What's the appeal of women? Can't you just get rid of any sexual urges with your right hand?

What's the appeal of women? Can't you just get rid of any sexual urges with your right hand? If you can refuel your car for free, why would you instead choose the gas that requires far more time, money, and energy that's only maybe slightly better? This is a serious post I'm autistic. It honestly baffles me, like they drive men insane when they act like whiny toddlers. What's the appeal?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    Relieving sexual urges through masturbation is like replacing human touch with hugging a pillow.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I've been touched by women before in a sexual way (they came up to me). Felt like something was really wrong, like I needed to get away from them immediately. I could sense the kind of insanity I would be subject to if I continued letting them touch me and I hoped out.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >I've been touched by women before in a sexual way (they came up to me)
        That sounds like rape.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Sexual urges, have to release

    • 2 weeks ago

      Human touch doesn't do anything tho.
      Dunno how you guys managed to all have this collective belief in touch starvation when it doesn't exist.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Anon, are you schizoid?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Anon, are you schizoid?
          Nope, autism spectrum level 1.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Plus, don't schizoids care about praise and compliments and stuff?
          I'm largely unaffected. Sure, it's nice to know that what I'm doing is working, but I don't have emotions about it for literally months like real men do.

          • 2 weeks ago

            No, schizoid is literally indifferent to praise. You might be mixing it up with avpd.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Avoid. Basically an unwilling schizoid. Women are worth nothing

          • 2 weeks ago

            you're definitely schizoid.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Human touch doesn't do anything tho.
        Demonstrably, empirically, provably false. You need to shut the frick up when you don't know what you're talking about. Babies that don't get constantly touched turn out psycho every time. People who cuddle romantic partners every night have sleep with significantly less cardiovascular stress. Tech companies invest millions into research for robotic haptics because if a machine applies pressure to you in a way that feels uncanny and not like appropriate human touch you instantly feel anxious and alert.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Sex is better than fapping.
    They're pretty.
    Society will respect you.
    Continuing your genealogy if that's something you care about.

    • 2 weeks ago

      What companionship? They mostly seem to just try to control you and your space. Constantly making you do shit and shaming you.
      >Sex is better than fapping
      idk. I've had it a few times and it was ok. Fapping was pretty equal though.
      >They're pretty
      >Society will respect you
      I don't care about society.
      >Continuing your genealogy if that's something you care about.
      Never had an urge to do so.

      >I've been touched by women before in a sexual way (they came up to me)
      That sounds like rape.

      Not really, I went to a club once because my friends were asking me to go.

      • 2 weeks ago

        i think you might just need to wait for the right woman. you shouldnt be dating someone unless you love them and want to be around them. seems obvious, but loads of people hold lust over companionship.

        or youre just asexual or something. nothing wrong with it, as long as youre not a dick about it.

      • 2 weeks ago

        You were touched without being asked. If you hit it off with a cute woman, and she loves you and is loyal to you, and then touches you, you will feel feelings you never felt before, and that is when you'll become a man.
        Responsibilities makes a man. 40 year old loner homosexuals are not men, however much they think they are

    • 2 weeks ago

      Good if you get it but rare.
      >Sex is better than fapping
      Yes if with companionship, no otherwise.
      >They're pretty.
      >Society will respect you
      False, society is indifferent.
      >Continuing your genealogy if that's something you care about.
      That's the real shit right there, can't deny that one.

    • 2 weeks ago

      t. almost got married, got lots of married friends:

      Relevant if you have a family. Having a spouse brings good companionship if you're surrounded by others who do the same. The goal is to build a positive community for your children and tribe. If you're alone, companionship becomes "friend", argument becomes for having a friend and that signals a pathetic life
      Companionship: important if you're part of a bigger family or tribe who do the same, for posterity
      >Sex is better than fapping.
      Making love is better than fapping. Sex and no love is laborious masturbation
      >They're pretty.
      >Society will respect you.
      Again, only if part of larger family or tribe that values it posterity
      >Continuing your genealogy if that's something you care about.

      So the appeal is purely for posterity. Otherwise, you're far better off jerking off. There is nothing special about women aside from their beauty, which fades fast.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Why didn't you get married?

  3. 2 weeks ago

    >If only it were as easy to banish hunger by rubbing my belly
    Welcome back, Diogenes.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    I jacked 6 times today without porn, when I have sex the lust goes away after one or two ejaculations
    Maybe you have less libido

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Feels good being wanted, desired, loved.
    When they love you enough, they'll carry your children on their womb.
    When you are old, and you had learnt that life is meaningless, having reproduced and taking care of your offspring will prevent you from killing yourself.
    Hope this helps.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    I don't understand either.
    I think normalgays don't have the ability we do to realise that free easy stuff is less stressful than unreliable grindy stuff.
    So even if they can see the words "It's easier to not care about 3d sex", their brain dropped the clutch and is stuck in neutral, can't actually get around to cognitively processing those words and changing what they get horny about.
    Then, because natural selection selects for more babies, normalgays' default sexuality is to care about baby making 3d sex.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Being worshiped by a female it's the closest you will get to being godlike.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I used to make a girl just as beautiful as her and more educated (doctor) act like that with me until I gave her the ick after which she began treating me like garbage, likely because she cringes for ever admiring me
      I've been here for the past 6 months to cope. I didn't do anything wrong, I just didn't live up to her fantasy for 1 minute
      I don't know how to move on from her. I never really wanted her, even, it's just the loss that hurts

    • 2 weeks ago

      Where is this from? I miss her so much guys

      • 2 weeks ago

        Found the source. Cuter in the gif and the message itportrays

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Why would i jerk off when someone can do it for me?

  9. 2 weeks ago

    their only appeal is their bawdtiness and debauchery
    people want real women for the raunchiness of the sex, nothing else . women will do any sex act and you dont have to commit at all in any substantial way. if men had to commit they would just jack off. no one would put up with women if it werent for the sex acts and debauchery

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Japanese girls are cute

  11. 2 weeks ago

    How old are you? Being alone in your 20s is ok i guess, especially if you have friends, but you will slowly get more and more miserable, you will probably have a nice day by the age of 40 or 50 and if not you will die a slow, lonely, miserable death if you don't have a wife and children, the only purpose in life.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'm 36 and no gf, I feel just fine.
      I've never felt the loneliness emotion before.
      Everyone's going to die horribly, people with a shitty wife and children are no exception.
      How is having a wife and children more of a purpose than anything else?
      Everyone is going to be killed by andromeda crashing into the milky way in 3 billion years.
      Our sun is going to expand and engulf the whole earth in 5 billion years.
      What's the point in sacrificing yourself?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Animals in nature have only one purpose, it is to find a mate and reproduce, as is the case for humans, you are out of touch with nature and will never experience true happiness. Sure you can live you life and think you feel just fine, but deep inside you don't.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Animals don't have purpose, that's a human concept

  12. 2 weeks ago

    >What's the appeal of women?
    There isn't much these days.
    Women are just commodity holes now.

    • 2 weeks ago

      they cute

      • 2 weeks ago

        there are millions just like that anon.

        • 2 weeks ago

          That doesn't mean what you think

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Your woman is your prize for doing well in life, you flaunt your woman to dominate other men.
    >Remember all the times you were out with couple'd friends? They take pride in dominating you.
    Which is why I, as a single guy who just turned 31, take every opportunity I can to belittle couples. My friends and I go out, I am flirting with many girls and trying to set up my single friends with girls, I am making constant rude remarks, I even flirt with my friends' gfs/wives. I'm the loudest in karaoke bars and dueting with girls I've never met, bringing strangers into our group pictures as well-known laugh material, jockeying for free drinks, I play the same domination game they play but in a way they never thought possible. It is all above board and no one talks down to me, no one tries to set me up, because they know that I could have my pick of the litter if I wanted. My closest friend just asked me recently "do you not want love?" because he knows I could have it on a silver platter, he's seen for himself some girls begging me for sex, the stories are all well-known and witnessed.
    I have met hundreds of women due to my career, I can count on one hand the amount that actually caught my attention, they are the ones who saw through my whirlwind and directly called it out, called to me as a person. In this domination game I could never respect someone who let themselves be dominated, be it friends or women, and I am looking for a partner in crime not a partner in tranquility. I am not disrespectful, just playful, I keep my opinions to myself.

    I don't keep a woman as a prize, I could never claim to succeed on the typical measures, I live my own life and society can only ever tolerate me, and with that I don't expect anyone here to read this post

    • 2 weeks ago

      Narcissism is truly a disease

  14. 2 weeks ago

    There's no purpose really. I really think people put up with women because perhaps they "feel" that a woman will somehow add something positive to their lives (companionship, validation, etc) or they just want to have sex. Outside of sex I see nothing a woman can provide in any domain that a male friend or yourself can't provide. Perhaps the one sole exception is if you really want to start a family and have children but you're still going to have to put up with a lot of bullshit. No thanks, I'd rather dedicate my life to personal pursuits and goals and seek pleasure in that manner. See all the nagging, b***hing and moaning women out their through is just not worth it to me.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Most marriages end in divorce, and in the end 90% of the time the man ends up regretting ever being with that person in the first place. I think romance bullshit has just been shoved in our face so often that people think it's something that they need to have in their lives even though the reality of it is far more grim.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    There were some things I liked about being in relationships when I was younger, but being schizoid and having to constantly return emotional support/validation was very difficult and most often suffocating. At the time I thought it was just depression that made me want to be alone all the time, but it was that I was so drained being in relationships after a while trying to satisfy their (ex-gfs) expectations/demands. They ultimately ended things with me (and cheated) because I almost never initiated anything with them, which made them question whether or not I was even attracted to them. I never understood the appeal of women myself. I only got into relationships the very few times in my life because I thought it was something I was supposed to do. Otherwise, I'd always just coast through life passively and aloof and it never bothered me. I just always preferred being alone and away from the noise and people. If I never got into another relationship for the rest of my life, I wouldn't care. I don't miss cuddling and spooning. I don't even miss sex. It may be something that other people pursue and that's fine. I just enjoy my own company. People that don't know me just assume I have some gf and those that know I don't ask me why I don't have one. I just find it annoying. They just can't understand it. Meanwhile I have married friends complaining about their responsibilities. It just makes no logical sense to me.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Sometimes I think I'm like you, but no girl has ever demonstrated interest in me because I'm just not attractive, so I never had a gf. I'm 30, sometimes I feel like shit for being alone but I never truly feel the urge to chase women, and I don't know why.
      It could be fear, but I don't think fear would be enough to stop me if I really wanted sex or a relationship. It's weird.
      Do you jerk off and watch porn at all? I do.

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