Should I, as an autistic male, marry the BPD girl with the complex attachment disorder who took my wizard virginity?

Should I, as an autistic male, marry the BPD girl with the complex attachment disorder who took my wizard virginity? No other girl can tolerate me beyond a first date, because I bore them I guess, and I honestly can't tolerate any girl beyond the first text, because they bore me, while this girl literally spends all her time with me or thinking about me and has done so for the past 8 months. She wants to get married and to be honest she's kind of cool.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    Sure, what's the worst that can happen?

  2. 2 weeks ago

    I had a long term with a BPD girl, I didn't come out the other side the same. She was obsessed with me, and the sex was great. Then she slowly started to change over time, and I kept trying to chase what was never really there to begin with. She was cruel, and I let her be because I kept chasing what was once there. The way she went hot and cold is something I can't really describe. She'd shower me in affection one minute, then treat me like a stranger and say the most degrading shit the next.

    I wish i could have smacked my younger self and told her to frick off. It left me damaged, and took a couple of years until I felt good again.

    Don't stick your dick in crazy. And if you value your health, don't fall in love with crazy.

    • 2 weeks ago

      That's a very affecting story, but my girl is different. She really loves me like no other.

    • 2 weeks ago

      don't do it bro, listen to
      I've had the exact same experience with my most recent ex. I held her advances off for months because she was a walking red flag, but then I thought
      >what's the worst that could happen
      she left my life in fricking shambles. it set my career back years, lost a shitload of money. she said all the things I wanted to hear
      >"I've never met a guy like you"
      >best sex I ever had, frick like rabbits for almost 2 years
      >talking about having babies
      >talking about where we'd get married
      >introduces me to her entire family and brings me over for every christmas
      >told her mom I was 'it' and that she's done searching
      >tells me all her friends are jealous
      and then she decided to move to the other side of the world to a country she's never been to because that's a 'dream' she always had.
      I actually think I will never trust another word coming from a womans mouth ever again. bpd women will come into your life blazing in a fiery passion only to leave you burnt to ashes. thank god she moved to the other side of the world. it's gonna take me years to recover from this shit.
      DON'T DO IT OP

      • 2 weeks ago

        As an autist you might have a hard time being in sync with her emotions and being careful not to trigger her but it's not impossible.

        >and then she decided to move to the other side of the world to a country she's never been to because that's a 'dream' she always had.

        Maybe it really was and you just never listened ?
        Your post really doesn't paint you as the good guy, just sounds like you dumped her as soon as it got inconvenient

        • 2 weeks ago

          >being careful not to trigger her but it's not impossible
          "impossible" is the right word here because it's often "impossible" to guess how a BPD woman will behave. you may get Jekyll in the morning but run into Hyde in the afternoon. you can know them for months, years, and they can still blow up at you for the most innocuous or unpredictable reasons.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >most innocuous or unpredictable reasons
            that's just because you're not emotionally intelligent
            Maybe you need BPD to understand BPD

          • 2 weeks ago

            It’s largely been described as having an emotional maturity that did not develop past childhood, and so they are very easily perturbed/amused by things that most adults grow out of (i.e. toying with a person’s emotions for your own amusement).

      • 2 weeks ago

        >what's the worst that could happen
        >she left my life in fricking shambles. it set my career back years, lost a shitload of money. she said all the things I wanted to hear
        Jesus fricking Christ every post I read about BPD I could have written myself

        I'm sorry Anon, I hope you have found peace and balance now.

    • 2 weeks ago

      This guy summed it up and I cannot say anything much more than that.

      Same story here more or less. If you don't want to waste a few years wondering what the frick happened and grieving the past version of you she will, with a certitude, frick over and kill, just forget about her and move on.

      I recently got contacted by a girl I got casual with, that displayed the same signs as my ex. It broke my heart to put distance between us because she seems special and make me feel that way, but I know it's the bullshit idealisation phase all over again. I'm not falling for this.

      I guess my point is that you can make a slightly hard choice now or face really hard consequences later.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Do not, I repeat, DO NOT go down this road. You may think you can handle her 'episodes' or bizarre behavior, but it will wear you down like nothing else.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    she’s love bombing you and once she has you she’s gonna start having episodes around you a lot more often

  5. 2 weeks ago

    I have a BPD girl. My stable sociopathy gives me a permanent immunity buff to her antics.

    I win.

    • 2 weeks ago


      Go squeeze her butt right now and don't tell her why.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    OP, are you okay? You seemed to have hit a point in life where you are willing to accept a miserable future because at least it’s a future.

    >No other girl can tolerate me beyond a first date

    That’s your reason for settling with crazy? Come on man.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Im going to lose weight to get the confidence to talk to my crush, i haven’t seen her in two years but I’ve thought about her everyday.

    • 2 weeks ago


      No need to wait to talk to them tho.
      Do the weight loss regardless, and don't expect your crush to "reward" you for the weight loss

  8. 2 weeks ago

    why do you need the government in your personal relationships you boot licking cuck

  9. 2 weeks ago

    No. You as an autistic are not a person and shouldn't be anywhere near normal girls, even ones with mental illness.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Resident self hating cringe poster, likely troony as well

      • 2 weeks ago

        You hate yourself for being a troony? Sorry to hear that, must be tough. Ever considered not being a troony and just being normal? Maybe if you went outside more you might get somewhere.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    I listened to a book about BPD a while ago because it’s a mental disorder I see people talk about all the fricking time online but realized I know pretty much nothing about, but after reading it I started to diagnose a ton of “problematic” people I know with it, so I probably still don’t know exactly how it manifests. I’m convinced my sister may have it, though.

    I think it might even be possible that I have it (male) but I’m not sure if my behavior really aligns with that, or if it’s just alcoholism. I have said so many horrible things to people under the influence of alcohol. I’ve alienated myself from a lot of my friends because of it. Isn’t being a drunken wretch part of it?

  11. 2 weeks ago

    The moment she NPD/BPD reduces her engagement and ups the "formalities" you leave. In other words, if she is being a pain without atoning for it you leave her. I am not even joking, I can tell you a story about an NPD/BPD girl from high school that is still ongoing (she is trying to get people from our graduating year to convince me to make her my girlfriend again). Get to know her better before getting married to her.

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