Why don't women want to frick everything that moves like men do? Is the reason biological or cultural?

Why don't women want to frick everything that moves like men do?
Is the reason biological or cultural?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Men are scary

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Biological. Men have more testosterone.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >5% of females takes knot regularly
    >they use literally anything as dildos
    what are you on about? they want to, they just hide it

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Idk I am not a woman. Go ask a woman or something
    Hope this helps!

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yo sup bitmoji

  5. 4 weeks ago

    i only want to be plapped after I smoke a lot of weed ^o^

    • 4 weeks ago

      Plapping you on a rainy afternoon high out of your mind and covering you in thick ropes of cum hngggg

      • 4 weeks ago

        Godly pic, who is the artist anon?

  6. 4 weeks ago

    >Why don't women want to frick everything that moves like men do?
    this is a feminist fantasy and doesnt hold up in reality. quite the opposite, you will never see men having sex with dogs and horses or Black folk, yet this behavior is plentiful among women

    • 4 weeks ago

      >You will never see men having sex with dogs and horses
      Zoophilia is more widespread among the lower classes than you seem to believe. Men do frick female dogs.
      Cmon now.

      They are equally as horny(if not more), it just manifests differently because their brains are wired bad. I'd almost feel bad for them if it didn't piss me off as well.
      Almost every man they meet is a 3/10 to them so they would have to settle for someone 'ugly' to even get off. They can barely fap since porn does nothing for them and they get no 'tingles' doing it themselves. So they end up as extremely bitter nofap volcels, give up and share one 8/10 man with a dozen other girls, or extra super give up and start fricking average men(ew gross).
      The only reason you think they aren't horny is because you're average or less.

      >porn does nothing for them
      >they get no "tingles doing it themselves"
      Sources cited: your dumb ass.
      Women jerk off to porn and feel pleasure from it. It's just that it's more difficult for them to cum from it, while almost every man can bring himself to orgasm in 5-10 minutes.

      • 4 weeks ago

        A girl can't be satisfied with porn, even if they do 'cum', it only makes them more horny. So there is no such thing as a female coomer. Forget what you learned from watching porn and speak to a real woman, most don't even own a single sex toy and will admit it's a waste of time for them to fap at all.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >you will never see men having sex with dogs and horses
      Why is horse pussy so damn hot though

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Women want to be submissive to a man since they're weaker, and men want to dominate as many as possible.
    They're equally horny, just expressing it in different ways.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >those hickeys on her breasts

  8. 4 weeks ago

    they do, they just do it with chad instead

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Men and women have different instincts. Its biological as youd expect, but probably not how youd guess.

    Women have instincts to get pregnant and take care of children (not just their own). Their bodies adjust for it in child bearing age range, then it tapers off as they become weaker and are less capable of producing healthy children. Their hormone cycle is also monthly and thus so is their sex drive, typically strongest midway through the month tied directly to when theyre most likely to get pregnant.

    Mens instincts are focused on spreading their genes. They are not held down once theyve had sex unlike with pregnancy, and can thus (if their evolution allows it) continue to have sex with childless females. Their age range for semen production is quite large compared to females child bearing age, and begins younger too. Mens hormonal cycle is daily, resulting in higher sex drive frequently and sporadically, typically strongest after waking up.

    This altogether results in what youre observing. Men will frick anything that moves for the most part, and this is consistent almost every day of their youth and adulthood. Women will for 2/3rds of the month have little chance at getting pregnant and thus have little to no sex drive, This peaks in their 20's and tapers off from there until menopause ends their sex drive entirely.

    • 4 weeks ago

      women have it easier in finding a mate so they can be more choosy plus they cant just dip like the guy after they get pregnant

      The fact that this pregnancy-fearing behavior continues even after the invention of contraception proves it's cultural.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >culture changed and pregnancy-fearing behavior didnt
        >that proves its cultural

        • 4 weeks ago

          Hormonal birth control is biochemistry technology not culture
          It is the culture that decides whether it is acceptable

          • 4 weeks ago

            or you know maybe theres more to behavior than hormones...

      • 4 weeks ago

        Females can satisfy their urges just like a man can. Just because their sex drive is tied directly to their "fertility" doesnt mean they cant have sex or want sex at any time. Much the same men are capable of getting horny at any time of the day, despite their peak being in the morning.
        Culturally and artificially we can influence our urges. But it is still a deeply biological phenomenon.

        women have it easier in finding a mate so they can be more choosy plus they cant just dip like the guy after they get pregnant

        Its also worth mentioning here that while women may have it "easy" to find any male ready to breed, this doesnt suggest they have an easy time choosing. Women arent just afforded the ability to pick and choose their mate, they also *must* choose as only one males sperm can get them pregnant, even if they have sex with multiple men in a short time span.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Fear instinct biology doesn't go away from rational arguments you idiot.
        It already evolved over thousands if not millions or even billions of years. It's part of women's brains no matter how much you explain to them their veganas are now pregnancy-proof.
        Same as how most people still feel fear at looking out from very high heights even if you were to prove the tower were reinforced in some way that made it impossible for you to fall.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    women have it easier in finding a mate so they can be more choosy plus they cant just dip like the guy after they get pregnant

  11. 4 weeks ago

    They are equally as horny(if not more), it just manifests differently because their brains are wired bad. I'd almost feel bad for them if it didn't piss me off as well.
    Almost every man they meet is a 3/10 to them so they would have to settle for someone 'ugly' to even get off. They can barely fap since porn does nothing for them and they get no 'tingles' doing it themselves. So they end up as extremely bitter nofap volcels, give up and share one 8/10 man with a dozen other girls, or extra super give up and start fricking average men(ew gross).
    The only reason you think they aren't horny is because you're average or less.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    Because not everything is chad

  13. 4 weeks ago

    Everyone says it's biological but I've met enough horny women to know that's not true.
    It's cultural. We tell women that they're incredibly special and that men have to fight for them to earn them, and they develop these egos massively out of proportion to their actual value as people, and therefore believe they're above men even when in a healthy culture those men would be out of their league. So they have the right to be picky where men don't.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    With rubber wrappers and poisonous pills, a man and a woman can steal more pleasure from their bodies than they can alone with their hands. But normally, sex makes babies. More specifically, it makes women have babies. So there's a different level of investment involved in choosing a mate.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    Fem vertebrates have always been selective

  16. 4 weeks ago

    Most likely it's for evolutionary reasons.

  17. 4 weeks ago

    >Why gendered behaviour?
    It's almost always biological.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    Libido is mostly just testosterone.
    No you aren't.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    Because childbirth was so dangerous, it's women's evolutionary role to be the gatekeepers of sex and only breed with the best genes available

    Men striving to achieve things and become worthy of passing on their genes is the only reason we're not still living in caves

    Ultimately, picky women are the engine that drives civilization.

    (This is also why I believe society will break down if robot girlfriends are perfected before humans can be grown in vats)

  20. 4 weeks ago

    Men want sex, but women ARE sex. Sex is compartmentalized to a small amount of time in a bedroom for men, but the act of sex is spread thin across every moment of a woman's existence. How they look, everything they do, everything they say, and everything they think about is for sex, being sexy, being wanted as a sex object, getting ambient sexual attention directed at them at all moments of their lives.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's because their only value is as sex objects. They contribute nothing else so they have to constantly express sexuality.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    They are they're just far more picky because society allows them to.

    Go onto ao3, wattpad, fanficdotnet, search up "booktok" on tiktok or instagram

    You'll see the types of shit they get off to, 90% of the userbase of those sites are women and it's literally just smut, rape, torture snuff porn type of shit.

    Women think they are sophisticated or better than men but if you see the data, the average woman is banging a LOT more than the average man.

    The only reason you don't see them being depraved as often in public spaces is simply because mens standards are so low they could hit up any one and instantly fulfill their need.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    Women want to frick just as much as men but are cattle scared of their own shadows who will not dare step out of line to actually do so

  23. 4 weeks ago

    people still needs basic evolutionary strategy explained to them in present year?

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's an interesting theory but I think that women engage in too much casual sex for it to make any sense

      • 4 weeks ago

        Women frick to manipulate men to get into relationshits, not their own pleasure.

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