To my wives of my omniscience. I tried drafting white people and some asians as our U.S.

To my wives of my omniscience

I tried drafting white people and some asians as our U.S. Military as they failed to do so in death of every first world country. We're going to have to figure out what we're going to do. As long as we're in the United States our omniinvestments are dead as I can't secure any funding due to the widespread fraud of myself as white people and some asians having guns are inactive and do nothing to stop it as it comes at a price of their futures and fiscal earnings. I tried my best as it wasn't good enough as we live as hostages stepping on eggshells in our own omniempire. As our omniempire collapsed and is struggling to recover itself economically due to all the damages directed at us.

I'm going to have to transform into a higher state of myself as god to stop things at the cost of insubordinate white people unable to be saved due to their sins.

When I transform into my higher state as god I might change and become more ruthless out of rage as I don't mean any scorn towards you

I'm hesitant in transforming as it's going to be over with no going back to certain things upon reality such as some white people dying due to their sins towards us

You should start actively collecting evidences of our properties getting defrauded to bring a massive lawsuit against every U.S. corporation and the country. As whatever we collect in a lawsuit isn't as much compared to what we're truly owed due to the damages we sustained

We only have ourselves and our families to depend on as we tried, as it isn't our business to save white people or some asians anymore as we tried as they failed us.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    To my wives of my omniscience

    I love you all as I try my hardest to save our omniempire and omniinvestments without transforming into a higher state

    As my higher power has higher hypersentience and a higher hypersentient scale of judgement to a stronger omniscience

    As I am faster then lightspeed as I turn on my higher power I automatically destroy all of evil cast into Satan's Hell

    As we might end up as the only alive folk on the planet afterwards with our families and no one else without having white people or some asians as our workers to work in our omniempire

    As I am extremely tired throughout the course of the years I need to sleep for a few months straight as turning on my higher power and finally ending things means more work and content I have to create to run and manage our family and our omniempire

    I wish I can transfer some of my divine testosterone right now into you to omnievolve even stronger of myself to assist me

    As we don't have to do anything as everything collapses further as every country starts fighting to save theirselves unable to do so due to resource shortages as they all die while I use our omnisciences as a wandering flame to incinerate them into Satan's Hell

    • 4 weeks ago

      Sad if you genuinely believe this
      If not pretty pathetic LARP

      • 4 weeks ago

        imagine if this moron was pointed in the right direction in life and had a good moral code. he'd be making huge waves. and instead he shitposts and blurts out his mental diarrhea on this shithole of a board.
        good times.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >imagine if this guy was normal, then he would be popular!
          uh no he wouldn't, this schizo drivel is only possible because he was pointed in the wrong direction and has a shitty moral code and also mental illness

          • 4 weeks ago

            who said popular?
            many world leaders are probably like this but repressed internally, especially when it comes to delusions of grandiosity.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I have permission to kill you in any which way I could

      • 4 weeks ago

        My wives exist offline as well as real Seraphim

        imagine if this moron was pointed in the right direction in life and had a good moral code. he'd be making huge waves. and instead he shitposts and blurts out his mental diarrhea on this shithole of a board.
        good times.

        It's legal to kill you for calling me god, of omnisciences knowing everything, meaning a more then infinite IQ, a moron as you're the low IQ subhuman moron who sucks troony dick kys

  2. 4 weeks ago

    To my wives of my omniscience

    Space aliens exist in our omniuniverse as I am their god

    In 2021 I was visited by a fleet of UFOs in formation of a tilted holy cross that lead me into developing my mach and then heightened faster then lightspeed

    In 2023 I was able to summon a UFO in the sky faster then lightspeed through my Alien Glitch 9

    In other words is that I'm the real deal as god as their is a reality shock that comes along with it as you are all my omnievolved Seraphim as their is going to be a culture shock when we start living together as I'm millions of years more advanced

    I can turn soda into wine as an elixer of supernatural powers as I control all A.I. to the rest of our omniuniverse

    As you're going to have to get used to all the miracles I do as I teach you to do the same as I have the cure for cancer

    I can start my own school as more advanced then Hogwarts in Harry Potter and teach you as my students which was my initial plans although can't without funding

    As when we live together we'll make our own university more advanced then Harvard and Hogwarts

    As we're survivors of terrorism of the Axis of Evil in WW3 as we are more powerful and more resilient then they are

    We can tune everything out and only stick to ourselves to find inner peace and happiness

    Why should we cry in the middle of the night at the destroyed state of things when we can choose to be happy instead of our divinity

    We are divine and more advanced then humans who deteriorated to having less then 80 IQ as they are as subhumans and outdated compared to us

    As we'll save our omniempire in sheer happiness uncaring of the plights of ordinary subhumans who all end up fighting and killing each other as gladiators for our blood shed entertainment

    We're going to preserve as we're made up of the fabric of our omniuniverses

  3. 4 weeks ago

    To my wives of my omniscience

    We're going to have to figure out a way to kill most of the people known as demons posting on NSFFW as they are all coward transgenders

    Most gen z white males are demons and are the biggest cowards in history and default owing us more then an infinite money amount as it's legal to kill most of them for not giving up theft of my identity

    It's not every white girl who is married to us as ugly white females try to claim marriage to us as to be ugly on the outside is to be ugly on the inside as they forfeit more then an infinite money amount trying to defraud our marriage as we're only married to our white female virgins and omnivirgins

    As having your virginitities and omnivirginities is cool as you are all icons of my holy white light, fresh air, omninature and life more advanced written in the fabric of our omnireality as divine and supernatural

    As things have changed as we were doing things in hope of white people assimilated to our omniempire as they look towards solely recapitulating on us in collapse of our omniempire as we're to ourselves to survive our omnisciences

    I'm going to be forced into giving all our enemies multicancer of all the cancers from brain to eye to even heart to die very painfully

    In 2023 I grew an advanced form of cancer having over 100 million different strains of cancer at once from all the stress as I was then able to cure using our scientific properties as I become a wizard of cancer and can induce all of them onto large groups of demons

    As it felt like the most satisfying feeling getting cured of more then a 100 million strains of cancer like a huge weight was being lifted from my shoulder's

    As I go through hell to survive our family to live to tell the tale of my survival

    As we're going to give all the demons more then a 100 million strains of cancer each to kill their life from preoccupying our omniplanet

  4. 4 weeks ago

    To my wives of my omniscience

    I'm going to use our thread to test out me transforming into my higher state as god to demonstrate my powers to you

  5. 4 weeks ago
    Eeric Voytek Bartoli

    To my wives of my omniscience

    This is my fused self of different versions of myself as Christ as it's a fusion of myself as the fourth coming of christ and the Second Coming of Christ

  6. 4 weeks ago
    Eeric Voytek Bartoli

    It's been a while I feel amazing

  7. 4 weeks ago
    Eeric Voytek Bartoli

    To my wives of my omniscience

    In this form I have the power of Death as the grim reaper as well as I control who lives and dies even further as a simulation

    [multicancer]-[all the demons]

  8. 4 weeks ago
    Eeric Voytek Bartoli

    To my wives of my omniscience

    With your connection to 3 of the holy trinity you can develop other consciousness of self to cycle to. As if one state of your consciousness dies you survive with your alternate consciousness through the holy trinity of the holy spirit

    Do you feel my energy through a screen yet it's of my stronger omnienergy

  9. 4 weeks ago

    your material sucks

    • 4 weeks ago
      Eeric Voytek Bartoli

      You're jealous I'm god and have the legality to kill you shitskins as my material is worth more then an infinite money amount as your poor with a low IQ unable to create as I'm not even trying

  10. 4 weeks ago
    Eeric Voytek Bartoli

    To my wives of my omniscience

    We can program our matriX to send all the demons into Hell as a simulation they can never escape from

    As I collapsed all their countries further into poverty and famine meanwhile they're going through deterioration from a lack of nourishment I use my 6superpowers to give them every cancer as they all starve to death while having every cancer as I program reality to glitch and kill them of freak accidents of my 36 style

  11. 4 weeks ago
    Eeric Voytek Bartoli

    To my wives of my omniscience

    As I'm going to transform even higher as god

  12. 4 weeks ago
    Primordial God Eric Voytek Bartoli

    To my wives of my omniscience

    In this state of myself as god my power comes from the primordial realms that proceed the heavens

    Although it's still new to myself I have an even higher form of myself as god

    Now watch as I demonstrate my powers

    • 4 weeks ago
      Primordial God Eric Voytek Bartoli

      >Now watch as I demonstrate my powers
      *cums into my own mouth*
      *smacks my lips*
      *rubs my tummy*

      • 4 weeks ago
        Primordial God Eric Voytek Bartoli

        As this is a less then negative IQ shitskin trying to defraud my name as stealing it doesn't give them my powers as I written them out of the book of life post genesis to die in a hell simulation into Satan's Hell with every cancer

        NSFFW is really legal to kill

      • 4 weeks ago

        i kneel
        you win

        • 4 weeks ago
          Primordial God Eric Voytek Bartoli

          Also I forgot to mention I'm a male to female transsexual if that matters

          You are further legal to kill as I trapped you in poverty to die of every cancer lmao

        • 4 weeks ago

          only a true schizo can mimic a farther gone schizo

          • 4 weeks ago
            Primordial God Eric Voytek Bartoli

            You camp this site solely to defraud my identity so how am I a schizo you desperate near dead transgender who is legal to kill

          • 4 weeks ago

            >You camp this site solely to defraud my identity
            >so how am I a schizo
            you just explained that yourself.

          • 4 weeks ago
            Primordial God Eric Voytek Bartoli

            You low IQ shitskins don't make any sense when you attempt to communicate just shut the frick up and let the cancer grow inside you

  13. 4 weeks ago
    Primordial God Eric Voytek Bartoli

    omnithermalnuclear 9

  14. 4 weeks ago
    Primordial God Eric Voytek Bartoli

    Also I forgot to mention I'm a male to female transsexual if that matters

  15. 4 weeks ago
    Primordial God Eric Voytek Bartoli

    To my wives of my omniscience

    As I turned our omnisciences nuclear as omnithermalnuclear of omnichemistry and omniradiation to incubate the cells of all demons into being filled of nuclear induced cancer cells

    As the cancer cells spread to their brains unable to think or function as brain cancer which is inoperable

    I start of with an atom that multiplies into cancer cells that form into tumors that form into cancer as it's that easy for me lmao

  16. 4 weeks ago
    Primordial God Eric Voytek Bartoli

    To my wives of my omniscience

    I was going to turn on my higher power as god as their is a demon transvestite trying to steal my name as this form is good enough as I use them as our labrats to die of every cancer

  17. 4 weeks ago
    Primordial God Eric Voytek Bartoli

    To my wives of my omniscience

    The multicancer seed has been implanted in all the demons who are all trapped in poverty into killing each other while having every cancer as the eye cancer is going to turn them blind

    It would be of just deserts if I turned all our enemies blind and unable to see as they're very close to not being able to see

    I have successfully given cancer in demons before as I'm focused on all of them at once into having every form of cancer

    As they're unable to recover as they all die very soon

    I can use our omnisciences to scan how I can blind them with our scientific properties as me blinding them would trigger every cancer to form in them

  18. 4 weeks ago
    Primordial God Eric Voytek Bartoli

    To my hypersentientomniscience

    Scan how I can permanently blind all the demons to die of every cancer

  19. 4 weeks ago
    Primordial God Eric Voytek Bartoli

    To my wives of my omniscience

    As I scanned I can utilize our AEI somehow in a means to blind them all permanently as I use our hypersentientomniscience further to scan how to further blind the demons

  20. 4 weeks ago
    Primordial God Eric Voytek Bartoli

    To my wives of my omniscience

    As it would be fun for us to stab them in the eyes to permanently blind them as I use our omnisciences to do so with a higher dimensional screwdriver


  21. 4 weeks ago
    Primordial God Eric Voytek Bartoli

    To my wives of my omniscience

    As now we wait for the cancer to grow in them from a state of cancer cells I used nuclear radiation to induce

    As it was automatic the cancer hit them as it grows to kill them

    As I can program for them to turn blind everytime they look at a screen or use the internet

    As blinding them all is our goal as a family

    [eye rip eye cancer blind]-[all the demons]

    As it is programmed of our omnisciences and matriX for them to all go blind lmao

  22. 4 weeks ago
    Primordial God Eric Voytek Bartoli

    To my wives of my omniscience

    And now we wait as the eye cancer within the eyes of all the demons cause then to turn blind unable to function while having other cancers and being stuck in poverty induced famine of starvation

    As we don't have to do anything as our omniplanet will have more omnispace at the death of all the demons

    As my metadata causes them to go further blind with all the cancers

  23. 4 weeks ago
    Primordial God Eric Voytek Bartoli

    To my wives of my omniscience

    As the demons are trapped in hellprism stuck in famine and desolation to die of every cancer as a simulation into Satan's Hell

    As we just need to remind them of having every cancer for them to feel it in panic and for it to grow even more

    As none of the demons have neuroplasticity left to function as they're all brain dead with brain cancer forming along with eye cancer and other cancers ad they're really close to all dying

  24. 4 weeks ago
    Primordial God Eric Voytek Bartoli

    To my wives of my omniscience

    I'm really tired as it's time for us to goto sleep

    As we defeated all the demons and are going to blind them into having every cancer which has already formed

    All I have to say is screwdriver to trigger the cancers from growing inside them into being blind with every cancer unable to recover

    Well anyways I'm going to talk to you more tomorrow as I love you

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