Why are men so bad at having sex?

Why are men so bad at having sex?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    I never had sex so i'm probably bad at it

    Next question

    • 2 weeks ago

      For once I'm not the demographic they are talking about because I don't have sex. Feels alright

      Incels can't be blamed for sex-havers being bad at sex. That's all on them. Women choose losers to frick. Incels are great in bed for all the women know, but they don't select us.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Nah man you don't understand women can't help it

        • 2 weeks ago

          10/10 strawman
          never let anyone tell you that youre a hilarious loser for keeping images like that on your computer

  2. 2 weeks ago

    For once I'm not the demographic they are talking about because I don't have sex. Feels alright

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Do women think sex is just laying still and waiting for an orgasm to come to them?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Do women think sex is just laying still and waiting for an orgasm to come to them?
      Most of them honestly do. Most women expect men to do all the work during sex

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's a mindnumbingly stupid attempt at a point. Why do so many women have casual sex more than once if it's so bad? Why do they desire to have multiple sex partners instead of just teaching your bf or one sex partner to please you in bed? Then you can both become much better at pleasing the other and learning the best ways to enjoy sex. Plenty of guys want to feel like sex gods or whatever and to make women cum every time even if he's not your bf. It doesn't make sense for women who love sex to have many sex partners.
      A lot of women also barely even know what men are supposed to do for guys to please them, like implies.
      Also, the ease for women extends past sex, obviously. They have countless options for dating guys and can sift for one they find best fits their desires for face, height, income, etc.

      • 2 weeks ago

        because they're immature and can't deal with the hard aspects of a relationship.
        the butterflies and tingles disappear after the honeymoon phase

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Why do so many women have casual sex more than once if it's so bad?

        This is the real problem with the argument that the first poster in that image uses - because they're not just getting "the bad sex".

        "Women have it easier because they can get sex whenever they want" can also be expressed as "women have it easier because they can get into brief relationships whenever they want" - and the length of time represented by "brief" can vary pretty widely.

        Every time women ride the wiener carousel, even with guys that are bad in bed, those events have a penumbra of time around them where the woman gets to feel like she's wanted, and gets to feel like she's in a relationship that MAYBE this time will work out. That's what stupid women get out of "situationships" - periods of time when they can have "relationship hope".

        A bawd who fricks ten guys a year will probably spend at least a little while thinking MAYBE THIS TIME Chad will commit. If she spends every two or three weeks thinking that, THAT'S ALMOST THE WHOLE YEAR. Almost the whole year when she gets to have hope, gets to have "new relationship butterflies", the whole nine yards.

        That's what it means to be able "to get sex whenever you want". That's what they are discounting as not worth having. That's what they are claiming is JUST AS BAD as being alone all year, or your whole life.

        • 2 weeks ago

          They're speaking from privilege, and I don't sympathise with them.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Great and insightful post anon.
          >"Women have it easier because they can get sex whenever they want" can also be expressed as "women have it easier because they can get into brief relationships whenever they want" - and the length of time represented by "brief" can vary pretty widely.
          Put very well. The whole dialogue around "sex" is so focused on the act itself and ignores the peripherals that are so much more important than "penis goes in vegana."

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Why do so many women have casual sex more than once if it's so bad?
        You say that like 99% of guys would chase casual sex everyday if they could get it easily. Be real.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Most women and men alike are completely braindead and are unthinking. Although at least for this context, the men would be easily enjoying it since they can feel the warm hole and cum at the end. That said, getting a new girl every day would still not be ideal since you will enjoy sex more if you both know how to please each other the best you can, and especially so if you're romantically interested in each other.
          Men wanting bawds is their fault and I'm not saying women are bad but men are great. Anyone who engages in casual sex is bad but from women it's often extremely dishonest and nonsensical.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I fricking hate pillow princesses. Bi girls are the shit because if they're not pegging me fhey're at least engaging and putting effort into the sex with me.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    >imagine being able to get sex so frequently you get to complain about when it's bad

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's like how women complain about guys telling them that they're hot

      • 2 weeks ago
        Kublai Khan

        She looks like a teacher

        • 2 weeks ago

          No she has a coding job

          • 2 weeks ago

            I hope whoever inevitably rapes her films it and posts it all over the internet

          • 2 weeks ago

            I'm just waiting for her uncensored nudes to get leaked

          • 2 weeks ago

            I love it when it's obvious these dumb prostitutes have no idea what "coding" even is and they kniw they have bullshit jobs because of their pussy pass so they always use the vaguest terms possible. "yeah i have a coding job" "yeah i have a uhh tech job" butch you answer emalis and give the guy who hired you a blowjob 4 days a week, get over yourself.

          • 2 weeks ago

            more making things up in your head to throw tantrums at, you guys are the best

          • 2 weeks ago

            Guess youve never worked in a big tech firm. But thankfully, when downsizing time comes, it's the useless b***hes who get fired first.

          • 2 weeks ago

            for sure for sure, please go on

          • 2 weeks ago

            I accept your concession. Thank you for coming to your senses.

          • 2 weeks ago

            0/10, less cliche next time

          • 2 weeks ago

            When girls with big breasts are still ugly anyway, I'm always surprised.

            Maybe it's because her breasts are lopsided and I find that off-putting, and combined with her butterface it's just too much to overcome.

      • 2 weeks ago

        No she has a coding job

        I love her gigabooba

      • 2 weeks ago

        Was this after she reduced them? They're still fricking giant.

        • 2 weeks ago

          No this was still before she started to believe she was disabled because of her chest

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Posts videos of her bouncing her breasts
            >WAAAAAAHHHHHH guys noticing my breasts are such CREEPS!!!!! WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

          • 2 weeks ago

            Her face looks so dumb that somehow makes her hotter lmao

    • 2 weeks ago

      You would definitely be mad if you finally "got laid" and its some b***h with the most fricked up gaping hotdog in a hallway c**t and depressingly hopeless head game in the world to the point there's no chance of you nutting with her. This is the world women live in

      • 2 weeks ago

        >You would definitely be mad if you finally "got laid" and its some b***h with the most fricked up gaping hotdog in a hallway c**t and depressingly hopeless head game in the world to the point there's no chance of you nutting with her.

        Don't bring your broken-dick problems here and try to project them on to the rest of us.

        If a woman looks good enough for me to get an erection AT ALL, I am going to cum if I frick her. Period.

        >Oh noes, you don't have good "head game", now my dick doesn't work!!!!

        You fricking Viagra needing erectile dysfunction motherfricker, that is a YOU problem.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Pure autism. How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast today? Your answer to "what if you met a girl so hopeless she can't make you nut" is "but every girl can make me nut" which doesn't address the point at all but does support the women's claim about most men being too moronic to frick.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Your answer to "what if you met a girl so hopeless she can't make you nut" is "but every girl can make me nut" which doesn't address the point at all

            Yes, it does, you absolute moron.

            You don't get to pose impossible theoreticals and then demand an answer and act like you've proven some kind of point. The current nature of our reality is that I cannot meet such a woman because they cannot exist among the set of women I am willing to frick. If you are asking, "But what if our reality fundamentally changed, and that event did happen?" my answer is that I only want to discuss our current reality, not some fricking fantasy reality you are inventing for the sake of a thought experiment.

            Now if you want to say "Well for women it's very possible to have sex and not cum, even though I freely acknowledge that this is not true for you" then say THAT.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I am asking you to consider the situation from their point of view using a hypothetical situation, which is in fact realistic although rare and you just don't know it's realistic because you have a sub-5 bodycount and have never been with a woman who is cute and friendly but depressingly useless in bed.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >I am asking you to consider the situation from their point of view

            I'm happy to do that and will acknowledge that it's really fricking easy for a girl to have sex with a guy and not cum

            >using a hypothetical situation, which is in fact realistic although rare and you just don't know it's realistic because you have a sub-5 bodycount and have never been with a woman who is cute and friendly but depressingly useless in bed.

            It is only realistic among men if you have sexual dysfunction. Period.

            My bodycount is over 5, but it wouldn't matter if it wasn't. If she's cute and friendly, she just has to lie there, and any man with a functioning dick will cum. It might not be the greatest sex in the world or anything to write home about, and I might compare her negatively to other women, but I will absolutely, POSITIVELY cum. And so will anyone with a working dick. If you don't cum, that is pretty much the dictionary definition of sexual and psychological dyfunction (among men, at least) and you should seek treatment.

    • 2 weeks ago

      sex is more enjoyable for men than women which you are biologically incapable of understanding

      • 2 weeks ago

        Ok Hera

      • 2 weeks ago

        >"sex is le bad"
        >Proceeds to have more sex than men

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Why do we use each other as Fleshlights or dildos? What happened to emotional bonds, dedication and such?

  6. 2 weeks ago

    It's almost like men suck at sex because they never get any experience with sex
    Once again women b***hing about a problem they created

    • 2 weeks ago

      no its cause you need a big dick to give her a penetrative orgasm so women hop around looking for that diamond in the rough guy who has a big dick and knows how to use it and wont leave her. They find the guy whos almost perfect but hes so in demand he has 4 other women to frick that week and shes nothing special so he leaves her.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I'm 7 by 5 and I don't have a problem giving women orgasms. Giving a woman an orgasm is more about hitting the right spots and thats dine by going in at an a Glen not having a big dick. Having a big dick can actually prevent you from getting leverage or steepness on your angels.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    If women really cared about good sex they would prioritize incels who are into female orgasms as a fetish. Instead they prioritize height, face and money.
    >Select for variables X,Y,Z
    >complain about the lack of variable D.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    >were never going to have sex with you, men. Sex is a prize for you to earn.
    >omg why do men suck at sex?
    I hate women I hate women I hate women

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Entitlement, the usual.
    They think it's easy so they remain unskilled

  10. 2 weeks ago

    women unironically think men can't have earth-shattering orgasms and make sure to gaslight them into thinking that's true just because giirls suck so bad at sex.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    Can a woman please answer: how are you supposed to be "good" at sex if you're not having any?

  12. 2 weeks ago

    Because they cant frick the woman mentally

  13. 2 weeks ago

    It takes a long time and a zero-pressure environment for me to be good at sex. I have to learn YOUR particular body and we have to try different stuff and get to know each other sexually. I need to simultaneously be comfortable enough with you to have sex with you and familiar enough to be excited without being desperate or busting a nut right away.
    I can't do that with a one-night stand. Too much pressure. Butterflies in my stomach. I have such a small timeframe to perform, you're probably gonna gossip about it so I basically have an audience, if I enjoy it too much that's bad because I orgasm, if I don't enjoy it enough that's bad because I go limp or I'm not involved enough, etc. It's no fun and I'm not even allowed to think of my own pleasure. If you start sucking my dick I worry about it because I don't want to waste a nut in your mouth by accidentally cumming or be unable to get hard again for the next 15 minutes.
    Every single fricking one of you complains about never cumming and posts a Yelp review for all her friends so I go out of my way to get you off and it's frankly terrifying. I don't even cum during one-night stands, and I'm a man. You have no idea how much pressure it is.
    And that's before any of the physical demands. Having an erection at all is a function of my heartbeat. You're putting wild demands on my circulatory system for like 20+ minutes, nonstop, and I can feel the thumping in my chest. It honestly hurts sometimes. I have to control my breathing in order not to cum. I'm doing a fricking plank or pushups or a one-handed plank for 20+ minutes at a time if this is missionary. There are portions where I have to lift or support you. My hamstrings cramp. My FEET cramp, and that is the most painful fricking thing. I'm hurting, ignoring it, controlling my breathing, doing cardio, doing calisthenics, stretching, meditating, and doing an isometric exercise at the same fricking time, and you expect me to TALK on top of it or choke you or whatever else.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yeah bro, there's a lot of pressure. Men that want to have sex with a woman that they trust are even more turbofricked in this system than the ones who will frick anyone.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >It honestly hurts sometimes. I have to control my breathing in order not to cum
      this right here is the problem with heterosexual expectations on sex: men shouldn't do physical or emotional pressure, that's literally anti-pleasure. But most conservative babies think such power trip is what defines masculinity, enforce this crappy mentality on everyone else, perpetuates insecurities on his peers, and then wonders why he's doing so much work.
      captcha: PVTAH

    • 2 weeks ago

      OH, and if I DO cum? I'd better not enjoy it. If I actually orgasm I get like a MICROSECOND of pleasure out of this whole ordeal, because
      1. it is NOT happening when my body thinks the sex is the sexiest, it's happening when I'm done with my fricking chores, and
      2. You're not gonna let me enjoy it. You want "aftercare," after all. If I pass out for a few minutes and just watch the pretty colors radiate through my body that's bad. I have to keep talking and stroking and reassuring and performing and coming up with shit while your pointy-ass bowling ball of a head digs into my chest.

      >It honestly hurts sometimes. I have to control my breathing in order not to cum
      this right here is the problem with heterosexual expectations on sex: men shouldn't do physical or emotional pressure, that's literally anti-pleasure. But most conservative babies think such power trip is what defines masculinity, enforce this crappy mentality on everyone else, perpetuates insecurities on his peers, and then wonders why he's doing so much work.
      captcha: PVTAH

      It's LITERALLY anti-pleasure. It's not a fun act, it's an exercise in athleticism in the hopes that maybe she'll like me enough to let me be selfish back a little.
      It's 20 minutes of cramps, cardio, controlling your breathing, saying dirty stuff but not being in a dirty place mentally so you don't cum, being involved physically but not feeling anything so you don't cum or stop from the pain, being present enough to respond to feedback but distant enough to stare through the wall, being constantly-aroused so your wiener is always as big and hard as possible but not aroused enough to cum but not disinterested enough to go limp, etc. etc.
      This isn't even a humblebrag, I fricking hate it and it leaves me feeling unloved, I feel like the expectation is on men to be porn stars

      • 2 weeks ago

        Based sex hater. First off this is why women are having "bad sex" (chad has 5 other hoes lined up and doesnt feel the need to go through this larp) but also you might want to just consider fricking men. You can definitely find some twink to just worship your dick while you lay back and enjoy yourself. It's automatically way better when you're both on the same page like that and your partner understands and cares about all this stuff you said.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >It's 20 minutes
        Found your problem lol, cut it down to like 10 minutes tops including foreplay

        Yeah I'm a selfish lover and I don't give a single frick about it.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I care. Like I said, they post fricking Yelp reviews about your wiener.
          Women are filthy and gossip about sex in greater detail than men do. Pay attention. You pipe one good, maybe she tells her friends, and if you aren't going around telling everybody you fricked her friend then now she knows you're a good lay AND discreet.

          • 2 weeks ago

            All for what? For you to continue to have sex that you don't enjoy? That's idiotic, you're addicted to the game to the point where you won't even take the prize and enjoy yourself. Men never had to do any of that shit for thousands of years and I'm not about to start doing it now, if c**ts want to complain about it they can go right ahead, it hasn't impeded me thus far.

          • 2 weeks ago

            The goal is consistent sex so I can maybe enjoy it

          • 2 weeks ago

            I get consistent sex and enjoy it, I guess you're doing something wrong.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I do it really good. I've always been good at it because I use all the tips and tricks my mom taught me

    • 2 weeks ago

      >It takes a long time and a zero-pressure environment for me to be good at sex. I have to learn YOUR particular body and we have to try different stuff and get to know each other sexually.
      Skill issue. Women are all the same sexually even more so than in every other way. If you can make one cum you can make them all cum, and as a bigay I can certify it's not any harder than making men nut either. Just pure skill issues everywhere. I could crank out one pussy eating orgasm after another with any random women with the same ease any bawd can suck off one dude after another at the glory hole. It really is that easy.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Women really be like
    >You have zero options? That's not even that bad
    >Try having 100s of options but only 5 are any good
    As if they can't just...choose those 5 good options

  15. 2 weeks ago

    And how do I get good at that so called "sex"?

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Why can't women concede to a single FRICKING thing ever? I think this is the number one reason I hate them so god damn FRICKING much. Even the smallest, pettiest, most insignificant, most trivial FRICKING fact they can't admit to if it's even slightly inconvenient to them. They are so god damn FRICKING dishonest and so FRICKING self-serving

    FRICK women FRICK women FRICK women

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Why can't women concede to a single FRICKING thing ever?
      It's a sort of sexually-unionized politics. If women admit to one thing, one single thing, then it's like a chink in their armor. Their armor is indifference to men. We want them, we crave them, but they only want the portion of us who stand above our brothers. Once their true desires start unravelling, men will see that women are best treated like they have been up until the 20th century.

      It's like picrel. Once one shield goes down, the whole formation crumbles.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I will make it my life purpose to FRICKING smash that shit no matter how much damage I take.
        Women WILL be held accountable for their hypocrisy and their lies

        • 2 weeks ago

          May God grant you your wish, brother. I talk about this shit all the time irl. I make sure all my friends are aware of how exactly the system is fricked. There will come a time when men wake up and decide to say "no" to women's rights, and there's not a damn thing women'll be able to do about it.

          • 2 weeks ago

            This is 100% going to happen. Most likely just too late For us 30cels. I simply argue logically. Got almost attacked by a simp BF when a minutes ago he was telling that her gf is dumb as a rock

          • 2 weeks ago

            Speak for yourself I'm still going after girls in their teens.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Hell yes brother rip and tear that shit

      • 2 weeks ago

        >waaaa woman rights are bad because i cant breed

    • 2 weeks ago

      Because it's 2X chromosomes. That Reddit is deranged for the most part.

      If I assumed that the average poster on that subreddit was representative of all women I'd hate them too. But it likely isn't, similar to how the men on this board aren't representative of the average guy.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's the same here. It's the same everywhere.
        Just stop it with the bullshit.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yeah I agree, I remember I had a discussion with a feminist some years ago and I couldn't even get her to agree that it was easier for women to get sex. She was probably comparing her life to Chads or something, must of their complains come from them literally not recognizing the existence of average males.

    • 2 weeks ago

      i too like to get mad at cherry-picked posts and apply them to all women so i can grrrr, you pathetic dipshit


      Why are men so bad at having sex?

      the simple answer is that most people lack the ability to question themselves

      one of the ways this is seen in men as how terrible they can be at sex. its actually not hard to be good at sex, it just requires not being selfish and being able to question what works

      • 2 weeks ago

        The female orgasm is a tool that facilitates selecting for IQ. If you are a dumbass with no ability to consider someone else's experience, watch for their non-verbal signals, reflect on your own actions, keep track of what works and what doesn't, etc you won't be able to make anybody cum so it's our lone saving grace that keeps them from only ever fricking grug tier morons.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >i too like to get mad at cherry-picked posts and apply them to all women so i can grrrr, you pathetic dipshit
        I suppose every woman in my family is cherry picked as well.

        • 2 weeks ago

          that is indeed thinking anecdotes are data, yes, well done

          and thats even assuming that you, as an incel, have the capacity to understand an actual conversation and when people other people are being stubborn vs when you are

          incels are incapable of introspection, so try to think about what that means for your perception of reality (you literally cant think about that)

          • 2 weeks ago

            You accused me of cherry picking.
            Have I cherry picked my family members? Yes or no.
            Disingenuous foid c**t

          • 2 weeks ago

            yes let me make a definite decision on whether youve been cherry picking things said by your family members, something i would have no way of knowing

            >and thats even assuming that you, as an incel, have the capacity to understand an actual conversation and when people other people are being stubborn vs when you are
            >incels are incapable of introspection, so try to think about what that means for your perception of reality (you literally cant think about that)

            again, i know introspection is literally impossible for incels, but try to commit what remains of your festering brain cells to those lines of text and what they mean instead of just proving me right

            also lol at the 100% unpredictable foid tantrum, here's a woman playing with my cum after i did something you will never do because of who you choose to be

          • 2 weeks ago

            >something i would have no way of knowing
            Then shut your prostitute mouth

          • 2 weeks ago

            >The most insecure men dont have introspection

            veganal ape behavior 101 using big words to attempt to sound intelligent

          • 2 weeks ago

            hmm too obvious, 0/10
            please try again

  17. 2 weeks ago

    Not everything is about sex. It's so easy to just be acknowledged as a woman. To be extended some kind of sympathy, offered friendships, offered gifts or assistance
    Men are literally just told to frick off and die unless they're perpetually "bringing something to the table".
    I've heard women say this stuff. If you aren't good husband material, you may as well just be drafted into a war to go and die, so that they don't feel burdened by you hanging around.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    lel, there's two ways I can interpret that name

  19. 2 weeks ago

    Women that b***h about not having orgasms are the ones failing their partners, especially those who fake it for whatever reason. Just communicate with him what you want him to do, how you want him to do it, tell him what you want and you'll get it easily. Women don't know how to have sex besides just laying there and expecting you to do all do the work anyway, women are terrible at sex

  20. 2 weeks ago

    actually women are bad at having sex ask any bi male
    what they will tell you is that women have a tendency to make it akward
    get off birth control

  21. 2 weeks ago

    girls rarely tell you what they like, they just lay there and want you to be the mind reader.

  22. 2 weeks ago

    I'm very good at it
    But I typically stick to one woman and bang her several times over many years

    skill issue

  23. 2 weeks ago

    They never learned how to copulate

  24. 2 weeks ago

    They'll accept bad sex if it's with Chad

  25. 2 weeks ago

    The truth is that women are bad at having orgasms during casual sex because they aren't meant for carefree unattached encounters. They're trying to emulate men and failing badly.

    Women in long term, committed relationships have orgasms just fine .

  26. 2 weeks ago

    We really need a TWD before a TKD and a TND.

  27. 2 weeks ago

    What actually make a guy bad in bed?

  28. 2 weeks ago

    I'm good at sex, all women I've been with have told me that, I put effort and fricking sweat there like it's a battle.
    Still barely get any sex so it doesn't make a difference.

  29. 2 weeks ago

    How many times has collegethrowaway2938 slept with abusive men yet still chooses to go for them over the safer but only slightly less attractive guy?

  30. 2 weeks ago

    Then why do they do it?

  31. 2 weeks ago

    Is it strange that I just don't enjoy sex? I've had sex with multiple different women and it's alright, but honestly I just prefer jerking off
    I do love making out with a woman and feeling her breasts and ass but I just don't care much for penetration

    • 2 weeks ago

      No I feel the same. It made me realize that I'm happier being by myself and not spend time thinking about or interaction with any women if it's not some family occasion or work requires it.

  32. 2 weeks ago

    theyre not always bad just dumb
    but im dumber for not peeing after

  33. 2 weeks ago

    If women ren't enjoying the sex why do they keep having it? Surely bad sex would be an argument to not sleep around.
    Almost as if women don't actually believe this shit.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >If women ren't enjoying the sex why do they keep having it?
      Regardless of what they say they'd rather be having "bad" sex then no sex. Remember "sexual liberation" for women makes them think they must be having sex as much as possible and taking part in hookup culture to be getting the most out of life

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's this

      >Why do so many women have casual sex more than once if it's so bad?

      This is the real problem with the argument that the first poster in that image uses - because they're not just getting "the bad sex".

      "Women have it easier because they can get sex whenever they want" can also be expressed as "women have it easier because they can get into brief relationships whenever they want" - and the length of time represented by "brief" can vary pretty widely.

      Every time women ride the wiener carousel, even with guys that are bad in bed, those events have a penumbra of time around them where the woman gets to feel like she's wanted, and gets to feel like she's in a relationship that MAYBE this time will work out. That's what stupid women get out of "situationships" - periods of time when they can have "relationship hope".

      A bawd who fricks ten guys a year will probably spend at least a little while thinking MAYBE THIS TIME Chad will commit. If she spends every two or three weeks thinking that, THAT'S ALMOST THE WHOLE YEAR. Almost the whole year when she gets to have hope, gets to have "new relationship butterflies", the whole nine yards.

      That's what it means to be able "to get sex whenever you want". That's what they are discounting as not worth having. That's what they are claiming is JUST AS BAD as being alone all year, or your whole life.

      It's essentially addictive "high highs and low lows" behavior. Most everyday normal prostitutes (besides the extremely devoted triple digit bodycount bawdmaxxers) are NOT actually trying to prostitute on purpose. Literally almost every single time they start dating a new guy they are absolutely convinced that THIS TIME it's real. Of course it isn't and it should be obvious but they want to believe it's true love with prince charming so badly they will do any kind of mental cirque du soleil required to believe it. So they feel infatuated, and overflowing with pure love and lust... for a few weeks, when they get ghosted or he does something that Icks her and makes her realize he isn't what she wanted and she ghosts.

      Then she cries for a few days or weeks, MAYBE does a little intentionally "casual" fricking with no expectation of anything during this time to cope, then it's back on the carousel. The cycle repeats maybe every 1-3 months. If she starts at age 18, fricks an average of 1 guy every 2 months, that's 6 per year and her bodycount will be 24 by the time she's 22. This is the life of a normal woman in the current year. The only question is how long they carry on doing this for. Is it until they're 30 and the chads they can get dry up and they panic? Or do they realize it's hopeless when they're 22 and settle for a 7/10 who she likes well enough? In either case, the call of the "high highs" from the addictive whoring cycle will always call to her. Maybe she'll resist forever but it's like dating a "recovered" alcoholic and hoping they never get a whiff of bourbon in a moment of weakness.

      • 2 weeks ago

        you know a lot about women and psychology and the world are not an embarrassment to humanity

        you should preach as wide and far as you can

  34. 2 weeks ago

    Sex is like pizza
    Even when it's bad it's still kinda good

  35. 2 weeks ago

    >they admit the sex is "bad"
    >they still frick like 50 random guys
    This makes no sense, if the sex were bad they would... not have sex? Yet they are having it? Repeatedly? With different men?

    • 2 weeks ago

      read the thread wanker 2 anons dropped IQposts explaining this

      • 2 weeks ago

        ahahahaha, so good

  36. 2 weeks ago

    What really strikes me is that women don't even consider GETTING ON FRICKING TOP and making themselves cum.

    Typical, they won't put in the work.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It took me so long to get one of my ex's to actually ride me and even then she said she didn't enjoy it. Said she prefers when she lies down and I just thrusted...

    • 2 weeks ago

      It doesn't work though. I like the feeling of being dominated combined with pleasure... when I ride someone I just do it for them. It more so hurts than anything else to have a dick up against my cervix. It's okay when it hurts though, because I turn the intense feeling into pleasure responses for the dude. I get some enjoyment out of them getting enjoyment. Still not good sex.

  37. 2 weeks ago

    >bad sex
    Oh so a big dick aint good enough anymore?

  38. 2 weeks ago

    >reddit screenshot
    invalid opinion not reading

  39. 2 weeks ago

    >lays down and withers away
    Because women only orgasm from big (not gigantic) pps

  40. 2 weeks ago

    It's crazy how femcels always have high body counts

    • 2 weeks ago

      Those are prostitutes not femcels

      • 2 weeks ago

        what is the distinction

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