Why do all women have the exact same preference?

>try going for short petite girls
"I want a tall athletic guy to feel protected"
>try going for tall girls
"I want a tall athletic guy to feel feminine"
>try going for fat chicks
"I want a tall athletic guy to feel smaller"

men care about looks too, but only women care about a singular look.

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  1. 1 month ago

    Nah. You're just too mentally ill to see the reality, troon.
    Men all want
    >big hip-to-waist ratio
    >symmetrical boobs
    >feminine facial features, e.g big eyes and small nose
    >shiny hair that costs money to make it look like that
    All men have the same preference, and then project it onto women because they can't handle reality.

    • 1 month ago


      Asking for a girl that isn't literally deformed are high standards now.

      • 1 month ago

        Boobs that aren't the exact same size is the same thing as a penis that points to one side.

        • 1 month ago

          Agreed, these are both equivalent, yet this doesn't disprove OP point that women hold men to far more standards that have no equivalance for men.

        • 1 month ago

          unless your boobs are horribly misplaced, it's not noticeable.

    • 1 month ago

      Complete nonsense. Men range from being pedos to being milf hunters. All women are chadsexual.

      This goes for a lot of things actually, women are very much one like another while men are very varied

      • 1 month ago

        the only thing that varies in women is how depraved they are. Usually due to things like Daddy issues etc.
        The more depraved they are the more they're likely to shack up with gangsters, drug dealers etc

    • 1 month ago

      Even if it were true, most women aren't affected by it regardless and can get married with someone out of their league with barely any effort.

    • 1 month ago

      >big hip-to-waist ratio
      not really...
      >symmettical boobs
      wow i dont want a deformed girl
      >feminine facial features
      yeah mostly (sometimes some masculine features can look good too though)
      >shiny hair

    • 1 month ago

      studies show that around 30% of women have a hour glass body shape, the other 30% have a pear shape (narrow shoulders still wider hips) -- meanwhile only 14% (in the US) of men are over 6ft.

    • 1 month ago

      >Men all want symmetrical boobs
      keep crying deflated torpedo breasts

    • 1 month ago

      Don't care about any of that, wanna marry me now?

  2. 1 month ago

    Because women are the herd mentality gender, men are the risk takers and play the field.

    It's true with animals too, certainly a lot of mammal species. Horses are almost the perfect comparison.

  3. 1 month ago

    okay i am tall and thin and white, now what, women are still repulsed by me because of my anxiety and low energy and boring interests and total disintrest in competing in society

    but i agree that men have much more varied tastes, or to put it differently, there are many more ways for a woman to be beautiful in the eyes of men.

    • 1 month ago

      lethargic tall guy here,

      yeah why are eve pizza&chill types of women repulsed by guys who arent sporty and outdorsy?

      • 1 month ago

        for the same reason short women still want a tall guy
        they are compensating for their own weakness.
        even femcels are thinking
        >oh. i have no friends and dont leave my room, that means i need a social butterfy bf who'll take me out and make his friends be my friends

        • 1 month ago

          Thats so accurate on the femcels. Literally every one of them wants that lmao. They're really sad people

      • 1 month ago

        okay i am tall and thin and white, now what, women are still repulsed by me because of my anxiety and low energy and boring interests and total disintrest in competing in society

        but i agree that men have much more varied tastes, or to put it differently, there are many more ways for a woman to be beautiful in the eyes of men.

        just play the silent, mysterious type. not answering when they ask a question but just staring at them or giving them a smirk. if you're tall you'll probably get laid.

        • 1 month ago

          No, being tall is not enough, you just get ignored
          which is stilll better than ugly short guys, if they
          >play the silent, mysterious type
          they get kicked out of bars, fired from jobs, police called on them

        • 1 month ago

          being a silent tall guy isn't winning you anything lol

        • 1 month ago

          this worked for me to get laid a few times. But that's not who I am and when I revealed my sensitive, romantic side women ran to the hills.
          I'm barely even interested in women anymore. The thought of finding a woman with any kind of substance who isn't just turned on by an emotionally unavailable man seems like something that will never happen

          • 1 month ago

            >when I revealed my sensitive, romantic side women ran to the hills.

            why do women do this? With each passing day I feel less sympathy for women who are domestic abuse victims.

          • 1 month ago

            You got psyopped by modern israeli and simp media telling you that women are equal

            Women are not equal. There's nothing more abhorrent to a woman than equality. She wants to be dominated by a richer, stronger, taller man.

            Every time I treated women like an equal companion I just got shit on. But acting like a sociopath? That's what get pussy tingles lmao. Fricking roasties.

          • 1 month ago

            >She wants to be dominated by a richer, stronger, taller man.

            I know a autistic foreveralone girl who just got her first boyfriend, of course he is a 6ft+ ruggedly handsome extroverted type into sports with a big wingspan (she a chubby short chick). She literally told me she was "manifesting" a hot guy like that.

          • 1 month ago

            >astrology and horoscopes
            Why do women believe this superstitious nonsense

          • 1 month ago

            Women have it so easy finding a bf that they explain it away by proclaiming it some kind of supernatural rare event that they had to work for

          • 1 month ago

            >use magic to get chad
            >it works

          • 1 month ago

            >astrology and horoscopes
            Why do women believe this superstitious nonsense

            I was manifesting myself a lanky blonde flower husband with curly hair and round glasses, who doesnt eat meat, hates himself and thinks sex is barbaric, and god answered my plea with exactly 100% accuracy, did not compromise on even single trait. I even regret how accurate my wish fulfillmemt was, because my vision of hasbando was born out of virginal delusions but anyways... Just get better at manifesting bro. You need to put yourself to it and up your believing game.

          • 1 month ago

            Do you weigh more than him?

  4. 1 month ago

    The more soft and feminine a girl is the more she desires a complete brute of a man I've noticed.

  5. 1 month ago

    They literally have prehistoric unchanged brains

    • 1 month ago

      I remember when I ran some real time experiments in a workplace (larped as being higher status than I was for a few days) and all the girls there suddenly were so interested in me. Then next week when the charade slipped they were back to being annoyed by my existence. Shit's wild. Their brains literally never left the savanna

      • 1 month ago

        Explain the larp you attempted and how they fell for it

  6. 1 month ago

    >to make me feel
    >to make me feel
    >to make me feel
    Why are women so narcissistic?

    • 1 month ago

      A lifetime of getting your way at every opportunity will do that.

      • 1 month ago

        um, maybe they should learn how to love themselves before they start dating instead of compensating with someone better than them

      • 1 month ago

        Narcissim, like all personality disorders are an adaptation to botched upbringing. Why do you think would one grow up as native manipulator if they would get what they want anyways. Manipulation is a tool, you dont need it if words are enough. Narcissist are completely dependant on others, they lack any inner fortitude, and if anything it is pathetic. They can actually never get what they truly desire which is stable sense of who they are and self value.

  7. 1 month ago

    no i want a chubby guy to make me feel smaller in comparison idc about height
    im already almost 6 foot, ive resigned to understanding ill never get a taller man, and im fine with that
    or if he can act a certain way, lovingly and acceptingly to make me feel small and feminine in any way possible then that's all i care about

    • 1 month ago

      holy shit LISTEN TO YOURSELF
      >ive resigned to understanding ill never get a taller man
      you think you're SETTLING for a manlet
      you would never view him as adequate
      you will always wish he was taller
      you still want chad
      >make me feel small and feminine
      fricking lol

      • 1 month ago

        i'm not settling, it's switching my ideal.
        yes a tall guy is nice, but i don't want them MORE than a short guy. i don't care. i just want to feel small.
        if i cannot date a person that is physically bigger than me (which is method 1 of achieving that), i can also date a person that feels -mentally/emotionally- bigger than me, who lets me feel 'small' and taken care of; again which is method 2.
        to achieve that, thats being treated like a woman, being treated femininely, being able to be spoilt and not having to take on the 'pants' role in the relationship, to be given the traditionally feminine role in a relationship for once. people assume that because i am tall i am dominant. i am not.
        im not lusting for a tall chad in the relationship. it literally makes 0 difference to me on the person's appearance if they're still achieving my desire in either way 1 or way 2.

        • 1 month ago

          Any douche will admit they hook up with Stacy because muh dik
          Every foid mentally short circuits if you imply the only thing they care about is physical attractiveness

  8. 1 month ago

    Sexual selection, the blackpill is sovereign

  9. 1 month ago

    >why do they all want to be the little girl
    The Youtube shorts algorithm veered off from heightpill content and started feeding me a bunch of these (posted by femoids, btw)
    I think the answer the algorithm has implicitly provided has re-ruined a humanity that was already ruined for me

    • 1 month ago

      its entirely pedophilic and then they wonder how they got groomed.

  10. 1 month ago

    i want a short skinny guy so i can overpower and rape him

  11. 1 month ago

    How about humans tastes are not dictated by their own bodies, but by their valus and spheres of interest.
    You only interact with women from certain social circles, like the ones who adhere to your notion of attractiveness and its so happens they all have same values that exclude you. Wow, how unexpected. What does it matter if she is fat or petite?

    Needless to say many women do not care about height or body type and instead just want some homosexual in a dress. But it has to be a homosexual in a dress precisely, nobody else allowed in dem pussy. Women have a specific type they will date and never settle and never fix their broken preferences for their deadbeat father. Shitton of women on chans simping for some fat mexicans over and over again.

    • 1 month ago

      So far I talked to a:
      normie Stacylite
      >Just happens to date a tall guy who trains mma
      autistic "femcel" who never had a bf
      >hooked up with a 6ft5 guy and almost got pregnant
      "not like the other girls" arhthoe
      >her bf a 6ft2 norse warrior looking football player

      there is a pattern.

      • 1 month ago

        In reality they were all the same woman in different skins.

        I know a woman who used to be a femcel icon be dating some skinnyfat basedbean with ed;
        A femme fatale type of girl dating a fat old drug addict and even agreeing to have threesome's with his ex;
        An anime feminist dating an balding autistic IT-dude who forbids her from sleeping in the same bed;
        Some moronic but gorgeous womanchild simping for a completely average beer dork manlet;

        None of them are even pretty on the face, like 6/10 at best. Literally average guys.

        I know them because I did not seek to meet women, but just met them on normie discord server that had no relevancy to my interests. It was complete coincidence I got there and I have no idea why those people hang around each other. Just discussing boomer shit like work and what I eat this evening.

        • 1 month ago

          >I have no idea why those people hang around each other. Just discussing boomer shit like work and what I eat this evening.

          why does reddit gaslight me into believe I'm single because I'm a boring person who can't talk about anything and doesn't shower? I'm literally sociologymaxxed guy who dabbles in architecture and culturology and I always make sure to look good (Not in a polo shirt nerdcore way) and smell nice. I even got my fricking teeth whitened.

  12. 1 month ago

    How many times do we "incels" have to tell you

    Women are all chadsexual. Everything they say is bullshit deflection to look like a good person. They just want to frick a chad sociopath.

  13. 1 month ago

    Women are NPCs, incapable of truly original thought. If the world were comprised solely of women all technological progress would grind to a halt. All of civilization is the result of men, white+asian men specifically

    • 1 month ago

      Imagine if it where only black and brown men the world would go to shit faster then if it where just women

      • 1 month ago

        black and brown men never invented feminism, simping, trans, globohomo, israelite bullshit. they're already lightyears ahead of the west in terms of their souls

        you whites are the defective ones

      • 1 month ago

        The world wouldnt go to shit under brown rule it would return to normal as globalism is white cuk behavior

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