Women don't approach men unless they're attractive
            They won't need to if they're going to be interacting as coworkers regardless

          • 1 month ago

            >no woman wants a guy who's anxious because <poor understanding of anxiety>
            <explains anxiety
            >that's not how all men feel!
            <explain what I was saying
            >that's not an excuse!
            One of the dumbest people I've seen here in a while lol.
            >They won't need to if they're going to be interacting as coworkers regardless
            How? Lol.

            >Women don't approach men unless they're attractive.
            Nta-- I would rephrase this as "women don't approach men unless *they're attracted to them*", and women can find a man attractive for many different reasons. Sheer physical attractiveness is one possible reason, sure, but there are other ones, such as talent and status. I once had a crush on an objectively ugly, short dude because he was really good at my favorite League of Legends champion. Tried "getting in there", so to speak, but turned out he already had a girlfriend...

            >he was really good at my favorite League of Legends champion
            Nice meme, fren.

            half the dudes here would love to have been you at that moment lol

            Most men would prefer life on tutorial mode.

          • 1 month ago

            You didn't explain shit. Unless you have an actual mental disorder this is a cope. Very few men suffer from actual social anxiety, that word is often used loosely but it's irrelevant.
            Just by building familiarity and friendship enough wdym how?

          • 1 month ago

            >Unless you have an actual mental disorder this is a cope
            Reread the replies. You are talking to ghosts right now. Nobody said anything was an excuse for anything but you lol.
            >Just by building familiarity and friendship
            Still she wouldn't ask him out or actually show interest unless he was considerably attractive.

          • 1 month ago

            >Nobody said anything was an excuse for anything
            So then what about it?

          • 1 month ago

            >Nice meme, fren.
            I'm being completely serious. I was in an "esports club" in college that was about 10% women, and most of us were League players but there were smaller Overwatch and CS:GO groups. There were a few guys that were Challenger in League, mostly nerdy looking Asian kids, and they had girls orbiting them at all times. This guy I was into was "only" Master rank; he was white and exactly my height (5'4"), and had kind of an overbite and untamed eyebrows. But I would sit behind him and watch him play, and eventually I developed a genuine crush on this dude because his skill was so attractive to me, and he was also a nice guy.

            I may be a bit autistic, if that explains anything.

          • 1 month ago

            When people say "oh yeah he was super ugly" to support their argument it's impossible for me to believe them without pictures which undoubtedly don't exist. Are there pics of similar-looking people?

            >Nobody said anything was an excuse for anything
            So then what about it?

            Try reading and thinking about it, or copy and paste it into chatgpt and ask it.

          • 1 month ago

            Not an argument gayg0t

          • 1 month ago

            I can't argue with people who can't read, sorry.

          • 1 month ago

            I didn't say he was *super* ugly, but he was definitely below average. Literally looked up "nerdy white guy" to try and find a similar image-- he looked kind of similar to this guy, only with worse eyebrows and longer hair.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Dude why can't you admit that sometimes reality doesn't fit your stereotypes?

            >Nice meme, fren.
            I'm being completely serious. I was in an "esports club" in college that was about 10% women, and most of us were League players but there were smaller Overwatch and CS:GO groups. There were a few guys that were Challenger in League, mostly nerdy looking Asian kids, and they had girls orbiting them at all times. This guy I was into was "only" Master rank; he was white and exactly my height (5'4"), and had kind of an overbite and untamed eyebrows. But I would sit behind him and watch him play, and eventually I developed a genuine crush on this dude because his skill was so attractive to me, and he was also a nice guy.

            I may be a bit autistic, if that explains anything.

            She has no reason to lie

          • 1 month ago

            >Women don't approach men unless they're attractive.
            Nta-- I would rephrase this as "women don't approach men unless *they're attracted to them*", and women can find a man attractive for many different reasons. Sheer physical attractiveness is one possible reason, sure, but there are other ones, such as talent and status. I once had a crush on an objectively ugly, short dude because he was really good at my favorite League of Legends champion. Tried "getting in there", so to speak, but turned out he already had a girlfriend...

          • 4 weeks ago

            >date this sperg til he's comfortable with me
            >get pumped and dumped chasing "somebody who can lead"
            >die alone
            Women really rather die alone or be used and abused than take it slow with an autist.

      • 1 month ago

        I'm not arguing with you because I don't talk to pedos
        I know it technically isn't but what your posting should be illegal

  16. 1 month ago

    I'd be a bawd to one man for the rest of my life if I could use him several times a day, everyday. I miss it so much.
    Still have faith tho. To answer you I'd be a female lul

  17. 1 month ago

    This happened to me.
    I lost my virginity on a anime convention, I tried alcohol (tequila) for the first time and since it taste really strong I mix it with apple juice and really, really got drunk, bot just me but the men who were with me and ended up in a orgy, I was the only woman there.
    U don't remember too much of it, I just remember I puked because one guy was to hard on my mouth.
    One of the worst moments in my life.
    Since then, I haven't had sex again.

    • 1 month ago

      I know this is sensible topic for you, but I just jerk off to your story, really hot.
      Probably a larp tho.

      • 1 month ago

        And then you wonder why no woman loves you.
        I hope you die alone in your room.

        • 1 month ago

          Frick off you bawd, get drunk, get fricked and leave.

        • 1 month ago

          >she pretends she doesn't constantly jerk off to the thought of this

    • 1 month ago

      half the dudes here would love to have been you at that moment lol

  18. 1 month ago

    I am neither and I'll stay that way. If I had to pick between the two though, definitely femcel. Sex carries a lot of risks for women (namely pregnancy), and I refuse to frick up my brain and gain weight by getting on birth control.

  19. 1 month ago

    I'm a male but I wanna be her

    • 1 month ago

      yeah I'd like to be able to experience crazyass sex like that as a girl just to know what it feels like, annoying that I only get the one perspective

    • 1 month ago

      yeah I'd like to be able to experience crazyass sex like that as a girl just to know what it feels like, annoying that I only get the one perspective

      You two are gay as shit

      • 1 month ago

        >wanting to have heterosexual sex is gay
        bro what

        • 1 month ago

          >wants to be a woman
          >wants to take tons of huge wiener
          Both extremely gay ideas

          • 1 month ago

            are you calling women gay or something

          • 1 month ago

            No, I'm calling you gay for wanting to troon and wanting wiener

          • 1 month ago

            I don't want to troon, dumbass, troons aren't women

      • 1 month ago

        How is it gay for a man and woman to have sex?

  20. 1 month ago

    A femcel, I look at that picture and I think of how I am too lazy for that, schlicking to my husbandos is way easier and I actually can orgasm

    • 1 month ago

      how lazy do you have to be to not just bend over and let a bunch of dudes nut into you? you aren't even doing anything

      • 1 month ago

        They probably would want their dicks sucked too

        • 1 month ago

          they'd probably just use your face as a frickhole while waiting for a go at your puss, you wouldn't need to do anything like suck their balls or whatever. you'd just have to keep from barfing tho maybe they'd like that idk

  21. 1 month ago

    i didn't read anything you typed out but man I would love to run a train on a fembot in a public restroom. i live near a well known spot where they sell sex toys/videos and got gloryholes in the booths there but you just know it's some gross old homosexual on the other end.

  22. 1 month ago

    My roommate felt bad for me being a femcel so she offered to share her bf with me. Jokes on her now that I sleep with him more than she does.

    • 1 month ago

      tell me more, I'm horny

      • 1 month ago

        Well that's it, just our living situation. I'm neet so I get more time with her bf when I want. Would prefer he was my bf, but at least it's convenient and satisfies me sexually.

        • 1 month ago

          why you don't become his gf too?
          have you tried threesome?
          have she seen you frick with him or at least heard?

        • 1 month ago

          does he have a big dick? do you like him for more than sex?

          • 1 month ago

            Yes. No.

            why you don't become his gf too?
            have you tried threesome?
            have she seen you frick with him or at least heard?

            I don't want to share being his gf, I would want him to be my bf rather than that. We've done stuff together yes. She's happened on or heard us doing stuff yes, I tend to hog him to myself if I can.

          • 1 month ago

            how big is it?
            why would you want him as your bf if you don't like him for anything more than sex?

          • 1 month ago

            I don't know like 6 or 7 inches? I think we're sexually compatible good and he accommodates my neet ways so it would be good. I'm sure ther would be a guy out there who is a better personality match, but failing that I have effortless access to a guy who can satisfy me.

          • 1 month ago

            Did you lose your virginity to him?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yes, part of why my roommate felt bad for me, though it was supposed to only be a first time thing

          • 4 weeks ago

            How did she convince everyone to do this and how did it go the first few times? What happens when she walks in on you two?

          • 4 weeks ago

            It took a lot of effort on her part since neither him nor me were really interested to begin with. I mean even now he's not super into it.

            First couple times were awkward but he tried his best to at least make things comfortable and feel good. It definitely felt different when her being involved though and what made things to the normalcy of "sharing" him with me.

            When she does catch us together, she acts like it's no big deal but I know it annoys/upsets her.

          • 4 weeks ago

            How does it happen now if he's not into it? Does he ever initiate it or do you go ask him?

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's always me initiating it, I lean on him to take care of me and he obliges. Not so much that he's unenthusiastic but his heart isn't in it I feel, he never really wanted it and wants to be exclusive to his gf.

          • 4 weeks ago

            are you, him and her attractive? be honest femanon, you are in an anonymous forum

          • 4 weeks ago

            They are both attractive normies, I don't think I'm attractive. Or I have a decent body I think but not pretty.

          • 4 weeks ago

            does he do you from behind so he doesn't have to see your face?

          • 4 weeks ago

            We try different positions but I don't think that's why he would go from behind. I hope not

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's always me initiating it, I lean on him to take care of me and he obliges. Not so much that he's unenthusiastic but his heart isn't in it I feel, he never really wanted it and wants to be exclusive to his gf.

            This sounds like the plot to a horrible romance manga written for women lol
            If it doesn't exist yet you should try writing it yourself based on your experiences lots of people would read it

          • 4 weeks ago

            I second this. I'd love to hear more about how it goes and how she talks him into it each time.

          • 1 month ago

            she's into it so it seems

          • 1 month ago

            I think she doesn't like what he and me have separately, but she can't do anything about it when she's not around

          • 4 weeks ago

            Based bf stealing femanon
            I know I should be opposed to you morally but there is something so hawttt about stealing someone else's man it is turning me on
            I love to think about how you deviously plot to seduce him, maybe wearing specific clothing or playing into his hidden fetishes after you learned more about them than even his own girlfriend knows... Doing things with him she would never be willing to try, etc.
            Really getting him flustered and wrapped tightly around your finger
            Have you gotten him to pillow talk with you lol?

    • 1 month ago

      you're still here talking about this. and I'm still frustrated and jealous about it.

      I would be a bawd for Leonard Nimoy.
      That's all, thank you for listening to my Ted talk

      you're also still here...

    • 1 month ago

      >"femcel" becomes chad's onahole
      A tale as old as time.

      • 1 month ago

        More like he's my walking dildo, I wear him out

        • 4 weeks ago

          I think she doesn't like what he and me have separately, but she can't do anything about it when she's not around

          That's so hot that you have little bit of a dominant streak and you know what you want and just take it
          F fff It's tough to keep typing heh
          Yeah I am inspired

  23. 1 month ago

    I would be a bawd for Leonard Nimoy.
    That's all, thank you for listening to my Ted talk

  24. 1 month ago

    This image implies the men are peeing in her pussy

  25. 1 month ago

    i dont identify as a femcel but if i were actually attractive i would definitely take advantage of my looks and be bawdtier but i find it to be a disgusting idea as myself
    im sure most people would act differently if they were more attractive

  26. 1 month ago

    My dream would be to be a bawd in a committed relationship with an extremely kinky and somewhat abusive man who pimps me out to his social circle, but who ultimately has total control over who I frick and when.

    • 1 month ago

      to bad you are a troony, sad!

      • 1 month ago

        I literally have a vegana. Stop obsessing over trannies, it's not good for you.

    • 1 month ago

      >committed relationship
      >pimps me out
      yeah, that's moronic. And you are getting cheated on.

      • 1 month ago

        I know it wouldn't work out irl, but it's a hot fantasy I dream of often.

        • 1 month ago

          That reminds me, we haven't had a "guy hot fantasy" thread in a while(I think?) I wonder what happened those

        • 4 weeks ago

          you can be abused and all.
          But if you want to be pimped out, you're gonna get literally cucked at some point.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Why not just have the man take on different personas or roleplay and you can cosplay scenarios for him too?
          Seems better than getting passed around like that imo

    • 4 weeks ago

      I loved it but the cuck part, frick it, If I own you I own you.

    • 4 weeks ago

      hey don't listen to these people calling you a troony, and an idiot or a cheat.
      you're not.
      you're just a cheap worthless prostitute and don't deserve love. that's all.

    • 4 weeks ago

      R u black
      Ive only dated black women and I think I have a thing for them

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's hot until you realize STDs exist.

  27. 4 weeks ago

    >femcels when you bring up their 12 ex boyfriends
    This is a reminder that even the ugliest femcels and egirls take chad's wiener after a night on the town

  28. 4 weeks ago

    Incels don't exist too moron

  29. 4 weeks ago

    >181 replies
    Womans really are all prostitutes, huh...

    • 4 weeks ago

      Well, to be honest, most of the replies are trannies in disguise.

  30. 4 weeks ago


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