Ideal Bf

Fembots, describe your ideal bf.

>body type
>eye and hair color
>any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
>personality type
>dress style/aesthetic

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  1. 1 month ago

    My ideal bf is the robot reading this!

    • 1 month ago


      Fembots, describe your ideal bf.

      >body type
      >eye and hair color
      >any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
      >personality type
      >dress style/aesthetic

      the ideal bf makes seven figures and nothing else matters

    • 1 month ago

      sorry but you're wrong, i'm not anyone's ideal
      nice try though

    • 1 month ago
      Add: the_nicest_person

      Just say me, I am the sexy robot who ever live
      Jai Hind

      This is close enough

      I don't even know why you gays add race/nationality you know everyone is going to say white like the race traiting self hating bawds they are.


      • 1 month ago

        Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that I hate whites, I'm just saying that it's OBVIOUS they're going to say white, because they're all thirsty monkeys for white wiener. They revolve their entire identity on being white wash white wiener worshipers. Fricking hate these people.

    • 1 month ago

      Canned + hackneyed + performative positivity + stale copypasta

  2. 1 month ago

    >blue eyes, dark brown hair
    >clean shaven, sharp jawline
    >idc the career but make at least 250k
    >dominant, never cries, never anxious or unconfident
    >fresh suits, well tailored
    >cnc, impregnation
    if you meet 70% of these I'd date you

    • 1 month ago

      you must be one hell of a catch yourself to be asking all of these. Also who would have the though that the girl with absolutue massive demands and wanting a guy that makes 300k would have an impregnation fetish.

      • 1 month ago

        >i want to baby trap a tall rich guy
        don't we all, sister

    • 1 month ago

      This alone reduces it to 0.9% of the male population.
      Your desire for a man who makes at least 250k is actually more realistic because that's about 2% of the male population.

      • 1 month ago

        Well if you read the thread it said IDEAL, not realistic. Nothing said anything about them having to be common.

    • 1 month ago

      >>cnc, impregnation
      literally every woman has this fetish
      This is 99% garantueed to be bait but most of them list 6'2+ as a requirement so

    • 1 month ago

      I almost match that physical description perfectly but I'm homeless so none of the rest.

    • 1 month ago

      wtf? girls prefer basketball players? i understand being tall is good but... that's so tall, i thought those look strange, like, alien or another species.
      i didn't know this. time to rope.

      • 1 month ago

        You obviously aren't south slavic. Every 3rd or 4th guy here is 6'3+. I'm 194cm and i feel average. My dad is 195 and my uncle is fricking 210cm.

    • 1 month ago

      I just know you have posted several threads about how women actually have really low standards and you just have to be a decent person

    • 1 month ago

      I fit most of those, well 6/9 but I make it up by being rich.
      so 9 different demands? here's my counter list:
      >natural 9+/10 (no makeup, no plastic surgery)
      >normal to skinny
      >fertile and willing to birth AT LEAST 4 kids including a son
      >wants to be a SAHM
      >has several homemaking skills
      >has several "feminine arts" skills
      >submissive, well mannered, well educated, can take her to functions with other rich buttholes as a trophy wife (that also includes no lower class hobbies that can be seen in public, no "clubbing" or any of that shit)
      Especially the last two are important, if you want to be the wife of an ACTUAL upper class 1% guy, you youself better be presentable in upper class society, you better play multiple instruments, speak multiple languages, can socialize and play nice with other pretentious butthole b***hes while their husbands are doing business deals etc.

      • 1 month ago

        wasting your valuable time on NSFFW i see. one of the worst deals in history, frankly. Your high society girl isn't here

        • 1 month ago

          obviously, I'm just pointing out whats the "counter-demands" to b***hes making sky-high demands of potential partners, thinking they all deserve a top 1% chad.
          I'll probably marry the daughter of some business contact in a few years when I'm in my late 20's.
          I just want delusional females to understand that if they demand a prince they better be a fcking princess themselfes.
          My list is the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM requirements for any girl that wants to marry to someone with 8+ figue net-worth. At least in regards to "old money" families, some super lucky roastie might be able to snatch up a "new money" startup guy that got lucky.

          • 1 month ago

            >thinking they all deserve a top 1% chad.
            This is an IDEAL bf thread, not a "what can I realistically obtain and what do I actually deserve" thread. Most girls in this thread know their list is unrealistic, you're preaching to the choir. The man I'm in love with and actively pursuing doesn't meet a lot of the traits I listed because my list is a delusional fantasy, not a realistic checklist of the bare minimum standards a man needs to meet to be worthy of my time.

          • 1 month ago

            >The man I'm in love with
            I feel sorry for him

          • 1 month ago

            Don't worry, I'll treat him better than any woman will ever treat you <3

          • 1 month ago

            >hehe snide Facebook tier comment <3
            I feel even more sorry for him. you seem like a shallow, almost bpd person. you display certain traits and eventually he's going to regret all the "love" he gets

          • 1 month ago

            >setting such a low bar
            That is not the comeback you think it is lmao

          • 1 month ago

            I wonder how many of us would leave our current partner if the ideal one just happen to cross paths with us

          • 1 month ago

            I wonder this, but also at least for me, the ideal I wrote about probably wouldn't be a good long-term partner once the initial horniness wore off. So as tempting as it would be to go after the dream man I wrote about, some grand, kinky excitement isn't worth giving up a man who I could actually see myself building a life with.

            >hehe snide Facebook tier comment <3
            I feel even more sorry for him. you seem like a shallow, almost bpd person. you display certain traits and eventually he's going to regret all the "love" he gets

            >hehe snide Facebook tier comment <3
            Only in response to another snide facebook tier comment.
            >you seem like a shallow, almost bpd person.
            Keep projecting. Not every woman has BPD. I'm not perfect but I'm completely honest with him about all my shortcomings and he still likes me regardless.

            nta but this is the biggest problem with modern young women.
            The title says IDEAL but everyone implicitly understands that this is supposed to be a dating thread where anons find themselves in these lists and try to initiate contact and take it to discord or something if you get along. This is the way these threads have used to be until women like you came and turned them into laundry list generals where you all post the same thing. Just because it says ideal doesn't mean it should eliminate 99% of the male population.

            I don't blame you though. It seems to me that this is part of a wide cultural shift where both men and women don't actually want to get to know each other and instead prefer to shit on the other gender by bringing each other down.

            >The title says IDEAL but everyone implicitly understands that this is supposed to be a dating thread
            There have been other threads that said stuff like "bf requirements" or whatever instead of "ideal." If you want people to list their actual bare minimum, say that. Don't ask for ideals then throw a pissy fit when people actually answer the question. And as

            Are you moronic or something anon? It's explicitly an ideal thread, and most of the fembots stated that the characteristics they listed don't need to be met 100% because it's ideal not minimum

            said, many women outright prefaced their posts by clarifying that it's just an ideal, not realistic standards. Why are you mad when multiple posters outright said that they're willing to date men who don't match their list? Make a thread asking women for their bare minimum standards if that's what you want, rather than whining that women are posting their dream men in the ideal bf thread.

          • 1 month ago

            nta but this is the biggest problem with modern young women.
            The title says IDEAL but everyone implicitly understands that this is supposed to be a dating thread where anons find themselves in these lists and try to initiate contact and take it to discord or something if you get along. This is the way these threads have used to be until women like you came and turned them into laundry list generals where you all post the same thing. Just because it says ideal doesn't mean it should eliminate 99% of the male population.

            I don't blame you though. It seems to me that this is part of a wide cultural shift where both men and women don't actually want to get to know each other and instead prefer to shit on the other gender by bringing each other down.

          • 1 month ago

            Are you moronic or something anon? It's explicitly an ideal thread, and most of the fembots stated that the characteristics they listed don't need to be met 100% because it's ideal not minimum

          • 1 month ago

            Not I'm not moronic, but I think you are if you can't understand subtext of any thread where men and women openly gather and state their preferences.
            Maybe you should ask yourself why your ideal eliminates such a large number of the male population instead of pretending to be obtuse.

          • 1 month ago

            Notice how literally nobody else interpreted it the same as you

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah nobody except for all the men reading this thread and realizing there's no point talking to someone as vapid as you

          • 1 month ago

            My brother in Christ, I myself am a man and I understood the thread topic

          • 1 month ago

            Anon, as a man, my ideal is simple.
            I want a weeb gf with big breasts, white skin, long hair, 2000s interests and whom I get along with in the most intimate sense of it.
            Those things take out 90% of the population.
            Stop complaining about what other people like because it makes you insecure.

            I see.
            I said what I had to say. Carry on with setting unattainable ideas in your psyche if you think it is beneficial for your brain development.

          • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            >just because it says ideal doesn't mean it should eliminate 99%
            NTA but,
            don't call it ideal if it isn't
            call it "potential partner contact thread" if that's what you want it to be

          • 1 month ago

            You're just subconsciously priming your own mind to not settle for anything less than that. Think of it, if you already stated this as your ideal, why would you lower it? You already rationalize that anything less than that is not ideal and will make you miserable.

          • 1 month ago

            Anon, as a man, my ideal is simple.
            I want a weeb gf with big breasts, white skin, long hair, 2000s interests and whom I get along with in the most intimate sense of it.
            Those things take out 90% of the population.
            Stop complaining about what other people like because it makes you insecure.

          • 1 month ago

            >You're just subconsciously priming your own mind to not settle for anything less than that. Think of it, if you already stated this as your ideal, why would you lower it?
            I mean, a ton of men on this board dream of a 10/10 white, tradwife, virgin stacy straight out of highschool but (most of them) realize that's not actually realistic and are willing to go for less. How are the women in this thread any different?
            Also when you fall in love with someone, the specifics stop mattering. There are tons of stories of people falling for and marrying someone who was completely different to the type they previously liked. There's a difference between initial attraction and actual love. Emotions like love don't care about a mental checklist.

          • 1 month ago

            >Also when you fall in love with someone, the specifics stop mattering.
            Explain how this works. Never been in relationship so this sounds totally fake to me.

          • 1 month ago

            >never been in a relationship
            Explains a lot, anon

          • 1 month ago

            That wasn't me but maybe you should have some empathy to men and try to answer their questions instead of immediately making fun of their lack of experience. Less than ideal, isn't it?

          • 1 month ago

            First off, I am a man. Second, people tried answering him and he wouldn't listen

          • 1 month ago

            I'm just another guy drive-by posting. Can you explain?

          • 1 month ago

            My bad, thought you were the guy trying to argue that ideal = bare minimum

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah, it's cool. I was able to figure that out.
            >Second, people tried answering him and he wouldn't listen
            Sorry but the only answer I got was from a guy with deep oneitis. He's not in a relationship with the girl. This is not the same as that initial statement
            >Also when you fall in love with someone, the specifics stop mattering.
            talking about women.

          • 1 month ago

            It just does.
            I haven't been in a relationship either, but my ideal is based on my oneitis because the moment I fell in love with her, other women stopped existing and I didn't want anything else, just her. All of her, her flaws were just as endearing and good in my eyes.
            It's over for me, bros.

          • 1 month ago

            you're not a good example, sorry. You're in an unrequited love scenario. Men will do this pretty often.

          • 1 month ago

            >Men will do this pretty often
            Nope, sorry. It's the only time it has happened.
            I know what you're talking about, ik what that feels like. It's not that.
            It is over for me because all I can see in other women are all of the ways in which they are not her.

          • 1 month ago

            Yes, and everyone mocks those men for a reason.
            They turn into porn addicts and don't even want to date women. You know why? Because they've conditioned their brain to only ever desire
            >10/10 white, tradwife, virgin stacy straight out of highschool

            You can have any ideal that you want. But you be aware that the more you keep repeating this image, the more your brain begins to believe this is what you deserve any want. Sure, you might run into the love of your life tomorrow, but are you certain you will even be able to notice his presence when he is off the mark for literally every single aspect of your "ideal"?

          • 1 month ago

            >Sure, you might run into the love of your life tomorrow, but are you certain you will even be able to notice his presence when he is off the mark for literally every single aspect of your "ideal"?
            I have literally found who I believe is the love of my life and he doesn't fit most of my ideal checklist, but I still don't want anyone but him. You probably won't realize they're the love of your life at first glance, but as you interact more and more, you realize that your preexisting ideals don't matter, you want this person as your partner in life and no one else.

          • 1 month ago

            How do you rationalize the fact that you met the love of your life yet at the same time he isn't your ideal partner?

          • 1 month ago

            Someone you love =/= literally a perfect god.
            It's not that hard moron

          • 1 month ago

            So your ideal is literally a perfect god? What if you met him tomorrow? He checks off every requirement you have both in terms of personality and looks.

            How do you think the love of your life would feel if he saw your post and realize that he doesn't fit any of it? Do you think this will fill him with hope about the future of your relationship?
            How about if you saw him make a post about an ideal woman and you realized that you match none of it? Will you feel hopeful about the future of your relationship?

          • 1 month ago

            >if you saw him make a post about an ideal woman and you realized that you match none of it?
            literally all men do that
            >Do you think this will fill him with hope about the future of your relationship?
            Maybe he should start working out then.

          • 1 month ago

            Yes, men have been conditioning and priming their brains to think they only deserve 10/10 stacy. This is the exact point I am trying to make.
            >Maybe he should start working out then.
            You think you're hurting me by being spiteful but in reality you're only hurting yourself and the average man you supposedly love

          • 1 month ago

            >Yea ur both the same
            No we are not. There has never been a reversed gender role version of Beauty and the Beast because society expects women to give a shit about ugly men just for being nice. I have every right to spit at something so stupid. I only love my boyfriend because he would agree with me on this but if a more attractive man were to come along he is done.

          • 1 month ago

            >if a more attractive man were to come along he is done.

          • 1 month ago

            This has to be bait.
            Incel hands typed this post.

          • 1 month ago

            >Yes, men have been conditioning and priming their brains to think they only deserve 10/10 stacy.
            this is such bullshit, it's observably untrue. So many guys, good looking guys even, are with girls way below their own looks.

          • 1 month ago

            >literally all men do that
            If you look a few posts above, you will see the part where I said that my ideal is based of a girl I love.
            You are coping really hard and your relationship is doomed.
            I was on your side at 1st, but now you sound moronic.

          • 1 month ago

            For me at least, a lot of the things that are my ideal that he doesn't meet are just superficial things, things that can be worked around, or just dumb kinks that, while fun, probably wouldn't be beneficial for a long-term relationship. Like he's sub 6ft, but who cares? Sure I won't be able to bury my fave in his chest, but I can still hug and cuddle with him. He doesn't make 6 figures or anything fancy, but oh well. We'll manage, and even though I want to be a housewife, I can get some work from home job if necessary. He's not as kinky as I am, but someone who indulges ALL of my kinks probably wouldn't make a good father for any future children, anyways. But he's the kindest man I know, we get along easily, just talking to him makes me feel calm and safe, I can't help but worry about him and care for him, he's funny and fun to talk with, we have similar hobbies. He's the perfect man for me even if he isn't who I would describe as my "ideal."

            You'll monkey branch as soon as you see a guy that is like him but with one extra trait from your ideal list.
            It's a guarantee. Woman are incapable of being loyal by default.

            >You'll monkey branch as soon as you see a guy that is like him but with one extra trait from your ideal list.
            I wouldn't fall for someone solely because of looks, and I wouldn't allow myself to get close enough to another man for him to be able to show off any other traits that could tempt me.
            >Woman are incapable of being loyal by default.
            This mentality won't help you get a gf, bro.

            So your ideal is literally a perfect god? What if you met him tomorrow? He checks off every requirement you have both in terms of personality and looks.

            How do you think the love of your life would feel if he saw your post and realize that he doesn't fit any of it? Do you think this will fill him with hope about the future of your relationship?
            How about if you saw him make a post about an ideal woman and you realized that you match none of it? Will you feel hopeful about the future of your relationship?

            >How about if you saw him make a post about an ideal woman and you realized that you match none of it?
            NTA but the guy I like posts anime girls he's into all the damn time. I'm not like them in the slightest. But I know he still likes me because he's said so and actual romantic feelings aren't that shallow.

          • 1 month ago

            >just dumb kinks that, while fun, probably wouldn't be beneficial for a long-term relationship.
            Bf has a small dick. Confirmed.
            Well done, boys.

          • 1 month ago

            I was talking about shit like sadism and 24/7 master/slave dynamics. I'm extremely into those, him not so much. But ultimately someone who indulged me too much with those probably wouldn't make a good father, and I want children one day. I haven't slept with the guy yet, and I'm a virgin so I can't judge dick size much regardless, since it's not like I'd be able to compare.

            >But he's the kindest man I know, we get along easily, just talking to him makes me feel calm and safe, I can't help but worry about him and care for him, he's funny and fun to talk with, we have similar hobbies. He's the perfect man for me even if he isn't who I would describe as my "ideal."
            So the perfect man for you is not actually your ideal? Do you think ideal is some collection of desirable traits that you should want because all the other girls want them too? There's no shame in admitting that this man is your ideal.

            My ideal is based primarily on my kinks and fetishes. I'm not sure if it's necessarily based on what other women deem desirable because I feel like most women would look at me in horror if I explained my dream man. The man I like isn't the perfect dom of my fantasies, but he's a sweet guy I can genuinely see myself building a family with one day.
            I mean maybe if there was some hypothetical man who had the exact same fetishes as me but also was still a perfectly adjusted adult capable of turning off his sadism at the right times, but still being a little sadistic in public, but only in certain situations, but is also good with kids, but is also an abusive bastard when we're alone, that would be better, but a man like that doesn't exist. Either he's gonna be less kinky than me, or his fetishes are gonna influence his interactions with others, not just me. So I'll give up on some of my hornier ideals for a man I can actually build a future with.

          • 1 month ago

            >My ideal is based primarily on my kinks and fetishes.
            You just admitted to having the same mentality as an actual porn addict...
            Jesus, the lack of self-awarness.

          • 1 month ago

            >You just admitted to having the same mentality as an actual porn addict...
            I'm a horny degenerate, I know that, and I don't hide it, but as I said, I know my ideals aren't realistic for a long-term relationship. The man I like is aware of my degeneracy, and I'm aware that some of my fetishes will remain nothing but dreams with him. But that's exactly why I said my ideals aren't realistic, and the perfect man for me won't match my ideals.
            >Jesus, the lack of self-awarness.
            I agree I'm a horny degenerate, but I'm genuinely curious where I lack self-awareness. I feel as if I'm pretty aware of my degeneracy.

          • 1 month ago

            I'm a degen too.
            But you think like a literal porn addict. You have, in this very thread, complained about porn addicted men that want 10/10 stacy's. All of your posts now look like nothing other than simple projection.

            Why is it a lack of self-awarness? Because your bf should become your ideal if you really loved him. That's what love is.
            You let your coomer mind have more control over you than your love for your bf.
            In other words, you're a liar.

          • 1 month ago

            >You have, in this very thread, complained about porn addicted men that want 10/10 stacy's.
            I didn't. The only thing I said about 10/10 staceys is that men dreaming of such women are no different than the women in this thread dreaming of the 666 rule or whatever.
            >Because your bf should become your ideal if you really loved him. That's what love is.
            I have said multiple times he is the perfect man for me. If you ask me to list out trait by trait what my ideal man would be if I could literally build one from scratch, yes it's gonna be a bit different. I'm sure if he was asked a similar question anonymously, his answer wouldn't be an exact replica of me, either. But if you ask me who I want to marry, who I want to start a family with, who I want to spend the rest of my life with, who I want to give my first time to, who I want to be the only man I'll ever know intimately, I'd answer him again and again.
            I'm a coomer, but there's a difference between my coomer fantasies and the actual type of person I want to grow old with. I'm sorry if you're unable to distinguish horny delusions from realistic hopes for the future, but trust me, he's the only man I want, despite the fantasies I have when horny.

          • 1 month ago

            >I'm sorry if you're unable to distinguish horny delusions from realistic hopes for the future, but trust me
            Also in this very thread, I said that my horny delusions changed and became only about the woman I love.
            Yours, are still about someone else.

            >I'm sure if he was asked a similar question anonymously, his answer wouldn't be an exact replica of me, either.
            That's lame. And it should be.

          • 1 month ago

            >I said that my horny delusions changed and became only about the woman I love.
            >Yours, are still about someone else.
            More and more of my fantasies have been about him lately, but sometimes I want to think about certain acts I know he'd feel bad doing to me. I'm a degenerate who loves abusive dynamics, but I also know he's got morals that would prevent him from treating me as awfully as I'd like. It feels disrespectful and dehumanizing of him to imagine him doing acts I know he'd never do, so in those situations, I sub in the made-up, fictional man I'd fantasize about before I met him.
            >That's lame. And it should be.
            Eh, to each their own. I've flat out told him I don't care about fictional shit, and imo fictional includes your own fantasies. If that would be a dealbreaker for you, more power to you. I won't judge you for your own dealbreakers, that's between no one but you and the person you one day date. But personally, I'm not gonna get pressed over someone's imagination, as long as it stays just a fantasy.

          • 1 month ago

            >But he's the kindest man I know, we get along easily, just talking to him makes me feel calm and safe, I can't help but worry about him and care for him, he's funny and fun to talk with, we have similar hobbies. He's the perfect man for me even if he isn't who I would describe as my "ideal."
            So the perfect man for you is not actually your ideal? Do you think ideal is some collection of desirable traits that you should want because all the other girls want them too? There's no shame in admitting that this man is your ideal.

          • 1 month ago

            You'll monkey branch as soon as you see a guy that is like him but with one extra trait from your ideal list.
            It's a guarantee. Woman are incapable of being loyal by default.

          • 1 month ago

            >Woman are incapable of being loyal by default.
            I think things changed with the generations, or maybe it's a getting older thing. Most the women in my family stayed with the guys they got with a bit later in life until the end. In one case, their relationship actually survived a children's suicide, which seems like the kind of thing that would destroy pretty much any relationship to me.

          • 1 month ago

            Well you see, "ideal partner" title used to have an implicit subtext of "REALISTIC ideal partner" but tiktok brained zoomers like you need everything capitioned and spelled out so now you assume ideal means a literal god and thus all of you have the exact same requirements.
            Maybe you should work on being more realistic and daydream less.

            Ideal: existing only in the imagination; desirable or perfect but not likely to become a reality.
            t. Oxford dictionary

            >noooo! but it's irrealistic
            You absolute morons, learn to fricking speak.

          • 1 month ago

            Well you see, "ideal partner" title used to have an implicit subtext of "REALISTIC ideal partner" but tiktok brained zoomers like you need everything capitioned and spelled out so now you assume ideal means a literal god and thus all of you have the exact same requirements.
            Maybe you should work on being more realistic and daydream less.

          • 1 month ago

            >anon doesn't understand what ideal means

          • 1 month ago

            I'm just trying to help you from destroying your brain and perceptions of reality. If you decide to ignore it and choose to make yourself miserable, that's on you.

          • 1 month ago

            Realistic isn't the point of this thread though, if you want a thread like that then just go make one

          • 1 month ago

            Nah I don't have a need for this type of thread.
            This thread is just the female equivalent of men posting porn of 10/10s and telling each other this is what they deserve

          • 1 month ago

            Except it's not equal, because most of the women explicitly stated that they don't expect anyone to fit their IDEAL

          • 1 month ago

            If you're so sure of it then try telling yourself every morning that you only deserve 6'4 rich bf and notice how your perception for men who are less than that changes.
            Like I said, the equivalent of a porn addict.

          • 1 month ago

            First of all, I'm a man. Second, the women in this thread *aren't* saying they only deserve their ideal. You're just proving you didn't actually read the thread

          • 1 month ago

            Buddy, you may be a lot of things, but you're definitely not a man.

          • 1 month ago

            Last I checked my chromosomes are XY and I'm over the age of 18, therefore I'm a man

          • 1 month ago

            As a man you should know that setting unattainable and unrealistic preferences for a partner (yes, even in "ideal" scenarios) is extremely destructive for one's mind.
            Genuinely no better than a coomer.

          • 1 month ago

            Or maybe people are just intelligent enough to be able to separate ideal from realistic? People other than you, apparently. OP wanted to know what fembots' ideal preferences were, not what they'd settle for

          • 1 month ago

            Yes because people with insanely high standards in dating are commonly known for being the intelligent type.

          • 1 month ago

            Again, this isn't a dating or standards thread. OP wanted to know IDEALS

          • 1 month ago

            The fact you won't even consider self inserting as a potential partner for these girls and assume this thread didn't have a potential to turn into a dating thread speaks volumes.

          • 1 month ago

            I never said it didn't have that potential, I said that's not the point of it. Literally just refer to OP's post if you're this confused

          • 1 month ago

            Pretending to be obtuse is not going to fill the void. I hope you will be able to face your demons soon.

          • 1 month ago

            >It seems to me that this is part of a wide cultural shift where both men and women don't actually want to get to know each other and instead prefer to shit on the other gender by bringing each other down.
            I'm always ahead of societal shifts. I'm totally out of my "I hate all women" phase... so... maybe in a couple years there will be a large reconciliation.

            It's obviously not sustainable for men and women to separate as they are doing. Yeah, everyone knows about the chads getting it all and shit, but even a 1/100 man in every area will struggle to meet the insane demands women have. This isn't sustainable.

    • 1 month ago

      well i'm looking for women, so i presume you don't fit

    • 1 month ago

      People, especially women, are wrongfully attributing non-existent manliness to tall guys. The majority of high-altitude mannequins that I have confronted over the years have turned out to be soft boys thinking that long bones will save them from everything. Very few of them were as tough they seem.

  3. 1 month ago

    I don't have to read this thread. I know that race isn't going to be mexican. Fricking b***hes

    • 1 month ago

      do you look white? I'm

      >blue eyes, dark brown hair
      >clean shaven, sharp jawline
      >idc the career but make at least 250k
      >dominant, never cries, never anxious or unconfident
      >fresh suits, well tailored
      >cnc, impregnation
      if you meet 70% of these I'd date you

    • 1 month ago

      Lmao don't worry friend at least you aren't from south-east asia, that's when you're truly fricked.
      t. guy from sea

    • 1 month ago

      yea im hispanic too
      but every hispanic man had done me dirty as frick

      • 1 month ago

        trips of truth, lot of hispanic men have mental issues (same with the women it just manifests differently). this is why you "people" should be racematching.

  4. 1 month ago

    I don't even know why you gays add race/nationality you know everyone is going to say white like the race traiting self hating bawds they are.

    • 1 month ago

      this, except for some white women.

      tbh it makes an easy filter for brown women

    • 1 month ago

      Black and brownbros don't look at women on NSFFW and feel bad about yourself because they all want white men. They are all either racist white women or self hating non white women, they don't represent all women. If you go outside and look at the real world you'll see lots of white girls dating black guys

  5. 1 month ago

    ideal bf
    >male, 20-35
    >any race
    >skinny or fit
    >kind, chivalrous, respectful
    >has diverse interests
    >good career or career outlook
    >wants partner that works and has a good career to support vice-versa
    >likes guns
    >mentally well
    >not addicted to porn

    >bio female
    >tall, 5'11
    >into more traditionally male interests like guns
    >good blue collar career
    >blunt but honest

    my discord is miss__thang_
    please fit all of the categories thanks

    • 1 month ago

      How old are you? Are you submissive or dominant?

      • 1 month ago

        I am in my 20s and I am definitively not answering sexual questions until I get to know someone.

        • 1 month ago

          That is not necessarily a sexual question. It is a lifestyle question.

          • 1 month ago

            Fair enough. I like to be in control of the situation most of the time, so I guess dominant.

        • 1 month ago

          He's subtly asking whether or not he has a chance with you if he isn't taller than you.

    • 1 month ago

      Great getting cucked for not liking guns this time i guess

    • 1 month ago

      >>good career or career outlook
      partner that works and has a good career to support vice-versa

      Well this sucks, but you were probably mexican anyway and mexicans scare the shit out of me

    • 1 month ago

      You are literally perfect except for
      Fricking joever

    • 1 month ago

      Hopefully not a fed trying to get their hands on ... well pictures of funny stuff.

    • 1 month ago

      >mentally well
      It's over for me

    • 1 month ago

      Only remotely, I don't live in Schoolshooterland

  6. 1 month ago

    Anons ask about "ideal" bf and gets disappointed when the fellow fembots say their ideal requirements kek. How moronic.
    Anyway here is mine:
    White, of Germanic or Nordic heritage
    6'2 - 6'3
    >Body type
    Lean, but decently athletic from labor and physical activities
    >Eye and hair color
    Golden or light blond hair, blue or grey eyes
    >Any other facial features
    I don't want him to have too thin lips. He must have a head full of hair, no balding. Aquiline nose. A flawless skin and clean shaved face
    I have no specifics here, as long he earns his money in a honest way.
    >Interests and hobbies
    I want him to be a very cultured man but a nerdy at the same time. He should enjoy literature and arts in general. He should be interested in history, language learning and I would love if he played piano for me. But he can like anime and games too, but in moderation. I think him liking reenactments would be cool as I could see him in multiple uniforms and anime because he could cosplay to me.
    >Personality type
    He can be aloof or charismatic. The most important thing is that he loves me and is loyal. He doesn't care about other women, he only cares about me. He is only mine and mine only, he would kill for me if necessary, a yandere lite boyfriend and future husband. Besides that he has no mental illnesses
    >Dress style
    Clean cut/elegant, he is fashionable but loves when I pick clothes for him.
    He would share my kinks, which can be a bit degenerate in nature.
    My requirement for my ideal bf is more strict than the one to join the SS kek

    • 1 month ago

      How many of these does one have to fill out in order for you to consider dating them?

      • 1 month ago

        Just sweet cute white guy who loves me and is not a porn watcher, not too dumb, and share some hobbies with me. I would like him to be at least 5'9 tall and have light eyes and not fat. In his twenties

        • 1 month ago

          Pretty reasonable and easy to find then unless you got some absurd hobbies but from the ones you listed you should be able to find many guys like that, good luck.

        • 1 month ago

          I fit all the categories in your ideal post but I am half Korean and have brown eyes. Sad.

          • 1 month ago

            Then frick off. I hate the yellow filth more than blacks.

          • 1 month ago

            >t. Raising Jamal on her own

  7. 1 month ago

    Remember this is ideal

    I am eastern european and don't really like men of my ethnicity, so any other kind of european.

    >>body type
    Gym bro lifter type
    >>eye and hair color
    I don't really care too much about this tbh, but light eyes are nice
    >>any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
    Maybe the ability to grow nice facial hair

    don't care as long as he makes a decent living, I plan on working too. I want us both to contribute equally.

    Vidya at least, but idc about this as much I don't think shared hobbies are required
    Shy and introverted just like me. Caring and pays attention to small details.
    I like plain clothes on a fit body.

    Nothing degen I don't want a porn addicted man.

    • 1 month ago

      Out of curiosity, are you Polish?

      • 1 month ago

        Yea I am, why do you ask?

        • 1 month ago

          A lot of Polish girls dont like Polish men and other Eastern Euro men.

          t. 2nd gen Polish American

  8. 1 month ago

    There are no fembots ITT. These are males posting idealized versions of themselves lmfao

  9. 1 month ago

    This is ideal, so I would settle for a lot less, I can't exactly afford to be choosey with men, but if I could create my dream bf
    I'm tall myself, so 6'2+ would be cool so I could still feel short next to him.
    >body type
    Fat. Ideally strong, but with a nice layer of fat on top. Also hairy.
    >eye and hair color
    I don't really care.
    >any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
    idk but a stubble-y beard would be nice.
    Something that pays enough for us to have a middle~upper middle class lifestyle off of his income alone so I can be a housewife. Bonus points if he works from home so we can spend a lot of time together.
    Weeb. I wanna gush about anime and play video games together.
    >personality type
    Self-assured, dominant, a bit of a jokester little shit, calm under stress, sadistic, but still kind at times.
    >dress style/aesthetic
    idk enough about fashion, as long as he looks presentable I don't care.
    Too many to list, but main thing would be a 24/7 master/slave dynamic, both in and out the bedroom. Also I'd want him to be into degrading me and making me do gross shit like rimming his ass. I'd also love if he beat me or did other painful acts with me regularly. I think it would be fun to always be bruised or otherwise be in pain as a constant reminder of his love for me~

    • 1 month ago

      How old are you? Can you describe yourself?

      • 1 month ago

        25. I'm a 5'9 light-skinned fat black woman. Also a virgin neet. Idk how else to explain myself. I know I'm not a catch and don't have the right to be as choosey as I was in my post, but this was my ideal bf not the bare minimum I'd date, so yeah it's out of my league.

        >Fat. Ideally strong, but with a nice layer of fat on top. Also hairy.
        I assume you mean fat like henry cavill and not fat like boogie2988

        I had to google them because idk who either of them are but no I definitely mean like boogie2988. That henry guy isn't even fat. I want a guy who's FAT. I want a belly that will rest on my head when I blow him, rolls that make him smell quicker than most men, enough weight that if he were to lay on top of me, he'd still bury me despite me being a tall fatty myself, enough fat that he struggles to wipe his ass and just uses my tongue because it's easier. I do want him to be mobile, but as long as he's still able to walk, I want him as big as he can be. I'd like if he still has some muscle underneath (I know guys who lift can still be really fricking big) because I wanna be roughed around and manhandled, but I'd be fine if he weren't that strong so long as he's fat. I'm a fatty myself, it makes sense for me to date a fellow fatty. Also I'm a degenerate and I want a guy who's so gross that fricking him is inherently humiliating, so a guy who struggles with hygiene due to his weight and gets sweaty a lot quicker than others would be perfect.

        • 1 month ago

          i'm the fat white guy in this thread and i started writing about myself, and then i was like "why am i even bothering"? I would be disgusted with myself if I was the man you're describing.

        • 1 month ago

          Im fat as frick femanon from years of depression and being a virgin. and I rarely shower. tell me does your name start with an A?

    • 1 month ago

      Nice, I fit all your criteria except height. You sound perfect. The dynamic you described is exactly what I'm looking for. I really need to find a girl like you.

    • 1 month ago

      >Fat. Ideally strong, but with a nice layer of fat on top. Also hairy.
      I assume you mean fat like henry cavill and not fat like boogie2988

  10. 1 month ago

    above 180 cm
    >body type
    >eye and hair color
    i don't care just have lots of hair and don't be a ginger
    >any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
    small midface, small cute nose, lips not too thin, not a chinlet
    just have a job that's above minimum wage and stable by eu standards
    he has some sort of respectable non-autistic masculine interest that keeps him busy so he has no time to go jerk off all day in the basement or cheat. could be something like football, basketball, martial arts, going to the gym, being into cars and motorcycles, taking care of dogs, woodwork
    >personality type
    not sensitive. not angry. doesn't argue with me. loving and caring towards his girlfriend and family. generous. has normal guy friends and doesn't interact with women besides me. doesn't talk much
    >dress style/aesthetic
    just dress for the occasion and look normal
    doesn't have them. he is fulfilled by having passionate intense romantic raw dick in pussy sex with his girlfriend

    • 1 month ago

      >small midface, small cute nose, lips not too thin, not a chinlet
      your post is literally me except im probably too young for you and have 0 interest in a career and my pp barely works lol, and no not bcuz of porn addiction

      • 1 month ago

        you are young and your penis isn't working and it's not porn addiction? that's concerning anon you might have cancer

    • 1 month ago

      Until I lost my job a week ago I fit this description perfectly

  11. 1 month ago

    For me, it's zucc! Just everything about him is perfect to me

  12. 1 month ago

    >Be me
    >179 cm tall
    It's fricking over bros

    • 1 month ago

      >be me

      • 1 month ago

        I will kiss your forehead

  13. 1 month ago

    White American like me
    5'10" is average. I'll go with that. I'm quite short 5'1"
    >body type
    skinny buff?
    >eye and hair color
    I like all eye colors other than black lol. Just have hair lol
    >any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
    Healthy straight white teeth. This is very important to me.
    Preferably he would work with his hands but I don't really care. As long as he loves what he does and it pays well. I do not want to be poor. Sue me.
    I don't want a guy with too many indoor hobbies because I already spend all my time indoors. I'm hoping a man will get me out of my comfort zone.
    >personality type
    Extroverted and will talk for me because I have extreme social anxiety.
    >dress style/aesthetic
    Not a guy that dresses in joggers, hoodies, and slides. That is so disgusting and lazy. He should have a style that takes effort at least.

  14. 1 month ago

    >Implying this thread isn't comprised entirely of lonely men blowing smoke up the assess of other lonely men.

    • 1 month ago

      >implying he knows anything about that

  15. 1 month ago

    If you want to actually get their ideal, then you shouldn't provide any prompts like race, height, etc. If you do that, then they will just try to maximize all of them. It would be more interesting to let them say whatever, because then you will learn what characteristics they actually care about.

  16. 1 month ago

    >tall (over 5'11)
    >thin, with some muscle
    >blond hair, blue eyes
    >handsome and good hair genetics, at least an average penis, not a porn addict and not a coomer
    >anything that pays decently
    >anime, games, movies, history buff
    >kind, loving and affectionate
    >clean fashion, basic but fashionable
    >i want him to be normal and just love eating my pussy

    • 1 month ago

      literally me
      my discord is cool1yeah

  17. 1 month ago

    doesnt matter
    >body type
    sort of a twink slim build
    >eye and hair color
    black hair and black/brown hair
    >facial feautures u like
    eyebags and beauty marks near an eye or mouth yumyum
    computer stuff that he can ramble about to me
    niche internet things, staying in bed with me
    >personality type
    i really like the shy type a lot, i think its very cute
    >dress style/aesthetic
    no particular aesthetic, maybe loose clothes? like oversized shirts and basic pants, i think he wouldnt work too much on his style cuz hes lazy.

    • 1 month ago

      when i see posts like that I'm starting to think if glowies wanna catfish me, cuz this is too close for comfort

    • 1 month ago

      This is me but I'm black. I have a beauty mark under my eye

    • 1 month ago

      Not gonna get me this time, glowie. Good try, though

  18. 1 month ago

    >this thread
    its so over for manlets like me

    • 1 month ago

      It's really funny how heightpill deniers come out in droves when a manlet makes a complaint but then you have a thread like this as well as countless other forms of evidence all over the place that it's a major issue.

  19. 1 month ago

    I already know that 4 inch dicks aren't wanted... so why bother

  20. 1 month ago

    here we go. 23f neet femnon here.
    white/european, or east or central asian
    i prefer average height. 5'7-5'10"
    >body type
    male heroin chic
    >eye and hair color
    dirty blonde hair, or redhead. or black if asian. eye color doesn't matter.
    >any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
    pic rel but irl lol
    doesn't matter that much. but if he has a job, i'd look for a job too
    black metal and maybe playing an instrument. is okay with my hobbies and interests.
    >personality type
    very chill and calm. the type who doesn't feel the need to be talking all the time. slightly stoic, but also likes joking around. confident and chill basically.
    >dress style/aesthetic
    eh. i might talk about this if someone is curious

    • 1 month ago

      >a fan of Varg Vikernes, but manlet height version

      • 1 month ago

        I find that varg in his youth doesn't really fit my ideal, I prefer more "rugged" features than what he has. especially nowadays he is really entertaining though lmao.

  21. 1 month ago

    blackbros,asianbros & indianbros... WE ARE COOKED

    • 1 month ago

      dont forget Arabbros

  22. 1 month ago

    hapa like me , or anything as long as it isnt dark brown or black

    anything as long as it isn't odd, like notably short or notably tall
    >>body type
    chubby but not heavily overweight, or average i guess idrc
    >>eye and hair color
    brown? also brown? or dyed white xd it looks cute
    >>any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
    eyebags/dark circles and a bit of stubble can be hot sometimes

    IT maybe would be super cool

    plays a non mainstream competitive video game and tries to grind it out and be really good at it
    a martial arts maybe
    textbook entp, charismatic, wienery/sardonic
    'heart on sleeve' type, not necessarily emotionally sensitive but isnt hiding them all way, even if theyre negative i just like people who express themselves a lot
    niche internet knowledge that came from childhood online without the depraved disgusting brainrot and mental stagnation that most people have
    strong work ethic
    i wouldnt want him to dress good because that means hes typically very ran through
    id want him to dress typical moronic male outfits/corporate and then id fix him into some real drip

    the taboo stuff that people dont typically talk about
    i wanna try everything with him and work out what wed both like

    • 1 month ago

      I've never seen a woman be into hapas
      >t. hapa

    • 1 month ago

      every single detail in this post except being overweight(i am fit), the career, and having kinks is literally me

    • 1 month ago

      There's no way a hapa woman wrote this

      • 1 month ago

        ??? im white and filipino

        I've never seen a woman be into hapas
        >t. hapa

        im into them bc i like someone who can relate to my upbringing, especially bc its unique being born to wmaf/hapa families lol

        >textbook entp, charismatic
        >strong work ethic
        Oh, come fricking on

        ok i know theyre adhd but ive seen them get shit done before when theyre passionate abt it

        • 1 month ago

          Wish I ever were passionate about something work related.

          • 1 month ago

            well they say the best jobs are the ones that feel like paid hobbies
            maybe you havent found your thing yet ?!

        • 1 month ago

          Idk I've never met a hapa who didn't want to exclusively date white guys. Most don't really care when I tell them I'm half Filipino.

          • 1 month ago

            oh cool! yeah i think most would prefer them being exclusively white but personally i dont mind, i like if theyre my ethnicity, its just the relatability factor that makes it really special for me
            also id like to meet my bfs family and his mom makes me filipino food hehehe

          • 1 month ago

            You sound like a very nice person, anon. I hope you find your ideal guy then.

    • 1 month ago

      >textbook entp, charismatic
      >strong work ethic
      Oh, come fricking on

  23. 1 month ago

    >east asian
    >don't care about height that much, but I want to sit in his lap without crushing him so i'll say between 5'6 and 6'.
    >monolids (they are hot)
    >a male-dominated career (i am jealous) and decent-paying (200k+) would be good too so i can take a pause from work to have kids. so i guess techies would fit the bill. it's ok if he earns less if he's willing to stay home instead. but i definitely want to take a year off work to have a kid at least so he should have a job of some kind.
    >don't care about his interests as long as they're not super degenerate
    >introverted, sweet
    >basic/casual i don't really care about aesthetic
    >i don't have any, i'm pretty vanilla. i'd prefer someone like that too. breeding/free use/body parts (boobs, feet) is fine though. but NO ANAL.

    • 1 month ago

      >don't care about height that much, but I want to sit in his lap without crushing him so i'll say between 5'6 and 6'.
      How tall are you?

      • 1 month ago

        5'4 in an original way origi

    • 1 month ago

      I'd be into that kind of relationship but I don't have monolids or a high paying job (yet). I'm still deciding what path to take but I think I'll only earn 200k when I'm at the pinnacle of my career, and right now I'm only at the start, even though I suppose I'm making good progress. I relate the most to the introverted and sweet part and hope you're similar. It's nice to be chill. Otherwise I match everything else.

    • 1 month ago

      I thought I won the lottery by not having monolids since people get surgery to get rid of it but fembot doesn't like it, damn.

      Where are you located btw?

      • 1 month ago

        >Where are you located btw?
        american, gonna move around a bit the next few years for career reasons.

        • 1 month ago

          >gonna move around a bit the next few years for career reasons.
          What countries are you considering?

          • 1 month ago

            i mean i'm gonna be moving around the us. and by moving around i mean i'll be in the same place for 3-4 yrs but i'm not sure where yet. and then i might be moving somewhere else after that for 1-3 yrs, dunno where yet. i'm not considering moving outside the us.

          • 1 month ago

            >i'm not considering moving outside the us.

        • 1 month ago

          You sound Asian yourself given how invested in the career stuff you are but a clue to the contrary is I feel like Asians wouldn't go out of their way to talk about monolids.

          Interested in talking more on disc btw?

          Some additional stuff about me to filter and save time to potentially dissuade you to mention is: girls who like Asian guys tend to like softer guys, I'm a bigger taller guy who can be on the rough/physical side of things. I'm sick of work and I'm not going to waste any more of my life slaving away at it. That said, it's a luxury to be able to feel that way and the reason I'm able to feel that way is that I've slaved away for a long time and am not going to starve if I stop caring.

          • 1 month ago

            i am not asian, ima israelite. i don't use discord srry. what you're saying about not wanting to work seems valid. i'd like to get on that train too but i'm at the start of my career and i think it'd be hard for me living with someone who's already pretty much retired. cause like you'd probably wanna go do fun/active stuff with someone who has more free time like you but i'm gonna be busy and stuff.

          • 1 month ago

            The unfortunate timing is that my entire life, because of work, I've had to avoid and depriortize dating because girls had no tolerance for not prioritzing them. Now I finally run into someone who thinks being work focused is a good thing.

            I'm not retiring yet though. Work from home job but I'm going to do even less than the bare minimum now and if I get fired, I'm not going to look too hard for another job because I'm good on the finances. It's just that I'm going to finally start living my life now and doing what I want to do and if work suffers or is lost altogether, IDC.

            The israelite thing makes sense though, another grind oriented group of people.

            I'll drop an email in case you want to chat more there though since no disc. [email protected]

    • 1 month ago

      white or white-ish
      same as mine
      being tall is appreciated but not mandatory
      >body type
      ideally skinny, but as long as he's not super fit or super fat, it's okay
      >eye and hair color
      >any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
      no huge lumberjack beard
      any decent paying, or societally important (legal) job is fine. I don't need him to make as much as I do but I don't want someone on a low paying dead end. It'd be better if he's not in IT too so we can talk about other things, but idc that much.
      same as
      don't care about his interests as long as they're not super degenerate. It's best if he's truly passionate about it. If he's interested in the same stuff i am, we can do it together. If it's different stuff, we can teach each other.
      >personality type
      Kind, responsible, hard working, persistent, sensitive and a good listener.
      >dress style/aesthetic
      idk, nothing super weird. Just look clean and normal
      I'm very vainilla so idk, nothing super degenerate

      • 1 month ago

        >same as mine
        which is???

      • 1 month ago

        >I don't need him to make as much as I do
        how much do you make?

        • 1 month ago

          85k but i have a long way to go so, if everything goes right, i expect to be making 6 figures by the hypothetical time i marry
          i guess what im trying to say here is that i want a man that is a productive member of society doing something of his choice, regardless of the money. So I wouldn't want him to hat what he does, or just to make money from things that are not real jobs in my eyes (renting inherited properties, idk)
          i suck at explaining this

          • 1 month ago

            I get what you mean, not a leech.
            do you have any goals for your life? like have kids? what type of house do you envision yourself living in?

          • 1 month ago

            >I get what you mean, not a leech.
            Exactly! Thanks for finding the words
            >do you have any goals for your life? like have kids?
            I want to marry and have kids which is weird to say when I'm in my early twenties and all i've done is kiss, once, because dating is scary
            >what type of house do you envision yourself living in?
            sub urban with space for a nice garden and for the kids to play outside

  24. 1 month ago

    >Be random male anon

    >See ideal man thread

    >Complain that the standards are too high in whats basically a hypothetical

    You homies are ridiculous no wonder the bottom feeders dont even want some of you

    • 1 month ago

      Hey, last time we had a male version of one of these threads, several (alleged) women came in and complained that almost every single guy said "no fatties"

      • 1 month ago

        that's interesting because i remember going into several ideal gf threads before, and a lot of lists mentioned chubby women and big breasts, seems like modern men are very into with chubby women.
        >t. 105lbs
        and nobody ever posts about liking average height skinny women

        • 1 month ago

          If you put yourself out there, people would be asking for your contacts.

          • 1 month ago

            and still I always check if someone describes something like me. never happens.

          • 1 month ago

            I think these threads kinda suck because it puts into everyone's head that people are looking for one specific person that isn't you, and people are a lot more flexible than that, and you can't judge your compatibility off a list of attributes, but like if you vibe in a conversation and can have fun together doing the same things. If you are slim and of an average size, you have a broad appeal and anyone you get along with will be happy with how you look.

          • 1 month ago

            yeah I do agree. it's just that femanons don't come and shit up the robot ideal gf threads by endlessly complaining that we don't fit into any of them specifically, but robots do come here and endlessly complain how they don't fit.

          • 1 month ago

            Fembots make threads just for themselves about how they are unattractive and get half a dozen people asking for her contact or dropping theirs.

          • 1 month ago

            you clearly didn't even understand what I just wrote, low IQ monkey.

            >femanons don't come and shit up the robot ideal gf threads by endlessly complaining that we don't fit into any of them specifically,
            i do this


          • 1 month ago

            I did understand, Im saying that they shit up the catalog, which is arguably worse. And also fembots do complain about male standards in ideal gf threads, so your point isn't even true.
            Also it's better than moids are ITT bumping in with related discussion because more foids will flock to an active thread inviting them to talk about themselves.

          • 1 month ago

            I'm just saying that if you recognize that talking about how you don't fit the ideals posted is stupid, maybe open your eyes and see that men do it more lol. But you won't, because you love complaining.

          • 1 month ago

            >femanons don't come and shit up the robot ideal gf threads by endlessly complaining that we don't fit into any of them specifically,
            i do this

          • 1 month ago

            To me it reaffirms that people are looking for people who specifically are not me lol

          • 1 month ago

            is it because you don't vibe well with people and you aren't fun to be around and do stuff with?

          • 1 month ago

            >is it because you don't vibe well with people and you aren't fun to be around and do stuff with?
            Not him but I think that's my problem. I'm pleasant to be around but not always fun because I'm introverted and work is draining so I'm always quite tired. Then I don't really have much in common with the average person at all, and I don't dress fashionably. I'm that well-liked colleague at work that you won't really consider spending time with in most social situations basically, including my workplace lol.

          • 1 month ago

            i've been told i'm pretty good company irl, but i come off as boring online, and i'm fat so i'm already working against that. too bad the places i go out to don't attract single, marriage age women.

          • 1 month ago

            >too bad the places i go out to don't attract single, marriage age women.
            That too. My workplace is filled with middle aged women and my hobby only has men. Well, there are women within my hobby but they are separate. I'm curious how you could be fun irl and boring online though? Isn't communicating the same? Do you put less effort into online communication or something?

          • 1 month ago

            >how can you be boring online and fun irl
            usually irl you're doing something, and there's a lot of fun to be had engaging with the thing you're doing. When you're at your computer, or lying in bed on your phone exchanging messages, there's nothing else going on but my imagination, and I have to filter through that for things worth sharing with another person. I feel like when I'm talking to a girl online, she's not adding anything to the conversation, just responding to what i'm saying. For the most part, anyway, and so it's up to me to think up things while i'm sitting alone in my room, that are entertaining for conversation.

          • 1 month ago

            >I feel like when I'm talking to a girl online, she's not adding anything to the conversation, just responding to what i'm saying.
            Doesn't sound like you're boring at all, you just had bad company. I feel the same way with most women online. I wouldn't waste time on people like that because you're a person, not a jester.

          • 1 month ago

            well i'm sure that they're better company too when they're out doing stuff irl and not in their phone scumming 15 different apps for scraps of dopamine, and i'm just one of the apps.

          • 1 month ago

            They are just bad people.

          • 1 month ago

            Nah, the lads like me just fine and I don't have problems with talking to women either, but there's an insurmountable wall between friend and boyfriend that I can't climb. Being a bit of a lardass doesn't help I'm sure but it's not like I had much luck before I bloated up. So yeah I guess there's something about me that doesn't vibe well, but it is what it is. Focused on losing weight more than anything now, being heavy isn't fun when I'm out hiking and biking

      • 1 month ago

        Women be like 10 lbs over their ideal weight and say they're fat. There's no ambiguity around "you must be this tall to enjoy this ride"

        Also weight is something you can theoretically do something about

        • 1 month ago

          >Women be like 10 lbs over their ideal weight and say they're fat.
          literally me

          • 1 month ago

            I'ma male anon and I'm 40 lbs over what I'd like my weight to be. It sucks seeing these threads everyone wants a skinny guy. I wouldn't even be skinny if I lost 40 lbs, just normal.

          • 1 month ago

            well yea but don't forget it's the ideal bf thread, not the fixer upper bf thread. no one's gonna be like, i'd sure love a fatso! but a lot of women would settle for someone who's working on themselves.

  25. 1 month ago

    Surely one of them will be into a nerdy and athletic east asian, right anons?

  26. 1 month ago

    >check thread
    >tall, tall, tall, tall, tall, tall

    • 1 month ago

      You're a liar. Begone, troon.

      • 1 month ago

        What are you on about
        I am a man
        Just pointing out how one note these are

        • 1 month ago

          You're projecting because men only like one type of woman kek

          • 1 month ago

            Is it brain damaged? Is it moronic?

          • 1 month ago

            >troon starts having a meltdown
            About time, keep crying.

          • 1 month ago

            Good luck with having the IQ of a 4b llm bro, peace

          • 1 month ago

            Until next time, hun

  27. 1 month ago

    white and not american
    5'6+ i just dont want to be taller
    >body type
    skinny or some fat but not super ripped or super fat
    >eye/ hair colour
    dark brown, black
    >facial features
    roman nose, negative canthal tilt (i think its cute why do some people think its ugly!?) + lips that dont look like a frog
    kinda anything. as long as you have a strong work ethic and have some kind of morals.
    early 2000s+2010s internet culture, alternative/heavy music, audio engineering or production, cooking, hiking/camping
    >personality type
    just anyone who mixes well with me and understands my kind of mean sense of humour. can take a joke and throw it back at me. cares about things that most people don't acknowledge. patient, but knows when and how to tell someone to stop.
    >dress style/aesthetic
    vaguely alternative. they dont need to be wearing anything crazy, just band t-shirts and flannels and lots of black. sometimes wears black eyeliner
    gross and rough things that fulfill that kind of desire i have. rape and physical/mental violence

    • 1 month ago

      > early 2000s+2010s internet culture
      Sending you my marriage proposal over email.

    • 1 month ago

      for myself im not that great or super deserving of him but an ideal is an ideal. my stats are more like
      >bmi 23 kind of hourglass but i have big boobs and butt soooo yay
      >light green/grey eyes, black hair
      >big eyes, small nose (but its kind of flat/asian looking), average lips not small but not big, my jaw is kind of big and my face looks a bit flat.
      >in school and looking for employment, decent savings
      >i play a lot of instruments and am an etymology nerd, very into the goth and grunge subcultures, hiking/camping
      >im a bit mean in my personality but its just playful. i dont actually hate anyone. i can be too loud or too quiet at times because autism
      >i wear all black and lots of israeliteelry. i stick to casual goth dress like ripped tights + black skirts.
      >kinks obviously the same,

      • 1 month ago

        What is your favourite etymology

      • 1 month ago

        I am going to find you and marry you so just be prepared for that

      • 1 month ago

        how old if i can ask
        i'm under 20

    • 1 month ago

      you just described me, i even like hiking too. i'm a softie though and i'd prefer you to rape me instead and i have no desire for a career except getting good at guitar and getting famous and then killing myself

    • 1 month ago

      >early internet culture
      hi! marry me?????

  28. 1 month ago

    Why are there so many whiny incel-trannies whining about femanon ideals here? Take your pills and gtfo, troons.

  29. 1 month ago

    fembots be honest am i cookd
    russian white. got a little bit of Hispanic blood but it's not visible at all (thank fricking god)
    >body type
    skinny (not so much atm, just came out of a longer depressive thing and could lose 20-ish lb) and that's about it. can wear most if not all clothes and look half decent
    >eye and hair color
    brown on brown
    stacking money in car sales, plan to go into medicine
    street racing/cars, nature
    >personality type
    ENTP i think??
    >dress style/aesthetic
    semi-formal, almost always a turtleneck
    receptive to anything idk. ashamed to admit it but slightly submissive.

    • 1 month ago

      also i'm 19 so that's a plus i think

  30. 1 month ago

    >most fembots only want a chad over 6'0 tall
    and they say our standards are too high!

  31. 1 month ago

    >body type
    a little chubby but strong
    >eye and hair color
    any eye color, dark blond hair
    >any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
    wavy shoulder length hair, big nose
    nerdy and outdoorsy stuff
    >personality type
    caring, sweet, introvert, witty, smart
    >dress style/aesthetic
    dorky nerd
    dominant, cnc, bondage

  32. 1 month ago

    There's so many of these that I'm close to meeting but I miss like 1 to 3. If anyone wants to know, I'm
    White American, mostly Slavic
    6'3, sometimes read 6'4 but I think that might be a fluke
    >body type
    Average, slightly chubby bc I've been injured for a couple months but most of my weight is muscle (~230 lbs)
    >eye and hair color
    both brown
    Right now the summertimes are difficult, but I live middle class overall and have good future career prospects (could become upper class in a few years)
    I like video games (especially Fallout), history, economics, political theory, hiking, driving, and just chilling in nature but I'm also open to trying new things
    >personality type
    I get different results whenever I take the test, but most commonly INFJ-T and ENTJ-T, with the latter being more recent. I generally mimic whoever I'm with in social situations
    >dress style/aesthetic
    I like to dress semi-formal (long-sleeve button-up), but when I'm just around the house or doing physical stuff I dress casually (t-shirt and cargo pants)
    I'm a virgin and I don't watch porn, so I don't actually know if I have any or not

    • 1 month ago

      you sound very cute, in fact way too cute and nice for the average femcel posting here
      you could probably date normal well adjusted stacies

      • 1 month ago

        Why thank you! But honestly I've had bad luck with dating, most of my relationships ended in about a month because they saw me being better off as just a friend. Maybe it's a neurotypical thing idk (I have autism, so I often find it hard to understand normal people) but I'm tired of trying with normies. Not really sure where to go from here, but I saw this thread and it seemed interesting so I figured I'd give it a shot

  33. 1 month ago

    >white or east asian
    >super thin
    >any color eyes and black or dark brown hair
    >prettyboy face
    >quiet and likes same vidya as me
    >introvert with little to no friends same as me
    >skater style
    >no kinks. all gentle
    >aged 22-25

  34. 1 month ago

    >no fembot mentions extremely pale skinny israeli boys with soft black-dark brown hair and brown eyes

    • 1 month ago

      do you look like finn wolfhard?

      • 1 month ago

        No, but I've been told I look like Timothee Chalamet. My nose is small tho.

      • 1 month ago

        if I grew out my hair, yeah tbh, my nose is a little different though and I need to lose a tiny bit of weight to look *that* skinny

  35. 1 month ago

    has to be white, has to have blue/green eyes.
    I want him to be irish.

    5'10 + preferably higher but if he is everything on this list I almost would be ok with shorter honestly
    >>body type
    big muscle man breasts and lean. I also have a thing for big forearms aswell as biceps. I want him to be a tank of a man but still have a slender deer-like body.
    >>eye and hair color
    accidentally said eyes already but he has to have red/yellow/black hair. Ginger would even be good but if he doesnt have gorgeous fair skin I don't want him.
    >>any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
    freckles if possible and rings around his eyes like mine.

    Anything as long as it pays to raise our 4 children

    fantasy books, art, love making, I don't mind but it has to be smart unlike being a gamer or something dumb.
    witty, a polymath who is cheery and has gone through tough things, coming out strong and happy
    Well dressed like a teacher or some sort of slightly-above-casual wear.

    Cosplay or liking to be dominant or dominating. I don't like pain but I do like to top sometimes.

  36. 1 month ago

    I don't like the way this is worded, because most of the moids itt will read ideal as minimum, and treat it like standards. So I'll just say both.

    I don't care. Like, I don't even know what the ideal is.

    Anything above like 5'5"
    Ideally about 5'10"-6'2"
    >>body type
    Just not really fat or really scrawny
    Ideally an average physique with some muscle and broad shoulders
    >>eye and hair color
    I don't care
    My favourite is probably brown hair brown eyes
    >>any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
    Not really
    I guess masculine looking?

    Just not some leeching neet homosexual freeloader
    Ideally decent amount of money and can support me

    I like guys into games and sort of nerdier stuff but too weird
    Sweet and caring
    Ideally I like a dominant and masculine man
    Clothes that fit and look good
    Ideally a man who dresses his age and masculine

    God just not a fricking freak with a gross fetish

    • 1 month ago

      That's a pretty easy one, I fit all of these except I can't fully support someone else just yet

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah I'm not very picky with men, I just want one who I can get on with.
        >I can't fully support someone else just yet
        To be fair work is bullshit these days and it's not surprising you can support multiple people on one salary.

        • 1 month ago

          That's fair
          >To be fair work is bullshit these days and it's not surprising you can support multiple people on one salary.
          I plan to be able to in a few years, and I have a backup plan with the same result if that one doesn't work out

    • 1 month ago

      >Anything above like 5'5"
      Existence is pain. These threads just remind me of it.
      t. 5'5

      • 1 month ago

        >anything above 5'5"
        Could've sworn I wrote 5'4". Anyway I'm like 5'1" lmao as long as he's taller than me it's not a big deal.

        • 1 month ago

          >Could've sworn
          You wrote what your mind really wanted. I don't take it personally anymore.

          • 1 month ago

            Come on anon I'm sure you're fine as is. 🙂
            Do you have any features, physical or otherwise, that you think are good?
            >Close but I'm not that masculine
            As long as you aren't some basedfueled femboy gay you're probably manly enough, just being a man should get you there.

            >6 ft +
            >any eye/hair color
            >not broke
            >not abusive

            Why is it so hard just to find this as an average ethnic fembot?

            >6 ft +
            >why can't I find a boyfriend
            Yeah I fricking wonder why b***h.

          • 1 month ago

            frick forgot to click reply on

            Close but I'm not that masculine.
            Almost fit this too.
            Also close.

          • 1 month ago

            Nah there's plenty of 6+ ft dudes, I'm 6'3.
            In fact, I fit all her requirements but she's not white so it won't work out

          • 1 month ago

            >physical or otherwise, that you think are good?
            Nope. The shorter you are the more face you need. I don't have either.

    • 1 month ago

      Close but I'm not that masculine.

      A lot of posts don't realize this is an "ideal" bf, not "realistic". I will keep my standards reasonable, but there is always something to bicker about.

      White, asain, pacific islander maybe, hispanic if you are very lucky.
      5'5 or taller. 5'4 can be acceptable.
      >body type
      Not fat. If slightly overweight, just be working on it and be hygienic. "Ideal" body type is fit markiplier
      >eye and hair color
      Eye color does not matter. I prefer dark, fluffy hair.
      >any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
      No paper-thin lips, not balding yet, no unnatural hair colors, tattoos or piercings. If there's like, one or two tattoos that aren't an eyesore, I guess that is fine.
      Earn money earnestly, preferably not a blue collar job due to how it breaks down your body. I want my ideal bf to live a long time.
      Literature, gaming (as long as he's not glued to a screen all day), enjoys history and telling me cool historical facts. Philosophy and sociology are also cool interests, as well as cinematography.
      >personality type
      Teasing, but not flat-out mean. Kind in his actions, values quality time, and cares about me. I would like him to be an introvert like me because I do not go out often, and I get bad fomo
      >dress style/aesthetic
      As long as he puts in effort and doesn't wear a stained t-shirt out or flip flops, it's fine. If we're going to the beach, sandals are perfectly fine.
      Shares my kinks, nothing involving a third person/cheating/toilet stuff.

      Almost fit this too.

      dont care

      dont care
      >>body type
      dont care
      >>eye and hair color
      dont care
      >>any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
      dont care


      dont care

      dont care

      Also close.

  37. 1 month ago

    dont care

    dont care
    >>body type
    dont care
    >>eye and hair color
    dont care
    >>any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
    dont care


    dont care

    dont care

    • 1 month ago

      bait probably but that's me 🙂

  38. 1 month ago

    What's the point of posting about ideal bf?

    It's by definition unrealistic and would only doomerise the incels

  39. 1 month ago

    being a neet filters me from every one of these posts

  40. 1 month ago

    >6 ft +
    >any eye/hair color
    >not broke
    >not abusive

    Why is it so hard just to find this as an average ethnic fembot?

    • 1 month ago

      That's why

    • 1 month ago

      i fit the others but i'm 5'10"

      come on fembot, i'll get on my tiptoes for you 😉

    • 1 month ago

      >not broke
      NEETs, why it's so over???

    • 1 month ago

      Because you refuse to date your own race you dumb b***h. Just settle for a brotha, stop chasing whitey.

  41. 1 month ago

    >be shallow people
    >complain about other people being shallow
    Why is this board so hypocritical?

  42. 1 month ago

    fembots be honest how over is it for me
    southern euro
    >body type
    fat. yes yes i know i know, i've been losing weight but still have a long way to go. otherwise large build and hairy as frick because southern euro
    i was a neet for years and let myself go because i figured whats the point, i'm a lost cause anyway. but slowly picking up the pieces
    >eye and hair color
    like i said i was a neet for many years but managed to get an office job about a year ago. pay is about average and its stable but i hate it so looking into a new job that has actual career opportunities so at least i have a promotion to look forward to while i toil 40 hours a week. broad category is logistics management. was gonna get into CS but never had the discipline to finish my degree
    cars, computers, linguistics, hiking, diy stuff, board games
    >personality type
    depressed and probably on the spectrum but also extroverted which i think masks it pretty well. mostly really uncomfortable talking to women my age because i feel like i have nothing in common with them, so i basically never do it. other than that i find it hard to describe myself without sounding like a pompous butthole. i rarely take things seriously enough, perhaps to a fault
    >dress style/aesthetic
    casual. nothing ever looks good on you when you're a fat frick so i mostly keep it simple and wear hoodies or sweatshirts and blue jeans. i at least try not to look like a slob, you're never gonna catch me in public wearing sweatpants, bad color combinations or shit that doesn't fit properly. when i reach my goal weight i want to get button downs and polo shirts and shit
    am virgin so idk for sure but mostly vanilla. kinda into mild dom stuff and not at all into sub stuff but proclaiming myself as a dom sounds completely fricking ridiculous given what i just told you. i also could never bring myself to do some shit lots of women seem to be into now like choking

    • 1 month ago

      Lose weight, meds are supposed to be attractive, lots of women posted that they want essentially a brown guy.

      • 1 month ago

        >Lose weight
        yea it's been pretty slow progress because of me not trying hard enough but i have been
        i'm also pretty far from brown

        how fat?
        >but slowly picking up the pieces
        that's good
        >office job
        >i hate it so looking into a new job
        that's good
        >depressed and probably on the spectrum
        not ideal tbh
        >uncomfortable talking to women my age
        a pro to some
        >try not to look like a slob, you're never gonna catch me in public wearing sweatpants, bad color combinations or shit that doesn't fit properly. when i reach my goal weight i want to get button downs and polo shirts and shit
        nice and promising
        >mild dom stuff
        a pro to some

        these are the ones i have opinions about
        anon, you dont seem to be doing bad and whats most important, you seem to be improving. i think you have a good shot as long as you keep you expectation in women realistic and according to what you offer

        >how fat?
        it's pretty bad... probably 25% bf or a bit over at the moment. i know how bad it is and i've lost some weight already
        >uncomfortable talking to women my age
        >a pro to some
        seriously? feels like it'd be a massive turn off if we start talking and spaghetti spills out of my pocket
        i don't feel like i have high expectations, but i also basically never put myself out there because i feel like i'd only be embarrassing myself

        thx for reading my ramblings anyway

        • 1 month ago

          >far from brown
          I mean just brown eyes, dark hair, that thing, a more angular face

    • 1 month ago

      how fat?
      >but slowly picking up the pieces
      that's good
      >office job
      >i hate it so looking into a new job
      that's good
      >depressed and probably on the spectrum
      not ideal tbh
      >uncomfortable talking to women my age
      a pro to some
      >try not to look like a slob, you're never gonna catch me in public wearing sweatpants, bad color combinations or shit that doesn't fit properly. when i reach my goal weight i want to get button downs and polo shirts and shit
      nice and promising
      >mild dom stuff
      a pro to some

      these are the ones i have opinions about
      anon, you dont seem to be doing bad and whats most important, you seem to be improving. i think you have a good shot as long as you keep you expectation in women realistic and according to what you offer

    • 1 month ago

      No opinion, definitely not over

      >>body type
      Not good, but keep working on losing weight and you'll be fine
      >>eye and hair color

      That's a big improvement from a neet. Not over

      Nice variety of interests, sounds like a fun person to be around
      It's sad to hear you're depressed and uncomfortable around women, but you don't seem like a complete moron since you can acknowledge that you're extroverted and try not to brag. Not over
      That's all fine, you seem to know what you're talking about

      Yeah it can get weird with fetishes, but I think most women would be fine with vanilla, we like being dominated so if you're willing to put in some work you'll be fine
      You sound like a perfectly good boyfriend anon, just keep at it with your weight loss and try to fix up the depression.

      • 1 month ago

        thank u 4 reply. myself i find it hard to believe someone could ever be interested in me so getting someone else's candid opinion which clashes with mine is definitely getting me to question some of my beliefs about myself.
        i basically never ever try (only ever asked one girl out in my life and got rejected) because i already know it's not gonna work which i'm starting to think might actually be fricking moronic

  43. 1 month ago

    Preferably French or Italian (white)
    >body type
    Thin with some muscle, wide shoulders narrow waist
    >eye and hair color
    Black eyes and hair
    >any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
    pretty eyes, long lashes, sharp jaw, low bodyfat face, always impeccably shaven, boyish
    Anything that would sustain a wife and multiple children
    Poetry, hunting, cooking, the fine arts, film, fashion, politics, tennis, fishing, travelling, singing
    >personality type
    Sweet, witty, playful, shy at first, kind, honest, funny, romantic, creative, loyal, perfectionist
    >dress style/aesthetic
    Like a gentleman, no tattoos or piercings
    None, hes a blushing virgin

  44. 1 month ago

    a lil bit taller then me, I'm below average in almost all countries
    >body type
    muscly chubby or average
    >eye and hair color
    >any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
    bright and clear eyes. "mature" looking but not aggro masculine
    most I care about at this point in life is having proper goals since I'm not in a good place career wise myself, but eventually planning to make enough so we can have a family
    philosophy, psychology, mythology, video games, music
    >personality type
    empath, kind, analytical but optimistic, overall someone who would listen to me yap and offer me good solutions but also actually, genuinely cares for me and loves me
    >dress style/aesthetic
    I don't know about man's fashion I guess just looking put together
    D/s power exchange, latax, orgasm control and chastity
    but I'd rather stuff to not involve sex and intimacy for a good long while

  45. 1 month ago

    anything but black, Indian, or Arab
    >body type
    skinny or mildly athletic
    >eye and hair color
    any eye color/dark hair
    >any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
    thick eyebrows are cute
    I'm not picky
    art, poetry, writing
    >personality type
    again, not picky
    >dress style/aesthetic
    goth or emo
    hard dom, I don't wanna be specific

  46. 1 month ago

    >OP: "What's your ideal BF?"
    >Women: "well this is just an ideal, I'd be willing to date men who don't fit this but if we're talking ideals......"
    >Incels: "See? Women's standards are too high! They only want chad! They won't date anyone else!"
    Like clockwork.

    • 1 month ago

      I think it's okay to feel bad when reading threads like this. If the profiles these women are crafting represent optimums and there appears to be a consensus forming, then it can feel pretty disparaging when you fall far from that optimum. Makes you feel like in the best case scenario you would be begrudgingly settled for. All while your partner would be fantasizing of men completely different than you.

    • 1 month ago

      my ideal is someone realistic. their ideal is someone unrealistic. An ideal is by definition the one you would 100% want. So it stands that women will always leave their guy for someone who fits their ideal more.

      • 1 month ago

        ideal is, by definition, unrealistic

        • 1 month ago

          Only if you're female

          My ideal is
          >not fat
          >likes me
          >plays games with me

          Explain how it's unrealistic?

          • 1 month ago

            No, the definition of ideal literally is unrealistic.
            >"existing only in the imagination; desirable or perfect but not likely to become a reality."
            >Oxford Languages

  47. 1 month ago

    this thread confirms to me finally that women dont like really fat guys. guess I have to lose weight if I want a chance of finally having a gf

  48. 1 month ago

    poojeet or whatever mutt (You) are
    >body type
    any, from skeletal to morbidly obese, 1 inch penis max
    >eye and hair color
    poo color
    >any other facial features you specifically
    desire him to have
    no chin
    porn addict who spends 99% of his time gooning
    >personality type
    rude, violent and autistic
    >dress style/aesthetic
    naked and covered in his own cum
    e-girlcon, scat, furry, incest

    • 1 month ago

      Holy shit that's literally me all over again

      • 1 month ago

        heckin contacterino?

        • 1 month ago

          >heckin contacterino?
          homie what?

    • 1 month ago

      over for 100% of their time gooning cels

  49. 1 month ago

    Fembots how over is it for me?

    >Half Korean half White hapa
    >blue collar job, only clearing about 60k a yr but can clear up to 115k with overtime Live in Texas so it is possible to support two people on it In other states the field makes way more money.
    >outdoorsy person kinda fit and I grew up on a farm so I know how to cook and raise animals and plants and stuff
    >dress in farm clothing all the time just out of habit
    >dominant but I do not desire sex to be the focal point of a relationship

    • 1 month ago

      >dominant but I do not desire sex to be the focal point of a relationship
      >Half Korean half White hapa
      would be amazing unless you are post-twink death or fat.

      • 1 month ago

        I am skinny and 20 years old

  50. 1 month ago

    White, same ethnicity as me
    >body type
    >eye and hair color
    Same colours as mine for both
    >any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
    Small lips, round face shape but not fat
    NEET (same as me)
    Outdoorsy, likes reading
    >personality type
    >dress style/aesthetic
    Casual. Jeans and flannel
    Not a degen

    I'm not looking for a relationship

  51. 1 month ago

    american southerner
    >body type
    >eye and hair color
    >any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
    if mustache, then beard
    whatever makes enough money to support both of us and doesn't destroy him
    nintendo is probably gonna be the only place our interests overlap
    >personality type
    >dress style/aesthetic

    • 1 month ago

      How old are you and can you describe yourself?

      • 1 month ago

        tbh I'm not gonna bother because no one wants a 29 year old kek

        • 1 month ago

          You never know, maybe someone will. I tried getting with a 32 y/o once (got rejected but still)

          • 1 month ago

            damn, okay

            How old are you and can you describe yourself?

            >body type
            as e-girl as I can
            >eye and hair color
            brown, brown
            special-needs housekeeper
            e-girlta fashion, natural history & biology, lucid dreaming, skin/hair/nail-care, south park, animal crossing, Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, Pokemon, kawaii junk, diet soda & sugar-free gum
            >personality type
            grumbling autist
            >dress style/aesthetic
            oldschool e-girlta fashion
            ddlg, petplay

          • 1 month ago

            >personality type
            >grumbling autist

          • 1 month ago

            You sound great. Its too bad theres such an age gap between us. Im 22 and youre 29.

          • 1 month ago

            >such an age gap
            Dude, wtf?

          • 1 month ago

            22 and 29 isn't too bad. I'm the anon who posted
            and I'm also 22

            22 is a pretty big age gap imo.

          • 1 month ago

            22 and 29 I meant to say*

          • 1 month ago

            22 and 29 isn't too bad. I'm the anon who posted

            You never know, maybe someone will. I tried getting with a 32 y/o once (got rejected but still)

            and I'm also 22

        • 1 month ago

          I'm in my 30s and I would love a 29-year-old woman. I'm not compatible with you specifically because of sexual incompatibility but there are absolutely men in their 30s still stuck on NSFFW (somehow) who love 29-year-old women.

    • 1 month ago

      Is the american southerner about the location or about wanting a good old boy who speaks with a drawl?

      • 1 month ago

        in fact, both

  52. 1 month ago

    Why can't the buff manlet ever be the ideal...

  53. 1 month ago

    All the fembots itt say they want a white or asian bf but all the e-thots end up fricking hispanics or indians. What gives?

  54. 1 month ago

    east asian preferably or white. indians and blacks is a hard no
    doesnt matter
    >body type
    slender, not too buff.
    >eye and hair color
    doesnt really matter
    >any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
    twinky, average prettyboy / under the age of 30 ( inb4 but over the age of 18 dont come for me ) *preferably looking exactly like pic rel, not too ugky but not too handsome*
    doesnt matter but preferably something that makes a lot of money or something hes passionate about
    anything but not overtly weird.
    >personality type
    introverted, stoic, aloof
    >dress style/aesthetic
    doesnt matter just nothing gay
    nothing, needs to be greysexual / asexual

    i will never accepted anything besides above, unless hes rich/makes an insane amount of money and is willing to spend it on me then everything above is irrelevant

    • 1 month ago

      >twinky, average prettyboy / under the age of 30 ( inb4 but over the age of 18 dont come for me ) *preferably looking exactly like pic rel, not too ugky but not too handsome*

      U got discord? your entire post + picrel describes me

  55. 1 month ago

    over 6ft is a must. im already taller than average at 5ft6
    >body type
    strong but still kind of chunky. if i can see their abs its an instant ick almost always. thick thighs. caked up is a plus. body hair preferable, the more the better
    >eye and hair color
    not picky
    >any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
    i <3 men with big noses and strong brows
    not picky
    as long as theyre not a consoomer who likes anime/video games/marvel etc i dont really care. some kind of physical hobby like boxing is always really attractive. bonus if they like guns
    >personality type
    mean. thats it. not in the cute way where theyre like kind of grumpy and grouchy but still make you swoon like in a shitty romance novel. like a genuinely kind of nasty guy. bonus points if pervert.
    >dress style/aesthetic
    i dont care as long as they dont have holes in their shit
    TOTAL POWER EXCHANGE, ddlg, petplay, corruption

  56. 1 month ago

    >lets me hit and torture him
    >nice to me
    >not older than me

  57. 1 month ago

    lol this thread, dudes are like
    >I want a girl who can be the mother to my children and we'll have a nice house and stuff
    while the "girls" are like
    >I want a guy who will help me make Epstein Island look like a fricking joke

  58. 1 month ago

    I'm a male, and here are my stats. biological fembots plz notice me!

    East Asian
    >body type
    >eye and hair color
    >facial features
    5/10 face, mid length messy hair
    working on autistic computer shit, learning instruments, learning languages
    >personality type
    introvert, edgy, sperg
    >dress style/aesthetic
    casual buttoned shirts, plaid jackets, cargo pants, baggy jeans, "normal" stuff

    • 1 month ago

      Also im 19

    • 1 month ago

      Post in the similar thread for moids

      • 1 month ago

        that thread is fricking brutal, bro wants a date not suifuel

  59. 1 month ago

    6 ft 6
    >body type
    muscular with 10-12% bodyfat
    >eye and hair color
    blue and blond
    >any other facial features you specifically desire him to have
    hunter eyes, good jaw, symmetry
    self employed ceo
    stocktrading, investment banking, flying jets, riding motorcycles, traveling
    >personality type
    clint eastwood
    >dress style/aesthetic
    expensive italian suits
    big dick

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