Why can't women understand that they do in fact owe men sex?

Why can't women understand that they do in fact owe men sex?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    This dude.

    At least Elliot Rodger was attractive.

    • 2 years ago

      So why didn't any of you frick him?

      • 2 years ago

        Because I'm not into guys and I'm sure he wasn't either.

        Picrel is for me.

        • 2 years ago

          > Tfw I just realized what I said.
          Okay I'm into guys but only feminine ones.

        • 2 years ago

          >Not into guys
          >Posts pic of a guy

          • 2 years ago

            See the following post:

            > Tfw I just realized what I said.
            Okay I'm into guys but only feminine ones.

  2. 2 years ago

    Based, he would've been an alpha centuries ago, simply taking what is his right.

  3. 2 years ago

    I can read the story in his eyes. It's beautiful.. It makes me happy.

  4. 2 years ago

    >Why can't women understand that they do in fact owe men sex?

    • 2 years ago

      because everything that you have is created, built and maintained by men and it's the least you could do. If it weren't for men, you would be eating roots and berries and lived the pointless life of an animal. They're not asking that much.

      • 2 years ago

        how anyone unironically believes this is mystifying to me. it's such an unhinged take i don't even know how to begin picking it apart. bye anon hope you get laid soon

        • 2 years ago

          it's just gigacope for deranged virgins

        • 2 years ago

          Nta, but cope harder
          It's the truth, no matter what your bubble tells you.
          Without men, women would be in shambles.

        • 2 years ago

          >i don't even know how to begin picking it apart
          You can't take it apart because you know that it's the fricking truth. Women rode the backseat of evolution, they never actually took part in anything. Men are both the villains and heroes of humanity, women are just bystanders.

          • 2 years ago

            Nta, but cope harder
            It's the truth, no matter what your bubble tells you.
            Without men, women would be in shambles.

            go tell this to your moms

          • 2 years ago

            I already did, several times, she agreed with me and told me that she'd want a man to take care of her too and that she never really wanted to do anything, especially not work.

          • 2 years ago

            Tbh the type of woman who wants to become a mom is usually like this. Most girls I know in university are pretty ambitious in their career and life goals. But I also know one girl who literally just wants to marry a richer guy and be a sahm.

          • 2 years ago

            and what do those career women ever accomplish compared to stay at home moms? They don't build wealth or families, they just pay for their own upkeep by counting beans and then die. Their work is also completely pointless, unless they work in sanitation or healthcare.

          • 2 years ago

            >They don't build wealth
            That's just entirely wrong, though. There are women-owned businesses, CEOs and such. Not as many as men, but there are women who build wealth.

          • 2 years ago

            That's an extremely small percentage, like quadruple digits world-wide if we don't consider small businesses. Most career women end up working dead-end jobs and they'll always feel that's something is wrong with their life.

          • 2 years ago

            as long as you acknowledge that you're wrong. why not consider small businesses?

          • 2 years ago

            >go tell this to your moms
            >no actual argument, just threat of social shame

          • 2 years ago

            Don't have to.
            She already rushes to a man for help whenever she has a problem.
            Car breaks down? Please with nearest bystander male for help.
            Talks shit and acts like she has answers, but when stumped? Cries to nearest male.
            If she can't have her way with me and I push back and even reject her, calls her ex husband and professional moron simp (my father) to try and bully me back into giving her what she wants.

            You're not fooling anyone. You're deluded and coddled, overgrown children who ironically call incels entitled as you demand the world and contribute nothing. Unlike incels, you can actually get away with it because vegana.

      • 2 years ago

        >because men
        because of -specific- men, who earn their way. you only ascribe us as a collective because you yourself aren't any good as a man. protip: you deserve nothing of what i earn, in capital or women. rapist is a loser, and as a society built on the backs of people who can actually earn shit, we've decided that he'll get raped in prison indefinitely

        • 2 years ago

          You don't strike me as a man though, I don't think you earn anything at all

          • 2 years ago

            >he doesn't agree with me
            >can't really be a man
            great logic there, but you forgot to consider that those of us with ambitions and drive don't actually see you as the same. you might be male, but you're not a man. you're a loser.

          • 2 years ago

            No it's not that, it's your snarky, hostile, feminine demeanor. The fact that you disagreed with me had nothing to do with my assumption.

          • 2 years ago

            and as we all know, men can't be snarky and hostile, right? people who think certain things must behave certain ways are generally just autistic. get diagnosed and it might change your life for the better.

          • 2 years ago

            >people who think certain things must behave certain ways are generally just autistic
            Not really, applying observed patterns to your judgement is simply a sign of having at least average intelligence.

          • 2 years ago

            being autistic doesn't necessarily negate your intelligence, but it does generally hamper your capacity for handling social concepts, the most common way being a rigidity in what patterns you recognize, and discomfort in situations where what happens doesn't match with the patterns to which you ascribe. also, it's spelled judgment.

          • 2 years ago

            >it's spelled judgment
            My mistake.
            >a rigidity in what patterns you recognize
            Maybe so, but it could just as well be an attempt at pilpul after you were found out. I guess I'll never know.

          • 2 years ago

            you could know if you were autistic by getting diagnosed. i have no way to confirm my identity without providing personal information, something only an idiot would do. which, regardless, would not change the logic of my statements.

        • 2 years ago

          >immediately speaks as a collective a sentence later
          boring homosexual

      • 2 years ago

        >because everything that you have is created, built and maintained by men and it's the least you could do.

        Incels and people on NSFFW would be the least deserving of this though, as they'd have very little contributions in the long run.

        You'd also in a sense be promoting eugenics, since ideally if we were to live by this philosophy, most of you guys are likely to be wiped out as you are the least likely men to create, build and maintain.

        Does this apply to women you don't find attractive aswell? Would this not then justify women preferring chad over you as chad has superior genetics?

        • 2 years ago

          That's not for readability, that's compulsive reddit spacing.

          • 2 years ago

            Cope. Nice job falling for the NSFFW hivemind le independent thinker.

          • 2 years ago

            Cope with what? Your presence? I don't think I can

          • 2 years ago

            >c-c-cope with what?
            Cope harder. Seethe too please.

        • 2 years ago

          ebic NSFFWner xpilled basedboy btfo'd by a reddit spacer... thats tuff

        • 2 years ago

          How do you know? What about all the incels working in the tech industry? Even richer guys like techlead aren't safe

          • 2 years ago

            >How do you know? What about all the incels working in the tech industry? Even richer guys like techlead aren't safe

            It would be hard to say since incels can be a variety of peoples. I come to this conclusion mainly because
            >Some incels follow the blackpill philosophy, which is likely to have some detrimental effects on your own mental state just based on the negativity of it. This is ignoring whether blackpills are true or false.
            >Loneliness would make them less likely to participate within society which is a common problem among incels
            >The poster had an assumption himself that this is true, of course there is likely to be at least plenty of incels who do so, but you could likely apply this to 'chad' as well. Why would you settle for an incel when you could have chad? The hypothetical chad would have an advantage that would overall make them more likely to be successful.

            Outside of that, most are likely disposable rather than anyone important. Genetics still matter too, because better genetics would then make you more likely to build, create, and maintain in meaningful ways. The whole point here is that its possible but being an incel, would make you more likely to have a harder time fitting into society and doing anything meaningful, at least that would be worth fricking from a genetics standpoint when there would be better options.

          • 2 years ago

            >Genetics still matter too, because better genetics would then make you more likely to build, create, and maintain in meaningful ways
            First off, you have to define what you mean by better genetics. For example, these guys would be discarded as trash nowadays, but if you look at the big picture instead of the female point of view and consider their work, they were actually superhuman.

          • 2 years ago

            >First off, you have to define what you mean by better genetics
            This is hard to answer from a personal perspective as I don't buy into this mentality, it's completely awful when taken to its most fricked up extreme.
            Either way, it was made unclear in the first place, I think the thing that has us stuck here is that different things require different strengths. To keep it simple though, we would need those who are physically attractive(to create a positive feedback loop to make them more likely to be successful aka Chad), intelligence, or being physically capable/possessing physical strength. If you are to remove physical attractiveness, they'd need to not be ugly in the eyes of society and be significant enough in other ways (intelligence) in order to be 'worth' breeding with. It's also based entirely on the economic positions of the person, which is outside of the incels control. Chances are if you are an incel who is intelligent but poor, you won't be getting the education and support that is necessary to maxx your value compared to someone who is intelligent and rich. You are then left with being physically capable, I use capable as I imagine for most jobs being a physical prodigy is unnecessary.
            Lets take the best case scenario here, incels are probably more likely to be at least above average intelligence. You still need the proper support in order to bring up your value.

            >For example, these guys would be discarded as trash nowadays, but if you look at the big picture instead of the female point of view and consider their work, they were actually superhuman.

            Would they really though? From my own perspective this goes back to my point before, intellectual prodigies don't often go swept under the rug, and if they do it's most likely due to a lack of good support. Most incels aren't doing this though.

            This is completely unrelated to your argument and questions, but I think deserving sex is essentially pointless when it can be bought.

          • 2 years ago

            This isn't to say highly successful incels do not exist or is not possible, but this would depend on who you consider as such. The core concept here is value. Their argument is because men bring value they are in return owed sex, but not all men bring the same value, some men could be considered to be less valuable than others. Would it not then make sense to go with those who are the most valuable? Whether that be genetics, money, or accomplishments. Incels would likely still be last in terms of men who receive the sex from women, you simply make chad more valuable as being chad would increase your success and then increase your value. It would likely lead to a stronger feedback loop. You'd maybe get one or two who are able to pull through, but you'd also still have to prove your worth to women as you do now. This is disregarding whether or not I think that is unfair, it's irrelevant. Why mate with a single replaceable incel when chad can pop out new babies to build and maintain who are likely genetically superior?

            This mindset is self defeating and would likely quite literally do more harm to incels than good. Trollpost or not it's stupid.

        • 2 years ago

          You are a moron, mate.

  5. 2 years ago

    >goes entire life without experiencing one of the core pillars of the human experience
    >people are shocked when they lose their humanity

    • 2 years ago

      >Starve someone

      >Be surprised when they lash out

      • 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    Someone in the other thread said this dude was fricking a female manager but killed this girl anyway.
    Sounds made up but dude is legit alpha if that's true.

  7. 2 years ago

    >fat, unkempt, inappropriate guy makes advances on a girl and unsettles her(likely because he shows overt signs of being highly anti-social)
    >kills her
    Not shocking, nor is it shocking that some of the people here think he's based or some kind of tortured soul.

    • 2 years ago

      I am impartial, morality wise. I'm just saying that men are owed sex and they will come collecting one way or the other.

      • 2 years ago

        What's the justification for being "owed" sex? What do you or just about all men do that makes it so they are due sex? What, working? You're paid money for that. Existing? Being male? Males are the disposable sex in nature for a reason, they're a convenient means for selection pressures to weed out bad genes whilst not dramatically influencing the population of said species' next generation(as women are the producers of young).


        I was 29 when my coworker -- a 17 year old girl -- got pissed because I avoided her after work. I once accompanied her friend home because our shift ended at the same time) and her older friend told me the next day me that she threw a tantrum asking "wha-what? he didn't mind going home with you, but hes ignoring ME?" ..for a while she was punching me, kneeing me in the back of my leg, resting her head on my shoulder, and blaming her behavior on the menstrual cycle...

        Sounds like said girl wasn't a very good person. Violent reactions to emotional turmoil are almost always a bad sign.

        • 2 years ago

          >What's the justification for being "owed" sex?
          It's very simple, they can take it

          • 2 years ago

            Then you aren't owed sex. You want sex and will take it. That kind of framing is very mafia-like of you though, anon.

          • 2 years ago

            >mafia-like of you
            Regardless of how I frame it, it's the truth. If I had a different point of view, it would still be the truth.

          • 2 years ago

            I mean it's true that you can force it, but it's not true that you are owed it. To be owed something an agreement must be made for an exchange beforehand and your due part of the exchange must not be given to you yet despite you having given yours. Saying you're owed sex because you have the ability to threaten violence is analogous to a mafiaso saying they're owed their protection fee because if you don't give it then they'll destroy your shop.

          • 2 years ago

            >if i can take it, it's mine
            by this logic, you owe your ass to any homosexual who can pin you down.
            you are using the logic of baboons. part of why humans evolved onto better things is because we figured out higher societal order is ideal for protecting resources, and in that way we've managed long term projects that no other animal can even begin to approach.

          • 2 years ago

            >by this logic, you owe your ass to any homosexual who can pin you down.
            Never said otherwise.

          • 2 years ago

            this is the absolute gayest thing i've ever seen on NSFFW. beyond /b/, beyond /soc/. i hope you lift. or at least i hope you're bi.

          • 2 years ago

            >i hope you lift
            I do.
            >or at least i hope you're bi.
            I'm straight

    • 2 years ago

      I was 29 when my coworker -- a 17 year old girl -- got pissed because I avoided her after work. I once accompanied her friend home because our shift ended at the same time) and her older friend told me the next day me that she threw a tantrum asking "wha-what? he didn't mind going home with you, but hes ignoring ME?" ..for a while she was punching me, kneeing me in the back of my leg, resting her head on my shoulder, and blaming her behavior on the menstrual cycle...

  8. 2 years ago

    Dudes an butthole and all and that's a terrible terrible crime.
    With that out of the way , did he frick her corpse pussy ?

  9. 2 years ago

    this entire "value = sex" thing is a false premise.

    when you look at a woman are you like "oh she brings so much value"? No. Youre like "UNGA BUNGA HORNY."

    Women arent so different. Now they dont quite go "UNGA BUNGA" but the point is, they assess pretty instantly how attracted to you they are, and that rarely changes much.

    Thus your "actual value" is meaningless. What matters is "perceived value".

    Sensible redditor, scrimps and saves his money, drives toyota, eats beans, wears "comfortable cheap clothes", same $15 haircut every two months = ZERO sexy points no matter how much money he may earn.

    "Fun haver" guy who spends all his money on gold chains, cool cars, vacations, fancy dinner, champagne = cool and sexy even if they actually make way less.

    This is an exaggeration but, what do women care about money if its not being used for fun?

    Yes they will come to the redditor when they start to get old and want a stable guy to have kids with. And the "fun haver" guys often end up babychained to some insane ho.

    And you, now, youre not a guido or a wigger. Thats good. Those people are stupid. Vacations are a godawful money pit.

    So how does a sensible white man demonstrate fun and wealth?

    Unironically look to your dad. Our dads. Our grandfathers.

    BMWs. Mercedes. Tesla Model S. Golf. Cashmere. The preppy elite. Boston Brahmin. Chinos. Ferragamo loafers. Diamond ring if youve got the balls.

    This isnt far from the NSFFW "sleazebag" slavic-inflected vibe, but elitized.

    And these are all things you can have making 40k a year IF youre willing to take on a bit of debt. Car loans are safe as frick, that should be your first move.

    Redditors fear debt like death because they value their pathetic little lives and fear change.

    You, i thought you were FRICKING SUICIDAL. What's a little debt?

    You could have everything. You could be crusiing looking like god.

    Girls are simple. If you drive a nicer car than her dad, youre rich. Doesnt matter what you owe on it.

  10. 2 years ago

    hell yea he's awesome

  11. 2 years ago

    when will girls start shooting men im sick of this BS

  12. 2 years ago

    There was a little indian dude in my country who tried this with a blonde 16 yr old girl, (legal here) offered her $20000 but she refused then he killed her. Then in prison he killed himself

  13. 2 years ago

    All she had to do was frick him. She could have fricked him and still been alive right now. It's the simplest possible action, something she had probably done with 100+ other men. But nope! She would rather die than give a sub 8 man a crumb of pussy.

    I don't really feel bad for her. I mean, if you want to live in a world where you ignore 99% of men then sometimes you're going to get stabbed for being such a prostitute for chad.

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