Question for female women

>A: women avoid eye contact if you're unattractive (not to give creeps ideas to approach)
>B: women avoid eye contact if you're attractive (because they're shy when they like you)

pick one.

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  1. 1 month ago

    I avoid eye contact with anyone because Im insecure

    • 1 month ago

      been wondering this shit too, bump

      what other signs do you give off then?

      • 1 month ago

        I dont give off any signs, personally if I like someone I just tell them

        • 1 month ago

          >I avoid eye contact because Im insecure
          >if I like someone I just tell them

          woman moment.

          • 1 month ago

            yeah and?
            eye contact is awkward and giving off signs and waiting around is tedious. I prefer being direct and straight to the point

          • 1 month ago

            translation for men reading all this:

            I may be insecure but I still go for chadlite and maybe one day it'll be your turn if you're naive enough

          • 1 month ago

            Have you ever actually walked up to a guy and said you like him?

          • 1 month ago

            >being direct and straight to the point
            that's the opposite of being shy you stupid hole

        • 1 month ago

          Personally I am autistic so I don't make eye contact a lot of the times, but I find it more difficult to make eye contact with men I find attractive. I've heard women in the gym or at the club trying to avoid eye contact with men because it gives the false impression they want them to come over and say hi but I'm not normie enough to have a strategy like that

          I wrote this,
          looking to see what you think since you're autistic.
          I actually think the girl in question is kind of autistic. She thanks me once and she seems to have a speech impediment, and she seems like a bit of a sperg. She doesn't talk to anyone and just works on her stuff all the time. She has a weird fashion sense, almost dresses like a grandma (I think it's very cute, personally). She doesn't seem very approachable however. I think it's fair to say that she's pretty shy. I'd like to talk to her, but I actually don't know how to approach her at all, and I wouldn't want to bother her either. Any suggestions?

          I'm autistic too, though high-functioning and I was formally diagnosed. I know that it's difficult, but it'll get a lot easier after you do it for the first time. It's a leap of faith. You want to know why? Ask her. Just say "hey, I think you're cute and I noticed us making eye contact. Do you feel the same way?"
          My first time asking out a girl was difficult too, it felt like there was a lump in my throat and I couldn't get the words out. But to this day I'm glad that I finally did it, because it got much easier after that and I never would have had my first gf if I just did nothing

          >I'm autistic so I don't look at anyone teehee
          >I usually just tell Chad I wanna suck his wiener teehee

          get outta my thread.

          • 1 month ago

            >tell me you didn't read my post without telling me

  2. 1 month ago

    I really want to try all their pussies to find out which one feels the best, I'm a virgin and don't even know what kind to go for

  3. 1 month ago

    i avoid eye contact with everyone because i wasnt socialized properly and im terrified in every social situation im in

  4. 1 month ago

    I avoid eye contact with all men

  5. 1 month ago

    Girl in my class who I have a crush on keeps alternating between turning around and making eye contact (I sit in the back) and not doing it it all.
    I noticed her doing it once and we had eye contact then she turned back around. I got nervous and stopped looking at her for a while, so she might have kept it up but gave it up after she saw I wasn't returning her looks. Well, today I actually made eye contact with her again, I wasn't sure in the moment if she was just looking elsewhere but after it happened she turned around and did it again a couple times, I got nervous and started looking away. Crossed her in the hallway not long after and looked right past her.

    I wish I didn't have confidence issues. I feel like maybe that girl likes me, maybe.

    • 1 month ago

      If I could go back in time and take more chances with girls when I was in school, I would. Go for it anon, you have nothing to lose and you'll regret it if you don't

      • 1 month ago

        It's a fact she looks at me sometimes. Why? Well, that's the question. Either it doesn't mean anything, or she's interested.

        I understand what you're saying logically. I'm actually older (over 25, I'd say she's around 22-24). back in a school environment, so I feel like I'm re-living my high school days. In high school I also had an impossibly beautiful girl make eye contact with me as well in class. I never understood it because I was morbidly obese (over 330 pounds) and a complete loner. The girl in high school actually took the first step to come talk to me once, and I just blew her off. So I understand exactly what you're saying... but for whatever reason, I just can't seem to build up the confidence to ever do anything with these girls that seem interested. I'm not diagnosed but I think I'm autistic, or at least severely socially awkward anyway.

        Would appreciate your help/advice if you have any. I've been single my whole life, by the way.

        • 1 month ago

          I'm autistic too, though high-functioning and I was formally diagnosed. I know that it's difficult, but it'll get a lot easier after you do it for the first time. It's a leap of faith. You want to know why? Ask her. Just say "hey, I think you're cute and I noticed us making eye contact. Do you feel the same way?"
          My first time asking out a girl was difficult too, it felt like there was a lump in my throat and I couldn't get the words out. But to this day I'm glad that I finally did it, because it got much easier after that and I never would have had my first gf if I just did nothing

          • 1 month ago

            >My first time asking out a girl was difficult too
            Can I ask, did you get rejected the first time? I kind of feel like that's just bound to happen, which is okay. I'm not madly in love with the girl or anything, I don't know her at all, I'm just having a crush on her. I'd be fine if she said no... I just don't really like bothering people in general, that's why I've kept to myself my whole life.

            I honestly wish I had the confidence of some. I think I'm pretty handsome when I dress well and shave (and a lot of people, who I believe, have told me I'm definitely above average facially), yet I can't approach any girl. Whereas, what I see the other day? A guy, who I mean in no disparaging way at all, I don't judge people by their appearance (or try not to anyway), could be cast as "the nerd" in any movie striking up conversations with these super beautiful girls like it's nothing. I'm not going to lie, the girl didn't look/seem thrilled to be talking to him... but she did have a back and forth with him, so... he's doing better than I ever have.

          • 1 month ago

            No, she said yes. But neither of us understood the value of communication yet so it didn't last long, but we remained close friends for 6 years.

            That's how it was for me, I wasn't in love with her but I thought she was cute and noticed that she acted kinda flirty around me. At first I wrote it off until a friend of mine gave me the same talk I'm giving you now.

            Think of it this way, you have nothing to lose by trying

          • 1 month ago

            >Think of it this way, you have nothing to lose by trying
            I need to think about it deeply. I understand what you're saying on a rational level, and of course arrived there as well and agree with you, but it's not enough. It's like there's some shackle on my mind that I can't see preventing me from taking the risk, which is no risk at all in reality.

            I guess I'm mostly afraid of making a fool of myself, rather than being rejected. I'm not actually that scared of rejection, I don't think. I have trouble talking to people I don't know. I stutter, my mind goes blank and I get incredibly nervous for no reason at all.

          • 1 month ago

            There's nothing I can say that will get rid of that feeling, anon. You just have to take a leap of faith, it's the only thing that will help you

          • 1 month ago

            Thanks for your thoughts. I'll try to keep it in mind. My time for a chance with that girl is counted because I'm done with the school in a month.

          • 1 month ago

            Even more reason to go for it

          • 1 month ago

            Let me ask you, as a fellow autistic, what's the best way to do it, here? Do I try to talk to her about her schoolwork, then propose we get a bite to eat somewhere on lunch, or do I just go full assault and tell her "hey I think you're cute, wanna go out"?

          • 1 month ago

            Best to not beat around the bush, just let her know you think she's cute and then maybe ask her out to lunch or dinner or something. Just make sure you have a specific place planned ahead of time, but be malleable if she makes a suggestion

          • 1 month ago

            I don't want to do fast food, but a fancy restaurant is probably too much, especially if we're going over lunch break, right?
            Also can I run this by you, and see if my thinking is logical? She drives a big SUV, seems almost mint condition. To me, this is indicative of her being single, because 1. what girl in her early 20s can afford that and 2, even if she could afford it, what girl is going to buy an SUV of all things? To me, it makes more sense that either she's borrowing her parent's car (probably living with them too if she's using it every day) or she's already a mom. I can't really imagine that if she had a boyfriend, they'd have an SUV unless they had children super young.

          • 1 month ago

            I don't really know about the SUV thing tbh. As for the location, some family diner or something nearby should work

          • 1 month ago

            >I don't really know about the SUV thing tbh.
            I tend to overthink things, sorry.
            >As for the location, some family diner or something nearby should work
            That's what I was thinking. Thanks again for everything. Hopefully I get the balls to actually do something this time instead of letting another one slip.

  6. 1 month ago

    The one on the right is the ideal female form

  7. 1 month ago

    Personally I am autistic so I don't make eye contact a lot of the times, but I find it more difficult to make eye contact with men I find attractive. I've heard women in the gym or at the club trying to avoid eye contact with men because it gives the false impression they want them to come over and say hi but I'm not normie enough to have a strategy like that

  8. 1 month ago

    look at that fat ass i'd love to bounce that short piggy

    • 1 month ago

      Me too. Id breed the shit out of that brap hog frickk man

  9. 1 month ago

    autistic woman here . sorry . no eye contact for anyone !

    • 1 month ago

      I wrote this,

      Girl in my class who I have a crush on keeps alternating between turning around and making eye contact (I sit in the back) and not doing it it all.
      I noticed her doing it once and we had eye contact then she turned back around. I got nervous and stopped looking at her for a while, so she might have kept it up but gave it up after she saw I wasn't returning her looks. Well, today I actually made eye contact with her again, I wasn't sure in the moment if she was just looking elsewhere but after it happened she turned around and did it again a couple times, I got nervous and started looking away. Crossed her in the hallway not long after and looked right past her.

      I wish I didn't have confidence issues. I feel like maybe that girl likes me, maybe.

      looking to see what you think since you're autistic.
      I actually think the girl in question is kind of autistic. She thanks me once and she seems to have a speech impediment, and she seems like a bit of a sperg. She doesn't talk to anyone and just works on her stuff all the time. She has a weird fashion sense, almost dresses like a grandma (I think it's very cute, personally). She doesn't seem very approachable however. I think it's fair to say that she's pretty shy. I'd like to talk to her, but I actually don't know how to approach her at all, and I wouldn't want to bother her either. Any suggestions?

  10. 1 month ago

    I avoid eye contact with everyone because humans are boring AF.

  11. 1 month ago

    I would have sex with all of them
    The fat one has the best smile tbh

  12. 1 month ago

    but i do both
    i can only make eye contact with my mom sometimes

  13. 1 month ago

    >A: women avoid eye contact if you're unattractive (not to give creeps ideas to approach)
    For women over 18 this is mostly true.
    >B: women avoid eye contact if you're attractive (because they're shy when they like you)
    I did this as a highschooler because I was very shy. Most women over 6/10 will make their attraction known because they know there's a very slim chance of getting rejected.

    • 1 month ago

      So the opposite of that is, if girls above 18 make eye contact with you in a repeated manner, you can definitely take that as your in? I've definitely noticed girls giving me looks but I never did anything because I thought it was all in my head.

  14. 1 month ago

    They do both, but with me it's always A. Why is the hippo keeping her phone between her leggings and blubber?

  15. 1 month ago

    I'm not avoiding eye contact I just can't take my eyes off that FAT fricking ass girl what do you want from me. Be realistic

  16. 1 month ago

    works for me. i hate eye contact (im autistic)

  17. 1 month ago

    i get some eye contact from females. i always tell myself i'm not going to look away first. i literally have an 8% winrate.

  18. 1 month ago

    >pick one.
    They do both and use their telepathic powers to communicate with men which one it is.
    Same way they use telepathic powers to evaluate the entire personality of a man by just seeing how hot he is.

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